Rush said,
"How many years have people been receiving
Social Security - 50, 40, 30?
How many times have you lost your Social
Security check or seen it reduced
in its amount over those years, hmm?
None, zero, zip, zilch, zero, nada."
If he knew how to check facts he would have
found these below.
The answer, sure a bit dated is at least..
Number of disabled people purged from disability
rolls in 1981: 490,000.
Bart Note: That would be the year that compassionate Ronald Reagan stole power
Let people know the facts on this issue.
I hate it when fatass's who are only paid big money
because they are whores and lie for a living
get away with this type of information.
Real facts below:
Percentage of persons in the United States
who have an impairment: 20 percent.
Percentage of the population who will experience a disabling condition in the course of their lives: 80 percent.
Number of Americans said to be disabled: 43 million in 1989, 49 million in 1995 and 54 million in 1997.
Number of days the Social Security Administration takes to process a disability claim: 348.
Percentage of first time applicants turned down by the Social Security Administration: 69 percent.
Percentage of those who appeal that win their benefits: 62 percent.
"Waiting period," in years, that an American deemed
disabled by Social Security
must endure before becoming eligible for
Medicare: 2 years.
Percentage of working-age disabled who were unemployed around the world in 1996: 65-70 percent.
Percentage of working-age severely disabled not working around the world in 1996: 73.9 percent.
Percentage of working-age disabled persons who say they would like to have a job: 66 percent.
Percentage of working-age disabled persons
who say they have encountered job discrimination
because of their disability: 25 percent.
True or false? The Americans with Disabilities
Act was followed up with affirmative action
like other minorities' civil rights bills:
Average amount a severely disabled person makes per month: $1,562.00
Average a non-severely disabled person makes per month: $2,006.00
Average a non-disabled person makes per month: $2,446.00
Number of disabled people purged from disability rolls in 1981: 490,000.
Amount the Social Security Administration
received to remove people from the disability rolls
in 1996 was $320 million - pushing
the total budget to $720 million.
Number of disability reviews Social Security
Administration expects
to conduct over the next two years: 1.4