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''I don't care what they said. The Iraqi Parliament
nothing more than a rubber stamp for
Saddam Hussein."
-- The never-elected, hungry
Oil Puppet
Oh, so you're saying Saddam has the same kind of opposition in
that you have here in America?
I did not steal that from Jon Stewart.
It was written yesterday at 2 PM, his show
is on in K-Drag at 10.
Airs bin Laden Tape
Bush & Co. "the biggest murderers of the century"
A voice said to be Osama bin Laden praised
terrorist strikes in Bali and Moscow
and threatened Western nations over any
attack on Iraq in a new audiotape.
Wasn't it nice if Osama to wait until after the election to release this tape?
This way, his friend/partner got the political muscle he needed
to invade Iraq,
which is just what Osama and the B.F.E.E. need to make
more money.
dark week for democracy
The stranglehold the far Right has now taken on America
will make it a more divided, reactionary and illiberal country
Georgia's Republican Party, for example,
is now lead by Ralph Reed, (R-Baby-beater)
a long-time crusader against abortion,
divorce and single parent families. He would regard
last week's vote in the House of Lords
allowing unmarried and gay couples to adopt as the
work of Satan. He is part of US conservatism's
ideological hard core.
Reed played every card he could. If the
governorship was to be won celebrating the
Confederacy, the race for the Senate seat
would be no less shameless. The Democrat
incumbent had lost three limbs fighting
in Vietnam, but was attacked for being unpatriotic
- the worst accusation in today's US -
because he believed that unions should be able
to recruit in the newly established Department
of Homeland Security.
Glitch in the BFEE software?
Click Here ...this is from the ABC Network affiliate in Houston, notconspiracycentral.com
Republican County Judge Daniel Scheel
received 18,181votes
beating Democrat Lois Duggan.
Republican state Senator Jeff Wentworth
got 18,181
votes beating Democrat Joseph Sullivan
Republican Representative Carter
Casteel also got 18,181
votes beating Democrat Virgil Yanta.
Do you still think the fix wasn't in?
If this was statistically possible, there wouldn't be a
Las Vegas.
This is like rolling 25 sevens in a row on a craps table.
I wonder how many other GOP candidates in other states got 18,181 votes?
Do you still think the fix wasn't in?
True Crime Stories
>From Harper's Weekly;
"It was reported that Admiral John M. Poindexter,
who was convicted in the Iran-Contra affair
in 1990 but later acquitted on a technicality,
joined the Bush Administration earlier this year as
head of the Office of Information Awareness
at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Poindexter is in charge of a new system
called Total Information Awareness, which would permit
the military to spy on the civilian
population of the United States without search warrants by scanning
personal information such as email, credit-card
statements, banking and medical records, and travel
documents for patterns that suggest criminal
or terrorist activities. Deployment of the surveillance
technology would require new legislation,
since the military traditionally has not been allowed to
spy on ordinary American citizens.
"This could be the perfect storm for civil
liberties in America," said Marc Rotenberg, director of the
Electronic Privacy Information Center,
"The vehicle is the Homeland Security Act, the technology is
Darpa, and the agency is the FBI. The outcome
is a system of national surveillance of the American public."
Bart, are
you going to complain about this, too?
Can't you
see Bush just wants to protect us?
"...a nutsac, that's all they need"
-- Jon Stewart's recommendation
for the Democrats
Thank you, Jon, for saying that.
It's so true, and now - everybody
sees that and agrees
- except for the damn Democrats!
They keep fawning over Bush's "greatness."
"Ventura didn't pass the torch-he dropped it
into a bucket of water and let it fizzle.
He wasn't able to use the leverage
of his office to broaden his party's political base,
and he didn't work very hard to construct
a party infrastructure. "
-- Burl Gilyard, slate.msn.com
the Infighting Begin
by Gene Lyons
As bad as things are, they could have been
far worse. Did Rove mastermind a timely
bait and switch, substituting Saddam Hussein
for Osama bin Laden as Public Enemy #1?
He did. Did the White House market what
CNN bills as "Showdown in Iraq" like an
action/adventure film for political purposes?
Absolutely. But if Democrats failed to offer
a clear alternative, it's because they
have genuine differences. That's why Rove's ploy worked
From: Lande
Your criticism of Ralph Nader was pathetic.
C'mon...a hypochondriac?...played the stock
I can't send you $5/month anymore.
