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"War with Iraq, $59 billion so far.
We're rebuilding Iraq, $900 million
at least.
Privatizing Social Security - one trillion.
Tax cuts that have been passed - 1.3
Tax cuts bush wants to pass - $700
Turning record surpluses into deficits
and leaving
our children to clean up the mess -
--James Carville, Crossfire,
Halliburton's publicity material boasts
of its ability to establish temporary military bases under often hostile
conditions -- an
invaluable preparation for the second phase
of its project: laying the groundwork for oil exploration under often hostile
Cheney has been famously quoted in reference
to the country of Iraq: "The good Lord didn't see fit to put oil and
only where there are democratic regimes
friendly to the United States."
"The Bush press conference to me was like a mini-Alamo
for American journalism, a final announcement that the press no longer
performs anything akin to a real function.
Particularly revolting was the spectacle of the cream of the national press
corps submitting
politely to the indignity of obviously
pre-approved questions, with Bush not even bothering to conceal that the
affair was scripted.
Abandoning the time-honored pretense of
spontaneity, Bush chose the order of questioners not by scanning the room
and picking
out raised hands, but by looking down and
reading from a predetermined list. Reporters, nonetheless, raised their
hands in between
questions–as though hoping to suddenly
catch the president’s attention. In other words, not only were reporters
going out of their way
to make sure their softballs were pre-approved,
but they even went so far as to act on Bush’s behalf, raising their
hands and jockeying
in their seats in order to better give
the appearance of a spontaneous news conference."
You mean the press are nothing more than whores for this illegal
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned that before.
"I'm not a United Nations senator, I'm
a United States senator. I wonder what happened to sovereignty in
this country.
I think of our forefathers rolling
over in their graves thinking before a president can defend America,
he has to get
permission from some multinational
organization. So I think the president will do what his constitutional
oath tells
him to do, defend America with or without
the United Nations or any other group."
-- Jim Inhofe (R-Pissquik)
lying again
Hey Pissquik, so you're saying if Pakistan feels threatened by
India, but can't show any proof why,
it's OK with you if they attack India even if the United Narions
says they have no reason to?
If that's true, why did Bush 41 bother with a multi-national coalition
in 1990?
Nuke Threat Little More Than Myth
by Joe Conason
Asked about the fake papers by Tim Russert
on NBC's Meet the Press,
Colin Powell replied blandly: "If that
information is inaccurate, fine."
With all due respect to the Secretary, the
appropriate word isn’t "inaccurate"
—and it isn’t "fine," either. It is horrific
to contemplate that someone would
fabricate a document to foment a war likely
to kill thousands. It is humiliating
to think that American intelligence services
cannot distinguish a fake of that
kind—or, worse still, would consciously
pass along such a fake to an international
authority. It is troubling to realize that
the quality of information used by the
President as he prepares for war may be
no better than that.
from outragedcomics.com
“Right here, Mr. President, is where your tax
cut is stuck.
The Republicans can’t quite swallow
it, and the Democrats can’t cough it up.”
-- Bill Frist at the Gridiron
dinner, pointing to the esophagus on a medical chart
you can identify UFO hoaxes - from real alien spacecraft
weeklyuniverse.com interviews Der Voron
When analyzing UFO photos, Voron seeks
"movement of air masses around the UFO" -- a telltale sign that the photo
is no hoax!
When real true-life starships descend,
says Voron, "ionic-microwave streams interact with the environment.
Here we can see
plants to stoop because of such interaction."
Thus, a real starcraft!
Letter to the DNC
The DNC wrote to Kip:
Subject: Second Request: Membership Renewal
P.S. Remember that 93% of your contribution
goes to directly to winning elections for Democrats.
Kip wrote back:
Ha! You guys have forgotten
how to fight.
If you run Leiberman, Gephardt or any other
Republican with a (D) after his name,
I'm just gonna go ahead and give my money
to the republicans.
Stop being pushovers! Get some backbone!
Stand up to Bush & Rove and tell them
to get back in line.
He would not be able to go so far to the
right if you wimps weren't covering the middle ground for him!
Kip, good damn letter.
If they got a few thousand of those, maybe the Democrats would
Bart! Fighting is always wrong!
have to stand by Dubya!
our President!
"I love this country, I love the debate. Every
time I see it, I think it's what this country's about.
But whatever side of the issue you're
on, when it gets to be 'go time,' and it's obviously pretty close
to 'go time,' I think you gotta support
those amazing men and women who are over there about to
execute whatever we do, and I think
the best way you can do that is to get behind the most visible
embodiment of them, and that's the
-- Bradley Whitford, “Josh
Lyman” on The West Wing
Brad, isn't that what the Germans said in WWII?
One can't be more behind the boys than I, but I can't support
a genocidal maniac
just because he stole the title and wants to impress his Daddy
with a big body count..
Note: Bradley Whitford wrote to say
he did not say that, and that he was "horrified"
to have that quote attributed to him because he does not support Bush's
policy towards Iraq. Click
Here for the retraction. bartcop.com
regrets the error.
