Liberals are hypocrites. They
accuse others of what they themselves do. For example, liberals go
on and on
about tolerance, but a group of liberals
almost tarred and feathered a guy for pointing out a Democrat
years ago who was the murderer
of a civil rights leader. They were furious that he
was acting morally and
righteously and pointed out their Democrat
I know a group
of current, high-ranking, senior White House staffers who kidnapped an
eight year-old boy
and took him to a remote cabin in Virginia
when he was sexually attacked and tortured, and then finally
dismembered in a sick ritual involving
teased-to-the-limit rottweillers and two Skull and Bones members.
Not really, I just wanted to show you what
can happen when people are free to make up wild-ass,
sensational charges without ever mentioning
a source for those wild-ass, sensational charges.
And needless to say, the daily newspapers
are filled with similar stories of liberal
intolerance, from campus
speech codes to the suppression of Huckleberry Finn.
Oh they are
Sure, FOX News runs that crap 24/7, but
that's just for fools who don't know any better.
If I'm wrong about this, if things are
as bad as you claim, send me a dozen links with examples in the next
few days, and it has to be liberals we've
heard of. Don't send a story about a teacher in Hooterville who
told her students that Bush is a ignorant
Liberals are ignorant and
From the pop psychology of Eric Berne and the
personhole covers of the feminists to recycling,
tofu and channeling, liberals are as
faddish as teenagers in their
choices, and just as irrational.
Another wild-ass, ad hominem, un-called
for accusation without any foundation to back it up.
Instead of spewing forth nonsensical nonsense,
why not try to make a point based on facts
that can withstand the light of day?
Liberals use name-calling to squelch debate.
ha ha
People will accuse me of inventing this
letter when you say something that crazy. You seem to think
name-calling is a sacrament. So far,
I haven't called you anything, so if we count those underlined words,
that would make you
the ignorant, irrational, name-calling liberal.
Liberals have a wonderful array of smear
terms, the most popular of which are "racist",
"bigot", "prejudiced", and "anti-semitic".
If Republicans didn't hate blacks, gays,
the poor and the different, that charge would ring hallow.
Why are there no elected blacks or gay
Republicans in Washington?
Also, do you step into rakes often?
Tell you what - agree to meet me in the
chat room and I won't call you any names - deal?
Liberals supposedly champion the downtrodden,
but care nothing for the people who must bear the brunt
of their ill-advised and socially- disruptive
programs, especially the lower classes. Have you ever heard one
Democrat/Liberal work towards making the
payroll tax, the most regressive tax around, a progressive tax?
I know the economy under Clinton was the
best we ever had, and the economy under Bush means
3 million lost jobs, a mountain of debt,
constant, never-ending war and it's getting worse each day.
Liberals are fascists. From speech
codes to economic regulation up the ass, from mandatory bike helmets
to mandatory integration followed by segregated
gay schools, liberal fascism lacks only the goose step and the nazi salute.
Dude, don't you understand that under Bush,
you don't have the right to an attorney?
Don't you know that you can be arrested
on "suspicion" and never heard from again?
Don't you have any clue what's going on
in this country?
Jesus Christ, we lost the Bill of Rights
and you're worrtied about "fascist" helmet laws?
Maybe you're not the right kind of guy
I need in a chat room. If you don't have the slightest clue
I won't have time to explain everything
that's going on in this formerly-great country.
Liberals support a failed economic system.
That is, liberals are usually socialists, but socialism
has been an ignominious failure everywhere
it has been tried, from the Fourier communities
of the 19th century to the recently-collapsed
Soviet "worker's paradise".
I know the
economy under Clinton was the best we ever had, and the economy under Bush
3 million lost jobs, a mountain of debt,
constant, never-ending war and it's getting worse each day.
You can keep ringing this bell as many
times as you like. The facts speak for themselves.
Rush and FOX News will tell you this
chart doesn't mean anything.
Three million families lost health insurance
when Bush killed their jobs..
But, no liberal worth his salt ever let facts get in the way of his faith. It's his religion.
You heard the vulgar Pigboy say that.
Don't you have anything original?
(By the way, that's not name-calling. That's
merely an accurate assesment of the truth)
Liberals are ass-kissers.
For fear of offending their favorite minorities, liberals are vigilantly
and politically correct, a situation which
causes them to change language, employ euphemisms, suppress
unpleasant facts and studies, and assassinate
the character of anyone who dares even suggest anything
contrary to the liberal catechism.
True, we use "nigger" and "faggot" and "slant"
and "gash" a lot less than Republicans.
I thought that was a brave admission for
you to make..
Liberals want to destroy society. It is
impossible not to notice that our country is rapidly
going to hell in a handbasket because of
liberal failed social programs.
Impossible not to notice?
You've failed to connect "hell" with liberalism.
If anything, religious insanity is killing
this country - that's the fault of YOUR side.
Liberals have turned words, rationality
and the world upside down.
For liberals, "tolerance" is intolerance
of speech liberals don't like;
When a conservative says, "Niggers are too
lazy to get a job," yes, we'll call you on it.
Expect it to keep happening, too, but don't
expect it from any elected Democrats
"social justice" is unjustly pulling down the successful to the level of the unsuccessful;
Who said that,
Hannity or O'Reilly?
And why do you think O'Reilly is afraid
to debate Joe Conason?