Dude, surprise - I'm not going to beg you to reconsider, but yes,
that ink should've been in blue because I didn't write it.
Remember, I said I didn't have the dirt on Nader, so I asked others
to write.
I printed an amalgamation of what they wrote.
Subject: More on Nader
Did you even read the Salon link you posted?
This is how it ends:
He chose to work for us. And, like the priest-ballplayer
he is, he
sits long into the night, surrounded by
mounds of paper, books and his
poster of Gehrig. When I asked via fax
how he wants to be remembered, he
wrote: "For helping strengthen democracy,
for making raw power accountable
and enhancing justice and the fulfillment
of human possibilities."
Let the record show he has lived up to this
I should have, I guess.
Emmitt Smith
I'd like to say some bad things about Emmitt Smith.
As you know, he plays for the Dallas Cowboys, whom I really,
really despise.
...but I can't think of too many bad things to say about Ol' Emmitt.
But if I was going to nit-pik, I'd say:
I didn't like it, years ago,
when he'd take his helmet off after a touchdown,
He had to have some luck getting
there, cause any tackle can ruin your career,
He broke the record by Walter
...but if that's the worst I have to say about Emmiitt Smith, ...he might be OK.
sign at the Denver anti-Bush protest
It was only a matter of time before a Republican got
the best of me in a debate on tax cuts - not to be missed!
"I will give up my cock when they pry it from
my cold, dead hands!!
-- 46 percent of Oklahomans
From: Ben Jackson
Subject: Your web site
I stumbled across your website today and
found it interesting.
Interesting from the standpoint of being
ultra-Liberal and psychotic.
Do you realize your "fans" are mentally
ill and need psychiatric help?
Sir, you are proof that, yes, crazies read this page, too.
For example, you can not get over an election
over two years ago.
That is mental illness.
Your readers seem to be in denial of the
last election.
It happened. You lost!
ha ha
This, from a member of the GOP who spent
the last eleven years on Clinton's cock,
and you want me to "get over" something
as small as the abortion of democracy?
What's in denial is the legitimacy of Monkey
Boy in the White House
The Republicans won. Really!
Your party is finished.
They might as well declare themselves the
communists, fascists and
socialists they really are. At least
then the public would have a clear choice.
Sir, no matter what you try to tell yourself,
the Democrats won the last three popular votes for president.
The American voter clearly chose to be
led by the Democrats, but we have a Supreme Court of crooks,
so we have a monkey in the White House.
Your Democrat politicians obfuscate their
confusing message.
The public hates that with a passion.
They know you are fakers and liars.
Pure BS.
Benjamin Jackson
Ben, I'll bet you're the type of guy who could kick my ass in
a live debate.
Do you have any free time between now and the end of your life?
Give me a couple of days to draw a crowd, and we'll meet in the chat room.
C'mon, I know you can do it.
I'm just a faker and a liar, so you should be able to dismantle
me in mere minutes.
How about tomorrow night 8 PM CST?
That good for you?
ha ha
How many times has some little doggie barked, only to run away
when the time came to debate that of which he is so certain?
The Best of bartcop.com
I got an e-mail from Toni
asking what we had planned for upcoming Issue 1000.
She suggested a "Best Of" issue with the bits from the
past 925 issues, and she volunteered
to receive, colate and compile the best stuff from waaay back
when bartcop.com was funny.
If you saw a good or funny piece send the name of it and the issue # it was in to Toni at
If you want your name listed (or not) mention that to her, too.
American voters
by Zack Exley
Tuesday only proved again that:
Even when Democratic candidates are buried
under an avalanche of money and ruthless attack ads...
Even when Democratic candidates are humiliated
over and over and don't fight back...
Even when Democratic candidates act like
Even when Democratic candidates suck...
EVEN THEN, Americans voters are still more
likely to vote Democratic.
Great cartoon by my good friend Tom Tomorrow
The Veterans Day issue, Volume 926 - President suspect apparently contained an error.
I know, you're shocked that such a thing could happen, but it did.
From: Half the people in Illinios
Subject: Another bartcop.com error
I know you don't have the staff to check on everything, but this was was in the polls section:
>****Poll by St. Louis Dispatch/Zogby on Nov. 3 for Illinois Governor
> Rod Blagojevich (D) 52% up 7
> Jim Ryan (R)
>**"Official Results"
> Rod Blagojevich (D) 43%
> Jim Ryan (R)
44% up 1 that's an 8-point pro-Bush swing - was it magic?
