Subject: Proving You're Wrong

I am just an independent voter that stumbled onto your site. I have read books by
a myriad of authors from the left and right. I regularly read articles from the NY Times,
NY Post, LA Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal - I subscribe to each.
I also receive Time, Newsweek, US News and World Report, Fortune, and about five
other News Magazines. I listen to NPR sometimes, Rush Limbaugh sometimes and others
on a random basis - some liberal, some conservative.I watch CNN, CNBC, Fox News,
Dan Rather and occasionlly Peter Jennings

I recently gave a campaign contribution to a Democrat in one race and a Republican in
a different race. I vote and financially support the best man or woman for the job - in my
own opinion, of course.

You do the liberal side a great disservice. I have just finished reading Ann Coulter's book.
Your incessant name calling on your web page gives her credibility and to tell you the truth,
I don't really like the girl. I even decided to get her book from the library rather than buy it
as I usually do - because personnaly her demeanor irritates me. However, you have just
made her some money - because apparently she is right about the name-calling that she
claims so permeates the liberal left wing and the liberal left wing media. I will purchase
her book and add it to my personal library.

I investigate all claims - and those making same.

And if you would like to prove Ann Coulter right about liberals - then I guess you will
email me and call me names. Other than apparently your far left leaning in the political
spectrum and the unfounded name - calling  - I enjoyed visiting your website

Just thought I'd let you know that your name-calling rants have given Ann Coulter a degree
of credibility that I would never have assigne to her before reading your website.

TJ O'Hara

There are differences between Coulter and I.

 1. I write a comedy site.
 2. I never wished Newsmax or Fox News would have their writers killed by Tim McVeigh.
 3. I never used the body of my best friend to beat up the GOP
 4. I'm nobody's whore. Nobody pays me to say things that aren't true.

 There are a few dozen more, but you've already made up your mind.

 You claim you don't like name-calling, but you want to enrich Ann Coulter?
 You're not the independent thinker you pretended to be in paragraph one


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