![]() ...a primer for timid Democrats
You're about to enter ...the no-pink tutu zone. POLITICS-SARCASM-FINE
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Bart Cook BC
"Landrieu should be careful as well, and she
might want to avoid the unfriendly skies
until the runoff election is held Dec.
7. Unfortunately, Democrat candidates have a tradition
of dying in mysterious plane crashes
- but only those in danger of losing.
She should pray her party doesn't have
a viable candidate ready to replace her."
-- Newsmax's Carl Limbacher, who seems to be saying
Landrieu might be "Wellstoned."
Thanks to Kirk
the Donkey
Time to give up on the Democrats?
What happened to the Democratic party?
You could say that times changed and the
party changed with them,
and you would be right so far as it goes.
But it had nothing to do with
the sentiments of the people. The party's
right turn was a move conceived
from within and designed to make the Democrats
a more appealing vehicle
for major private and corporate donors.
Dear Bartcop,
When you said: "It
was Bush who turned Beamer's last words into political fodder,"
it occurred to me to compare that to the media
frenzy over Paul Wellstone's service.
It was perfectly all right for moron and helmet-head
to use a man's last brave words,
"Let's Roll" to promote their evil political
agenda, but turning Paul Wellstone's service
"into a political rally" was outrageous, right?
And of course, the pathetic pink tutus actually
apologized for that.
PM refuses resignation over 'moron' remark
"Ari Fleischer dismissed the comment as
coming from "somebody
who obviously doesn't speak for the Canadian
...but it speaks for everyone who's ever seen Bush try to think.
Hi, BC,
I went to see Al Gore at the Elliot Bay Book Company
here in Seattle Friday.
I thought he was going to do a speech of sorts.
He did nothing except sign his two new books.
There were no pictures allowed at the signing
which threw my whole plan of getting him to pose
with a bartcop.com sticker
out the window. Due to the fact I didn't have a book I decided I
just give him a sticker and tell him to write
He blew me off by putting it in his pocket and
said rather emotionlessly, "Yeah, I'll take a look at that."
I gave one to Tipper as well and she said, get
this, "Oh I know this site. It's a good one."
Well there you go,
Houston in Seattle
Houston, thanks for that.
U.S. Bankruptcies Hit New High
Strapped by debt, Americans filed for bankruptcy
in record numbers in the three months that
ended Sept. 30.
More buying opportunities for the super-rich.
Dr Newdow, the man who sued to make the pledge constitutional,
the man Begala beat up for wanting to choose his own God.
Is bin Laden a member of the Moral Majority?
"Who can forget Clinton's immoral acts committed
in the official Oval office?
After that you did not even bring him
to account, other than that he 'made a mistake',
after which everything passed with
no punishment. Is there a worse kind of event for
which your name will go down in history
and remembered by nations?"
-From Bush's buddy
Osama, who has at least three wives and some goats.
Thanks to Kirk
From: Unknown
What the hell is wrong w/ Daschle?
Why, oh why would he even mention the Vulgar
Pig-Boy by name?
What the hell is wrong with him?
Pig boy gets more publicity, goes on every
news program who asks him and spews forth on national TV.
Daschle is an idiot. Pig boy is despicable
and Daschle gave him another venue which probably will add
another million or so to his legion of
knuckle dragging fans. I am a life-long Democrat, but I am disgusted
and ashamed of the dumb ass Dems.
They are idiots and so lame they should be ashamed of themselves.
I must be the only one, but I thought Daschle did the right thing.
It's not like Rush mentioned his name and Daschle felt compelled
to respond.
El Pigboy has been hammering Daschle every hour of every day
for months and months.
It got to the point where it just about couldn't get any worse,
so he spoke up.
Sure, it didn't help a lot, on the surface, but when you're getting
pounded non-stop
at some point you have to do something.
I'll tell you what the Democrats need to do. Every damn
one of them needs to say in interviews
that Rush and Ann Coulter are the new face of the GOP and then
watch what happens.