Guts, No Glory
by Gene Lyons
If Bush were a real leader, he could acknowledge
that absent Iraqi nukes, there's no
need for haste. He could yield to world
opinion and give the French, Russians,
Chinese and Germans what they say they
want: time for U.N. inspectors to finish
disarming Saddam. The world would praise
his statesmanship. Pressure would shift
to the Security Council to prove itself.
Gas watch
Lou Dobbs says "power premium" gasoline
in San Diego hit $4.29 at one station
You sure are, but the oil companies love you!
Remembering the First Fight Against Fascism
March 12, 1943
Heavy fighting is still reported in Kharkov
as the Germans clear the Russians from the city.
The Germans break mobile forces from the
city fight and drive south in an attempt to cut off
Soviet forces southwest of the city. Further
to the north, the Germans abandon and the Red Army
occupies Vyazma as Army Group Center continues
its limited withdrawals to shorten their front.
In an attempt to outflank the Marenth Line,
Montgomery moves the 2nd New Zealand Division
and the 8th Armored Brigade south from
Medenine opposite Wilder’s gap.
We beat fascism once - we can do it again.
There WAS a full page yesterday.
After Ashcroft's warning, you were supposed to scroll down.
If you missed it, Click Here
Sorry to those who were startled.
"It's worth remembering, that after September
11th, the first world leader to come to
New York and visit Ground Zero was
Jacques Chirac - that's worth remembering."
Plus, the sober people in Washington
are a lot more worried about North Korea than Iraq."
-- David Gergen, on Tuesday's
You know, for a Republican,
David Gergen is less Nazi than most.
Protest banners
Monday's USA Today said New York, Washington, San Francisco etc
were expecting peace marches
again this Saturday - with crowd that might equal the millions
we saw the weekend of Feb 15-16.
If you go, consider adding bartcop.com to your banner and take a picture that we can publish.
Subject: Neil Young
Bart, you wrote:
> "But Neil, you said Bush was your man!
> You've been a big Bush supporter for years.
> What the hell made you come to your senses?"
Bart, I've heard people CLAIM that Neil
Young was some sort of a hawk, but I've never seen a single quote.
("Rockin in the Free World" rips Bush Sr
another asshole, in my opinion.) Now, maybe there is one, and I just
missed it,
but do you actually have one? I thought
it was more likely that right-wing assholes couldn't IMAGINE someone praising
odd Beamer UNLESS he was a right-wing asshole.
So they ASSUMED Neil must be one of them.
Is there any actual quote from Neil showing support for the Bush Baby? Or is that a rumor?
Carl F
Carl, I saw it myself.
I don't remember exactly what he said, but I remember being really
pissed off about it.
There are some people we just can't imagine turning Bush blower,
so when Neil did I got steamed.
I imagine the quote is in a back issue, but my search engine broke months ago, dammit.
Anybody have a Neil Young quote praising America's worst serial killer?
Bart, check this out:
post Patriot Act warnings
Guess who's watching every move you
"The Justice Department
says libraries have become a logical target of surveillance in light
of evidence that some
Sept. 11 hijackers used library computers to communicate with each other.
"In a letter to an inquiring
senator, Assistant Attorney General Daniel Bryant said Americans
who borrow or buy
books surrender their right of privacy. "
One either reads from paper or the internet.
Carnivore already lets them see every page we download
including those from the public library
computers. But we might read something on paper, and targeting
bookstores and libraries lets them have
total access to the flow of information and knowledge.
Regulation/restriction is just one step away from access.....
The Farmer
"Vice" boy
caught with $8B in "documents"
Gee, could you muddy up the story for us?
Click Here Dateline Berlin
German investigators are examining documents
found in the car of Don Johnson
that list transactions totaling US$8 billion,
a customs official said Wednesday.
"Documents totalling $8B"
What does that mean?
Johnson's car was stopped for a routine
check as he entered Germany from Switzerland
in November with two other men,
said Wolfgang Schmitz, a spokesman for German customs.
This happened in November? Why wait 4 months to reveal it?
And he was leaving Switzerland,
a country that probably allows you to possess as much "documents"
as you want.
Officials photocopied the documents, but
they did not seize them and allowed the actor
to continue his journey without formally
questioning him, Schmitz said.
Well then, if nothing was seized, and nobody was arrested, there's
really no need for this story
to even be a news item except for the amount, 8 billion in "documents."
Do you think this story was written by a moron or a German -
or both?
What the hell does "documents" mean? He has a receipt from
an ATM for an $8B withdrawal?
And besides the B.F.E.E., who carries $8B with them, anyway?
It's too bad news organizations can't write a news story that makes f-ing sense.
E! page
Harper's Weekly Review
Rock & Roll Hall O'Fame inductions
The Doors have a new drummer
Madonna is quite flexible
Phil Spector & 'accidental' suicide
'March Madness' will be cables if war starts
The surviving Beatles jammed in 1994, with
Howard Stern's cartoon series on TNN
Yankee Dave Wells recants & is still fined
And, Liza Minelli's lawyers have resigned
Something's wrong with this issue.
