1. According to your fitness report you failed
to show up for military duty
for over one year, were you
AWOL or a deserter?
2.You promised him dead or alive so where is Osama bin Laden?
3.You gave the Taliban hundreds of millions of
dollars at about the same time
John Lind joined the Taliban, what
is the difference between you two?
4.Have you finally discovered that perhaps the
President of the United States
should know who are the leaders
of Chechnya, Pakistan, India and Taiwan?
5.You promised not to raise taxes, "so help you
God," why then did you
renege on this promise when
you raised tariffs (taxes) on steel.
6. Have you ever found out who is the Prime Minister of India?
7. If your intelligence was inadequate to connect
the dots prior to 9/11
how do you expect us to believe
it has connected the dots after 9/11
in regards to Iraq since you
refuse to show this proof?
8.What if we go into Iraq and discover they have
no weapons of mass destruction?
Will you apologize personally to
every American family who loses a family member in this war?
9.We know you will bet the lives of other Americans
on the fact that weapons of mass destruction
will be found in Iraq. Are you willing
to bet YOUR life? In other words, would you be willing to allow
yourself to be placed on trial at
the Hague for war crimes if no weapons of mass destruction are found?
10. Here are 4 one-dollar bills; can you explain
to us again how your tax scheme
would not cause
a return to massive deficits?
11.You promised to find Osama, you promised to
find the anthrax killer, you promised us
there would be
no return to deficit spending, you promised compassion, you have lied
about every one
of these why should anyone believe you now?
12. Why did the California Energy crisis disappear
only after the Democrats gained control
of the Senate
and threatened investigations into the crisis that was later found out
to be
a sham caused
by some of your biggest campaign contributors?
13. What is the next country you are going to
war with to keep people's mind
off the
miserable job you are doing on the economy?
I have a question for President Blow Monkey:
Hey Smirk!
How many grams are in an ounce?