Bartfest Trip Report
                         by Isaac Peterson

                      I can always tell who is going to be sitting behind me on an airline
                      flight. All I need to do is find the loudest, most obnoxious jerk in
                      the terminal, the one who has something to say about everything, but
                      nothing really to say about anything.  Sure enough, that was the guy
                      behind me on the flight. I always take CD's, a Discman and headphones,
                      though, so it was okay. I just turned up the headphone volume to
                      "liquefy" and hoped this guy didn't use up all the oxygen in the cabin.

                      I'm going to Vegas for Bartfest to meet Bartcop and a lot of the
                      readers and contributors(!). I can't really afford to do this, but for
                      a chance to see real live people who also hang out in Bartcop's
                      neck of the internet, I can't afford not to go.

                      I get to the Rio hotel, and check into my room. Not really a room,
                      though-my apartment would fit into this place, and there'd be enough
                      room left for most of yours, too. I'm looking around the joint, and
                      there's a safe built into this place; how cool is that? They've got all
                      sorts of things in this room that I don't have at home, like an
                      iron. The round white mints they had in the bathroom taste an awful lot
                      like soap, though. I can't eat more than two of them.

                      I got in early on Friday, and I'm trying to find someone that was part
                      of this Bartfest thing. BC was held up checking in, but I have his cell
                      phone #, and call a few times until I find out the hotel is charging me
                      $12 every time I call his number from my room phone.

                      The casino is huge; you can walk around inside for an hour and not know
                      where the hell you are. I decide that if I ever want to go into hiding,
                      I could just go hang out in casinos on the Strip. No one knows who you
                      are, and don't look at you twice, because they don't give a damn.

                      So I finally hook up with Mr. and Mrs. Bartcop. Mrs. Bartcop is a very
                      nice lady, has a great smile, and is real warm and cheerful, and a bit
                      on the quiet side. A group of us take a cab to meet up with the crew
                      for some food and drinks at the Pink Taco.

                      I walk in, and am blown away by how nice everyone is. And how much they
                      can drink without seeming to be drunk. My kind of people, these Bartfest folks
                      (Bartfesters?). I get my daily ego stroke when I introduce myself and get asked
                      if I'm THE Isaac. Well, I sure am the only one here. What a great crew.

                      (I have to correct one thing. I did fork out some cash at the end to cover the
                      outstanding balance of the check. The waitress came up with a revised bill,
                      and I covered it, but I was handed enough the next night that I ended up getting covered).

                      Pat LV is just great!

                      I walk out and can't find the bus. I was too long inside the restaurant, and it looks
                      like they left without me. But that's okay, because I'm in Las Vegas on a weekend!
                      The City That Never Heard Of The Word "Excessive"! Besides, I brought a book with me.

                      But everyone is cool enough to notice that I'm not on the bus, so they
                      waited around. I think I'm going to love this weekend. We take a tool
                      around the Strip for sightseeing, but most people seem to be more wrapped
                      up in  schmoozing. I'm seat partners with my old buddy Jim Higdon, and by
                      the amount of laughing going on, everyone's happy and feeling no pain.

                      I must have had a good time, because I woke up the next morning
                      smiling. Maybe I can get someone to e-mail me the details. I am almost
                      hungry enough to try another of those mints in the bathroom-the maid
                      has left some more, and I don't want to make her feel bad...

                      The day is a blur, no big happenings, but no big deal; the main deal is
                      for later that night.

                      We have two adjoining suites in the hotel, and they turn out to not be
                      big enough. The joint was jumping. I met a lot of people that night,
                      most of whom I didn't know. But I was blown away to be hanging with
                      this crew. I met Kevin Cunningham (the PoliticalStrikes Guy), and he
                      has samples of some of his biggest hits. Daily Brew Doug was there. I
                      hang with Bob Witkowski, who does At Wit's End. Wolf the cartoonist is
                      there. The above mentioned Jim Higdon is there, and still appears to be feeling
                      no pain. And I finally got to meet Marty from Bartcop's entertainment page.
                      She is hands down one of the sweetest people I've ever met, and has a smile
                      to match. Everyone was great, just great.  I've never been treated so well by
                      people who don't owe me money. One who stands out in my mind is Debbie,
                      a real together lady who's an airline pilot. If I forgot to mention anyone,
                      sorry about that. (Hi Lynn!)

                      Marc Perkel is there, and I'm glad I get to talk to him. Marc is one of
                      the most upbeat people I've seen in a long, long time. Marc tells me
                      he's going to run for president in 2004, which is great news to me,
                      because now I don't have to do it. It would interfere with my plans to
                      sit around on the couch eating potato chips.

                      Three hours isn't enough-some people were only there for Saturday, and
                      I didn't get to meet nearly everybody. The consensus seemed to be that
                      this thing should happen more often, and I agree.

                      Before we split up, we went downstairs for Roulette. The woman's name
                      who won was Allyson, I think. I didn't get to meet her, but she seemed like
                      a heck of a great lady.  Three hours was nowhere near enough time for this thing.

                      I stayed for a couple more days, but it was pretty low key after Friday
                      and Saturday. Got to hang out some more with Daily Brew Doug, Slab from
                      the BC Forum, and a really great guy named Andy from Texas.

                      At the airport, I see lots of people from the flight out, including the loud guy
                      that sat behind me. Only this time he's in the seat next to me. Oh well...

                      My impression of Las Vegas? It was okay, I guess. It wasn't as much fun
                      after all the Bartfesters left, but it's okay. Las Vegas is kind of like a slow
                      weekend at the Bartcop Mansion.


                      I report. I decide.

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