It needs something, can't put my finger on it, tho..
What the hell, let's give it a and
see if that helps.
Here for today's
"We would rather do business with 100 Al Queda
terrorists than with a single American."
-- A Philly funeral
Latest poll brings good news and bad
"...many Americans remain perplexed about what
Mr. Bush is doing and why he is doing it. While Bush says his
main goal is disarming Iraq, Americans
are more likely to say he is motivated by a desire to oust Saddam from
A majority says Bush has failed to tell
them what they need to know about the justification for a pre-emptive attack.
Respondents were nearly evenly divided when asked
if Mr. Bush was being guided by the memory of his father's
dealings with Mr. Hussein in prosecuting what
would be the nation's second war against Iraq in 12 years. Nearly
half said Mr. Bush was driven by the personal
desire to accomplish what his father did not when he cut off his
invasion of Iraq in 1991 without ousting Mr.
Hussein. Younger men in the poll were more apt to see a familial
motivation for the president.
There is clear concern among Americans that the
United States is paying a price internationally for Mr. Bush's
aggressive posture. The number of Americans who
believe that their president enjoys the respect of world
leaders has dropped to 45 percent from 67 percent
in the space of a year.
An Open Letter to a Certain Ex-President
Trust me.
Dueling Quotes
"We're losing a battle, as to who the good
guy against Saddam Hussein. In Canada, 51 percent say
Americans are behaving like bastards.
In Ireland, 60 percent say they fear Bush over Saddam.
In Britain, Bush and Saddam are equal
threats to world peace. If our diplomacy has been so inept
and our ability to move world opinion
has been so inept and you say we didn't need this U.N. in first place,
why in the hell are we doing that and
getting the living crap kicked out of us?"
Carville to Jimmy Pissquik Inhofe
"I thank the Lord every day that we have a
president who is not driven by polls,
but is driven by defending America."
-- Pissquik's
BartCop Radio
We're buying broadcasting equipment.
I have a microphone.
I got headphones and an FX box.
We're almost there!
In a few days we'll get more parts to build BartCop Radio a piece at a time.
We're working on it right this second.
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Is bartcop.com worth $5 a month?
You say you can't afford to subscribe?
What happens if Bush wins
steals another four years?
Can you afford that?
They own the TV networks.
They own the major newspapers.
They own the weekly news magazines.
They own talk radio.
The Internet Resistance is all we have.
Click Here to support BartCop Radio big-time
If we don't fact, we're just soldiers in Happy Crack's Insanity Brigade.
Word's out: Protest at Hillary's tonight
Freepers will heckle Hillary Clinton and
her Senator guests at a fundraiser in her Washington home Tuesday night.
"It ought to be fun," says protest organizer Kathy Wood, who'll be holding a sign, "Corrupt Democrats Turn Here!"
Wood, of the Washington chapter of Freeperville,
says the focus of the protest is to encourage Senate Democrats
attending the fundraiser to approve the
judicial nomination of Hispanic Republican Miguel Estrada.
This seems like a non-story, doesn't it? I mean, Hillary
has Secret Service protection, and you can't get a permit
to screw up somebody's neighborhood, so the cops will arrest
anybody blocking traffic, harassing motorists etc.
And while we're on the subject of Miguel Estrada, I have a weird
story to tell you about him.
As you know, we don'yt do these kinds of stories on bartcop.com
but this story came from someone
I know is well-connected, and she says it's the top subject
in DC after Smirky's illegal oil war.
She says the rumor going around DC is that Estrada is gay, but
that's not the weird part.
The weird part is he's gay and extremely psychotic about his
feelings about being gay.
The way I heard the rumor, Estrada picked up a man in Dupont Circle,
got a hotel and did the deed.
Seconds after doing whatever they did, Estrada jumped out of
bed, pointed to the guy and screamed, "You're
So the pros (that's what they call them on NYPD Blue) looks at
Estrada and said, "Duh! You are, too!"
To which Estrada replied, "No, I'm
not - I'm married."
...and that's what makes him too weird to be an appeals court judge.
Not that he's gay, but that he's so unable to grip that reality
(if the story's true) that he would be
way, way, way blackmail-friendly if somebody threatened to expose
his late-night hobbies.
In closing, you know I don't do these kinds of stories.
My mailbox gets 20 weird sex stories every day, some of them
involving politics :)
But they say this rumor is allllll over Washington DC,
but nobody will put it in print.
I guess it's because Mr Rove wants Estrada confirmed and the newspapers are too afraid to cross him.
Please visit our sponsors
Regarding your piece yesterday about the
Khashoggi/Reagan connection- were you
aware that Adnan Khashoggi once had an
employee by the name of Theresa Lepore?
Does the name Theresa Lepore ring a bell?
She was the designer of the now infamous
palm beach county 'butterfly ballot' that had
lots of elderly jews voting for pat buchannon.
It's a small world.
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com a nickel.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2003, bartcop.com
Shirley - stay away from that monster - he's extremely insane!