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"Forgive my bluntness, but my constituents
also want to hear the
president and the vice president say
this war is not about oil."
--Sen. Zell Miller (D-R) Bush's best friend in the senate
Iraq war 'unjustifiable', says Bush's church head
Here to read this story from England. Funny - we have to
reply on England to
give us the truth because Bush's good puppy press keeps covering for him
"President George Bush's own Methodist church
has launched a scathing attack on his
preparations for war against Iraq, saying
they are 'without any justification according
to the teachings of Christ'. Jim
Winkler, head of social policy for United Methodists,
added that all attempts at a 'dialogue'
between the President and his own church over
the war had fallen on deaf ears at the
White House."
Me to Your Lists
by Alan Morse as seen on truthout.org
While you abduct untold, unnamed foreign-born
Americans, I am ashamed to sleep in my own bed.
While you steal food, not just rights,
from millions of families, I am ashamed to eat. I am not a threat
to you, but I stand with billions.
I stand with the loud but lonely voices of those in print and broadcast
media who are not afraid to challenge you.
I stand with countless noble people across the world
who are no longer cowed by bully-America.
Add me to your lists, Mr. Bush. I may be insignificant,
but wait. I have time, history, and
numbers on my side, and I am not the tiniest bit afraid of you.
punk with his socialist, godless agenda.
got Al Qaeda written all over him - I can smell it.
this terrorist needs is a little secret torture.
is Field Marshall Ashcroft. I need my secret
helicopter at truthout.org
on the double.
some Free
Speech going
on over there!
And hurry - it's time we unveiled the new Amerika!"
Debate Pigboy-style
The vulgar Pigboy had a "debate" on his show Friday.
Caller: Rush, you keep saying Clinton
should've known, and Clinton should've
done more about bin Laden, yet Bush did nothing until after September
If Bush took no immediate action upon entering the office,
how can you blame Clinton for not taking action earlier?
Rush: Let me see if I understand
your question. You're saying that after Sudan
offered bin Laden to Clinton on a silver platter.....
You see what he did there?
The lying Pigboy took the man's question,
which was raised right here over a year ago,
and had to change it into a different question
- one he could give an answer to.
He's unable to asswer the question as asked,
because the truth makes Clinton look good.
So he turns the caller's volume down and
changes the question and answers it, instead.
THIS is why nobody on the entire
f-ing www will debate me.
THIS is why the vulgar Pigboy can't
take unscreened calls.
THIS is why it falls to personal
web sites to get the damn truth out
...because anybody can put any Republican in a box in mere seconds.
All it takes is having the truth on your side.
Soufflé Doctrine
by Maureen Dowd
"The Boy Emperor picked up the morning
paper and, stunned,
dropped his Juicy Juice box with the little
straw attached...
'This is not the way my new doctrine was
supposed to work.
We are supposed to decide who we pre-empt
and when we pre-empt them.
The speechwriters called it an Axis of
Evil, but it was really just a Spoke of Evil.
Condi and Rummy said once we finished off
Saddam, nobody would mess with
America again. But everything's gotten
fuzzier than fuzzy math. Some people are
actually talking about my doctrine leading
to World War III!!! Karl says that would be bad.'"
"RNC chairman Racicot recently attacked the
patriotism of Senate Democrats–including
a number of wounded and crippled war
veterans–for not blindly rubber-stamping Bush’s
plans to invade Iraq with ground troops.
Racicot gave Montana deregulation; now, he wants
to give America war. And, like utility
economics, war is something Marc Racicot has no
expertise or experience in. Unfortunately,
people could die because of his influence.
Marc Racicot, like George W. Bush,
Dick Cheney, Rep. Tom Delay, R-Texas, and many in
the Bush administration, is a chickenhawk.
These are fellows who themselves escaped or
evaded the draft of the Vietnam Era
but who are now beating the drums of war."
--Pat Dawson,
Subject: Clinton's N. Korean Nukes
Hey Bart...
Would you say that the "Big Dog" giving
the North Koreans nuclear reactors
so they could enrich uranium and make nuclear
bombs was a BIG mistake?
