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"Washington is abuzz about Trent Lott's (racist)
remarks, but it's bringing little more than a yawn
in Lott's hometown. "It's been
quiet," said Dan Davis, editor of The Mississippi Press in Pascagoula.
"We sent a reporter out to talk with people
on the street, and a lot of people didn't want to comment
on it, which is pretty interesting
itself. He's still the favorite son here, and a lot of people like him."
-Jerry Mitchell,
Well sure, Massabama is just as racist as Oklahoma.
Massabamans knew they were electing a racist bastard - that's
why they voted for him.
Same for Oklahoma - they sent Inhofe to DC because he's a racist
son of a bitch.
Jesus, are people just now figuring this out?
Conason's Journal
Trent Lott's past -- and how that should affect his future
As Gene Lyons and I reported in "The Hunting
of the President," Lott deployed his old
"seg" allies in the Republican assault
on Bill Clinton in 1992. Among the unreconstructed
racists who joined the GOP along with Thurmond
was a former Arkansas Dixiecrat known
as "Justice Jim" Johnson, who had led the
violent resistance to the integration of Little Rock
High School in 1957. As a young activist,
Clinton had fought Johnson in more than one election
during the '60s. When Clinton ran for president,
Johnson called upon his old comrades to help ruin him.
George W. Bush may find that pattern acceptable,
despite the damage that Lott's prominence
inflicts on this country both at home and
abroad. Whether the president's party and the Senate
will agree remains to be seen.
Is it true?
His Vulgarness said Wednesday that Gore beat up Alan Colmes (D-Pleasedonthurtme)
Tuesday night.
Too bad Fox News isn't a real network with transcripts
of their shows, like CNN, but I guess it serves them
best not to have transcripts with all that filthy hate and racism
going on over there, Hannity being the worst.
If that happened - if Gore beat up Colmes for being "Hannity's
boy," like we all know that he is,
then Gore is taking meaningful steps towards earning his rightful
place in history in 2004.
(If we can get the Supreme Whores to stay out this time.)
Notice I said "taking steps toward," because he hasn't earned
it yet, but we must remember
Gore beat Bush in 2000, and if he's willing to continue
the fight he's showing us lately, that's good.
Comics Puts Homosexuality in the Saddle
Hide the children - the gays are coming!
Randy Sharp is director of "special projects"
for the American Family Association..
I'm Buffy the gay slayer.
Your sex is MY business.
He says there is "no place" for an openly homosexual title character in comic books.
"It's imperative that parents learn what Marvel
Comics is now trying to do
-- and that is to infiltrate their
children's lives with a message of homosexuality and
to normalize it for the kids," Sharp
says. "There should be a safe haven for children,
and homosexuality should not be able to
that safe haven."
Can't you sick bastards find anything else to do than to
go after gay Americans?
Is that the premier lesson you got from Jesus Christ?
Assault and attack your peaceful brothers?
From: carrigan
Subject: YOU
Bartcop -
I think I've figured out why you are so
obsessively drawn to Michael Jackson,
(aka "the freak") and that Shirley chick
at the end of your rants. All three of you
are Democrats, Delusional, Directionless,
Demoralized, Deceptive, and Dispicable.
All three of you think you're something
that you are not. Popular with mainstream America.
Don't you realize that like Shirleys and
the freaks music, you are a has-been?
Its time you accepted reality and let your
bitterness go.
Put on the tu tu and join the rest of America.
Its great over here.
Carrigan, when you try to think does anything happen?
I'm not obsessivley drawn to Jacko - Rolling Stone said his goddamn
nose fell off.
This is a comedy page, and a billionaire who picks his
nose until it falls off is one funny dude!
As far as Shirley, if she does nothing for you, why do you scroll
past "the end"
and past all the advertisements to see which picture of her is
up each day?
Could it be you're a low self-esteem liar who can't face the
As far as your alliteration of "D" words, how long did that take
Did you use the online dictionary or the one with Mickey on the
You're a wasted opportunity, Boy.
