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"...our reporting - which is not at all like
bartcop.com's clearly anti-Republican,
sensationalistic one-or-two-liner journalism
- is thorough, carefully researched
and as informed as we can make it.
That is our only bias.
--Gloria Hammond, Editorial
Offices, TIME Magazine (R-For sale) explaining in a
to a just-cancelled subscriber that they weren't really gushing with praise
over the unelected fraud and his puppetmasters in the November 18th issue
they Aced
their Midterms"
Ms. Hammond also said if you want to cancel your
subscription to TIME
call 1-800-541-2000 and tell them you want a refund.
Thanks to Steve and Aletta
Ten Conspiracy Theories of 2002
by Mike Ward, PopMatters
For these reasons and hundreds of others,
the year following September 11 has seen
probably the most staggering proliferation
of "conspiracy theories" in American history.
Angry speculation - focused mainly on government
dirty dealings, ulterior motives, and
potential complicity in the attacks - has
risen to a clamor that easily rivals what followed
the Kennedy assassination. Some of these
suppositions are patent balderdash. But many
others are coherent and well argued, and
cite disconcerting reports from the U.S. corporate
media and respected overseas news desks
to support their claims.
Tonight on CBS
Account Of Moral Bankruptcy
'Crooked E': The Enron Story As a Parable
for Our Times
by Tom Shales
"The story wouldn't be worth telling in such
detail, the movie makes clear, if it weren't emblematic
of a wider regulatory permissiveness --
which the movie implies was largely the work of the Reagan
and first Bush administrations -- that
allowed corporate pirates to run riot. Corporate rights suddenly
superceded the public interest, and the
fat cats feasted."
Fade to White
Sometimes in the halls of Congress, a clueless
colleague would make a point of introducing him
to a black constituent, as if the constituent
and Watts had to be long-lost friends, members of
some club who might slap-five. Watts would
grin and bear it.
Far more damaging were Watts's tangles with
Tom DeLay, his frustration at his lack of clout
within the Republican leadership and his
growing sense that he wasn't being treated with the
same respect as other House leaders."
I know something Uncle OJ doesn't know...
I know how the GOP talks about him when he's not in the room.
...or maybe he knew, and just got tired of it.
"Brett Favre is Brett Favre,
and he's going to do what he's going
to do."
-- John Madden, showing us why he gets the big bucks
"I think I'm getting the picture. North Korea
breaks all its nuclear agreements with the United States,
throws out UN inspectors and sets off to
make a bomb a year, and Bush says it's "a diplomatic issue".
Iraq hands over a 12,000-page account of
its weapons production and allows UN inspectors to roam
all over the country, and – after they've
found not a jam-jar of dangerous chemicals in 230 raids – Bush
announces that Iraq is a threat to America,
has not disarmed and may have to be invaded.
So that's it, then...
Why do we tolerate this?
Why do Americans?
The Washington Post has at last decided
to tell its own readers a bit of what was going on. The reporter
Michael Dobbs includes the usual weasel
clauses ("opinions differ among Middle East experts... whether
Washington could have done more to stop
the flow to Baghdad of technology for building WMD"), but
the thrust is there: we created the monster
and Mr Rumsfeld played his part in doing so.
It's about greed.
You can make more by lying than reporting the truth.
The Washington Post made $150M last year.
They could have been an honest paper with integrity and only
made $148M a year.
Those hundreds of employees sell their integrity so the stockholders
make a few more dollars.
...and TIME Magazine - there's another gaggle of soulless prosititutes.
2001 had a news event that changed America overnight, and the
person, for better or worse,
who had the biggest impact on America tast year could only
have been Bush's buddy Osama.
But TIME Magazine is run by Republican bean-counters. Why
should they have any integrity?
They don't get paid to have integrity, they get paid to increase
net profits, and they have.
I think bartcop.com has more integrity than TIME Magazine.
“We're told this is going to be a cakewalk
if we do this war.
Cheney and Bush ran against the Clinton
military, saying it
was at the lowest readiness since Pearl
So I guess Rumsfeld is a genius.”
--Al Franken, on Rummy's bragging he can handle
two major wars at once
W. Bush's Constitution
I'm so old, I remember when the Constitution meant something
'In addition to Mr. Mobbs's pieces of paper,
the government prosecutor
also told Judge Doumar that the Defense Department
had to hold Hamdi
for interrogation. And since the war on terrorism
has no defined end in
sight, he must be "detained" indefinitely.
