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"The whole aim of practical politics is to
keep the populace alarmed - and hence clamorous
to be led to safety - by menacing it
with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
-- H. L. Mencken
I love war!
"Iraq doesn't choose its path through foreigners
and doesn't choose its leaders by decree from Washington,
London or Tel Aviv," it said. "The
pathetic Bush was hoping ... to achieve his evil targets without a fight
through that declaration (the ultimatum)
which reflects a state of isolation and defeat from which he and
his pathetic allies are suffering from,"
the statement from the meeting said.
Stakes Premiership on Iraq
Blair is facing the biggest crisis of his
six-year rule over his pro-American stand on disarming Iraq and
parliament's vote will expose the size
of his gamble and could have lasting repercussions on his premiership.
Three ministers, including Cabinet Minister
Robin Cook, have resigned over Iraq and as many as one in four
members of parliament from Blair's Labour
party are expected to vote against him on Tuesday.
Prediction: Bush and his press will portray Blair as a "hero"
for wanting this war, and "because Blair has become
ostracized," the only employment the former PM can get is a pity
job with The Carlyle Group where Blair will
get his $50M reward for legitimizing the Bush boy's theft of
Iraq's oil. Or they could stage a "car wreck" and
keep the $50M, so watch your back, Tony Blair. And stay
out of small planes and Arkansas hotel rooms.
"I have heard it said that Iraq has had not
months but 12 years in which to disarm, and our patience is exhausted.
Yet it is over 30 years since resolution
242 called on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories. We do not
express the same impatience with the
persis tent refusal of Israel to comply. What has come to trouble me most
over past weeks is the suspicion that
if the hanging chads in Florida had gone the other way and Al Gore had
been elected, we would not now be about
to commit British troops to action in Iraq."
Cook, Why I had to leave [Blair's] cabinet
does he mean?
Louis Jones, 53, died by injection at the
U.S. Penitentiary near Terre Haute after
Bush the U.S. Supreme Court refused his
two final requests that they intervene.
Jones, who had no previous criminal record,
admitted kidnapping Tracie McBride, 19,
from a Texas Air Force base, raping her
and beating her to death with a tire iron.
His attorneys said exposure to Iraqi nerve
gas caused severe brain damage that led him to kill.
The issue was not raised at Jones' trial
because he became aware of the exposure only afterward.
...another victim of Bush 41's bungling in 1990?
10,000 men have been affected by Gulf War Syndrome.
How many more will be affected starting Wednesday night?
We don't know what GWS does, but we still murder those affected
by it?
And he couldn't use that as his defense because the Army is covering
their tracks?
When Clinton tried to hide Monica, they said we had a right
to know.
When the Pentagon hides what they know of GWS, we don't have
a right to know?
We execute those who put their lives on the line for their country,
because they didn't
have enough political clout to pry the truth out of the Pentagon's
Oh well, ...who wants pie?
When I first read that headline, I thought
they might've shot a war time deserter, then I remembered:
They don't shoot war time deserters anymore
- they illegally appoint them president.
In 1991, remember how the Bush administration told us the evil
Iraqis were dumping
babies out of their incubators and taking the machines back to
That never happened.
It was just part of the giant lie package manufactured by the
Bush administration to
justify kicking Saddam's ass for doing something after Saddam
got permission
from George Herbert Herbert Bush to invade Kuwait.
We need to expect another lie package from this illegal Bush administration.
They will fabricate whatever stories are necessary to make
Saddam more dangerous
and make Governor Weak and Stupid look like some kind of damn
war hero.
Excuse me while I vomit?
Meanwhile, Bush's Frankenstein - Osama - is still out their plotting,
knowing all he has to do to carry out
another successful attack on America is to outwit the stupidest
man in American political history.
Instead of protecting America, Bush is using his stolen power
to enrich his family so the stranglehold
they have with oil and gold can be extended to other commodities
like fresh drinking water.
You think paying Enron $1200 a month to heat your home is gouging?
Wait until B.F.E.E. fresh water hits $25 a gallon.
own that water, not you!
you heard?
is coming...
"When the economy was healthy, Bush said we
needed a tax cut for the rich to keep it healthy.
