We're right - they're wrong
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"This, truly, is a good man … There is a profound
authenticity to him, and a fearlessness too …
More and more this presidency is feeling
like a gift. I felt at the end of the speech not roused
but moved, and it took me a while to
figure out why. It was gratitude. "
--Peggy Noonan, Making Everybody Gag, opinionjournal.com
Bush is fearless, it's because he's never been in a fight that wasn't fixed.
He's never tasted defeat because daddy always purchased victory
for him.
He's never accomplished anything his entire life - he's
a wisp of smoke.
He went to Yale on a legacy.
He joined a National Guard unit that was full, and went AWOL.
He fronted dry oil companies in Texas because daddy bought them
for him.
He "owned" the Texas Rangers because they needed a backslapping
He became governor of Texas because daddy called in some favors
and he stole
the White House because BIG oil knew billions would be
lost if Al screw-the-combustion-engine
Gore won and took America into the future.
He can't spell "cat" when you spot him the "C" and the "A."
He can't chew pretzels without parental supervision and he can't
find Mexico on a map even though he screwed a hundred hookers
Noonan gushes about "a profound authenticity
to him.'
If Bush is so goddamned "authentic," why can't he reveal his
arrest record?
Yahoo Headline
Decision on Iraq to come in 'weeks'
Another lie from an administration of lies
We've already heard the decision to invade Iraq was made September
11th, 2001.
When those planes hit the WTC, Bush, Cheney and Rummy thought,
"We'll blame this on Saddam. This gives
us an excuse to invade Iraq."
This story is over a year old, but Bush's good puppy media still
wants us to think
he's "struggling" over the decision about when and if
to steal that oil.
Remember when we had a president who lied about his ex life,
instead of lying about risking the lives of a half million of
our bravest?
"There will be a reaction to the events in
--Pakistani Foreign Minister Khursheed Kasuri warning
that war casualties could inflame his citizens.
If Pakistan falls to Al Qaeda, and American city will probably
the victim of a nuclear bomb that same year. And when that happens,
Bush and his good puppy media will say it's all the fault of
Bill Clinton.
Remember during the 2000 campaign, when Bush was asked who
was in charge in Pakistan he snipped, "I
don't know, ...do you?"
There are times when I wish I was religious.
Does Nelson Mandela read bartcop.com?
"It is a tragedy what is happening, what Bush
is doing in Iraq.
What I am condemning is that one power,
with a president who has no foresight,
who cannot think properly, is
now wanting to plunge the world into a holocaust."
Go Nelson!
Nelson Mandela is nobody's whore.
I ate a soy burger just now.
Vic said he could make a soy burger that was so good I couldn't
tell it was soy.
I'm glad I didn't bet, because I would've lost.
"And I also want to assure [Italian Prime Minister]
Silvio [Berlusconi] that should
we require military action, shortly
after our troops go in, will go food and medicine
and supplies to the Iraqi people. We
will, of course, win militarily, if we have to."
--Dubya, sounding like Patton, Jan. 30, 2003
Make him stop!
We'll win militarily ...if we have to?
Make him stop!
E! page
Is Shania human?
Tippi Hedren (Birds) got a star
Homer Simpson's e-mail
The White House is afraid of poets
Arnold had surgery (to remove his accent?)
ABC & NBC will have dueling Michael Jackson specials
Mike Tyson and Meg Ryan?
OJ's daughter called the cops!
Congress is picking on Clear Channel (Laura, Pigboy)
Bon Jovi headlining 'Tiger Jam'
...and more!
Subject: Laura Sluttinger
Bart - your wrote:
> "Every time Laura the Unloved screams at some woman on the phone,
> she's actually screaming at her recently deceased mother. That
explains everything."
The article was like a lightswitch - it
makes perfect sense. How can a guy like you,
with no doctorate in physiology, have such
insight into the human psyche?
...ain't nuthin' to it...
In all seriousness, that explains every word I've
ever heard Frau Doktor utter.
The first time I heard her, I was cruising along
a the mountains of Virginny.
Of course the show was like any other. Some apparently
troubled person called in.
The show was filled to the brim with her usual
browbeating and general abuse.
I remember after turning it off that two
questions occurred to me.
First, what sort of person finds themselves in
trouble and thinks of calling Dr. Sluttinger for help?