Cheney accused of vandalism
Vice President Dick Cheney is the primary
suspect in a vandalism spree that rocked
the White House and neighboring locations
in the Washington, D.C. area. The damage
ranges from foul language scrawled in crayon
across the Oval Office walls to excrement
deposited in a Denny's restroom wastebasket.
Who said it?
"The protections of the Fourth Amendment are clear.
The right to protection from unlawful searches
is an indivisible American value.
Two hundred years of court decisions have
stood in defense of this fundamental right.
The state's interest in effective crime-fighting
should never violate the citizens' Bill of Rights."
John Ashcroft
Joe Lieberman
Answer below
by Judy in Atlanta
Kellyanne married one of those elves, George
Conway. He looks like an extra from the Hobbit.
Anyhow, what he wanted was to marry one
of the blond republican pundettes and he was dumped
by all of them till he got desperate and
hit on Kellyanne, who was also desperate.
She wanted Fred Thompson, but he knew if
he ever had a chance in hell at the top job
he would need a wife who hadn't done the
entire Beltway.
ha ha
As it is, he married a woman who had a relationship
with...John Fund!!
Hi, it's
not about adultery.
It's about
beating up women.
coulda done without
Who said it?
John Ashcroft
Joe Lieberman
First decide, then Click
Here for the answer
Oh sure, but now that's we've lost the right to have our votes
Field Marshall Ashcroft has thrown away the Bill of Rights.
Your day
is coming, Funnyboy.
I don't
like being the victim of your little quiz.
It makes
me look like a stupid, lying hypocrite.
If you
think you can play hardball with me, Funnyboy,
what you and your ilk will soon look like on your
to my new Halliburton-Gitmo torture complex.
"Technically, a moron is someone who is stupid
but looks normal.
Much has been said recently about Bush
arriving at a point where
he looks presidential. What's
intriguing about morons is that they
can pass as just about anyone, but
inside they're still morons."
-- Albert Nerenberg,
the director of a television documentary titled Stupidity.
not stupid,
like they say
Subject: Bill15 - Guns
You asked,
>Are you saying pretty young women don't lock their doors at night
> because nobody would enter their home with bad intentions?
There are practically no crimes in the far
east due to gun violence.
I bet most don’t bother to lock their doors
at night, as hard as that
may be for you to believe.The reason is
that almost no one has guns there.
The homicide rate in countries with very
few guns is a very small fraction
of what it is here in this haven for guns
we call America.
I wonder how reliable that statistic is.
If there are practically no guns in Japan, and someone needs
they'd use a knife or strangle them, push 'em off a tall building
I understand what everyone is saying about "gun deaths," but as
an example,
I'll bet in American prisons, there's hardly ever a gun death,
but I'm sure their
stabbing statistics go thru the roof. The next time someone
sends Japan gun stats,
could you include total murder stats? That might shed
some light on this.
"The upper class keeps all the money, pays
none of the taxes.
The middle class pays all of the taxes,
does all of the work.
The poor are there just to scare the
shit out of the middle class.
Keep 'em showing up at those jobs."
- George Carlin
Bart, you wrote:
> Reagan, who was almost as stupid as the President
Happy Crack, had orders to stay away
> from all microphones unless he was reading
from a script because he was too stupid to speak
> without someone else having prepared something
for them in writing.
BC, this is WAY true! My father-in-law
used to work in the higher realms of government and
met with Reagan numerous times. According
to him, whenever that numbskull had a meeting
that his aides couldn't sit in on and whisper
a script into his ear, he was supplied with a stack
of index cards that told him what to say.
My father-in-law is a very solid guy who
*never* overstates anything.
.... he had a good look at "the cards"
a couple of times and the top one.
....(this still cracks me up)........the
top one always said "HELLO".
The Republicans love quarter-wits to be President......which is why they hated clinton sooooo much!
Poor Reagan, they used him like they used Paula Jones.