When the economy soured under his watch,
he said we needed a tax cut for the wealthy to pull it
out of the doldrums. When that didn't
work, he said we needed another tax cut for the fat cats for
long-term growth. But, those people
making peanuts who voted for him still think he's talking about
--punpirate, Character
is Fate, democraticunderground.com, 03/15/03
Bart, you have lost all credibility
"Our government has kept us in a perpetual
state of fear... kept us in a continuous
stampede of patriotic fervor... with
the cry of grave national emergency. Always there
has been some terrible evil at home
or some monstrous foreign power that was going
to gobble us up if we did not blindly
rally behind it..."
-- General Douglas MacArthur
(1957) who never even met Smirky MvWarhardon
I hate it when I'm right about the BFEE
Buyouts: Embracing Barbarians at the Gate
Beaten-up companies looking to go private are seeking buyout
The buyout kings are back. Not since the
1980s have the pickings been so rich for leveraged buyout firms
like KKR in the high-profit, high-risk
business of buying, fixing, and reselling companies. Sidelined throughout
much of the late 1990s, when merger mania
pushed asset prices out of sight, they are now picking up businesses
at bargain prices as companies shed what
they couldn't digest. Flush with more than $100 billion raised from the
likes of pension funds, they're emerging
as a powerful force in a new wave of restructuring.
Pension funds, my ass.
These vultures are using our
stolen Social Security money, given to them by Bush to buy once-profitable
so they can lay off the workers and chop up the assets. This
is Bush's reverse Robin Hood trickle down horseshit.
YOUR kids (I have none) are financing these trillionaires and
their buying sprees. Who do we blame for this?
We can't blame the GOP - that's be like blaming a coyote for
wanting to eat a rabbit.
We blame the Democrats who continue to draw paychecks while rubber-stamping Bush's bad ideas.
a good man, a fair man
he's my president and I stand
him like Tony Blair.
CNN is so behind Bush's fake war
In just the space of a few minutes this morning, they had on some
bimbo to explain that
even if gas goes to $5 a gallon, we pay almost that much for
orange juice and bottled water
and a whole list of other liquid products, so why can't we just
bend over and let Enron and
Bush's other oil buddies ream us to death?
Then that Jack-off co-anchor with Paula Von Zahn expressed his
deeply held feelings
that Sunday's Oscar winners should not use their time
onstage to express their views about
the B.F.E.E. leading our men to die in the desert to make
Bush and his family more rich.
Then they went to London for some idiot who wrote the book "Saddam
- Evil Menace,"
so he could list the ways that Saddam makes Hitler and Ghengis
Khan look like third graders.
You see, this is the "Clinton News Network," where it's all ultra-liberal
spin all the time.
Nevermind that Karl Rove is writing their scripts.
This is just like the religious scams we have in America.
If there was no devil, there'd be no reason to give the church
money, right?
If there was no hell, the religious charlatans would have to
get jobs and actually work.
If there's no liberal press, there's no reason to listen to Rush
or the FOX Whores, right?
...and then how would they make their mega-millions of dollars each month?
BTW, I hope you say my good friend Eric Alterman on Jon
Stewart last night.
he explained it in his book, "What Liberal
It probably reads a lot like bartcop.com but
Eric has at least 100 IQ points on me,
so pick up a copy - and when that ditto-monkey at works starts
spouting Rush lies,
kick him in the groin with some of the facts in this book that
everyone should own.
"Iraq probably has no weapons of mass destruction
- namely, a credible device capable of
being delivered against strategic city
targets. It probably does still have biological toxins and
battlefield chemical munitions. But
it has had them since the 1980s when the US sold Saddam
the anthrax agents and the then British
government built his chemical and munitions factories."
--Robin Cook, Why I
had to leave [Blair's] cabinet
Yura Dope - contact sgorney - he lost your address
"What has happened to America? How has it regressed
beyond recognition? More and more, it looks as if
our nation is taking a giant leap backwards
in terms of leadership, the media and the quality of our national
debate...media personalities and government
spokesman are becoming increasingly hostile as they propel us
towards war -- especially in their
attempts to squelch dissent. "
--Maureen Farrell, democraticunderground.com,
Bush insults our friends
Is it me, or did Bush pretty much flat-out
call France a bunch of pansies last night?
