The time to start fighting back was the summer of 2000 POLITICS-SARCASM-FINE
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"I would call the French 'scumbags,' but that
would be a disservice to those bags
full of scum."
-- Dennis Miller (R-Benedict)
who now seems to be to Limbaugh's right.
Geez, this was on Leno.
And how nice of Jay to hire a man who can't
get work.
A minute after that Miller said,
"It's all Gray Davis's fault. That's what you get
when you elect a lawyer. You know, Shakespeare
said 'First kill all the lawyers.' "
Damn, maybe he's become the right-wing's wall.
The explosive I used was C4. It’s light
weight, its easy to use, its very safe to transport.
...a wellhead is completely sealed due
to the environmental concerns involved with crude oil.
Depending on the sight of the well, the
valve is any where from three to six feet off of the ground.
I placed the explosive on the wellhead
and the incendiaries near by so that after the wellhead was
damaged, that the incendiary could light
the crude oil to fire.
"We're glad that the court battles look like
they're finally over."
-- Mike Fichter, director of Indiana Right to Life, an anti-choice group
This is Al Gore's fault.
This is Ralph Nader's fault.
This is the fault of can't-be-bothered
women voters.
This is Katherine Harris's fault.
This is that thug Scalia's fault.
This is the fault of those nutty Florida
...but it's mostly Donna Brazile's fault.
I said this during the campaign, but nobody
listened. Gore should've opened every
speech with, "You
ladies out there, if you want control of your reproductive decisions,
I'm going to need your vote this November
because I guarantee Bush and the nasty-ass thugs
who back him on the Supreme Court will
do everything they can to strip you of those rights."
Sure, Gore mentioned that a time or two,
but he never used the hammer.
Not even once.
Brazile should've had Gore hammering
and hammering that message constantly.
It would've given Gore something to run
on, it would've put Bush on the defensive,
it would've reminded women that the GOP
thinks they're not smart enough to make
their own decisions and I'm certain it
would've resulted in a Gore presidency.
Remember, all Gore needed was one more
vote per precinct.
Clear Way for Abortion Rules
Click Here for more on the Whore Court ruling
The Virtual March on Washington is today.
For those who don't know about it go here: http://www.moveon.org/winwithoutwar/
wacky Saddam
by Christian Livemore
Take Nikita Khrushchev. Now there was a
funny guy.
And when all is said and done he doesn’t
seem so scary anymore, does he?
I mean, how afraid can you be of a man
who threatens you by banging his shoe on the table?
“Look out, he’s got a Weejun!”
Does not exactly strike fear, does it?
“If someone at the White House got prickly
heat, the Republicans would
try to put the blame on Clinton for
stealing the talcum powder.”
--Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.), at a House International Relations
Committee hearing
after Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Whore.) criticized
the Clinton administration for not
dealing with the North Korean nuclear threat.
(That Rumsfeld sold them)
Accidental President.org has a new video you will enjoy:
E! page
'Horns and Halos,' the Jim Hatfield story
An Onion headline has come to pass
The Funk Brothers
Eric Clapton on a Peter Tosh tribute album
Phil Donahue fired
Tommy Chong's house & business raided
Amelia Earhart had a pre-nup
NBC & Westwood One
'Suge' Knight released from jail
And, the Patriot Act killed model rocketry
Do they read bartcop.com?
NYPD Blue shocked the world last night, and in the first few minutes.
In one of the clumsiest why-you-have-to-be-nudes ever, Andy's
"shack up honey,"
(as she would be described by Laura, the High Priestess of Screech)
is surprised when
little Theo catches her in the shower - and we're talking full
frontal in the shower.
She stood there for what seemed like an eternity with one arm
covering her breasts
and her hand strategically covering down there. This channel
is owned by Disney?
So guys, thanks for working a female into the nudity mix, for
''After all, Bush's biography comes straight
out of the country singer's lifestyle manual,
from the problems with alcohol, the
confusion of his youth, to the fervent, aggressive
born-again religious belief cut with
an affection for hard-line politics and capital punishment
– indeed, Johnny Paycheck's song "Pardon
Me, I've Got Someone To Kill" could have
been the theme tune to Bush's tenure
as governor of Texas."
--Terence Blacker, Cowboys in the Holy
Ghost Corral, commondreams.org
did Rupert Murdoch's paper call Sandy Koufax gay?
What was there to be gained?
Koufax, who you kids may not know, was the best left-handed pitcher
in baseball in the sixties
and retired at the top of his game to avoid damaging his arm.