Said Judge Doumar: "How long does it take to question
a man? A year?
Two years? Ten years? A lifetime? How long?"
Under this intensive fire, the prosecutor, Gregory
G. Garre, assistant to
Ted Olson, had only this response:
"The present detention is lawful."
As Judge Doumar said after he had denounced the
two-page declaration:
"So the Constitution doesn't apply to Mr. Hamdi?"'
Subject: Bush Protest, Ljubljana, Slovenia Nov. 9, 2002
Dear Bartcop,
This picture was actually taken the day
after on a Sunday morning,
outside the main cathedral. Slovenia is
a beautiful country.
Have a job opening? Need a job?
Click Here
to e-mail your resume to Ed.
Send him whatever details you want published.
Guest Editorial
Ultimate Wargasm
by Dragon5
What is it that our illustrious commander
in chief has always fantasized about?
What does George W. want more than anything
else ?
He wants to experience the ultimate wargasm.
All he thinks about is thrusting deep into
Come on George, there are plenty of other
countries to obliterate, playing favorites just is not fair!
By the way George, is that Tony Blair lurking
in your shadow waiting for sloppy seconds?
Lets face it Iraq is not exactly virgin
territory! Saddam Hussein has done things to Iraq and its people
that you have not dreamed of! If you want
to know about those sordid activities; ask your dad,
George the first. His hands are not exactly
what I would call sqeaky clean.
I know that George is only doing what any
self-righteous born again, and again, and again,
hypo-christian would do.You after all must
do everything within your God given power to save these
wretched unAmerican heathens from themselves
and such foolishness as living one's life according one's
own beliefs. Life, liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness is not and should not be strictly limited to Americans
andGod's/George's chosen ones! After all,
America created its God in its own image.
Like Santa Claus being brought to us courtesy
of Coca Cola and Madison Avenue, the new and improved
all-American GOD has been created to help
hypo-christians get safe and restful absolution.
Warning: May be habit forming.
Note: Prolonged use may cause abnormally
high self-righteous delusional states and a false sense of superiority.
Prolonged use has also been linked to moral,
spiritual, and intellectual impotency and constipation.
To avoid harmful side effects do not take
with other subverted, perverted and or hypocritical ideologies, theologies.
Not recomended for the few true Christians
who still inhabit this small planet. If they haven't been, they should
listed as an endangered species.
George, my hypocrisy goes only so far; but yours is obviously limitless.
Even if GOD doesnt bless George's great
jingoistic crusade with the holy underwriters seal of approval,
I am sure that you will boldly march onward
into abyss.
Just remember kill, kill, kill them all and God will sort them out!
Thanks a Lott, George
E! page
Censored Mummers - nuns in go-go cages not allowed
'P. Diddy' vacationing with Brooke Shields
Sammy Sosa is pregnant
Willow Bay's show canceled (husband is Disney CEO Bob Iger)
Will the plug be pulled on 'Voter News Service'?
HBO airs the first episode for the last season of 'Oz'
up is hard to do
Boys who kill animals soon move on to people
"...when he was a kid, George W. enjoyed
putting firecrackers into frogs, throwing them in the air,
and then watching them blow up. Should
this be cause for alarm? How relevant is a man's childhood
behavior to what he is like as an adult?
And in this case, to what he would be like as president...
George's childhood friend, Terry Throckmorton,
openly and laughingly admits, "We were terrible to animals."
"Bush is working for the American people, unlike
Bush sees the office as a form of responsibility.
Clinton got in office with cigars and
said, 'Let the good times roll. "
--Bill O'Reilly, s-p-i-n-n-i-n-g
for the Republicans again, State Theatre in Easton, 01/04/03
Hey, Bill - suck on this:
Bush is an incompetent and arrogant
prick who is always on vacation.
After 9-11, how can you say Bush takes
He read the damn catterpillar story for
another 25 minutes after the second plane hit.
Lastly, the cigar reference was real cute,
He's been gone two years and you still
can't let go of Clinton's penis.
A special shout out to "Petaluma," for saving my sanity.
I was adrift, and you threw me a lifeline.
Write to me so I can thank you in person.
Just when you thought Rush couldn't get any worse...
Who said it?
"The hammer is the most important tool a builder has."
Tom DeLay
Harry Truman
Bush, nursing a bloody thumb
"The American people expect and deserve the
members of Congress
to find our common ground where we
can for the American people.