Is there really a need for this?
"...some permanent members of the Security Council
have publicly announced that they
will veto any resolution that compels the
disarmament of Iraq. These governments share
our assessment of the danger, but not our
resolve to meet it."
And then to claim that they agree with us,
but just don't have our cojones.
What a lying, grandstanding buffoon.
jaQ, that's what liars do - they lie.
Bush tried to pretend that every nation on Earth agreed with him
about Saddam,
but those wacky French were all alone, and just too insane to
listen to reason like everyone else.
In truth, our allies are Blair (not Britian) and the two unknowns
from Spain and Portugal,
and somebody said Japan was with Smirk, but that's not their
choice considering the nukes
that North Korea is pointing at Tokyo. Japan would ally themselves
with the Ebola virus if
they thought it would protect them from North Korea launching
a missle at them.
A majority of Americans support Bush because they're uneducated
due to a press that's owned
by the B.F.E.E.. Alterman said last night on Jon Stewart
that 70 percent of America believes
Saddam was behind 9-11 and sixty something percent think the
9-11 pilots were Iraqi - this is
due to Bush's insatiable lust for oil and our non-free press.
Bush hasn't mentioned bin Laden in over a year, so people think
he's dead, and I'll bet at dinner
Dim Son tells Pickles, "Saddam is evil,
pass the biscuits, please."
Wait, how can they be "true Americans"
if they believe in that 'free speech' crap?
"All of us need to step back and try to figure
out how to make the U.N. work better.
Perhaps one way will be, if we use
military force, in the post-Saddam Iraq the U.N. will
need to have a role. And that way it
can begin to get its legs, legs of responsibility back."
--Dubya, Azores, Mar.
16, 2003
Saddam: So, ...what did the Yankee mongrel dog say this time?
Iraqi Translator: I don't know - it didn't make any sense.
Saddam: Tell me, or I will kill you, rape your wife and feed your children to my Dobermans!
Iraqi Translator: I don't know - he said something about the UN having its legs amputated and replaced.
Saddam: You're right, that makes no sense. But what did he mean to say?
Iraqi Translator: Nobody knows, even the people of Texas don't know what he's trying to say.
Saddam: OK, bring his wife and children to me!
Iraqi Translator: But it's not my fault - he talks like a drunken child having a nightmare!
Saddam: Hand me my gun - You are a bad translator - BLAM!
E! page
Michael Dare & Disinfotainment Today
Tom Dreesen hosts Dave
The Sydney Opera House got tagged
Oscar Baskets worth $20,000
Mark Knopfler broke 6 ribs
Sopranos back in production?
Liza & David postponed their anniversary
And, archaelologists in Virginia City (NV)
"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will
put an end to mankind."
-- JFK who was murdered
by people who oppose Democrats
Idiot Prince Will Have His War
by Stan Goff
The Bush regime seems to have a clear understanding
of what desperate straits they were in
well before 9-11. The empire is in decline,
and this means Americans will have to reconcile
themselves to a new world in which their
profligate lifestyle becomes a thing of the past.
Americans do not understand that this is
an irremediable situation. That is why we are
witnessing the beginning of what is possibly
the most dangerous period in human history.
If the administration decides miraculously
in the next few days not to invade, the most unthinkable
risks will recede significantly.
But this Junta has repeatedly displayed a reckless adventurist streak
that alarms even their own political allies,
and it appears that the hotter heads will prevail.
This is for radio bits, sound bites, parody songs -etc.
I had to lose that Yahoo box (bartcopradio@yahoo.com)
they have a 10 meg limit and sound files eat space like Limba
in his prime.
We need pretty much everything - if it's short and funny - send
We need bumper music, sound effects, animal noises - anything
that can be
used to ridicule the savage pigs who have illegally taken over
our country.
MP3s are better than wav files because they take 10 percent of
the space.
This isn't America's war.
This isn't Washington's war.
This is George W Bush's war - he is responsible.
When the body bags start to return from the Gulf, don't believe
the networks when
they say "America lost her soldiers,"
because that's not what happened.