Rod Blagojevich is indeed our new governor.
Just wanted you to know.
Also the first thing he did was name former
gov James Thompson
to co-lead his transition team.
Geez. Wonder what the fix was here?
love the page.
the people of Illinois.
bartcop.com regrets the error
Wait, be quiet for a second...
Did you hear that?
If you listen very hard, you can hear the whistle of the Tequila Train
...coming soon
The national broadcast and print news media's
inability to critically assess George W. Bush's
foreign and domestic policies and to serve
as a watchdog for the public's interest is nothing less
than a threat to the country's democratic
As Gore explains it, the media conglomerates
are increasingly dependent on government
policies and the bottom line. This has
"created a timid media that refuses to question
governmental decisions," he said.
"Sen. James Inhofe (R-Woodchuck): A “dimmer
version of Jesse Helms
— an intolerant, xenophobic,
might-makes-right ultrapatriot.”
November ad special
Ten ads for just $300
You can have every Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
...and weekends are half-price!
Don't wait, first come, first served.
Reach dozens with your message.
So I'm driving to work yesterday and I hear Glenn Beck.
He's the Rush wannabe Nazi who comes on before Laura the Unloved.
He's going on and on and on and on about what a horrible mistake
it is
for the Democrats to let Nancy Pelosi take Gephardt's place in
the House.
He's going on and on and on and on and then finally caller comes
on and
asks Beck why he's helping the Democrats. This idiot Beck
at first pretends
that can't figure out what the caller's trying to say.
"I'm saying - if Pelosi is the disaster you
say she is, why point that out?
Why not just let her be a disaster
and we Repubicans will win?"
Here's where that idiot Beck turned into a total moron.
First, he started whining that's he'd not the "house organ" for
the GOP, which is
horseshit because
all those Rush wannabees know that's where the money is.
Then - are your ready for this? - Beck says he wants to be fair
to the Democrats,
"because the United States political
system is all about balance.
We need balance in our political system
so both sides can be heard!
Balance is very American!"
ha ha
This lying moron actually said that!
Republicans aren't about being fair.
These talk show whores aren't here to give both sides.
This flying monkey got caught, panicked, and said the wrong thing!
The truth is, what this junior truth molester couldn't say, is
that he's being paid to fabricate
lies about Democrats because that's his job! That's what
his bosses want him to do
because it makes more money because the poor ditto-monkeys want
to hear it! They need to
be reassured every minute of every day that Bush is snart and
honest and Hillary is coming to
shove homosexuality down their throats of their innocent children.
That's why talk radio exists!
That's why Fox News exists!
The idea that this moron Beck wanted to be "fair" so the political
system would work
better is so goddamn stupid on its face that I almost drove off
the road laughing.
Beck, you're a moron.
And anyone who believes you is a moron with less money than you.
Critics Won’t Laugh Long
by Joe Conason
Her refreshing embrace of the L-word has
provoked automated cackles from the
progressive-bashing pundits who now dominate
the broadcast media. That she also
represents the beautiful City by the Bay
encourages lesser pundits to engage in
queer-baiting by proxy, an opportunity
that none of these pulpit bullies ever resists.
Subject: gifts for service people
I found out last night during the MNF game
that the NFL is hooking up with the VFW
to buy phone cards for service people overseas,
so they can call their families.
Celebrate Veteran's Day (a little late)
by going to www.operationuplink.org
and donating.
alive, team!
It's getting uglier
by Molly Ivins
"Another raccoon in the henhouse: The new chairman
of the Senate Environment and
Public Works Program is Sen. James Inhofe,
a man with a zero rating from environmental
groups. Inhofe advocates letting industry
police itself and less government oversight ."
Pissquik Inhofe isn't a raccoon - he's the bastard son of an unruly
He is the most heartless Republican in either chamber - that's
saying a lot.
Bush promised to get bin Laden.
He vowed "to bring him to justice or bring
justice to him."
That's why his approval numbers went to the high eighties.
That was 416
days ago ...and counting
Bart, you wrote:
>>Marilyn Manson - always a crowd pleaser for the Evangelical Christians
Is this true Bartcop??????
It's true that MM voted for Bush,
but the evangelical stuff was meant as irony...
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Todays Bonus Issue!
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