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"Why do we keep making political calculations
on issues of what's right and wrong in policy?
Affirmative action is wrong. Saying
it isn't quotas is semantics and newspeak at its worst.
You're counting people up based on
their race, gender or creed. That's a quota."
-- Rush, explaining
how an unqualified idiot like Clarence Thomas could get
a lifetime appointment to an important position like a seat on the
Supreme Court
Right now in K-Drag, it's snowing cats and dogs,
AND we're getting strong, rolling thunder and lightning.
I don't think I've seen/heard that before.
Santa Claus reined in by U.S. border police
Not even Santa Claus can sneak past the
heightened border security of the United States,
as a red-suited -- and red-faced -- John
Fulton found out yesterday to his peril.
Gee, I wonder if they wanted to squeeze his breasts, too...
Subject: Bitburg worse than you remember
Reagan didn't claim to have not known it
was a Nazi cemetery. He was perfectly aware.
He actually gave a speech there, and said
that these Nazis were "victims of the war."
Jim H.
Jim, I'm with you on that, but I'm also very certain the White
House used that
"cloudy day" story afterwards to try and cover things up - and
the press helped.
From Kennedy to Wellstone
researcher raises suspicion
"The party of Lincoln has a serious civil rights
problem needing prompt attention,
and Bush is fooling himself if he thinks
Lott's departure is going to make it go away."
--N.Y. Times Editorial,
of the Guard
Today the Tulsa AM-Nazi station is running the Friday Laura
the Unloved show
where she mentioned her mother's death at the end of the last
In the first hour, a lady called in (not knowing) and said she
worried about having kids because
her mother was such a piece of crap, she wondered if she would
turn into her mother as she got older.
Then she asked Laura if it was possible for a woman to turn out
different from her mother.
You could tell Unloved was choking on the conversation, but she
finally barked
"No, you don't have to turn out like your mother," and cut the
caller loose.
If she was human,
if she wasn't taking millions to lie and slur the innocent
if she wasn't such a horrendous whore for the GOP
if she didn't mangle her braindead callers with such glee...
I could feel sorry for her.
Ann Coulter has a buddy
by Bruce Yurgil
of the Rings
Or ...three hours of head-lopping
She made me go see it.
Oh sure, it's probably the most visually-stunning movie ever
but it just goes and goes and goes. It's
like watching 24
without the stupid blonde.
Jesus, they say everything three times!
This coulda been a taut 2:30 movie, but noooo.
Saying everything three times drags to movie to almost eleven
After a long while, I got bored so I slipped out for a cigarette.
Then I remembered I don't smoke. That pissed me off.
So I snuck into one of the other theaters and watched the new
Star Trek movie.
When it was over, I went back to LOTR, stayed for a while, then
left again to check out
"Gangs of New York," starring Leo and Pipe-stove Boy. When that
ended, I caught
"Maid in Manhattan," and the previews from "Terminator 3" and
when that finished,
I went back to meet Mrs. Bart and catch the last part of LOTR
At least it was nearing the end...there was only two hours minutes left, so I stayed.
Maybe I'm just getting old and losing my hearing, but I couldn't
hardly understand anything that was
said by the tree people or Gollum, the Evil One, who crept up
and slipped away with her-errr, her-errr,
but don't go by me. Dedicated "Ringers" say this was a really
good Installment Two.
"The goals for this country are peace in the
world. And the goals
for this country are a compassionate
American for every single citizen."
-- Too stupid to be president,
Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2002
Mail Bag
Bart- This is a well-researched piece on Dubya and "Big Brother"
Go to: whiterosesociety.org
Then click on George W Bush and 1984: You decide.
(Five easy steps for turning America into a totalitarian state.)
It's long (17 minutes) but holds your attention.
Odigo says workers were warned of 9-11 attack
Odigo, the instant messaging service, says
that two of its workers received messages two hours
before the Twin Towers attack on September
11 predicting the attack would happen, and the
company has been cooperating with Israeli
and American law enforcement, including the FBI,
in trying to find the original sender of
the message predicting the attack.