If I had a chance to challenge someone on YOUR side, I wouldn't
waste it
name-calling like some punk-ass sissy sitting on a trash can
outside a pool hall.
And how could I be a has-been if I've never been anybody?
I'm so unknown, the only direction I can go is up.
As far as your invitation to join you in the pink tutu, I think
I already
know enough about you that I don't want to get any closer.
...but thanks for spinning that hit counter.
I don't even know who to thank for this.
In the Forum, it said "he" got this autograph.
"In late 1998 and early 1999, when I was writing
column after column about Lott and calling for
his resignation because of his connection
to the Council of Conservative Citizens, there was no
response from the media at large, with
the noble exceptions of Frank Rich and Bob Herbert,
both of The New York Times. That proved
to me that all the talk about a liberal media bias
was bunk - at least when it comes to
--Stanley Crouch, nydailynews.com
Subject: The Rio
You understand that these people knew very
well that you host bartcop.com, don't you?
They certainly have been reading your page
for the last week. They know that you are
read by "literally dozens" of people every
day. While I am not any kind of anti-Vegas
activist, you should acknowledge that you
probably got some special treatment.
Brad, if that was a compliment, I'll take it. I guess it's possible
seen the page, but we're hardly in a position to be creating
I doubt Vegas shakes when they hear bartcop.com
is coming for them.
"I agree condoms will break, but vows of abstinence
break far more easily."
-- Dr. Joycelyn Elders to a gathering of troglodytes
in Washington involving
more than 200 delegates
from black United Methodist churches.
Dr. Elders, these cavemen don't want to hear the truth from
a medical doctor.
(And they DAMN sure don't want to hear it from a (gasp) black
They want to get in a circle and lie to each other, so their children
will grow up
like Trent Lott and Tom Delay. Education is the enemy, ignorance
is their friend.
These knuckledraggers INSIST our coed armed forced can't control
but they expect teens to control themselves - which is
just more cricker-crocker.
From: GOBLUE888
Subject: The most offensive thing I've ever seen
I just saw the most offensive thing I've
ever seen in my life! The thought that any "sk8ter"
would ever consider playing Justin is a
joke. You can't even understand how fast a kid
playing justin would get beat up if they
ever played that on a boombox at a skatepark.
Please stop posting your obvious bigotry
against skaters or else
i will be forced to create a site in protest
of your site!
Goblue, who would visit your anti-BartCop sk8ters page?
The anti-BartCop, pro-sk8ter crowd?
A few weeks ago I didn't know (I'm old) so I asked what a "sk8ter"
Someone said it was a 14-year old with a sk8tboard who listens
to Avril Levigne.
Well who do you think is buying Timberlake's CD?
Adults? 8-year olds? Goths?
Country Kids? Geezers my age?
And if that was the "most offensive thing
you've ever seen in your life?"
you've got a whoooooole lot of major problems
about to crash down on you.
Life gets a lot worse than potentially mis-identifying Timberlake's
...maybe you and Carrigan could join the bartcop stalkers web ring.
"I'm not surprised by Lott's remarks
since Lott once told the Sons of Confederate
Veterans that "the spirit of Jefferson
Davis lives in the 1984 Republican platform."
--Rickey Cole, chairman of the
Mississippi Democratic Party
As a long term reader (4 years, as long
as I have had a computer) I have had various
complaints about the way you conduct yourself.
I have sat by and said nothing while you
continually berate the "good puppy press",
apparently completely ignorant of the way
the media works in this country.
But this time you have really pissed me
off Bart. Your recent misquoting of Strom Thurmond
(inserting "nigger" when he said "negro")
is more than just your take on a topic.
It is an outright lie.
When you misquote someone and change their
words to bias the reader against them,
you are LYING.
If you insist on attacking the media in
this country, fine. That is your perrogative as a citizen
of a country that believes in freedom of
speech. But as member of said media, I must insist
that you hold yourself to at least the
same standard as we do here in the good puppy press.