Do they actually think she helps people?
The second question is what sort of person finds
that show "entertaining".
Is it the same people who call in? Good SHARKEY,
Col. God, if Laura, the abused and unloved,
has achieved her apparent level of success in
the ratings, there are an awful lot of stupid and
self-loathing individuals at low tide running
loose in this country.
Anyway, your article explained exactly why she
acts so damn belligerent all the time.
"There's a -- some of the greatest programs,
initiatives come out of
our faith-based programs or faith-based
churches or synagogues or mosques."
--Dubya, Washington, D.C., Jan. 30, 2003
Oh - My - God.
"faith-based churches?"
He can't be that stupid, ...can he?
It's just not possible that he can be this stupid, is it?
I think I have 100 IQ points on the unelected idiot, and I only
have 64...
Subject: Larry King and Bob Woodward
I watched Bob, "I am a serious big boy journalist"
Woodward on Larry King Monday night.
Bob might as well sit w/ a bucket under
him to catch the spew as he talks about King George II
and what a wonderful man he is. It's downright
disgusting. Woodward, Russert and the rest of
the corporate media shills are a joke.
We no longer have a free press in the USA.
We have a government controlled press.
These pathetic pundits are no more than
stenographers for this administration.
I did notice last night on Donahue that
Tim-meh seemed uncomfortable when Donahue brought up
the meeting between King George and the
corporate stenographers on the morning of the SOTU.
They meet with King George II and then
go out and commence the administration's spin.
They ought to be ashamed.
MM, they're not ashamed - a whore's job is to bring home the cash
and Woodward and Russert are very good at their jobs.
"The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein
because of the nature of Saddam Hussein,
the history of Saddam Hussein and his
willingness to terrorize himself."
--Dubya, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Jan. 29,
These quotes have to be fake!
It's not possible to be this stupid, it's just not!
Crackhead Bob on Howard Stern never said anything that stupid.
Susan McDougal's West Coast schedule
and talking
Dutton's Books of Brentwood, Los Angeles,
February, 4, 7:00 PM
Barnes & Noble Los Angeles on Grove
Street, February 6, 7:30 PM
Borders San Francisco in Union Square,
February 8, 4:00 PM
Barnes & Noble in Emeryville (in the
East Bay), February, 10, 7:00 PM
Borders Seattle on Fourth Avenue, February
12, 2003, 12:30 PM
Elliott Bay Books in Seattle on South Main
Street, February 12, 2003, 5:30 PM
The Practice
As my previous testimony will corrobberate, I think (actress)
Alfre Woodard rules.
She's on this two-parter The Practice, second part
being this coming Monday.
You want to see some great acting?
Part 1
Alfre is a loon who went of her psyche drugs and shot two kids
in the park.
They arrested her, put her on drugs that made her sane, which
meant she was sane
enough for a trial, but the sane Alfre wouldn't have murdered
the two kids - get the picture?
Well mow that she's been convicted, she's due to be executed
next week.
Eleanore figures the only way to save her life is to take Alfre
OFf the sanity drugs,
and let her go crazy before the judge to prove she's not sane
enough to be executed.
If this was almost any other actor, you couldn't
PAY me to watch.
But Monday night, we're going to see Alfre Woodard fall right
off her cracker.
Write this down, she will get the Emmy nomination. Hell,
they should just engrave her name
on the statue now, and I haven;'t even seen her performance yet,
but it will be superb.
Back to Part 1
About halfway thru the episode, on Eleanore's instructions, Alfre
went off her drugs.
ha ha
Alfre was in the early stages of her descent into total madness.
All she needs is Lloyd and a shot of Jack Daniels and Alfre
turns into Jack Nickolson.
She started getting antsy, ...wringing her hands, ...pacing back
and forth across the room,
a little jumpy, ...heightened senses, ...everything she
sees and hears multiplied by ten...
Come Monday, she'll slide all the way into total insanity.
Hey, you kids out there ...flirting with an acting career?
You want to see how it's done?
This is a performance you need to see.
If Leo was here, he'd say, "Watch this!"
I wish I was in California tonight
sharing shots of Chinaco with this guy.
Happy Birthday, Larry-by-the-sea!
"History has called the United States into
and we will not let history down."
--Dubya, Grand Rapids, Michigan,
Jan. 29, 2003
Hey Dumbass!