Bush got those men killed, not "America," and not "Washington."
To even suggest Bush is in the right on this issue you have to
The appeasers tricked France
into saying no to Bush's war.
The appeasers tricked Germany
into saying no to Bush's war.
The appeasers tricked Russia
into saying no to Bush's war.
The appeasers tricked China
into saying no to Bush's war.
The appeasers tricked 9/10 of
the world's nations into saying no to Bush's war.
...but the dim-witted Bush boy, the never-elected pawn of big
oil who holds the western hemisphere
record for state sanctioned murders, the small-minded child who
giggled at Karla Faye Tucker's pleas
to stay alive, the non-curious "C" student who smirked when he
said all three of James Byrd's
murderers would pay with their lives, when only two faced the
death penalty...
THIS is the guy who saw what the elected leaders of other nations
were blind to?
The never-elected Oil man wanted this war beyond all reason.
China warned Bush not to go.
Russia warned Bush not to go.
France warned Bush not to go.
Germany warned Bush not to go.
The spoiled little boy who never worked a day in his sheltered,
pampered life
has decided he wants his oil war sooner rather than later - so
we're going to war.
"It is not only the evil ones who can be found
in the unconscious, if one looks.
The quiet people who do not kill each
other are there, too."
--Ursula K. LeGuin, who probably never even met the Governor
Hey Bart,
Check out this guy's website..
Advertising on bartcop.com
For a limited time, while the blood-thirsty
crazy man is busy killing,
if you have an anti-Bush, anti-war whatever
product to promote
you can buy two ads for $80 or ten
ads for $300.
Note: Hits are up 30 percent due to the Moron's war.
If you go with the $300 package, you should
get more than six "views" per penny.
When I advertised on salon.com I
paid $1.60 for each click.
If you can get one out of every hundred
people to click (my good Catholic math)
you'll be paying one penny per click
instead of the $1.60 that I paid Salon.com.
Plus, Salon.com won't even talk to you for less than $1200.
If your banner is good and attractive, people
will click.
If your product is timely and a good value,
people will buy.
the business address for more details.
Also, page advertisers will be mentioned
on the sure-to-be-a-smash hit
"War today is smells ... smells of chemicals
being dropped from the sky to set houses on fire. Smells from burning oil
Smells of roasting human flesh. War
today is noises. War is the noise the bomb makes when it drops. Thick,
heavy noise.
Then the noise when the glass breaks
and the walls crumble. Then the noise of silence. That silence which holds
all eternity
in its grasp for a split second, and
then lets go, quickly. More than anything else war today is the noise people
make. Hopeless,
scared, soul-seared people. When the
split second of silence is over they scream and moan, or just whimper.
You can forget
what you see. And what you smell. But
you can never forget noises..."
-- Robert St. John's 1942 book, From the Land of Silent People,
Randolph T. Holhut, american-reporter.com
Dear Bart,
Please find enclosed a small amount of money
for BartCop Radio.
I wish I could send more, I'm just low
right now. here's what I did,
and I hope you will suggest this to your
loyal readers:
1. Go to your change jar and put it all
in a plastic bag.
2. Take the change to the bank and exchange
it for bills.
3. Send the bills to bartcop.com
PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
This is my small, small part in fighting
encroaching fascism in this world.
Now, if many, many Bartcoppers would do
that, I bet you could fund
BartCop Radio on a continuing basis. And
Bartcopppers wouldn't feel a thing.
Please withhold ny name.
That word never meant more than it does today.
BartCop Manor is under construction.
I realize you haven't been to BartCop Manor, but this construction
is murder.
First, there's no room at all in the house - only paths from
room to room.
You can't put a pizza down anywhere, we're that cramped for space.
To get room for the studio, we had to drag stuff into the halls,
then buy, transport,
assemble and set up two sets of shelves to house "stuff."
That created enough room
to enable us to go buy three more shelves today. Once they are
purchased, transported,
assembled and set up, it will create enough room for the tables
and mixing board and VCRs
and tape decks and CD players and stuff to create the necessary
We're building the BartCop Studio from the ground up.
Remember, I'm counting on you to send me sound files.