-J. Carter Vogelsberg
University Southeast
J Carter Vogelsberg, one of us will come out of this looking extra stupid.
I can tell you're not a gambler, because a gambler NEVER walks
up to someone and says,
"I can PROVE you have no evidence,"
unless you're willing to gamble on it.
You have made several mistakes, let's start at the top.
Mistake Number One
I am NOT a responsible journalist.
Sometimes I publish responsible stuff, but I don't jump back
and forth over the line saying
"I'm just a comedian" and then
5 minutes later say "Dammit, I'm God's truth so
listen to me!"
I constantly tell people NOT to use bartcop.com
as any kind of reference material.
If I say it, and it's true, I'll usually provide a link.
Mistake Number Two
You must be young.
I assume you are too young to remember when "nigger" was an acceptable
I remember those days - born in 1953.
Why in the world would you assume that a racist bastard from Carolina
would use
a proper and respectful term when talking about a race of people
he very much despised?
Why in the world would you think a white-power sonofabitch like
Strom Thurmond would waste
one second of his hundred years to bother to phrase his speech
in a less-than-hateful way?
You have come to the erroneous conclusion that Thurmond is/was
a decent man?
Mistake Number Three
You, Sir, have stepped in the deepest of shit, but because this
is your first attack, and because you
used non-vulgar words that can be spoken on TV, I'm going to
be nice when I stick it to you.
And, to be fair - Koresh knows bartcop.com
is nothing if not fair... "responsible" reporters
either made the same mistake you did, or
they chose to err on the side of caution, but they all
used the imprecise term "negroes" when
quoting Thurmond, when the more-inflammatory
"niggers" is what Strom actually said.
As always, the networks are covering
up Republican racism and they shouldn't be.
History should not be "fixed" to help
the illegal party in power.
Strom said what he said, and if his handlers
want to apologize for his using the word "nigger"
let them stand up like men instead of having
the networks and talk radio play fucking "pretend" about it.
(Bart does a shot...)
Look, I'm in a good mood after my luck with
Rio negotiations, so I'll let you off easy.
But this should teach you a lesson - don't
EVER go up to the other guy and say he can't back it up
unless you're rock f-ing solid that you
have him by the balls. You always want to be the guy proposing
the bet - you never want to be the guy
the bet - you'll always lose that way.
...by the way, I should mention that I'm sure about what Strom said because I have the tape.
Jon Stewart played it Wednesday night on
his show - but you, J Carter Vogelsburg, thought the right
thing to do would be to stand up, hail
a crowd call me a liar because I heard the tape before you did?
J. Carter Vogelsburg, I was once young,
excitable and impetuous like you.
You made a really big mistake, but
I'm going to let you off easy.
...and don't let this extremely embarrassing
situation diminish your spirit.
Continue to ask questions, continue to
question those who claim they know the truth.
But next time you take a shot at the boss, come wearing armor.
"I told you there was some Harry Truman
in this George Bush."
-- Paul Harvey, senile horse
molester bragging that the Unelected Moron is
to nuke any country not willing to surrender their oil to his crime
can lie,
can't. Why?
from Unknown in the NYDaily News
"And what about Tom DeLay, that sanctimonious
hypocrite? He and Hyde are in Congress, the very
body that Abrams lied to. Not a peep,
though. So it isn't just about truth. It's about ideology and politics.
These guys will get on the radio with Oliver
North or Gordon Liddy, but they only care about truth,
honesty and the American way when a Democrat's
involved. Republicans can lie, but Democrats can't.
...and the whore press continues to cover for the Illegal B.F.E.E.
The bloodhounds get dilerious when it's a Democrat misdemeanor.
But Republican felonies make them sleepy - and
get covered up.
Two years ago today.....
The Supreme Court handed the presidency to the Unqualified Moron,
and son of the crooked man who appointed them to the highest
court in the land,
reversing 222 years of counting the votes of the people.