Just like Dim Son - Reagan was the pretend president, while Poppy's
crew made all the decisions.
...before reading bartcop.com
......... .
...after reading bartcop.com
Subject: terror warning
I just heard the dumbest f-ing thing on CNN Talk Back Live.
...the question of the day relating to the
signing of the department of homeland security was
..."How do you want to be warned of an impending
terrorist attack?"
Shit! How about flying airplanes into buildings?
That might get my attention.
capn mike
VCR Alert - The Osbournes return tonight
Subject: Crime in Japan - reader feedback
From: Chris Goulet
What does Marty have today?
Michael Dare and Paul Krassner!
'Dr. Phil' has to pay for an audience
'The Osbournes' starts tonight
this is the only 'cancer-free' episode.
Bono & Larry '8 Wives' King swap glasses.
Judas Maximus's ratings are tanking.
...and more.
The 9/11 movie Hollywood won't let you see
"The controversy is easy to understand, especially
in light of the current political climate in the U.S.
After all, if Susan Sontag can get dragged
across the coals for drawing a link between American
foreign policy and 9/11, and if Bill Maher
can lose his "Politically Incorrect" gig for questioning the
description of the hijackers as "cowards,"
then it goes without saying that a film that looks kindly
upon the family of a Palestinian suicide
bomber and calls attention to U.S. complicity in murderous
South American regimes might stick in the
craws of executives at Sony and Universal."
Bush advisor tells British MPs:
against Iraq regardless of UN findings
Richard Perle, one of Pinheads top security
advisers, told British members
of Parliament November 15 that Bush intends
to attack Iraq even if
the United Nations inspectors fail to find
any weapons.
It was always a sham to get more money for the Bush Family
Evil Empire.
Bush wants to steal that oil and build that Halliburton pipeline
more than the 1998 GOP congress wanted inside Clinton's zipper.
Jimi Hendrix... A Guitar God's Legacy
In the same way that it's impossible to
imagine an old Elvis,
it's jarring to realize that Jimi Hendrix
would have turned 60 this week.
The world's seminal rock guitarist is frozen
in time, clad in paisley and leather,
on his knees coaxing fire from his instrument
and changing rock forever.
Subject: End of my rope
I've managed to alienate most of the people
in my office. I find myself increasingly surrounded
by conservative zombies. They think
I love debating them, even though they usually just get angry
with me even though my arguments about
current events are rational and logical. In fact, the more
logical I am the more emotional and angry
they get. AND, the only reason they think I love to
argue with them is I'm the only one who
will question any of their stupid and ignorant statements!
It's so sad- I actually feel like giving
Mike C
Mike, I know just what you need.
Get a bottle of Chinaco Anejo and any Garbage
Kixck back, smoke 'em if you've got 'em, and remember that we'll
be back.
We survived Von Reagan, and then we got Clinton.
We'll survive the Unelected Commander-in-Thief, too.
Someday, we'll have a competent president again.
Enjoy life - because there is no afterlife.
Bart, I think you have the best site on
the internet!!!!
I HAVE to read it daily!!
But, I don't know what B.F.E.E. stands for, can you help me out?
Ryan, it stands for Bush Family Evil Empire
They're taking the whole planet by force.
Help stop them!
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a month
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a month, ...because we need BartCop
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Audit of Florida Pension Fund Postponed After Call From Jeb
How cute - Jeb's raping Florida like The Pinhead is raping
At the request of Gov. Jeb Bush's office,
the inspector general of the Health and Human Services
Department ordered delays in a federal
audit of Florida's pension fund that ensured the review wouldn't
be completed before Bush won re-election,
officials say.
The delays by Janet Rehnquist, daughter
of Chief Justice William Rehnquist,
are now being investigated by Congress.
In an incestuous circle jerk of thieves!
If they get caught, they have enough cash to appeal it to the
Whore Court, where
"Daddy" and Scalia will make sure of the B.F.E.E.'s crimes
will go unpunished.
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Shirley of "Garbage"