(Note: They are, of course, Bill and Hillary Clinton.)
Dear Sir Mr. Gary Aldrich (Can I call you Sir, I'm not asking-just wondering)
I do not wish to be too harsh, but you are truly an idiot.
Talk about historical revisionism!! This article is total crap.
Did you know that Bill Clinton is no longer the President? I just thought
would let you know that since it seems that you cannot give up talking
about him.
On January 20, 2001 American inherited its worst President ever, thanks
to the Supreme Court deciding to temporally postpone Democracy (I hope
it is
temporary). Now that it is apparent that this administration cannot
seem to
perform in any arena (foreign affairs, domestic policy, economics),
all of
the conservative writers just seem stuck on blaming everything on Clinton.
[It would hardly surprise me to find out that Clinton is to blame for
taking power prior to WWII and the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor via
from Bill- after all, Bill was alive at that time and madly DICTATING
manifesto to take over the world.] Which did include world peace and
prosperity for all (This is why you didn't't like, the Carlyle Group
lose money- Damn those peaceful people).
To follow you ill logic on how Clinton is to blame for the terrorist
on Sept. 11, we [the reader, apparently no longer "We the people] would
to ignore the following little clumsy facts:
1. That the Republican held House of Representatives and Senate
drastically reduced the effectiveness of the 1996
Terrorist Bill.
2. That the Republican held House of Representatives and Senate blocked
all efforts of the 1997 Gore commission.
3. That during the 2000 election for President, every time Bush opened
his mouth about that wonderful fantasy Star Wars,
the democrats replied
with, "The real threat is Terrorist crossing our
boarders." (They described
how the terrorist would cross the boarders in the
Gore Commission- using our
airline industry against us.) (Maybe you should
have read it)
4. That Orin Hatch claimed during the debate on the Terrorist Bill,
"Terrorism is not an Issue in this Country."
5. That Trent Lott claimed during the debate on the Terrorist Bill,
"Terrorism is not an issue in this Country."
6. That every talking head republican claimed that every effort Bill
Clinton used against Hussein or Bin Laden was REALLY just
a diversion from
the (now no proof of any wrong doing) impeachment process.
7. We would have to ignore that the Bill Clinton Administration passed
down a comprehensive plan for protecting us against
Bin Laden, but The Boy
Bush did not want to use it (it may have been to
difficult to read or just
plain to long to waste his time with while in Crawford)
or (it probably
didn't include plans for the pipeline).
8. We would have to ignore the fact that Bill Clinton's administration
warned the Bush Administration that Bin Laden would
be their worst threat.
9. We would have to ignore the FACT that the Bush administration was
negotiations with The Taliban in March of 2001.
10 We would have to ignore the 40M that Bush gave the Taliban during
the above-mentioned negotiations.
11.We would have to ignore the fact that Israel, Russia, France and
Egypt all warned the Bush administration about
the coming threat from Bin
Laden. (Not to worry- Star Wars and Prayers
from the not yet created
RELIGIOUS MINISTRY will protect us).
12. Cipro!! The day of the attacks. Enough said.
Additional Facts that we would have to forget:
13.We would also have to forget that it was Reagan and Bush Sr. that
armed Iraq. (Lets not ignore the fact that
they ignored Terrorism too. See
below item 19)
14. We would have to forget that Reagan sent Iraq Anthrax (solely for
the intellectual study of the effects of Anthrax
on camels I suppose).
15. We would have to forget that Reagan and Bush trained Bin Laden.
16. We would have to forget Iran Contra (More arming of Middle Eastern
17. We would have to forget that Bush SR. had to pardon all involved
in Iran Contra to drop the issue.
18. We would have to ignore the fact that Three of those KNOWN CRIMINALS
are on Bush's administration.
19. Republicans would have you think terrorism started in 1993 under
Bill Clinton
April 1983: 17 dead at the U.S. embassy in Beirut.
October 1983: 241 dead at the U.S. Marine barracks in
December 1983: five dead at the U.S. embassy in Kuwait.
January 1984: the president of the American University
of Beirut killed.
April 1984: 18 dead near a U.S. airbase in Spain.
September 1984: 16 dead at the U.S. embassy in Beirut
December 1984: Two dead on a plane hijacked to Tehran.
June 1985: One dead on a plane hijacked to Beirut.
And what was the Reagan/Bush response?
They sold them sophisticated Stinger missiles, then lied about
then perjured themselves under oath, (it wasn't about sex, either)
then finally used a presidential pardon to escape when justice
was closing in.
And sir, this is by no means a comprehensive list, but there is just
too much information
out there that suggest that Bill Clinton was the only one trying to
prevent this from happening
but the BUSH FAMILY EVIL EMPIRE was just to damn evil to stop.
We haven't given up yet. We still hope and pray that our votes will
count in 2004
and that if they do, we will finally put a REAL LEADER in our house.
Then we can start undoing the damage of this presidency.
Yours very truly,
A Veteran of 10 Years
I flew my flag long before September 11, 2001
Benjamin J. Kilman