"It has been so cold in New York lately, hasn't
Today it was so cold, Michael Jackson
was dangling his kids indoors."
-- Dave
Lott Says He Fell Into Enemies' 'Trap'
Trent Lott (R-Racist), said Sunday that
he had fallen into a "trap"
set by his political enemies and had "only
myself to blame."
Boy, I wish I could get some of whatever Trent Lott is smoking.
On Music
(Just to make Rude Rich's skin crawl...)
I've never been Fleetwood Mac's Number One Fan, but besides all
the big hits
they've done that we all like, there's a little-known song they
did called Rhiannon.
I don't own much Mac, so I'm going out on a limb, here.
But this Rhiannon song was, in my opinion, their White Album,
...they're Stairway.
It's been about 18-20 years, but I have this video on F MAC doing
and it's just about the most g-damn exciting live performance
you've ever seen.
(What's wrong with American groups? Why can't they perform
like the Englishters?)
Odds are you don't know the song, but towards the end, there's
this "go nuts" part,
where Stevie Nicks went nuts, and put her heart on
the stage for somebody to stomp on.
So Sunday night we're watching some cable channel and they're
doing some live MAC,
and I told Mrs. Bart "It's been 15-20
years since I heard me a good Rhiannon."
Things is, I've only heard one live Rhiannon ever, and look what happened...
They had a second live tape of Stevie Nicks moving thru
I'm old enough to be Indiana Jones, and this is the second
time I've heard Rhiannon live.
God's truth be known, I liked the first performance better, but
overall, this was a better band
performance, a better night for Stevie's voice, we got a better
look at wacky Mick on drums,
this was a better overall performance than the super performance
I've been watching all these years.
Rhiannon is the best Fleetwood Mac ever, and I'm so old
I remember the original Fleetwood Mac
with that Peter Best guy -what was his name? The original
leader of Fleetwood Mac left and the
next album is when they hit - BIG-time. Poor bastard has
to live with that forever.
Subject: reach around = considerate
Hey, Bart.
I guess you were going for a euphemism for
"&*^%ing working families
up the @$$", but your use of "reach-around"
was odd.
The way I've heard it used is, "He'd give
a reach-around," meaning he's an alright,
considerate guy, or, "He wouldn't give
a reach around," meaning he's a selfish prick.
I guess because it's just basic courtesy
to get your partner off. (Why I, as a woman,
know this term at all is beyond me.)
So while I get the implication of the ordinary people
getting screwed, there's nothing even marginally
courteous or considerate about what
Enron and Bush did. It was a no-reach-around
(please don't print my address)
ha ha
I hope you believe me when I confess that I know less about "reach-arounds"
than you.
I heard the term for the first time a month or three back.
Some guy mention that X "didn't even get a reach-around."
I didn't know what that meant, so I asked.
The reply said, "While a guy's getting
raped, the rapist gives him a helping hand."
I'm still not sure what that means, but the term sounded funny.
My euphasism was meant to confer that while Smirky Mc Warhardon
is emptying the US Treasury,
he at least is giving us the "reach-around" of cute little nicknames
for the White House press corp,
and he always has a smile and a mangled quote for NBC, CBS, ABC,
CNN and the harlots at FOX.
A Tulsa company, Cunnigham Jewelers, has been advertising
if you buy diamonds from them in the month of December,
your money is refunded in full if it rains or snows on
Christmas Day.
Local weathermen are guaranteeing a white Christmas, (6-12 inches)
so it looks
like Santa may be delivering nothing but coal to the Cunningham
family this year.
"Engaging in an obsessive campaign of domestic
spying, assassinating American citizens,
provoking baseless wars and furiously
unraveling civil protections and rights that we hold dear,
George W. Bush's ersatz presidency
is working hard to transform the United States from a
law-abiding republic into a postmodern
blend of late Soviet totalitarianism and Gold Rush-era
company town...Years after Bush is
gone, we'll be paying off the debts he ran up and the
lawsuits brought by those whose rights
he violated."