New York Whore Post
published a lie that he was gay.
Koufax was a Dodger, and Murdoch owns the Dodgers (there should
be no Nazi's in baseball)
as well as the New York Whore Post, so Koufax severed
all ties with the Dodgers as a result.
Koufax is famous for his superior pitching, but he's also famous
for sitting out the opening game
of the 1965 World Series because it was on Yom Kipper and Koufax
is a Jew.
Wait, ...is that why Nazi Murdoch's paper published that
Because Koufax is Jewish?
Shame on the Nazi Murdoch and his gay-bashing publications.
Shame, shame, shame.
Click Here for more on Murdoch's Jewish attack.
Rational choice in deterrence of Iraq
Hussein's invasion of Kuwait is often cited
as an example of his irrationality -- by invading Kuwait without
regard for the devastating consequences
American intervention would bring, Hussein showed that he would
not be deterred by superior military forces.
But in August of 1990, American intervention was far from
assured. Shortly before the invasion of
Kuwait, Hussein met with U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie, who
assured him that the United States had
"no opinion on Arab-Arab conflicts" and no special security
commitments to Kuwait.
Hussein, then, invaded Kuwait only
after concluding that the United States would not intervene -- had
[Bush 41] clearly stated his intention
to defend Kuwait, Hussein's thinking likely would have changed.
Bush didn't warn Saddam off because he wanted to drag us into
a war.
This way, the B.F.E.E. could make shiploads of money off
of dead American soldiers
and his dimmest son is doing it to us again, misuing his stolen
power for personal enrichment.
Bush couldn't get away with this without the networks propping
him up and the pansy-ass
Democrats rolling over for him
We support the president.
your anti-war pins right here!
Near as I can tell, this week is the 7th birthday of BartCop.
Issue 001
mentions February 25, 1996 but then Issue
says February 24, 1996, so who knows?
Subject: hey bartcop dude...
a query:
if you could go back in time and shoot hitler,
thereby saving
the lives of millions and preventing horrific
atrocities, would you?
which leads to my next question:
if you could go back in time and shoot
for the same reasons, would you?
the big mobowski
There are two ways to answer that - yes and no.
I'd had no moral problems with taking a job of eliminating someone
who needed dying, but I've seen enough Star Trek's and
know it's a bad deal to be messing with the timeline.
For instance, what if I shot Prescott's friend Hitler in 1936,
and some second
in command was smart enough to avoid a war with Russia in the
The Nazi's were messing with rockets and atomic bombs, and if
they had
held on another few years, we might've all been raised Republican.
Sidesteps His Adams Problem
by Joe Conason
As Mr. Pataki continues to drop in the
polls—thanks to a tanking state economy and
looming service cuts—a job with the Bush
administration will surely look better and better.
But as his pal Gerry Adams could certainly
attest, the past may yet come back to haunt him.
Hey Bart;
Some cool history for you (probably heard this one)
In August 1939 German commandos cross the
Polish border and kill a handful of
Polish border guards, hump the bodies back
into Deutchland, and blow up a small
radio station. All of a sudden there's
a hue and cry!!! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!!
And the panzers roll the border 1 September.
My koresh man... now we're the fucking Nazis!!!!
I've never been more ashamed in my life
of the honorable discharge on my wall.
I was pretty convinced GW would launch his
load on 2-3 March (new moon after all).
But with this fake diplomacy noise from
the bastards, I'm wondering if they got their
own little Canned Goods warming up.
A little (totally bullshit) Iraqi attack on a Navy
ship maybe? How 'bout a little gas
release in the KTO? Maybe kill a few kids sitting
in someone else's sandbox? How could
anyone blame GW for his righteous fury then?
Love your work. Please; offend the
hell out of the Nazis.
Nobody alive today deserves it more. Thanks
for fighting for America
Chris, the question we need to keep asking ourselves is this:
Would evil men kill to take over the world?
Bush is going to get his war, whatever it takes.
That's why I was so against those human shields.
Those people think they're dealing with a man with a conscience.
"Let me just say, something remarkable happened
in the U.S. I mean, even if you
think war in Iraq is the right thing,
something very odd happened. Here was one guy,
bin Laden, who launched a terrorist
attack and the administration, aided by the networks
-- including the broadcast networks,
by the way, that's a canard -- have engaged in a sort
of transference. Bush himself
last -- as far as we can make out -- last mentioned bin Laden
in a speech last June. Suddenly
it was, you know, Osama, Osama,Saddam, Saddam. And the
broadcast media simply picked that
up, transferred our feelings of alarm and anger from one
villain to another villain, a villain
no doubt. And that didn't happen in the rest of the world and
that, more than anything else, is the
reason why views of the world look so different in the U.S...."
