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“I view this as an opportunity to bind together
nations in the neighborhood
and around the world to make it clear
to the North Koreans that we expect
this issue to be resolved peacefully
and we expect them to disarm — we
expect them not to develop nuclear
--Dubya, listing the expectations
of a foolish fool
Two Front War
The war in Iraq will be a two front war.
One against Iraq - and one against the American People.
This war is nothing but a cover up to distract
attention from the fact that Bush and his corporate buddies
are looting the American people. It is
also a ploy to take away our freedoms and liberties and turn America
into a Communist like country. Our allies
fear us as well they should. We are a nation gone mad. We are
now the bad guys. This war is so dishonest
that it shocks the mind. I can not live this lie.
The time has come for every freedom loving
citizen who cares about America to rise up against this
government and take back the liberty our
founding fathers died for. Today I burn the American Flag
to honor those who died for our freedom
and to send a message to Washington that we will not support
an artificial war and we will not participate
in the madness. I burn the flag to express the shame I feel about
what we are becoming. I burn the flag because
I am a patriot, and because I love what America used to be,
and because I care, and because it is the
honest thing to do. The time for revolution is at hand. Iraq is our
enemy - but Bush is our greater enemy.
San Francisco, CA
"I used to like Oprah, but now she thinks she's
a prophet.
But Rosie O'Donnell is 100 times worse.
She's the meanest bitch in show business."
-- Jimmy Kimmel, Playboy interview
What Went Wrong?
Why Voter News Service had to be put to sleep
"...early exit-polling data indicated that Erskine
Bowles was leading
Elizabeth Dole in the North Carolina senatorial
race. As the day
progressed and more exit-poll data was
added, that margin grew.
However, when the actual votes were tallied,
Dole won the election
by almost 200,000 votes, a convincing victory."
This happened in race after race, all over the country.
go there, Bart.
Dubya beat us fair & square.
He's smarter than all of us."
Boos for Bush silenced at AMA?
When Alabama received an award at the American
Music Awards, the elder Bush’s
face appeared on screen, [and] his image
was met with a loud chorus of boos.
One source says Randy Owen, the lead singer
for the band, was “pretty shaken”
by the crowd’s reaction.
The boos from the crowd, however, were not
audible in the broadcast,
leading some to believe that they were
deleted by censors.
“To be honest, I can’t tell you,” a spokesman
for ABC told The Scoop,
Trust me - that's a "Yes."
It's no longer legal to boo a Bush.
"At their core, the Michigan policies amount
to a quota system that
unfairly rewards or penalizes prospective
students based solely on their race."
-- Dubya, who was handed the
presidency because he was rich - what's the difference?
Rush and his Nazi cohorts keep calling the UN inspectors in Iraq
and "bumbling," because they
couldn't find any WMD anywhere in Baghdad or Iraq.
This is false bullshit.
The Illegal President (Saddam won his election) says he knows
"for sure"
that Saddam has the WMD, so why doesn't he just tell Hans Blix
where they are?
All he's gotta to is get the bills of lading from Halliburton
and The Carlyle Group
and see exactly where the WMD were delivered and have the inspectors
go there next.
You see?
It's that easy.
Pop Quiz for George Bush
Reporter: Mr President, is Canada north or south of the United States?
Pres Moron: President Zedillo is a good friend of mine.
It was the worst West Wing ever
Why in the wide, wide world of sports did Mr Sorkin think we wanted
to spend an hour with CJ's extra-cranky Alzheimer's daddy?
I don't care what show it is - I hate getting into the
character's personal lives.
That's why C.S.I. is the biggest show on television
(plus other reasons),
they don't intoduce us to the character's extra-cranky Alzheimer's
Oh, and before someone says, "But Bart,
Alzheimers is a painful reality for many people.
There must be thousands of people going
thru what CJ's going thru."
Well, sure, but there are also thousands of women having abortions
and hemorrhoid-ectomies,
but I don't want to watch CJ have to endure going thru either
one of those, either.
People turn on their TVs to escape, not to wallow in someone's
During the show, they ran a promo for Law & Order,
top-rated show."
Gee, do you think that might be because we don't go home with
Jack and Lenny?
Mr. Sorkin, Mr. Wells, Mr. Schlamme - please go back to
political intrigue.
Give us face-to-face showdowns where Washington careers are made
and destroyed.
Give us arm-twisting, give us threats and blackmail and political
You can even use more cast-offs from Sports Night, I
take all that criticism back,
but please spare us another wasted hour of the hell some
character escaped from.
Also, just for me - could you have Charlie kick that smart-ass
Frenchie down some steps?
Me and President Bartlet would really appreciate that.
peace protest in Los Angeles
Largest Anti-War Rally in LA since Vietnam
Click Here
for more
them! Kill them all right now!
don't need no damn protesting!
marching in the streets?
wanna kill!
me is helping AlQaeda!
wanna kill!
the "safety of America"
wanna kill!