Tthat was Unka Dick telling you to steal that oil, not history.
2 good 2 be 4 real
"George W. Bush covets the oil in Iraq...
What Bush wants is to get hold of that
--Nelson Mandela speaking at the International Women's
Forum, 01/30/03
Most of the world thinks like Mr Mandela and Ol' Bart.
The American press wants us to think the world is with
Bush on this war.
Everyone knows what a phoney bastard Bush is, but the press props
him up.
Subject: Why hasn't anyone mentioned this?
I've yet to find anyone who was outraged
on the directorial
choices made on ABC during the SoTU address.
When Bush said that he was going to urge
Congress to "eliminate frivolous
malpractice lawsuits," ABC cut to Sen.
John Edwards for a shot of him (seething, I assume).
When the idiot mentioned the words "malpractice"
and "high cost of HMOs,"
why didn't they cut to Frist?
ha ha
Good one!
ABC was waiting for Bush to say, "Kitten
Subject: you dont know what your talking about
If Clinton's tax increases in 1993 (from
everything from social security to gas and cigaretts)
where responsible for the boom time of
the 1990's, then why dont the dems proposd tax
increases now to "save the economy".
Excuse me, but you want to know why the
minority party doesn't propose a bill
that is certain to not make it out of committee,
certain to never get a vote on the floor
and certain to be vetoed by a president
backed by both houses?
What would be the point?
Because Bush is writing the book and they
are playing catch up.
I doubt Bush can read or write.
Dems have not come up with a new idea since
the depression, and even then, it did not work.
ha ha
What a monkey thing to say!
The Depression was caused by a Republican
and fixed by a Democrat, FDR.
(He fixed it with increased government
spending, too)
Kinda like the Reagan/Bush mess was cleaned
up by Clinton, only to have
the Commander in Thief give the surplus
to the super-rich, causing the current recession.
You liberal are just stuck in the past, and conservatives are winning the arena of ideas.
If that's true, why did your side lose the
last three popular votes?
You guys are a laughing stock
Yeah, you may be right about that one.
We are a party of scared and whining ninnies.
I'm glad you got one right.
Scott Gorney
P.S Clinton was elected because he ran on conservative issues
Rush says Clinton was the most leftist, Stalinist, Leninist, reactionary
Maoist of all time,
yet you say he ran on conservative ideas? Which
of you is lying?
...also, he did not win a majority of votes either time.
ha ha
He got a lot more votes than your guy.
Same thing in 1996, same thing Gore got in 2000.
"The president is grateful to the many European
leaders who obviously think differently.
He understands there are going to be
people who are more comfortable doing nothing
about a growing menace that could turn
into a holocaust. He respects people who differ
with him. He will do what he thinks
is right and necessary to protect our country,"
--Ari Fleischer, reacting to Nelson Mandela's
Translation: "F" that nigger.
Poor Britney
After years of claiming "I'm a virgin," she apparently has finally
discovered the joy of sex
and contrary to what you might think, it's not a pretty sight.
Press reports say she spent the night with Colin Farrell, who
gives Jay Mewes a run
for foulest-mouth in Hollywood, and Fred Durst of Limp Biscuit
the weekend before that.
Apparently, Justin got a "you owe me" boink the weekend before.
I mean, I guess no man is going to tell her 'No," but shouldn't
she have to pass some kind
of maturity test if she's going thru Hollywood's less-than-finest
like Hitler thru France?
I'll bet she's Whitney Houston before the end of the year.
Thanks for hammering Miller and linking
to the story about Warren Zevon. I opened about
ten shows for him in New England in the
early 80's (he requested me) and many of his fans
became some of my most ardent supporters.
He is a great and brilliant man. He will still be
teaching us long after his too soon departure.
I know why you liked Miller, when you liked
him because he still had good writers. Now he
has guys who can be pushed around and think
all you need is a formula. So he has become
a parody of himself-- except now he has
no one around who will stand up to him. I think we
will see him turn up somewhere in the FOX
empire very soon. What a miserable asshole.
And fuck everyone who gives us shit about
typos and other tiny details. I am trying to finish
a book, write quips, work on a new CD,
prepare a new weekly column and people e-mail
to compalin about niggling details. Hey,
hire me a copy editor, you fucks.