--Paul Krugman, "The New York
Times" columnist on CNN Reliable Sources, 02/23/03
If we go to war with Iraq, and win big (or they spin it that way)
Bush might finally be elected
president in 2004 and the networks, (GE, Viacom, Disney, FOX
and AOL Time-Warner)
will get hundreds of billions in tax cuts for supporting Smirky
McWarhardon in his terror crusade.
It's not about the truth.
It's not about reporting a story with accuracy.
It's about giant corporations making that extra nickle.
Want to get involved?
Transcripts of Rush's lies
[We have a project going on - transcribing
Rush's show to use his words against him.
He lies really fast (100 words in five
minutes) so we break his show into 5 minute segments.
It works great, but we need volunteers.]
We are asking volunteers to email rushtranscript-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
and give us their contact info. And
be patient - this project is in its embryonic phase.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
I think our transcripts could be of
tremendous value to both BartCop Radio
and Take Back the Media's
Boycott Rush
effort - so you'd be helping yourselves,
too! Sweet Koresh, I like win-win situations...
Damn, I would've killed for this these transcripts last seven
years, but yes.
It would be great to have Pigboy's lies laid out in print.
That five minutes at-a-time idea is good, too.
Not many people can stand to listen to him longer than that.
Anybody want to help?
Open challege to BartCop
First on your list ought to be Bartcop
Radio. To be honest, I'm sick of waiting for it,
and I don't understand the reason for the
delay. You don't need to be a computer genius
to do it, you don't need to have professional
equipment, you can set it up in your own
home and mix it right there with some very
simple software. Joey Davis and I do
Joey Joe Joe Show on practically no budget with mediocre equipment,
yet we've
been doing a show once a week for six months
now. And it only takes up a few hours
of our time each week. I know the ieamerica
radio network is interested in you, and they'll
give you all the tech help you'll need,
but damn it, you gotta get up off your ass and do it.
I always thought my explanation made sense.
If I work a day job and do the show at night,
1. It would cut into my time with Mrs Bart
2. She would have to remain silent during the show,
meaning no TV, no radio, no margaritas with
the blender etc.
3. She thinks I'm the biggest load ever.
I can't be in the middle of a rant and hear
her giggling at me.
But all that's moot because now we're counting down the days
until we launch Tequila Treehouse Radio . Woo Hoo!
By the way, I heard your Show 26 (the newest is 27) and liked
(They have a bit o BartCop in their opening)
Computerized vote-counting machines are
sweeping the country.
But they can be hacked -- and right now
there's no way to be sure they haven't been.
Dick Cheney has worked to profit from Iraqi
oilfields "as rapidly as possible"
since at least 1995. In fact, one
of the first deals he cut at Halliburton aimed
to get first and controlling access to
burning oil fields!
Cheney's deal helped assure Halliburton
the first position in Iraqi oil fields
after a war: fighting the fires.
Once in place, Halliburton would be positioned
to service the ruined wells, no matter
who wound up owning the oil. Firefighting
services gave Halliburton unique leverage
in profiting from flaming Iraqi oil fields.
Bush & Cheney sure are "lucky" that 9-11 happened.
Suddenly, the estimate doubles:
war cost could soar, Pentagon says
saw it on smirkingchimp.com
The Pentagon has begun telling the White
House and Congress that defeating Iraq
and occupying the country for six months
could cost as much as $85 billion,
according to sources — considerably more
than what senior administration
officials have been saying in public.
Conventional wisdom says always multiply cost estimates by three.
With the B.F.E.E. getting a piece of every dollar spent
on this "war on the Treasury,"
we may have to start multiplying Bush's numbers by a factor of
"The enemy. The other. The defiler of cherised
symbols. Irrational and strange,
they are beyond reason or dialogue.
There can be only one response: Crush them.
And so we are prepared for war by our
free and independent media. The Weekly
Standard is of course a conservative
publication, open in its leanings, but is it really
so different in Time, Newsweek, ABC’s
Nightline and other mainstream outlets?
What was it Orwell said: Circus dogs
jump when the trainer cracks the whip, but
the really well-trained dog is the
one that turns somersaults when there is no whip.
Our media: Working without a whip."
--The Better Rhetor, Prepping
Us For War, betterrhetor.blogspot.com
We are much closer now to BartCop Radio.
