Goddamn right he's been murdered.
2000 election was decided in the state controlled by his brother.
Just a coincidence.
SOB was appointed by a court made up of
TrickyDick-Gipper-Poppy nominees.
Another conincidence.
In less than two weeks after W's appointment
gasoline hits $2 a gallon.
In less than two weeks after Jeffords switch
gas prices return to their pre-W level.
Wow, another coincidence!
Minneapolis FBI refuses to persue valid
leads in the pre-911 investigations of Al Qaida.
Another fucking coincidence.
Ashcroft stops flying commercial airlines
in the Summer of '02.
ANOTHER coincidence?!
911 happens. A "failure to connect
the dots".
Rice tells us "no one" could have predicted
jets would be used as bombs. Nope, nobody at all.
Enron-White House connections, Cheney's
refusal to turn over any information concerning his
Energy Task Force, Dubya uses "executive
privilege" to block release of papers from Reagan-Bush era,
collapsing economy; all pushed aside in
an election year by headlines concerning the new American
"first-stike" policy which just happens
to be directed against the country with the world's second-largest
amount of proven petroleum reserves.
Goddammit, more freaking coincidences!
And now the most liberal US Senator in the
tightest Senate race of '02 has just died.
Sorry folks this was murder, committed
and approved by GW himself. There will be a whitewash
and the media will go along, guaranteed.
What's the alternative: facing the truth-we are about to lose
our democracy for good to a gang of thieves
who actually believe God wants them to rule, who actually
believe they know best how to govern America
and who don't give a damn if the whole country or the
world knows it, who's gonna stop 'em!
The man who exposed Dubya's felonious service
record, JH Hatfield in his book "Fortunate Son",
was found dead in an Arkansas hotel room
of an apparent suicide. He left behind a wife and kids.
Golly another coincidence.
Bill Clinton, on the other hand, got blowjobs
from a willing intern.
Yeah now that is something to get worked
up about!
You guys only see what you want to for
the sake of "Dixie" of whatever the hell it is you believe in.
But guess what? God was neither a
segregationist or a secessionist.
Too bad your side will never figure it out
because you are letting Dubya and his cronies destroy our nation,
all for the sake of a $300 rebate and a
chance to feel good about hating people you don't even know.
Go ahead, name a group. Chances are
most of you hate them.