by  Tony Hoppe

Bear with me on this one, but this type of hateful, ditto-spank malarkey begs for dissection.
I'll address each charge individually.

1.  1993 WTC bombing:  The perpertrators were hunted down, captured, put on
trial and summarily sentenced.  Here's the news link to prove it - -
Too bad ditto-monkeys are so blinded by hatred for Clinton they can't take
the time to do a little bit of fact finding.

2.  1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia:  They're referring to Riyadh.  There were
arrests in this case and eventually it turned out that these perpetrators
were aligned with the same people who committed the Khobar bombing a year later.
Here's the news link -
Once again a little fact finding reveals the lie behind the ditto-monkey
charge that Clinton did nothing.

3.  1996 Khobar Towers bombing:  The investigation which started in the
Clinton administration ended up in indictments in June of this year.
Here's the news link - -
And the silly ditto-monkeys will try to give all the credit to Dumbya Bush I'm sure.

4.  African embassy bombings:  Two arrests in July of 1999.
Investigation shows links to Bin Laden.  Here's the news link - -

5.  USS Cole bombing:   An investigation (started by Clinton) resulted in
the arrest of 5 in Yemen including 2 Egyptians in January of this year.
Same investigation details links to Bin Laden and his group.  Here's the (yawn) news link - -

And now for the REALLY stupid statements.

6.  "Maybe if Clinton had kept his promise, an estimated 6,000+ people would be alive today"???
This is how low the ditto-monkeys will sink in their efforts to smear Clinton.
Using their sick,  perverted logic, I can make moronic statements like that too.
Like this one - - "Maybe if Ronald Reagan had listened to his military advisors to NOT house
military personnel on land in Beirut, Lebanon in October 1983, 245 U.S. Marines,
soldiers and sailors might be alive today".   Or how about this one - -
"Maybe if people like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Reagan, Al Rantel, Dr. Laura, Oliver North, Sean Hannity
(or anyone for that matter associated with Fox Whore News) had not  for years been instigating the right-wing,
militia yahoos like Tim McVeigh to distrust and hate their government, 168 innocent men, women and pre-school
children would be alive today".   See how that nasty little game works?  I'd have to admit though, that it's one
game the conservatives are indeed masters at.

7.  "The US government has spent much more money chasing down Bill Gates over the past ten years than Osama Bin Laden"???  Once again, ditto-monkey ignorance reigns supreme.  Fact :  up to now (and it hasn't been 10 years)
the total taxpayer cost in the Microsoft anti-trust suit is around $60 million.  Contrast that with the fact that in January of 1999 President Clinton submitted proposals to the Republican controlled congress to spend a grand total of $10 billion on anti-terrorism and national defense programs (subsequent weakening and watering down of the legislation by Republicans pretty much rendered the anti-terrorism plans toothless). Hmmm!  I guess in the world of ditto-monkey math, $60 million is more than $10 billion!   You see how desperate they are to blame anything on Clinton?
Once again, here's the news link - -

8.  Bill and Hillary's memoirs?   Who gives a shit?  Why is it the ditto-monkeys are all for free-market capitalism and everyone making a quick buck except when it comes to anyone with the last name of Clinton? I'm going to give the morons a break on this one by not trotting out the name of every conservative Republican who has cashed in on their government service by becoming corporate whore lobbyists and whore-media spokespeople over the years.

The unmitigated truth is this - -   Monica, stains on a blue dress, cigars, and Clinton's zipper
have been a much higher priority for conservatives the past several years.  The cock-hungry Republicans said,
"Terrorism?  What terrorism?  Oh -  you mean that stuff that always happens to little brown foreign people!
Nahh!  We have to find out if Bill lied to us about the semen stains first.  Let's devote all of these FBI and
CIA resources to try and find out how many bimbos Clinton got blow-jobs from the past 8 years, because
that's what's really important toThe People!   Once we finish up with that then we'll think about taking
a look at this terrorism stuff".

Egads!!  There's good old fashioned, conservative, Republican politics for ya' huh?

- tjh

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