Woo Hoo!
No more part-time hammer in a full-time war!
Maybe we should target April 15th as a starting date.
Isn't this exciting?
Wish me luck, and consider joining the team!
Reminder: Our silent benefactor is still matching all
new subscriptions.
Help make BartCop Radio an April
rather than a May-June
Is bartcop.com worth $5
a month?
Thanks to Bruce Yurgil
They own the TV networks, the major papers and talk radio.
The Internet Resistance is all we have.
Click Here to support BartCop Radio
A Question for Investors
America is already setting record deficits
before any costs of a war is factored in.
The amount of money we are committing to
paying bribes alone (foreign aid to
Turkey and others for use of bases) is
over twice what the last gulf war cost.
We are about to launch a war without United
Nations support. A war that the
world clearly doesn't want. A war that
America clearly doesn't want.
A war that's going to invite more terrorism
than America has ever seen.
Win or lose, this war will put America on
the verge of economic collapse.
So - I ask investors. Is this a good time
to keep your money in the stock market?
Do you trust the Bush economy with your
life savings?
Marc Perkel
Bush to Debate Saddam?
CBS News reported Monday that Saddam has
challenged Bush to a live debate
via satellite, saying, "As leaders, why
don't we use this opportunity?"
Hey, no problem.
All Bush has to do is get Tim Russert, Bob Scheifer and Judas
Maximus to be the judges.
They'll all swear Bush won each round and this whole ugly mess
is all over.
by Gene Lyons
Call me naïve, but I hold with hypocrisy.
Everything known about Bush
apart from his political rhetoric suggests
belief in a conventional rich man's God.
His idea of paradise is a country club
golf course. His public religiosity is
precisely calculated to enthrall fundamentalist
Christians whose failure to turn out
in 1992 led to his father's defeat--the
only Armageddon Junior seriously anticipates.
Subject: Saw Greg Palast live last night
Hey Bart,
I got to see Greg Palast Sunday night at
a special event that was for subscribers
to totally listener supported KPFK, the
Pacifica station in LA and the only honest
source for broadcast news here until Bartcop
radio is running.
He was great. He chatted with folks first
then spoke for about an hour and a half,
connecting all sorts of dots for us.
Among his disclosures...
Although the Total Information Awareness
network was supposedly killed by Congress,
none of the contracts were cancelled. Also,
the company ChoicePoint that was responsble
for scrubbing the Florida voter rolls of
"felons" in 2000 and one of the biggest commercial
database firms in the country now has a
division called Bode Technologies that is creating a
national DNA database (which this administration
is pushing for). They are coming for our blood.
He said that Katherine Harris called him "twisted and maniacal" but didn't say he was wrong.
To those who say, "Get over it", he asked "What do you get when you've gotten over democracy?"
This and more is in the new paperback edition
of his book, which has tons of new material
including stuff about September 11th and
Enron. Hopefully he will be invited on all of the
liberal media news shows. Yeah, right.
Keep hammerin',
Leslie A
Bartcop subscriber
"It is important for the Iraqi generals to
understand that if they take innocent life,
if they destroy infrastructure, they
will be held to account as war criminals."
--Dubya, yesterday,
who seems to be saying HE won't be held responsible
for any innocents being killed or any infrastructure destroyed.
He's never been held to account for anything his entire
The DWIs, the abortion, the cocaine, going AWOL, stealing the
White House,
robbing the Treasury blind, crashing the stock market and starting
a nonsense war.
Nope, George isn't responsible for any of that - just ask Rush or FOX News.
Terror suspect was a Bush supporter
''He was a Bush supporter,'' said Robert McKee,
an attorney who is representing Arian
in a legal dispute with the university.
''As close as the election in Florida was, Sami may
have put him over the top. He got out the
vote in the Muslim community in Florida,
and now Bush's attorney general is going
after him.''
Remembering his campaigning for Bush in
Florida and the president's thin margin of
victory (sic) there, Sami Arian was indignant.
''We certainly delivered him many more
than 537 votes,'' Newsweek magazine quoted
him as saying. ''Now they do this to my son.''
"There is all kinds of estimates about the
cost of war."
--Dubya, Washington, D.C.,
Feb. 25, 2003
Bush is correct.
There are the numbers Bush is releasing and then there's the
Tell us the real numbers, Governor!
How much is Halliburton making?
How much are you funneling to The Carlyle Group?
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com a nickel.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2003, bartcop.com
Shirley Manson of the group Garbage