From: nlubard

 Subject: east vs. west coast attendance: theory

Hi, Bart:

I love your site for the comedy, which you maintain is the point.
I'm glad you don't maintain it's liberal political philosophy.

Whoa, that sounds like a shot at Ol' Bart.
Or maybe you're saying I have no business speaking for Doves?
We can agree on that.

Another thing - I don't follow the Democratic party line. If I did, I'd be a good little sheep with nothing to say.
When an issue comes up, I think about it for a minute then put my position in writing and press "send."
I don't ask the Democrats which way I should go on some subject.

I think the reason attendees from the East coast outnumber those from the West Coast is this:
We lefties on the West Coast are the real deal. Because we have the great fortune to live in a place
more closely resembling or attempting the ideals of justice for all, and because we take our liberalism
and progressive politics seriously, we're probably not too interested in going to Vegas to party with
a bunch of aggressively middling liberals.

ha ha
Your spelling is good, and you have some manners, but you also have a little DM in you, I think.

First, having "an" answer to a mystery doesn't mean you have "the" answer.

Second, the old "I'm better than you because I'm better than you," went out in third grade.
I missed the memo about "west justice" vs "east justice. You got a URL for that?
Who proclaimed your side serious and ours, or mine, not?
At first glance, you sound like one of those guys who wants to get in the ring.

Am I misreading you on that?
You debate, nlubard?
I hope so, cause you're a gauntlet-throwing dude.

You correctly observe that the Dems are playing to the right, you're playing to the middle--your right,
but SOMEbody has to uphold the mission of the Left in this country and we take that mission seriously.

Oh, suck me.
You playing to the middle like Dukakis and Mondale did?
Is your goal to lose all fifty states, instead of just 49?
Your three percent is going to take over?

Have you been at this very long?

Pop Quiz: Is there anyone in America to your left, nlubard?
If there is, by your definition, he's "more serious" than you are about politics, right?
What are you, nuts?

You'd better be willing to go a few rounds in the chat room,
coming in here with that "I'm-more-left-than-you" horseshit.

As long as your answer to everything is "slut" "whore" and "bomb 'em",

Whoa, show down, Sparky.
If I called someone a slut or a whore who wasn't, please straighten me out.
Maybe we'll make that Issue One when we have our live debate.

As far as "bomb 'em," sure, I seem to be to your right on using the military, but you apparently
measure value by how far left it is. If you're so far left, where's that "Kumbaya" big-tent of yours?
Christ, if you can't get along with me, how you gonna win over 2/3 of the people to my right?

Wait - were you a Nader precinct captain?
Is that what this is about?

...that you recognize the illegitimacy and criminality of the present administration
is not enough to make the radar,

The illegitimate criminal can't hardly be any higher on my radar.
Who the hell's radar are you talking about?

...much less the itinerary of those of us with a big job to do

Are you Catholic?!?

Taking out all the unneeded words, you said,
"Bush's criminality doesn't make OUR itinerary."

...what the hell does that mean?

Smirk's to my right, which makes him evil according to you, and you're angry that I don't have him
on my radar, (which I do) and he's not on yours because you have a "big job" to do?

Do you maybe have a friend that grew up in America who could translate?
I have a guess what that "big job," might be, but let's keep this clean :)

...and everyone running to the middle from the work.

ha ha
I'll say one thing - you guys get waaaaay better pot that we get.
Are you from northern California?

Differences aside, thanks for the blog.

San Francisco

I was right!
You're too high to make fucking sense.
(Are you sure you can't  come drive to BartFest?)
ha ha

You threw a lot of wacko charges at me that I'd like to defend once I figure out what the hell they are.
But you're invited to stand up and clarify your smoky positions in a friendly, live chat.

Hey, you can't get hurt in a live chat, right?

Let's set that up - and you can come at me with your wild charges like Mike Tyson.


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