From: charlie austin
ha ha
The right finally gets up the courage to debate and they sent this guy.
"If there is one basic element in our Constitution,
it is civilian control of the
--President Harry Truman
...and now, the military is controlled
and they'll sacrifice our brave men for
more drilling opportunities
From: mark crispin miller
Subject: Bush's 'Re-Elect'
numbers drop to 36%
Bush's "approval" rating is down to 58%
in the latest Gallup Poll, but that's not the
number that matters to political professionals.
The important number is his "re-elect",
and that stands at a dismal 36%,
with 32% "definitely" voting for someone else,
and 31% undecided. W's 36% puts him BELOW
the 37% of the vote that Poppy
got in losing to Bill Clinton in 1992 -
the lowest re-election vote in 80 years.
W's "re-elect" numbers are dismal, and if
it was a Democrat they'd be saying he's "toast."
Hey Charlie Cook, Stu Rothenberg, Bill
Schneider, etc. - quit hiding Bush's dismal "re-elect" numbers!
"We have already lost enormous amounts of goodwill
and esteem all over the world.
We are the saber-rattlers here; we
are the aggressors, and the world knows it.
The indifference of this administration
to the opinions of the rest of the world is astonishing.
After 9-11, we threw away more goodwill
and sympathy than you can imagine by switching
from the hunt for Al Qaeda to this
ancillary (if that) mission to get rid of Saddam Hussein."
--Molly Ivins, Demand peace: workingforchange.com
GOP is so misunderstood
Bush's "reach out" is just a "reach around"
Bush's team knows black unemployment
is always higher than for whites
Bush also understands that his
kind refuse to hire black people.
Bush also wants to cut "worthless
social programs," which means cutting
job training programs, days care centers and battered
women's shelters.
Bush is trying to keep black
people out of the University of Michigan.
So, Bush doesn't want them to have jobs,
doesn't want them to have training
and he doesn't want them to get an education.
I guess, like with the poor and the gays, Bush wants blacks to "knock it off."
On Thursday's vulgar Pigboy show, a guy called in and said
applicants to UM
get points for being an alumni, points for
being rich contributors, points for being
an athlete and, apparently, points for being a
Instead of suggesting they do away with the point system,
Bush looks for the tiny slice
that's helping black people get ahead and charges after
it. Bush will order Ted Olson
to order Scalia and the partisan gang of thugs to stop
any black person wanting an education.
George's right-wing base loves it when he sends them this message.
"Won't no niggers get ahead while I'm president!"
Has Bush been good for the Dow?
Clinton's 12,000 has turned into Bush's 8,400.
When Clinton was President, he raised taxes on the super-rich
- and what happened?
He created 22,000,000 jobs.
When the Illegal Usurper stole his way into power vis his crooked
crime family,
he cut taxes on the super-rich and look what happened?
The effects of that voodoo decision are rippling thru all fifty states and foreign markets, alike.
Unka Dick, maybe I can help - I'm from Texas!
...this Bluebonnet Plague that's going around?
...look for a blue flower.
looks like Pickles's Sunday go-to-church hat.
how'd I do?
I help any?
...why are you crying Unka Dick?
I say something sad?
Subject: Dr. Laura on Larry King last night
from CNN's online biograhy Picture from the Dr
Laura Parody Page
Last week, Laura the Unloved exploited more publicity from her mother's
She very tearfully told the story that of all her Hollywood
friends, of all her friends in the GOP,
in the NRA, in BIG OIL, in BIG Religion and in BIG Cancer, ...it was
Larry King who called first!
And, Laura told her listeners, Larry was such a dear and close friend,
all the time he talked to her
he did not ask her to come on his show and talk about what had
just happened to her.
Larry - my hero.
So then, a couple of days later, she announced that she's going to be on Larry's show tonight.
Golly gee, maybe their agents put guns to their heads and MADE them
do this show together?
Ya think?
And - you're not going to believe this - Hell, Laura has a new
book coming out,
called "Ten Stupid Things Hippocites
to Profit from Tragedy."
I've seen less-clumsy hand jobs on HBO's Oz.
“You could make the argument that all cars
consume gas, so even if you're
driving a smaller car you're still
supporting terrorism -- only less so. But I
would say that we need more Americans
to drive hybrid gas-electric cars
because those only support terrorism
when you're going up a hill.”
--Jon Stewart, who keeps getting better
Wednesday, we inadvertantly mis-identified the producer of
It's by Symbolman
All props to Symbolman
bartcop.com regrets the error
Bush in
the Texas Air Guard
Dueling Quotes
"The previous administration I give great credit
to for freezing that
plutonium site. Lots of
nuclear weapons were not made because of
the Agreed Framework and the
work of President Clinton and his team."
