The ‘great’ Republican record since
               Bush & Co. stole the White House
                                by Jackson Thoreau

                      The following is an open letter to U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm of Texas that  was
                      emailed to his office, other politicians, the media, and others on Oct. 22, 2002.

                      Dear U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm,

                      I am a Texan who received a recorded phone call this morning with your
                      voice urging me to vote Republican on Nov. 5. You urged me to vote for
                      the "great" Republican candidates who are running for U.S. Senate, the U.S.
                      House of Representatives, and Texas and local offices.

                      Here is the "great" job Republicans like you and U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey
                      Hutchison and U.S. Rep. Dick Armey and Bush and Cheney and others have
                      done since y’all – as we say in Texas - stole the White House in late 2000:

                      *       Unemployment has risen from 4 percent to 6 percent, while under Democratic
                      President Bill Clinton, unemployment went down from 7 percent to 4 percent.

                      *       The poverty rate went up for the first time in eight years, from 11.3
                      percent in 2000 to 11.7 percent in 2001, according to federal government
                      figures. The number of Americans living under the federal poverty level
                      INCREASED by 1.3 million in 2001, while under President Clinton the
                      number of impoverished Americans DECLINED by 7.7 million.

                      *       The share of income going to the poorest fifth of households declined,
                      for the first time in five years, from 3.6 percent in 2000 to a record-low
                      3.5 percent in 2001. The next-to-the-bottom [8.7 percent] and middle
                      [14.6 percent] fifths of households also saw their pieces of the pie drop to
                      all-time lows, dating to 1967, when such statistics were first recorded.
                      The share going to the next-to-the-top [23 percent] fifth tied for an all-time low.

                      *       The percentage of income going to the richest 20 percent of households
                      went the opposite way, increasing from 49.8 percent in 2000 to a record-high
                      50.2 percent in 2001. The wealthiest Americans’ pie piece rises even more – to
                      55.6 percent - if you include capital gains, such as the windfall Bush received
                      when his interest in the Texas Rangers baseball team was sold to campaign
                      contributor Tom Hicks in 1994 [Bush reported this as capital gains, rather than
                      income, to pay the least amount of taxes].

                      *       The average amount by which Americans fell below the poverty level also
                      hit a record of $2,707 [data goes to 1979], according to the Washington, D.C.-based
                      Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. And experts don’t expect the trend to change soon.

                      *       More than a net 1 million jobs have been lost since early 2001, while
                      under President Clinton, more than a net 22 million jobs were gained.

                      *       More than 2 million people were laid off in 2001 by companies like Enron
                      and Worldcom that you Republicans support so much, and we are on target to
                      reach more than another 2 million layoffs in 2002, according to the U.S. Labor
                      Department. That is the most since the early 1980s, when another Republican
                      administration controlled the White House.

                      *       The percentage of MBA graduates in the top 30 U.S. business schools who
                      have a job within three months of graduation declined from 97 percent in 2000 to
                      80 percent in 2002, according to Business Week.

                      *       We now have returned to Republican-led budget deficits again, after getting
                      good surpluses under President Clinton.

                      *       We are in the midst of starting World War III with our irresponsible,
                      go-it-alone invasion of Iraq. More than 25 countries – including those that aren’t
                      favorable to us like Pakistan – already have nuclear weapons, and others like Iran
                      and North Korea are much farther along in building these weapons of mass
                      destruction than Iraq. Republicans have failed to link Hussein with the Sept. 11, 2001,
                      acts of terrorism. Bush is on record as saying he’s going after Hussein for personal
                      reasons because Hussein tried to kill his dad. Others say oil is a big factor since Iraq
                      is the second-leading exporter of oil in the world, and U.S. companies want a bigger
                      role in controlling that. And Bush and you and others are willing to sacrifice American,
                      Iraqi, and others lives for the sake of personal, petty, putrid politics.

                      *       Republicans have created much ill-will among our allies overseas by
                      breaking nuclear treaties, not signing environmental pacts like the Kyoto Treaty,
                      refusing to support an international court to resolve international disputes, and other
                      arrogant, selfish decisions. How can we expect other countries to support us when we
                      don’t support international issues they care about?

                      *       The federal government is desecrating our national parks by putting oil wells in
                      such places as Utah’s Arches Park.

                      *       The ranks of people without health insurance swelled by about 2 million in 2001,
                      to some 41 million, the largest one-year increase in nearly a decade, according to
                      Covering the Uninsured, a partnership of national organizations that includes the U.S.
                      Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO. Republican politicians like Bush and Cheney
                      have done NOTHING to address the increase in the uninsured.

                      *       Republicans want to invest Social Security funds in the stock market, which has
                      dropped significantly since Bush & Co. stole the White House.

                      *       Crime increased across the country by 2 percent in 2001, according to the FBI,
                      the first increase in more than a decade.

                      *       Republicans care more about school children saying the Pledge of Allegiance than
                      significantly increasing funding for education, especially higher education to lower tuition
                      and fees, which will do much more to further our pledge of "liberty and justice for all"
                      than simply saying that pledge.

                      *       Republicans have cut many domestic programs, causing the ranks of the
                      homeless to rise again.

                      *       The number of protests and protesters against the federal government’s
                      policies has increased dramatically in the past two years.

                      *       Civil liberties are being eroded, as many Republicans push to create a police state.

                      *       More far-right judges who will stop our elections to tell us who won and make other
                      undemocratic decisions have been appointed to federal courts.

                      *       Republicans continue to blame Clinton for everything that goes wrong under them,
                      making a mockery of their claim to "take responsibility."

                      *       Little has been done to fix the electoral "problems" and fraud that occurred, mostly
                      by the Republicans, in the 2000 election.

                      *       Bush has already taken more days of vacation than probably any American president
                      in history, including the entire month of August 2001 when he was told early that month of
                      an impending terrorist attack and remained on vacation for the entire month, doing nothing
                      about what he was told.

                      *       And so on. And so on. And so on.

                      I can come up with more failures of the Republicans in the last two years,
                      but this should do for now.

                      In your recording, you also thanked me for supporting you in the past 24 years and referred
                      to Texas as "the greatest state in the greatest country in the history of the world." Besides
                      wanting to know what criteria you use to define the greatest state and greatest country, I could
                      come up with a list at least this long of reasons why Texas is not the greatest state [for instance,
                      we rank among the highest rates of poverty and people without health insurance in the nation]
                      and the U.S. is not the greatest country [for instance, numerous other countries have much
                      fewer homeless people and people without health insurance]. I should add that I have NEVER
                      voted for you or given you any money in the last 24 years, so I don’t know how you can say
                      I supported you.

                      Again, I am extremely angry about your propaganda phone call this morning, and I hope you
                      do not make any such calls to me in the future.

                      For liberty and justice for all – not just hollowly mouthing the words, as so many Republicans do,

                      Jackson Thoreau

                      A Texan who votes and tells others to vote DEMOCRATIC

                      P.S. You ended your recording with "I love ya." You don’t love me. You love wealthy yahoos
                      who fund your campaigns who you pay back using our tax money. I find that ending almost as
                      offensive as you calling Republican politicians "great."

                      Jackson Thoreau is co-author of We Will Not Get Over It: Restoring a Legitimate White House.
                      The 110,000-word electronic book can be downloaded by Clicking Here  or  Clicking Here   

                      Thoreau can be emailed at

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