-- Ted Rall
Subject: let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
hey, bart
Although I know that snows brings Oklahoma to
a virtual stop, I love it.
No sleet here, just rain turning to snow ...
big puffy flakes of it ... just in time for xmas.
pretty cool.
hope you and your family have a peaceful holiday
and a year full of laughter
and riches (at least enough to quit that day
thanks for everything. You and your site and the
links you provide have enriched and
enlightened and amused me. We don't agree on
everything, but how dull that would be if we did.
The key is to agree on the important things ...
freedom of speech, the exposure of the BFEE
and their nefarious schemes, voicing our views
to "our" elected reps (and holding them accountable
as much as we can), and keeping our civil liberties
safe from theft by ashcroft and his cronies.
That and rooting for OSU in Houston and OU in
Pasadena (near where I used to live).
I know I should have wanted OU to go to the national
championship, but I think I'll like
this game more and I'm pretty sure the coaches
and players won't mind south california too much. ;-)
have a safe holiday and keep hammering
Ducks at OU
Ducks, since you wrote that, the snow has doubled.
It can't snow at a more rapid rate than what we're getting right now.
Mrs. Bart saw it coming, so she bought $100 worth of groceries and I
a trip to the spirits store. This would be the wrong time to be Chinaco-free
Tulas's biggest concentration of high dollar
stores is a two-mile stretch from
Memorial to Garnett on 71st St. That area's
phone service is provided by GE telephone
and the city of Broken Arrow. Right now, all
phones are dead there, which means
none of those hundreds of stores can call
in credit card charges - wow!
Good thing, with the Smirk economy, not many people are shopping these last few days.
Have a great holiday.
Tax advice - only a few more days for 2002!
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you'll probably go to Heaven
Remember - it pays to advertise on bartcop.com - read by dozens.
Weekend Sports Update
Dallas lost, that's all that matters.
"You and I as individuals can, by borrowing,
live beyond our means,
but for only a limited period of time.
Why, then, should we think that
collectively, as a nation, we are not
bound by that same limitation?"
-- Red-Ink Reagan, first inaugural
address, 1981
They say Red-Ink spent more money than every
president from Washington thru Carter,
but it's good to know he once recognized
the dangers of spending money we don't have.
Too bad The Chimp doesn't believe that.
VCR Alert
HBO is running a Sopranos marathon.
I don't think they've ever done that before.
Starting Thursday and running thru December 30, they're playing
back-to-back episodes of the fourth season every night.
The battle between Ralphie and Tony is the best fight ever filmed,
plus the next show
where Christopher gets his "intervention" were the highlights
of this year's TV season.
If you missed out - this is your chance.
Letters to the Editor
Lott troubles no surprise
Let's put Senator Lott's comments in context: Remember, these
the guys who honestly believe that diveristy means having a
ticket with two white guys from two different oil companies.
Too many guns, too little food.
Growing up, I remember our teachers telling us that the reason
the communist countries
were so impoverished is that they spent so much money on guns
and weaponry that there
wasn't much left to buy food. Are we headed down that same road?
Star Wars? Again?
How can we be falling for this same trick?
How practical is it to spend billions on a "space shield" when
four terrorists
with enough money to pay for flying lessons can bring a nation
to its knees
when the president is stupid and on vacation all the time?
Have a job opening? Need a job?
Click Here
to e-mail your resume to Ed.
Send him whatever details you want published.
CrimQuips by Barry Crimmins
Last week's roundup of Middle Eastern men
on the West Coast is one of Bush's "faith-based initiatives."
The several hundred men subscribe to the
wrong faith so W's people took the initiative to violate their
human rights by imprisoning them without
due process.
Monday E! page
Lady Bird Johnson
Paul McCartney
Jimmy Page
King Tut's tomb
Baron Dave Romm at the 2004 Marscon
"How in the world did this happen? Once upon
a time, federal government deficits were
denounced by St. Ronald as a focus
of evil barely less threatening than communism itself.