What say you?
R. Adams
Battle Creek, MI
First, notice there's no screaming monkey attached to your mail.
You asked a logical question like an adult.
The way I understand it, Clinton helped them with their power-generating
so they'd have no excuse to build a nuclear bomb. But then then
President Moron
all but declared war on North Korea with his cute little "axis
of evil speech,"
so maybe they feel like they have a gun pointed at them by a
really stupid cowboy.
Bush's "war first" mentality doesn't give our enemies any kind
of peace option.
The B.F.E.E. can't make any money in peacetime.
"All we are interested in is getting
rid of those weapons of mass destruction."
-- Bush's "house slave" Colin on Sunday's meet the Whore,
back-pedaling on
regime change the way they're
back-pedaling on getting his friend Osama.
What a wasted life you have.
All that hate, and then you end with "prove me
Spouting a bunch of imbecilic vitriole and then
double dog daring
anyone to prove you wrong makes you a real macho,
deep thinking individual.
I'm in awe of your greatness.
Instead of name-calling, why don't you try to prove me wrong?
Where else on the net does the other side get an offer like that?
Six years I'm waiting for somebody to shut me up.
...are you that person?
It was 60 years ago today
If you only click now and then - this is the time.
Prescott Bush
...and his partner
Hitler's Angel
Nazi banker
Founder of the BFEE
Founder of the Third Reich
Click Here to see what Prescott Bush did 60 years ago today.
"When Ronald Reagan cut taxes on rich people,
he didn't deny that that was what he was doing.
You could agree or disagree with the
supply-side economic theory he used to justify his actions,
but he didn't pretend that he was increasing
the progressivity of the tax system. The strategy used
to sell the Bush tax cut was simply
to deny the facts — and to lash out at anyone who tried to point
them out. And it's a strategy that,
having worked there, is now being applied across the board...
You see, some folks must be under the
impression that as long as something is repeated often enough,
it will become true. That was how George
W. Bush got to the top."
Krugman, nywtimes.com
cold where you live?
a "What did Bush know?" sweatshirt
Subject: Thanks for the laughs and tears
Dear Bart,
I am a former Okie, living in New Zealand now.
I read your page every day
and love knowing that there are still a few of
us left behind fighting the good fight.
I just couldn't stay in America any more. I felt
like I was furious all the time with
no way to get satisfaction. Now I live in a place
where I can speak directly to the
Prime Minister if I want to. I have a voice again.
It still infuriates me to see this
unelected cretin in the White House, making America
look like the world's biggest
bully nation, but I keep hoping that he'll be
a one-term wonder, and that America
will come to its senses again.
Please take care, and if you ever need a rest,
we have tequila in New Zealand,
and you can stay with folks who know that life
just ain't worth living without
chicken fried steak once in a while.
Best Wishes to you and Mrs. Bart,
Our friends are at war, too
"There are 192 countries in the world. One is
America. The remaining 191 are mostly countries that
hate America. I say "mostly" because I
don't want to get into a lot of quibbling about whether it's 183 or 185.
Some hate America actively--that's to say,
they're in favor of flying planes into American skyscrapers.
Some (like France) despise America because
they can't quite figure out how a great historic culture
like theirs wound up a bit-player in a
world dominated by ghastly vulgar cowboys."
"With President Bush all fired up to attack,
the White House now tells us North Korea
admits having a nuclear weapons program.
The North Koreans swore for years they
weren't trying to produce nukes, but
when a senior U.S. diplomat put the evidence is on
the table, they came clean. That was
almost two weeks ago, but President Bush sat on this
disturbing revelation until late yesterday.
You may recall North Korea is a member of what
the president calls the "axis of evil,"
also included, Iraq. But he wants to work things out
peacefully. If he's willing to do that
with lying communists in North Korea, why not Iraq?"
-- James Carville, Crossfire,
All together now:
"...because North Korea doesn't have any oil."
Subject: Keep up the great work!
