Clinton on Letterman and 9-11
  by DCD

This evening (9/11/02) former President Bill Clinton was David Letterman's guest on his show. Clinton and Letterman conducted a mostly serious discussion ranging from terrorism and 9/11 to energy, the Middle East, Iraq... it was an incredible display of Clinton's intellect and knowledge. It made me miss him terribly.

Then I thought about our current occupant of the White House. You know, the guy who recently described
Saddam Hussein's evasive behavior towards the UN weapons inspectors and the international community,
as "crawfishin'" I am sure that was a new one even on y'all in Texas and Louisiana.

I can't imagine in a million gazillion years that our Accidental President could even begin to understand,
let alone hold his own in, a conversation like Clinton had with Letterman this evening.

Bush doesn't know much and doesn't want to know much. He's inarticulate and semi-literate. He's the mega jackpot winner
of the genetic lottery. He was born with a silver spoon and he was still a loser until he was 40. He's President because his
name is Bush, period. He's a figurehead.

I was feeling pretty patriotic today but after Letterman's show, I'm feeling pretty ashamed of our sorry excuse for a President. The kind of shame you feel when you go out to dinner with a family relative who has no clue how to behave in a restaurant. You smile weakly as they mangle the pronunciation of  "latte", belch at the table, remark out loud at the menu's prices... at the same time you feel helpless because the boor is family and well, you're stuck with him.

That's how I feel whenever I hear Bush speak. I'm stunned on the few occasions when he manages to utter a sentence
that clearly articulates what he's trying to say, and without mangling the language at the same time. That's a pretty sad state
of affairs.

It's profoundly depressing to think that while Bin Laden and his gang of murderers were plotting 9/11, the slack-jawed, drooling Clinton-haters were convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that international terrorism wasn't as important
as what our President was doing with his penis.

I would like to think that we've learned something from 9/11, but every time I hear some Clinton-phobe tee off on Bill (note to
Clinton-haters: GET OVER IT! HE'S NOT PRESIDENT ANYMORE!), I become more firmly convinced than ever that this country still has its head firmly planted up its ass as it ever did.

Clinton was a bright, smart, capable man. He was born poor white trash and pulled himself up by his own bootstraps
to become very successful. He presided over 8 years of prosperity and he served this country well, far better than the
likes of Newt Gingrich or Rush Limbaugh ever did. He is certainly a much more capable man than George W. Bush
ever was or ever will be.

Just look at the facts and deeds of both men. I can't imagine a larger contrast.
By this measure, Clinton stands 10 feet tall, while George W is about two inches small.
Clinton was born with nothing and became one of the best presidents we've ever had.

George W Bush was born with every possible advantage one could wish to be born with (save good looks), and did his best to piss it all away. He only became successful due to his family name and connections, and he needed a huge helping hand from the Supreme Court to become President. He didn't even get the most votes in the election. He is dumb as they come and couldn't put together a grammatically correct sentence to save his life. These are not presidential qualifications, folks.

But hey, who cares if the leader of the free world has two neurons to rub together,
so long as we know he's not getting a hummer in the Oval Office?

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