What should we do, reduce our rates?
ha ha
You sell a few measly ads and I have never
solicited 5¢ on my site. Fucking ingrates.
Anyway, keep up the great work and let
me know if I can ever help in any way.
Note: Barry Crimmins is the man.
"His lack of education is more than compensated
by his keenly developed moral bankruptcy."
--Woody Allen
Human Shields
I am surprised at the support Ken O'Keefe has.
It would not be the first time in history
that brave souls willing to lay it all on the line changed
the course of a nation. You ask: what will
the deaths of those people in Baghdad accomplish?
Maybe nothing, maybe everything. I ask
you: if nothing is important enough to you that you
would be willing to lay down your life
for it, then what is your life really worth?
Subject: Flowers for Helen Thomas
Hi Bart,
Helen Thomas is such a great, relentless and rare
journalist that so many of us admire.
She catches a lot of hell and hate mail for standing
up and exposing the lies of this admin.
Julieinduvall had a great idea on the forum to
send Helen flowers on Valentine's Day,
showing her how much we appreciate her work.
There's an email address for paypal donations.
We need to move soon.
People need to go to http://www.paypal.com
and put in: sam@imapunk.com
MWO is going to add the info to their site, and
if you could, that would be great, too.
Helen is a hero to a lot of us, and this would
be a wonderful way to honor and thank her.
Sanda, I agree.
Helen is the only one in the room with the stones
to ask Ari questions.
She's how many journalists were pre-Clinton.
"Brian Regan, a retired Air Force sergeant
and Star War doll collector wrote to Saddam
that he would supply him with classified
satellite imaging information for $13 million dollars.
No classified material was given to
anyone and no money received. George Bush and his
happy little Christian executioner John
Ashcroft are presently to trial asking for the death penalty.
In Cowboy George’s State of the Union
address his most emotional hokum was to give an angry
look into the camera to say Saddam Hussein
said any Iraqi who gave out weapon information
would be killed, along with their families.”
Then a long pause so we could all digest just what a
bloodthirsty asshole Saddam is. George
W. Bush is only half the bloodthirsty asshole Hussein is."
--Rack Jite, Two Bloodthirsty Assholes,
Subject: What the F, bart?
Who was that woman with the beer from the
last 2 days?
I was completely drawing a blank, so who
is she?
Spill the beans man!
I don't know...
It was in my picture folder - it could be a year old.
I lightened the picture, got more clues, but still nothing.
Maybe Regan sent this, from one of his Demo charity functions?
Keep wielding the hammer!!
Here's a donation, Bart, wish it could be more,
but like everybody else,
I'm feeling the stranglehold of Version 1.5's
sorry excuse of an economy!!
ha ha
I look at what Stranger and Take
Back The Media did in scrubbing Fatboy's
online page of all its sponsors and think, "**WE**
did that!!"
We can do more, Bart!! We **WILL** do more!!
In the meantime, keep up the great work!!
We appreciate it!!
Love ya,
Does Mr. T read bartcop.com?
One, Two, Three,What are we fightin' for?
Well, come on all of you big strong men,
The Family Bush needs your help again.
Got himself just a bit off track.
Wants to go start a war in Iraq.
Lace up your boots and pick up a gun.
We're gonna have a whole lot of fun.
And it's One, Two, Three,
What are we fightin' for?
Don't ask me I'm not comin' back.
Prob'ly gonna die in Iraq.
And it's Five, Six, Seven
Open up the pearly gates.
Well shut your mouth and don't ask why.
Whoopee! We're all gonna die.
(second verse)
Well, come on Exxon, Don't be slow.
You bought this war. Now go, go, go.
You wanted to drill on foreign soil.
And it's no big thing to trade blood for oil.
Just tell us we're doing it to make them free.
Just like WE used to be.
(repeat chorus)
Well, don't confuse George with the facts.
Cheney's planned out all three acts.
Bush says we've got to get that Saddam
'Cuz he interferes with Poppy's plan.
And while Ari Fleischer talks and talks,
You're kid comes home in a box.
(repeat chorus)
Thanks to WA
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"And, most importantly, Alma Powell, Secretary
of Colin Powell, is with us."
--Dubya, too damn stupid to wash cars, Jan.
30, 2003
Please God, this is the man who is protecting us from a nuke-u-ler
What did we do to anger you so?
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