I have been reading your web site for some
time. One of my fellow employees turned me on to your site,
but since I'm a federal employee in Ashcroft's
America, I didn't want to e-mail from work, and in fact am
paranoid about looking at your page at
work. Koresh only knows who'd intercept the e-mail and I know
there is a room in the basement where my
employer monitors internet activity.
The first time I read your page, I laughed
so hard I thought I was going to wet my pants.
It is so wonderful to know there
are people out there who think like I do.
I wish I could have attended Bartfest,
but had to travel for work that week.
Thank you so much for bringing all these
people together.
Maybe I'll make it to the next Bartfest
(especially if you come to KC)!
Hang in there--
GOP Law makes recovery tough
One of the key portions of the bill
(passed over Clinton's veto) is the so-called “safe harbor” provision
that protects executives who make forward-looking
statements about their companies, such as
predictions of profits or growth, that
don’t pan out.
Back during the debate over the bill, Sen.
Paul Sarbanes, D-Maryland, called that provision,
“a license to lie.” And, indeed,
that is what it has become.
Enron’s Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling both cited
that “safe harbor” protection in their motions to dismiss
the shareholder lawsuits against them.
“Every statement allegedly made by Mr. Skilling and claimed
by plaintiffs to be false or misleading
is protected under the PSLRA’s safe harbor for forward-looking
statements,” said Skilling’s motion.
Another blank check for the super rich to screw
working families out of their life savings
and the retirement.funds of tens of millions of people over 50.
It's Bush's Amerika.
Feedback on the Bali explosion rumors
Rush's Rules
"Before Clinton came to office, Pakistan and
India did not have nuclear weapons.
Now they do.
Before he came to office, Red China
was unable to target our cities with nuclear warheads.
Now it can.
Before he came to office, North Korea
did not have nuclear weapons.
Now it does."
--the vulgar Pigboy, explaining "the rules
of responsibility"
Two can play that game, Pigboy.
"Before the Illegal Drunk was installed over
the wishes of the voters, we had peace.
Now we have war.
Before he was installed, the Dow was
flirting with 12,000
Now half the families in America have
lost their retirement accounts.
Before he was installed, our biggest
problem was how to spend the deficit.
Now we're desperately trying to avoid
another 1929.
How long do you want to play this game,
-- BartCop, ready to refute any lie he tells
Hey, Bart
Today's Daily News has a picture from a
street fair in NJ yesterday with Frank Lauterberg
sticking his finger about a quarter inch
from Doug Forrester's nose and screaming at him
as if Forrester had just said Lauterberg's
sister was sleeping with Coolio.
Forrester has his hands up as if to say "Whoa Frank...thats just what I heard!"
If anyone stuck their finger in my face
like that, we'd be rolling around on the ground.
I'd love to know what Forrester said.
Polls have Lautenberg leading 44 to 38.
Rude Rich
"For all of the Bill Clinton bashers out there,
here's something to chew on. According to the
"Chronicle of Philanthropy," the former
president has been using his clout to help charities
around the world. Since leaving the
White House, he's been in South Africa to help in the
AIDS battle. His own foundation is helping
other African nations fight the deadly disease.
He's also promoting racial and
religious understanding and encouraging public service by
young and old citizens. Now, consider
our current president, since installed last year, Bush
has attended a total of 71 party fund-raisers,
raking in $188 million. So watch what you have
to say about Bill Clinton... I'm damn
proud of the way he's all around trying to help people
around the world. And I'm damn proud
of the fact that he could run this country as opposed
to running the ditch that this current
crowd is doing."
-- James Carville, Crossfire,
trip report by Nick
Senior bartcop.com foreign correspondent
and proprietor of bartcop
You Vegas haters can just scroll on by...
That didn't hurt, did it?
Double shot of quotes
"Ariel Sharon met at the White House yesterday
with President Bush.
It was going great until Bush said,
"Now, which side are you on??”
-- Jay Leno
"For comedy or satire to be funny, it
has to have the ring of truth."
--the vulgar Pigboy
They say if you Go
Here and click on the pink ribbon,
Signa Foundation will donate $1 to breast cancer
It looks legit, ...but sometimes it's hard for one to tell...
The Pieman
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Shirley Manson of "Garbage"