But where we cannot, they expect
us to stand our ground."
New House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
Since we have no testosterone in this party of pink tutus, let's try some estrogen.
If Smirky is an unelected fraud, how did
Ralph Nader help him win the election
by stealing votes from Gore? If the
BFEE controlled the Florida election apparatus,
the media and the Supreme Court, then how
is Nader responsible?
Saying Nader was responsible simply because
he campaigned convincingly
enough to get 2 million people to believe
that he could do a better job is
to let everyone else off the hook.
Eric, you only read the short version of that rant. We've been
over it many
times in the last 26 months. There were many reasons for Gore's
and Gore's ineffective campaign would probably be factor Number
Nader was a factor, not the factor.
The paid-for riots that shut down the counting was a reason,
the Democrats wanting Thankgiving off instead of countring votes
was a reason,
the Republicans wanting it more than we did was a BIG
the whore court, intervening to favor their unelected candidate,
Daley and Torricelli calling for Gore to concede didn't help,
of course...
The worst part about Nader is he's offering to help Bush in 2004,
(I'll believe Michael Moore learned his lesson.)
Get this book!
I sent an e-mail to my good friend Michael
He's the angry, white, Clinton-hater and former 700 Club religio-nut
who does afternoon drive on one of the Clinton-hating AM channels..
In his defense, he's had the stones to read some of my faxes on
the air...
I wonder if he'll read this one?
Mike, how have you been?
I had a question or two:
Your new promo says "abortion is murder."
If that's true, your president married
a woman who is in favor of murdering
innocent unborns, just like Dubya's mother.
Could you comment on that?
Second, I heard you say that George W Bush
is a man of honesty and integrity.
If that's true, why can't he answer the
"How many times have you been arrested?"
Going back twenty years to investigate Clinton's
love life was our business,
but Bush's arrest record is not?
I listen every day, at least until you start
in with the religion.
Wish you could limit that to just half
of your show.
Of course, he can't read that on the air.
People might expect answers those two easy questions, but he
can't answer those questions.
How could he?
Since Pickles is pro-choice,
DelGiorno's logic tells us she supports murder.
And what can he say about Bush's arrest record?
Nobody can say anything because nobody knows anything
because that's the past,
so it's none of our damn business so just shut the hell up, got
Ken Starr rooting thru Hillary's panty drawers was very
important three years ago,
but the number of felonies committed by President Dim Son is
a private, family matter?
How do we stand for this?
How can the Democrats possibly be this timid?
BTW, you conservatives - send in your questions.
Stump me
"The Iraqi regime is a threat to any American
and to threats who are friends
of America."
-- Much too stupid to be president, Fort Hood, Jan. 3, 2003
Conservatives, GOP Visibility
Ways to Make African Americans More Integral to Party
"This is serious," Williams said. "There was
a tide of change after Trent Lott. I asked if I should
look at him as majority leader, and I
said, 'No, he's a man who just made a very racist comment.'
I believe in this party, and it can never,
ever give the impression that certain people are not welcome.
And this Trent Lott thing created it in
black people's minds."
horse shit
Armstrong Williams is an Uncle Tom sellout, stabbing his own people
in the back for money.
He's lying so whitey will like him and reward him
for being "one of the good ones."
Lott didn't "create" any impressions in the minds of black Americans.
What a damn stupid thing to say!
He reminded them how openly racist the Republicans (and
many Americans) still are.
Williams is at least 55, so he remembers segregated drinking
fountains and bathrooms.
Maybe he thinks every black person over 40 forgot they
were once treated as objects?
Why would he tell such a clumsy lie - that Lott created this impression?
we give up?
should we fight back?
If we had BartCop Radio, supported by 25 cents a day subscriptions,
couldn't shut us up.
There's nothing they could do to make us stay quiet.
We don't need a license.
We don't have to answer to the FCC
No standards and practices committee to outwit.
No censorship, no politically correct "net nannies" barking "You
can't say that."
Is bartcop.com worth $5
a month?
Is the freedom to say anything we want worth five or ten dollars?
Here to go crazy and help get BartCop Radio
on the Internet
"We are engaging in scapegoat foreign policy.
One minute it's bin Laden, the next
minute it's Saddam.
As long as we're looking for the boogeyman,
we won't see
what's going on in the country he's
not dealing with.''
--Rev. Al Sharpton, at a Boston
rally, 01/04/03
Geez, how weird is it when Sharpton starts making sense?
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Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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