They ruled that "counting the votes would harm petitioner Bush,"
thereby admitting he couldn't win without their interference.
This abortion of democracy should never be forgotten or forgiven.
Dear Bart,
On Tavis Smiley's show tonight on NPR, Cornell
West asked,
"Where are the dems? Why aren't they raising
holy hell about this?
Are they going to slough off this racist
remark and conduct business as usual?"
EB, the Democrats are too afraid to
speak - Mr Rove wouldn't like that.
How much longer are we willing to watch our "party leaders" wet
their pants in fear?
I'm getting real sick of being in a party of spineless wimps.
Remember - during impeachment, which was about nothing but "getting
Bill Clinton,"
every day every Republican was red with outrage about some non-story
that day.
But when the Democrats have a real issue - the GOP's overt racism
- they hide under
each other's skirts like Bernie Shaw and cringe in fear that
the GOP might not enjoy criticism.
Yep, I'm getting real sick of being in a party of
pink tutu cowards.
The Hammer is still much too small to make a difference.
Maybe in the year 2052 we'll have enough clout to cause a ripple.
Would somebody with some legal experience click on the link below
and tell me, as Dave says, "Is
this anything?"
If Bush's good puppy press are just refusing to report the facts,
we'll spread this as far as the Internet will go, but so far,
it's an unknown site
with an unverified, unofficial claim and I'm a busy man.
Like the Limbaugh gay prostitute arrest, I keep getting flooded
with these "exposes,"
but I'm not going to give any weight to a story unless I think
it's true.
"If you're a comedian on a show called "Politically
Incorrect," Mr. Bush will hold your feet
to the fire if you say something outrageous.
And if you're the Republican leader of the Senate
and you've repeatedly made racist remarks,
George W. Bush thinks you're his kind of guy."
Paul Begala,
Crossfire, 12/11/02, one of the few with the courage to speak
Isn't it nice, ...how it's Christmas?
Chestnuts roasting ...on an open fire
Jack Frost nippin' ...at your nose
Yuletide carols ...being sung by a choir
And folks dressed up ...like eskimos
Ah, the sounds of Christmas past, written by the one and only
Sitting around the campfire with his daughter Marisa and the other
his beloved family gathered in Desert Palm Damn Hot Springs Desert,
on a hotter-than-Brooke Burke August broiler with a high of 135!!!
Yes, it's true.
That super-classic holiday song was written on the hottest day
in history of Palm Springs.
Ol' Mel knocked back a dozen Fuzzy Navels and chased them with
Yeagermeister shooters,
which just goes to prove, that show biz is the most honest medium
in the world next to politics.
The Christmas Song was written on a day when even the
was dying from the heat.
What does
Marty E! have today?
CBS cuffs 'Robbery Homicide' -
claims Fund-alike's arrest not a factor
Phil Hartman CD coming out
(That's still some sad shit - losing Phil)
Orlando Jones gets an FX talk show
Spock turns flashbulb
Paula Poundstone has her kids back.
(And the lying LA cops can kiss my ass)
Bono corrupting Franklin Graham
Santa Cruz deputized pot growers
(load up the truck, we're moving to Santa Cruz!)
"Bush won't criticize Trent Lott for making
racist remarks. He wouldn't criticize
the bigotry of his buddies at Bob Jones
University, and he won't criticize the
racist symbol on the Georgia flag.
Now what happened to straight talk from
the guy who said he was a uniter, not
a divider?"
--Paul Begala, Crossfire, 12/11/02
That's easy - Bush was never a uniter. He's always been
a racist drunk who never worked
a day in his Richie Rich life of leisure. His good puppy press
crew wet themselves with
self-importance when Smirk gave them all cute lil' nicknames
on the jet Ken Lay provided.
Candy Crowley was particularly under this Dumbass's spell that
Her nickname was "Sugar."
"Ohhhh, Mr. Pres, ...I mean Governor, ...say it again - pleeeease?"