-- Colin Powell
"Everything bad, including North Korea, is
all Bill Clinton's fault."
-- The Bush people following Mr. Rove's orders
Subject: Re: Whining again?
I thought I was rid of you....
ha ha
...go away...bother someone who cares.
Michael DelGiorno,
used to dealing with ditto-monkeys and
yes-men employees
Rush wannabe station manager afternoon
drive for Tulsa's lesser
Nazi AM station, where the news is always
and balanced."
so pretty"
Oklahoma elected a Democrat as governor.
He took office Monday, and Del Giorno is blaming
everything on the guy who's been in office four days.
His good friend Frank Keating bankrupted Oklahoma,
so Mikey blames the guy who took the oath 110 hours ago.
Worse, he's giving out phone numbers of high-ranking Democrats,
and asking his Okie ditto-monkey robots call them and demand
that they
"Stop lying to us!"
...but he sure is good in a debate (snicker...)
Click Here
to listen to Mikey read a fax of mine from the Clinton era.
Have a job opening? Need a job?
Over 30 resumes, but since we're under illegal occupation, nobody is hiring.
Click Here
to e-mail your resume to Ed.
Send him whatever details you want published.
"A new study found that 67 percent of senior
citizens are not happy with
the way TV shows portray elderly people
as feeble-minded and confused.
The other 30 percent of the people
in the survey did not respond because
they were too busy trying to change
the channel on their microwave.
-- Conan
Check Marty's
E! page
Clooney doing Ocean's 12?
Stevie Wonder, Target & a Grammy?
Warrant out for Bobby Brown
(If there was not a warrant out, that would be news)
Michael Jackson dangling his kids off Florida balconies,
searching for a new home so he can be near OJ
Trevor Berbick (beat Ali in 81) deported & wanted in Jamaica.
Dr. Phil renewed for 2 years
...and the ultimate Rolling Stone fan
From: Octo100@aol.com
Subject: Clue for You
You and your allies are total jerks.
Read history, Lenin, Stalin, Mao...etc...
Then tell us all where you wish to live.
You couldn't imagine enough fantasies to
make us "Want" to live in one of your pinko communities.
But since you obviously fancy yourself
"smarter", you think we ARE that stupid.
is now a valid address.
That's what I need - another mailbox to
Please send all BCR
stuff to that address.
Chris the Screamer Drinking Game
as seen on mediawhoresonline.com
“Many investment bankers are salivating over
the potential windfall they could
collect from mergers. At the extreme,
if all the rules under the review were lifted,
it would theoretically be possible
for AOL TIME Warner, (AOL, Warner Bros, CNN,
TIME Mag) to merge with NBC (General
Electric) and radio giant Clear Channel
(Rush, Laura, Harvey, Hannity) and the
New York Whore Times.
-- "FCC faces huge decision" USA
Today, 1/16/03 page B1
This would make Mr Rove's job a lot easier.
He could just make four phone calls instead of ten.
Guess who'll make the decision?
Mike Powell, son of The Colin.
Bush has stacked the non-shadow government with loyalists to the
Koresh knows the shadow government will do anything for
the Bush Reich
president opposes affirmative action
So how does he defend how he got into Yale?
by smoking Joe Conason
Bush's SAT score of 1206, above average
but nowhere near the level needed
for acceptance at an Ivy League school.
(According to Cecil Adams, who writes
the Straight Dope column, Bush's score
was almost 200 points lower than the
average for Yale freshmen circa 1970.)
Bush's middling SAT score, incidentally,
is roughly the same as that for most of
the black students admitted to selective
schools in a major Mellon Foundation study
that began in 1976.
"History will record that the greatest tragedy
of this period
of social transition was not the strident
clamor of the bad people,
but the appalling silence of the good
-- Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr., Time Magazine
But Dr. King, they're all too scared to say anything...
we give up?
should we resist?
I say we fight back!
If we had BartCop Radio, supported by pennies-per-day subscriptions,
couldn't shut us up.
Let's take the fight to them. Pardon my French, but fuck
a bunch of defense.
Let's go on offense and make their heads spin until they're
too dizzy to lie to us again.
Somewhere, a rich liberal telling himself,
"This BartCop Radio thing just might be a
I should send him a check for $50K
just to see what happens."
We're ready Mr Sorkin, Mr Sheen, Mr Baldwin, Mr Williams,
Ms Streisand!
Of course, you'd have no editorial control, but I think you'll
really like the results.
Is bartcop.com worth $5
a month?
Is the freedom to say anything we want worth five or ten dollars?
They own the TV networks, the major papers and talk radio.
The Internet Resistance is all we have.
Click Here to get BartCop Radio sooner rather than later
Thanks to Bruce Yurgil
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com a nickel.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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