Bart: Mostly because I'm woefully ignorant about what's
going on over there.
All I
know is they'd rather risk death than change sand location.
Unfortunately, you are grossly misinformed
when it comes to Israel. Israel targets children the same way
the BFEE targets children: by engaging
in violence designed to wipe out resistance to stealing resources
(be it land in the Gaza strip or oil in
Iraq), Israel does not need to perpetrate the technicality of putting
children in the crosshairs in order to
kill more of them than Palestinian suicide bombers do.
I'm not sure you're building a solid case.
You say they DO target kids, then say they
don't need to.
Bush blankets Iraq with cluster bombs, downplays
the resulting casualties, and claims the moral high ground
because Saddam is willing to kill children;
Israel blankets the occupied territories with missile attacks and then
acts regretful when children die.
Hold on - doesn't Israel use small rockets
because they are so much more precise than F-16s.
Seems like using a smaller bomb is proof
they're trying to minimize casualties.
In order to complete its gradual takeover of all of Palestine,
I thought Israel had given up land, and
is giving up more.
Israel must kill Palestinian children as
well as Palestinian adults, and it does that by being eminently willing
to bulldoze houses without warning, on
the testimony of innocent people captured for trying to get a job in a
"closed area" and then tortured until they scream
every name they know as a fellow terrorist conspirator.
Your rhetoric tells me you're very invested
in one side of this conflict, wheras I am not. I find it difficult
relate to your one-sided viewpoint. To
clarify things, could you assign a level of blame to each side?
Is Israel to blame, 70/30 or to blame 55/45
or to blame 90/10?
Not a trick, just trying to gauge your
Don't buy the worthless explanations of
not targeting the innocent delivered to us by yet another militant,
corrupt, right-wing government that the
corporate media loves more than you love Shirley Manson.
And, you have your head up your ass when
it comes to why the Palestinians are fighting. They're not fighting
for religion - there are Christians, Ba'hai,
Muslims, etc. among the Palestinians - they're fighting because Israel
is engaging in a drawn-out campaign of
genocide and theft, and they're retaliating with the limited means they
So, why don't they move?
If not religion, what makes them prefer death by Jew to moving
to Jordan or Eqypt ot whatever?
If you tell me, "But they love their
land," that means it's religion.
People don't die for sand, they'll only die for sacred sand.
If someone started taking over America,
and you fought back against them, it wouldn't be a "Christian"
struggle even if Bush said it was, it would
be a struggle about you trying to defend yourself.
If a much-greater army was, as you indicate,
willing and eager to target my kids, I'd move.
If it's my pride or my wife and kids, fuck
Can you explain the logic of people who
disagree with that?
If you allow idiots like bin Laden to fool
you by framing the Arab-Israeli conflict in terms of religion,
you're getting one pulled over your head,
and if you believe the corporate press releases about poor,
peaceful Israel reluctantly putting innocents
in danger in order to prevent terrorist attacks, you're seeing
through the right-wing war propaganda machine
when it comes to Bush, and being happily blinded by it
when it comes to Israel.
I think putting the sand over the family is wrong and it's also
wrong to seek out children to kill in a war.
Other than that, I don't have much of an opinion. You are
obviously heavily invested in the anti-Israeli camp.
Heck, for all I know, you're living in occupied terrorties right
Would you choose safety for your family or go with the sand?