hey bc,
check out this shit, dude-
and, as always, not A WORD Bono said was untrue.
But put one of ol' Rupies shitmongers on it
and he's the devil incarnate! Dan Aquilante
seems to conveniently forget that the band comes from
a nation torn apart by religious terrorism.
Those terrorist acts came from BOTH the IRA and the
Church Of England. If ANYONE would know
what war and peace are like, I think it would be Bono Vox.
by Dan Aquilante
October 26, 2001 -- AT their return engagement at Madison
Square Garden, U2 was a finely tuned rock machine, with a
squeaky wheel named Bono at center stage.
Why would the NY Post send a U2-hater to review this concert?
Bono, the voice of U2, sang songs about peace, love and
understanding in a city that was the target of hate a month ago.
I think that's the only paragraph without any personal slurs in it.
Over the course of the two-hour concert, between highlights such as
"Bullet the Blue Sky," "Beautiful Day," "Pride" and "Sunday Bloody
Sunday," he expounded on a mishmash of topics.
Early on he praised IRA terrorists for finally laying down their guns.
It's a U2 concert, asshole, that's what Bono does.
That's one reason they were the biggest band in the world for 14 years.
He kissed an American flag that a kid in the audience waved with reverence,
yet his jacket was lined with a cut-up Old Glory. He told us to have
with Muslims. "They go to church, too," he informed the adoring crowd.
God, he just hates them soooo much.
Why send a fan of Fox News to review this concert?
Is the whole point to piss off the reader?
And he concluded the concert by scrolling the names of the victims of the
fatal Sept. 11 flights, as well as the names of the police and firefighters
who died
in the World Trade Center rescue efforts, on a large display screen.
Deeds count, not words.
Hey, Dude, fuck you.
More than any other person in show business (possible exception Liz Taylor)
Bono has put his money, his mouth, his time and his passion into REAL causes,
like third-world debt relief - causes that may have saved hundreds of thousands
of lives
and he did it by making friends with cold-blooded reptilian whores like
Helms and Hatch.
One of my favorite U2 stories is the one where Bono and his wife went to
some poor
African country and learned enough of the local language to write songs
that the children
could remember about planting seeds and how to farm them and turn them
into food.
So shove that "Deeds count, not words" up your ass, you partisan prick
This past weekend he and guitarist The Edge didn't bother to show up for
their scheduled
appearance at the Concert for New York City - that honored those fallen
heroes and
aided their families.
If you were a reporter, instead of a right-wing ass-licker, you'd give
the REASON why
they didn't show up. I doubt they just blew off the gig because they hate
New York.
Bono was so liberal, so politically correct, he made you want to puke green.
Suck me.
As an outsider, his audacity to think his celebrity gives him the right
to tell us how and when
to let go of our anger made the rage hotter. You wanted to hit him upside
the head.
No, (Koresh, have we ever seen a concert review with this
much hate?) if you knew
anything about the band, you'd know this is part of what the people paid
to see & hear.
And I'll bet you were the only son of a bitch in New York who thought of
when Bono used his words and music to try to help heal the city.
Only a Republican would want to use violence when someone talked about
Bono should consider he's not a priest, just a singer. To steal a line
that Bono
sang when he was a boy: "If he starts to think, he'll start to cry."
I'll bet every person who PAID for their ticket had a great time.
Only a whore who works for Rupert Murdoch would go to a U2 concert
and expect a man who has been preaching for 21 years to stop preaching
when he got to the site of the worst man-made disaster in modern history.
The music was great. The band played well. I wish I had stayed home.
Hey, Prick - we ALL wish you had stayed home.
What a handjob of character assassination this review was.
There wasn't any reason for you to go to this concert.
You could've hated Bono and his band without leaving your cave.
Even Rude Rich doesn't hate U2 this much...