Did EMP devices crash Wellstone, Carnahan, JFK Jr.?
     by  jacksonthor@yahoo.com   Oct. 29, 2002


 I'm looking into the use of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) devices in crashing planes and more "coincidental"
 similarities between the "accidents" involving Wellstone in 2002, Carnahan in 2000, and JFK Jr. in 1999.

 All those "accidents" involved planes already descending towards their landing that suddenly wandered off
 their approach paths and crashed. In all three cases, radio contact appears to have been cut off while the
 planes were still in the air, possibly indicating electrical failures on board.

 One way to sabotage a landing airplane would be to use a focused electromagnetic pulse (EMP) device.
 These machines are already being manufactured and marketed to law enforcement agencies to stop fleeing
 vehicles. In fact, here is a link to a US Dept. of Justice document describing these devices:


 Theoretically, a person a few miles from the runway could bombard the aircraft with an intense electromagnetic
 pulse, which could cause an electrical failure, instantly knock out radio communication, disrupt normal engine
 ignition, and cause loss of steering control. The steering control surfaces on these airplanes are controlled by
 individual electrical actuators that are mechanically linked to the rudder, ailerons, and flaps.

 This type of sabotage would leave no physical evidence on the aircraft, although it's possible that people at
 the airport or in the general vicinity might have noticed electrical anomalies like radio noises, a crashed
 computer, telephone disruption, and so on. Who knows, there might even be an eyewitness, someone on the
 ground or in an air traffic control tower, who noticed that the aircraft's engines went silent or saw the plane
 careen off course.

 That's why we need to get this information out. Did anyone out there who might have witnessed these three
 crashes see anything out-of-the-ordinary right before the "accidents" like computer crashes and intense
 phone static? Did anyone suddenly see those planes go off course, as if they were electromagnetically "hit?"
 Any information can be emailed to me at jacksonthor@justice.com.

 Many say these are mere coincidences. Maybe so. I hope so because if they weren't coincidences that means
 our government or some powerful forces behind it is in the business of assassinating not only foreign leaders
 but our own leaders. But my hunch says I'm on to something. People still try to tell me Oswald acted alone
 in killing JFK. But that's largely been proven false.

 Others tell me there is no use in pursuing such questions, that nothing will bring these leaders back. Maybe so,
 but perhaps by exposing the truth, we can prevent more leaders from dying in such "accidents." Perhaps we
 can expose the powerful forces who might resort to assassination to increase their power and bring them to
 justice, or cause them to destroy themselves, as their own consciences catch up with them [that is, if they
 have consciences]. In my 24 years as a journalist, writer and activist, I have tried to hold fast to at least this
 one conviction: a sincere search for the truth is always worth the effort.
 Is that not what our country, our republic, should be about?

 Sure, we should move forward with focusing on the Nov. 5 election and trying to oust any Bush-supporting
 politician we can. We should support Wellstone's replacement, altho it's difficult to see anyone replacing him.

 But these questions persist.

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