Now that concern is mocked by a Republican
White House as the nonsensical "fixation"
of a previous Democratic administration.
In recent weeks the term "Rubinomics" has spread
through the press like a rash—promoted
by people who apparently believe that the best way to
discredit anything is to associate
it with Bill Clinton. They are not deterred by the inconvenient
fact that the economy did rather well
under Clinton and Rubin—better than under either of the
Bushes or Reagan himself. Even more
astonishing is that the Republican propaganda machine
is trying to stamp "Clinton" all over
one of the cornerstones of Reaganism."
--Michael Kinsely, former
liberal, on Slate.com
You gotta get this book!
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New Years
My New Years resolution is to build bartcop.com
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"I am personally tired of being embarrassed
by people who don't get what
the history of race in America is,
what integration has meant, what segregation was.
I'm tired of being embarrassed by Republicans
who don't get it."
-- Peggy Noonan to Chris the Screamer, 12/22/02
Mark this day, December 23, 2002.
It was the day when we read something written
by Peggy Noonan that wasn't extra-stupid.
The Clash's Joe Strummer Dies at 50
Joe Strummer, frontman with the Clash whose
1979 track "London Calling" exploded
as one of punk's biggest anthems, has died
at the age of 50, a spokesman said on Monday.
The singer, guitarist and songwriter died
on Sunday at his home in Somerset of unknown causes.
"We do not yet know the cause of death, but we
believe it was not suspicious
and that he passed away peacefully," the
spokesman said.
"The Clash are to be inducted into the Rock
and Roll Hall of Fame next year and there was hope
that there would be a reunion and a tour...this
must be especially sad for their fans," said Pat Gilbert,
editor of British music magazine Mojo.
"The Clash was the greatest rock band. They wrote
the rule book for U2. It's such a shock " said Bono,
who had been working with Strummer on an
AIDS awareness song.
"The Clash will be endlessly influential. They
will always be one of the deathless rock bands.
If they can influence people especially
in this age of manufactured pop music then God bless him,
he's left something imperishable," said
Bob Geldolf.
From The Nation
Strummer and The Clash created perhaps the
most powerful, politically-charged pop music
in the history of the recording industry,
literally changing the lives of a generation inspired by
the band's energy, honesty and recognition
of the inherent contradictions of trying to be a
dissident in modern capitalist society.
In 1980, I was the good little finance manager, screwing ignorant
Okie customers for whitey.
Heaven forbid you fall behind in your payments, because it was
my job to convince you to give us
a second mortgage to use as collateral so we could consolidate
your debts and I was good at my job.
Of course, at 21 percent, with your home as collateral, it was
a cash cow for my Republican overlords
and if you got behind a second time, they'd simply take your
When I got thru a day doing that, it was always a relief to get
home, drink one, smoke one,
and listen to The Clash rage against whitey's screwed
up machine.
The Call Up
It's up to you not to heed the call-up
'N' you must not act the way you were brought
Who knows the reasons why you have grown up?
Who knows the plans or why they were drawn
It's up to you not to heed the call-up
I don't wanna die!
It's up to you not to hear the call-up
I don't wanna kill!
For he who will die
Is he who will kill
Maybe I wanna see the wheatfields
Over Kiev and down to the sea
All the young people down the ages
They gladly marched off to die
Proud city fathers used to watch them
Tears in their eyes
There is a rose that I want to live for
Although, God knows, I may not have met her
There is a dance an' I should be with her
There is a town - unlike any other
It's up to you not to hear the call-up
'N' you must not act the way you were brought
Who give you work an' why should you do it?
At fifty five minutes past eleven
There is a rose...
We'll be locked in the house until the 26th.
I think I'll drink one, smoke one and play some Clash
and watch the snow fall.
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ho...Screamer ho...Pigboy
...on their knees for Dubya!
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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