This is a little premature, but it's something
to be thinking about.
My plan is to tape the vulgar Pigboy AM,
O'Reilly and Hannity TV and now and then
we'll grab some Laura the Unloved AM idiocy
just for something to laugh at.
This is what I need from you, and this is
easy: Everything will be taped on VCRs
which have time stamps. If
you hear Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity or Laura say something
extra stoopid, or something that
we can have great fun with, look at your clock.
Then write to me and say, "Bart, 22 minutes
into Rush's second hour, he got nailed
by some guy named Bernie in Oregon who
said 'Mega-BartCop dittoes, Pigboy!' "
Then I can go to my tape, fast-forward to
1 hour and 22 minutes, locate the sound bite
and convert it into an MP3 which we can
use until the mountains fall into the sea.
How cool is this?
So any Nazi shit the four of them spew
from now on will be archived forever.
We'll have their exact quotes, in their
own voices - and you know what would be the greatest
thing that could ever happen? If one of
the four wrote me some candy-ass legal letter demanding
that I stop ridiculing the crap they spread
every day.
ha ha
I'd like to see them try.
By Koresh, I'll have my good friend
Tommy Mack go to the Spy Store in LA and I'll wear
a hidden mic and camera when they take
me to trial and we'll simulcast that mother-effer.
As always, I will pay their filing fee
and represent myself while sipping Chinaco Anejo tequila.
ha ha
They wouldn't DARE try to take me
to court.
I'm undefeated.
So, this would take very, very little time
and effort on your part. When they say something stupid,
just glance at the clock and send me an
e-mail and we'll be so incredibly mean to them that next time
they start to spew some horseshit,
they might think, "I'll bet that BartCop fella will play this
on his radio show tomorrow, so I better
ease back on the Nazi hate a little."
In closing, while we dismantle and rebuild
the current cockpit, I'm on a slow and clumsy laptop
with a 56K modem. Have patience this
week, is
busy being born.
It's getting closer and closer...
Isn't it exciting?
Wish us luck, and consider joining the team!
silent benefactor is still matching all new subscriptions.
Help make BartCop Radio an April
rather than a May-June
Is bartcop.com worth $5 a month?
You say you can't afford to subscribe?
What happens if Bush wins
steals another four years?
Can you afford that?
They own the TV networks.
They own the major newspapers.
They own the weekly news magazines.
They own talk radio.
The Internet Resistance is all we have.
Click Here to support BartCop Radio big-time
If we don't fight back, we're just soldiers in Smirky McWarhardon's Insanity Brigade.
"The hatred for Bush amongst Democrats in this
country is so real that,
if given the chance, it would manifest
itself in the ultimate harm to this country.”
--Rush the vulgar Pigboy
No telling what the stroke-addled caveman
is hinting at, but it might be assassination.
Let me remind you, Rush, that your side
hasn't taken a hit since Lincoln, and they shot
him for considering the negro a human being.
No, it's our side that keeps getting murdered by your side.
JFK, Ghandi, Lennon, RFK, Wellstone, MLK
and on and on.
That's what your side did to our
Go to hell, Rush.
We fight (sometimes) with ideas and words.
Your side uses bullets, bombs and ammonium nitrate.
Subject: the Pope
I'm wishing the Pope would fly to Bagdad and dare George to attack.
Tom H
Tom, you just killed the Pope.
Nothing can stop the small minded fool running the world's
only superpower.
Like the House impeachment managers, who would abandon their
kids in a burning car
to run and vote against Clinton, nothing can stop Bush
from getting thsoe Iraqi oil fields.
The Democrats are too afraid of angering Mr Rove, the press and
the courts are owned by
the B.F.E.E., so our only chance of stopping the madman
is patriotic senior Republicans.
If a group of 20 senior Republicans, people like Howard Baker
and Gerald Ford and
Alan Simpson and Ralston Purina others outside the BFEE held
a press conference and
said, "this madness must stop," the press just might cover that
- without it, we're lost.
"Operation Enduring Handjob" is about to enter it's bloody, mega-profits phase.
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com a nickel.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2003, bartcop.com
Ain't nothing like live Shirley and her backing group Garbage.