Trent Lott's America
What we missed - not electing Thurmond
Dear Bart:
Sure as hell, we're going to have to fight the "Iraqi Militia" after this is all over.
Scott in Phoenix
Scott, good point.
Bush will arm them, Bush will train them, then they'll turn on
so the B.F.E.E. can make more billions bringing them down.
"People are trying to act like he just said
something out of line.
This is not just an off-color remark.
We're talking about somebody
in power talking about he wished this
was in power."
--Reverend Al Sharpton, Crossfire, 12/11/02
What better Christmas gift could you give?
Set $71.99
Did Richard Pryor do more than any man since MLK to make America
re-thing their racism?
I say yes.
Filmed in 1979, Richard
Pryor - Live in Concert (the first one) is pure
It doesn't get any better than this - this is where stand-up
was reborn, where everything changed.
Sure, his comedy albums had great moments, but this was the first
time America got to see and hear
the funniest man of our time at his best - at his peak.
Eddie Murphy copied this show and got hot.
When Chris Rock is having his best moments, he's wishing this
was his recording.
Before this, comedy was "My wife's cooking
is so bad..." and "My mother-in-law
is so fat..."
In this hour, Pryor rewrote the whole f-ing book of comedy. As
Richard Belzer said in 1998,
"Everybody stole from Richard - and
if you didn't, you probably weren't very funny."
If all you know about Richard Pryor is those lame movies he did
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get this DVD and see why he became known as the funniest man
in America.
He did three of these - #2 and #3 were both good, but this 1979
concert was IT.
Maybe not for Grandma or the kids, but anyone who's cool will love you for this.
Send in your funny/damaging sound files.
What we need is short, short stuff - 30 seconds maximum.
We'll eventually be multi-capable, but for now, send
MP3s only.
Is Bartcop Radio worth $10
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this Book
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cover-up has already started
by Molly Ivins
Kissinger's most notorious crime was the
secret bombing of Cambodia and Laos during Vietnam.
William Shawcross argued persuasively in
his book "Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the Destruction
of Cambodia" that the Cambodian bombing
unleashed the Khmer Rouge on that country -- which,
if true, certainly ups Kissinger's body
He is also a notorious liar. He has lied
repeatedly to Congress, the press and the public; he is a
toady to power and a lackey of the Establishment,
and for many years now the hireling of despotic
regimes around the world. Old Cover-Up
Kissinger, the man who double-crossed the Iraqi Kurds
... just the man to lead an independent
inquiry into 9-11.
"Damn, I wish I had a staff."
-- one pissed off Bart
Everyone is talking about the fantastic column by Bob Hebert (or
of the NYWTimes that claims EVERY Republican is racist.
THIS IS TRUE, but of course, I can't find the damn column.
I've been every f-ing where - it's not on Drudge, not in my 300-so-far-today
not at the NYWTimes web site - and that really pisses
me off.
I would've given (past tense) $20 to find that before I hit "send" on today's issue.
by James Higdon
Strom Thurmond's fifty odd years of government
service is never to be celebrated,
but forever questioned. That is not
to say that Thurmond never performed a laudable
task, but whatever positives there are
must always be balanced against the destruction
that he most certainly caused. And
even more certainly, the racism must never be
excused nor minimized.
"Paul, what's wrong with your stupid party?
You can't trumpet yourselves
as the party of Civil Rights when your
leaders in 2002 are so timid in
responding to racist statements like
Lott's. Lyndon Johnson, himself a
Senate majority leader, would never
have put up with such cowardice."
--Brendon Watson, Crossfire
e-mail, 12/11/02
Brendon is right.
The GOP is a party of racists who fight for their racist beliefs.
The Democrats are a party of cowards who are afraid of their
own shadow.
African Americans stick
with us election after election, but why the fuck should they?
All we do is kick them in the teeth.
I'm so incredibly ashamed to be a Democrat.
The only thing that could be worse would to be a Republican.
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Ho Bennett...
ho...Snow ho...Screamer
...on their knees for Dubya!
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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