BartCop wrote:
> Would I label all these people "doves"?
> Well, in this particular case, yes.
> If their answer is "Plan A is bad," and they have no
> Plan B, it sounds to me like a surrender.
BC, you use a false premise here. You state that Plan A is war, which is horseshit (to use a BC-ism).
The Real PLAN A
What tens of thousands of Americans have dedicated
their lives to
for decades; namely, improving the world, often
at great personal cost.
We have been working on these solutions for decades,
not just since 11 Sept.
Plan A takes dedication all your life, and it
takes deep conviction to continue every day.
It means getting up every single morning
and fighting the good fight instead of giving in
to the ditto-monkeys and just blowing your own
brains out from the shear hopelessness of it.
It means reading hundreds of books, thousands
af articles, comprehending complex philosophy
and science. It means not quitting until
you really do understand it, not some monkey-shallow
executive summary written by KKKarl rove.
It means putting your life, your livlihood, your reputation, and your FBI files on the line.
Plan A is advocating unpopular positions to spoiled
three-year olds in the throws of a nasty
screaming tantrum because they just can't take
care of that pet white elephant that they really
Plan A has been working, gradually, _despite_
the insane resistance
of the repugnican national Klan. That is
why they had to invent a new hysteria :
The Real PLAN B
What smirking monkey boy and his handles have
force fed down our throats:
an unjust and illegal "war." They have
created this Plan B because the original Plan A
was actually showing signs of working (E.g.,
the Big Dog Administration).
This "war" was caused by the illegal, immoral,
and outright evil actions of the corporate-sucking
aristocracy that is condemning our entire planet
to conflict in the name of stock options and quarterly profits.
Their ill-gotten wealth, squeezed from the ground-up
flesh of human beings, is used to perpetuate conflict,
to cause strife, confusion and darkness wherever
a little light and truth may be created.
One of the major goals of this so-called "war"
is to discredit the legitimate work that has been on-going
for decades (the Real Plan A). It manufactures
an environment of hysteria that deliberately cuts off
information and debate that would rapidly discredit
the flase claims put forth by the illegal occupation
force masquerading as an executive administration.
And, the biggest lie of Plan B, that somehow Plan
B is a solution instead of making the problem worse.
You are supporting and encouraging the real Plan
You claim that we who oppose this constructed
"war" are doves and that we would rather surrender than fight.
You call us cowards for not caving into the propaganda
of the insane right wing, for standing up to the lies
and injustice being conducted in our name.
Your rhetoric is as false as rush & rove combined.
I've been saying the same things that I've been
saying since ray-gun ass-raped our country (and Central America,
and the Middle-East, etc.), but now I'm suddenly
a 'traitor' because I condemn the Bush Crime Syndicate
for being the evil in our midst that is propagating
evil for their personal profit.
Somehow I'm not a patriot, that I'm advocating
surrender because I cannot support an illegal campaign
of murder conducted by an administration that
is illegally occupying our White House and vast tracts
of our Congress and Supreme Court.
Yes, we _are_ doves. We have spent decades
of our lives getting educated and attempting to design solutions
to critical problems that threaten the existance
of humanity. We have spent decades of our lives being persecuted
and ridiculed for the simple action of actually
uncovering truth and attempting to make it available to everyone.
We do not advocate doing nothing. Just the
opposite, we are advocating that people wake up and pay attention
to the carn-evil being conducted. Our solutions
are opposed in the 'red areas,' where tin-horn patriotism,
religious zealotry & bigotry, propaganda,
and endemic lack of education benefit the fear-mongers and the
corporate cabals. We advocate that people
take true responsibility for their actions, that evidence of crimes
be published in detail and that the criminals
be appropriately subjected to lawful punishment.
War threatens our existance, more so today than
in any time of our human history. It's not just the weapons
of mass destruction, it is also the increduble
waste of limited, critical resources that we all require.
Not the least to consider is the sanctity of human
lives, no matter the geographic location of birth.
'Collateral damage' is the _murder_ of human
beings. Shame on you for considering it to be anything less.
We do not oppose the use of military &/or
deadly force, sometimes it truly is necessary.