"exploitation" is the creation of a wealthy capitalist
society in which even the poor
are more wealthy than most people in socialist
That's true, but it doesn't give Bush a
reason to kill the economy, then BORROW
to give to the super-rich who are NOT hiring
anybody with those unearned billions.
Why aren't YOU upset that Bush borrowed
money, using your signature and mine as collateral
and gave it to these companies who aren't
hiring anybody?
Why doesn't that anger you?
You and I (assuming you pay taxes) signed
for those loans and a trillion more.
Why don't you vote your pocketbook and save yourself a lifetime of debt?
You see that tremendous surge under Cliunton?
He did that by letting working families
have more money, instead of billionaires.
THAT'S why the economy under Clinton worked
so well.
"freedom" is a government by liberal fascists;
Silly non-sequitors never hold any water
with thinking people.
Can't you do any better than copy and paste
what the Pigboy posted on his web site?
Remember, if you, Ken Wright, are arrested
because Ashcroft thought he saw a woodchuck,
you don't even get a phone call or a
hearing in front of a judge. You don't even have
the right to know what the charges are
against you.
Don't you realize this?
Don't you have any idea
what's been going on in this country?
How are you happy with
less money and fewer civil rights?
The illegal Bush administration can legally
disappear any person on Earth - legally,
and you're still hung up on "fascist
helmet laws" that save lives?
Odds are great that you're white, so you're
probably not going to be accused and imprisoned
on an Field Marshall Ashcroft whim, but
does that make it OK?
"peace" is unilateral disarmament in the face of a communist
Not under Clinton, it wasn't.
And why would any rational human want a
never-ending war?
Whoever write that goofy cliche for you
couldn't foresee your taking it out of context,
thus making him and you appear more stupid
than you actually are - probably.
Chinese enemy; and "love" is hatred of anyone who is not a liberal.
This is going on too long.
Why do the irrational types think it's
better to use 5,000 words when 500 would do?
Liberals have no idea why others hate them so much,
We are puzzled that you prefer Bush's war
and recession to Clinton's peace and prosperity.
So far, you've done a bad job of explaining
...and they especially do not understand what contempt the minorities have for them.
Wait - let me guess - blacks are too stupid
to know the GOP loves them more, right?
But, the situation is actually much worse,
for minorities hate liberals because the liberal insistence
on "protecting" minorities implies that
the minorities are incompetent and thus need special protection.
If you were a dirt poor descendant of slaves,
and the GOP fought to keep you out of schools,
fought to kill job-training programs and
kill funding for women's shelters, and tried to roll back
Affirmnative Action programs that would
force whitey to hire you, who would you vote for?
Also, would you rather have a socialist-full
stomach or a capitalist empty stomach?
It's just a question, with no real wrong
BTW, the only reason I brought up descendant
of slaves is because a guy like Bush never
had to work a day in his life because he
comes from an old money (Nazi-enabling) family.
Blacks have no possibility of being from
old money.
Yes, minorities will accept the special privileges which liberals have won for them,
(after fighting your guys for decades -
another frank admission on youir part)
...but the liberals' reward will be the
eternal -- if covert -- contempt of their "children".
Their "slaves" on the liberal plantation.
Our reward
is the "eternal covert comptempt of our children?"
Christ, that logic is so savage, it must've
come from Mikey the Weiner,
Someone once said that if a man wasn't a
liberal when he was young, then he had no heart;
and if he wasn't a conservative when he
was old, then he had no brain.
The appeal
of easy money is very strong. Many white men, later in life, accumulate
great wealth
and turn Republican because they know how
hard it is to make it on just $10 million per year.
Professional athletes who turn GOP after
their signing bonus check clears, piss me off the most.
They get greedy, forget their roots, forget
the struggles they endured to get where they are and then decide,
"Fuck 'em, I got mine, let them get theirs."
I have extra respect for someone like U2's Bono, (hated by the right)
because he has about as much money as Rush,
but instead of beating up black women for a living, Bono spends
his time and money helping ther poorest
of the poor, the dying in Africa.
Rush just laughs at them.
Now while there is some truth to this statement,
I would say that the problem with the liberal is that he does not
have enough brains to realize that the
best way to have a heart is not to "help" people and "give" things to them,
but to let people help themselves.
You mean like giving their money to the
super-rich, who aren't hiring?
You and I (assuming you have a job) co-signed
for those loans to the super-rich.
Did they hire anybody like Bush said they
I think Clinton's way works a lot better,
and science and math agree with me.
Thoreau expressed this sentiment by saying
that if he saw someone coming toward him who
wanted to do him a good turn, he would
run for his life. Too bad the liberals have never been
able to absorb the most important nugget
of wisdom of one of their greatest heroes.
Ken Wright
Bush has taken, "I'm from the govenrment
and I'm here to help you" into the stratosphere.
Bush will decide which religions are worth MY tax money.
Bush will make repoductive decisions for YOUR wife and daughter.
Bush has already mortgaged the future of your kids, if you have
Bush has gotten 300 brave men killed for no reason other than
personal greedy.
Remember, Cheney was showing Enron execs maps of Iraq's oil fields
to 9-11.
...but you see those helmet laws as "fascism run amok?"
Let me know about a live debate in a chat room.
If you feel like bringing the fight to me, we'll record it, and
count the personal slurs,
and if I have more, I'll PayPal you a dollar for each net slur,
but you're under so such obligation,
since you argue like an adult, not some name-calling Democrat