This war to benefit Those Who Installed Dubya
is not one of those times.
We are not against America; we DO support the
people in our society who take the risk and responsibility
to serve America and all the people of our world,
those who put their LIVES on the line todefend our country
and highest ideals. We respect anyone in
any country who has that level of dedication. We may not agree
with it, and we may be faced with times when
it must be opposed, but understanding and respecting it
often prevents unnecessary conflict.
We see this as one of those times : unnecessary and falsely created conflict.
We DO oppose lynching by kangaroo court.
We DO oppose the blatently illegal use of our
military to keep shrub, Inc. in power, to turn more profits
for our corrupt corporate system, and we DO NOT
support the use of our military to cover up the evidence
of the Bush Crime Syndicates crimes by ordering
them to commit mass murder.
No, we are not cowards. I have yet to see
you standing on the front lines of a protest against the traitors
that trashed our Constitution. Where are
you on the front lines, facing tear gas and riot police in a T-shirt
and a water soaked rag across your face ?
In a time of real crisis in this country, when
it has been overthrown by a coup, you go off on vacations
in a masturbation of drinking and fun.
You leave it up to us "doves" to spend every waking moment of
our lives getting educated, educating an unwilling
populace, and getting beaten and arrested by our own
'public safety' gestapo. Our vacations
are spent in prison, our lives ruined financially and by secret
intelligence files detailing our so-called
You are the coward. Pick up your sharp stick and face the real traitors.
You are either with us or you are a dubya-enabler.
Which side of the real war are you on ?
The one where you get sloppy on Chinaco while
the Constitution burns ?
Or the side where you _earn_ your priviledge
> ...reminding everyone that [BartCop's
false] Plan A is
> strongly felt by a huge majority of Americans.
> This isn't a 50-50 like the Florida elections.
> This is an 80-20, so the "dunnos," are at
a disadvantage.
So, you are advocating mob rule, where censored
information, lies
and propaganda are used to make the herd stampede
briefly in one
direction or another. Two demerit points
for BartCop.
A few thousand clueless twits responding to a
CNN / faux news 'survey' do not remotely constitute
'a huge majority of Americans.' It constitutes
a few thousand sheeple who have been brainwashed
that they are traitors if they don't lick monkey-ass.
People want justice. Try running that through a poll.
The lying, shit-flinging, hysteria-mongering chimp
polluting our White House maintains that 'justice' will be
accomplished by raping our national treasury,
raping the world resources, distributing insane wealth to a
few corrupt and evil crime families, and using
our military to commit mass murder and create chaos
in the face of the possibility of an impartial
investigation into their allegations.
Minimal education will destroy that rove-ari hideous
piece of spin.
They are attempting to prevent that, you are
coopeating nicely.
With a firm lock on corporate media sponsored
propaganda, _SOME_ people are responding to slanted polls
without true knowledge of what they are advocating.
If you call this Democracy, then you are equally supporting
the repugnican-staged storming of the ballot-counting
effort in Florida last fall. 100% of those people were
outraged at the vote recounting effort.
The "dunnos" are at a disadvantage. Game - Set - Match, install
the monkey and jail the dissentors.
I see that one of the 'Truth Hammer' banners is
back, but it's as weak as superman rolling into town in a
Winnebago full of kryptonite when you place it
meaningleesly in the middle of your page. The lynch noose
in your hand is bloody to your shoulder; standing
next to the scales of justice won't bring the innocent back to life.
The part that makes me weep is that
has become one of the stampeding sheep, bleating
for slaughter and blood rather than truth and
justice. I personally had much higher expectations of you.
Apparantly quite a number of your other long-time
readers did, also.
Here's raising a shot to what BartCop was and
might once again be, but I spit Chinaco from
my mouth every fucking time you start your
horseshit, insane ranting about glassing "them."
-- popabear, original flavour
Mental Aberration is a State of Grace
Gardner, yes, I've been a slacker.
I did some quick math and figured out I only put about 2500 hours
a year into this fight.
I'll try to stop being so lazy.
I can handle anything any ditto-monkey dishes out, have been since
but I went on my "masturbation of drinking
and fun" to get away from people like you.
Thanks for the support.