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"We were very surprised. We were told when
we were going through Nassiriya that we would see
little to no resistance.We were more
prepared for what happened in the Gulf War when they turned
over and surrendered most of the time...
They weren't rolling over like we thought they would."
-- wounded Marine Joshua Menard, news conference at Landstuhl, Germany
were misled by Bill Clinton.
Yeah, ...that's the ticket."
Here for the perma-link.
Anti-B.F.E.E. stories have a tendency to disappear right away.
repeatedly rejected advice from Pentagon planners that substantially
more troops and armor would be needed
insisted at least six times that ground troops be sharply reduced and got
his way.
"He thought
he knew better. He was the decision-maker at every turn,"
This is
the mess Rummy put himself in..."
overruled Gen. Tommy Franks to delay the invasion
troops on the ground] have no resources.
war was now a stalemate.
Much of
the supply of Tomahawk cruise missiles has been expended,
carriers were going to run out of precision guided bombs
maintenance problems with tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment,
they planned
to bring in another 100,000 U.S. soldiers by the end of April.
What a mess - have you ever seen cocksure bunglers screw up so
incredibly bad?
Politically, we have to compare this to Mogadishu, the
GOPs favorite subject of all time
Clinton never wanted to be in
Somalia - that was Bush 41's screw up
Clinton didn't try to micromanage
Clinton didn't reject the advice
of all his top generals
It's only been 12 days, and
we've lost 61
men - either dead, missing or POWs that probably
aren't coming back
And they want to send another 100,000 men so Rummy can gamble some more?
All this, because the Unelected Fraud has a physical lust for Iraq's oil.
Today is March 30th, and we have 61 (trust me) dead.
How many dead will we have thirty days from now?
...and if you're not sickened yet, check this, from an unnamed former senior Pentagon official:
"The only
hope is that they can hold out until reinforcements arrive."
We should recall the troops, apologize to the world and remind them we didn't elect these blood-thirsty thugs.
I don't want to watch hundreds (please, not thousands) of our bravest men die live on CNN.
We need to stop this war.
A suicide bomber in a taxi killed
four American soldiers in an attack Saturday.
The bomber was identified as an Iraqi army
officer and more suicide attacks are coming.
The bomber struck at a U.S. checkpoint
on the highway north of the city of Najaf.
A taxi stopped close to the checkpoint,
and the driver waved for help.
The soldiers approached the car, and it
The illegal president wants to occupy this country?
For how many years?
They say it happened in Najaf, but it sure seems like Lebanon
to me.
Oh, how I wish we had an elected president that wasn't owned by greedy oil barons.
Orders 4-6 Day Pause in Iraq Advance, say Officers
Senior military officials deny it, and they'd never lie,
Field officers said "operational pause,"
ordered on Friday, meant that northward advances would be
put on hold while the military tried to
sort out logistics problems caused by long supply lines from Kuwait.
Food rations have been cut sharply for
at least some frontline U.S. units and fuel use has been limited.
Oh, this war is going just perfect.
They were so confident, they rushed towards Baghdad without extra
I know less about war strategy than anybodt besides the Corrupt
but why couldn't we invade with an inverted "V," instead of a
A spear is looooooooong and skinny, and apparently all our technology
can't locate
the Iraqis in SUVs that are ambushing us like the Idians did
to trains 150 years ago.
Isn't anybody thinking?
Can't we pretend the lives of our soldiers mean something?
Maybe we should just pull out of Iraq and hold an election for
a real president.
Or, we could keep on sending young men to their deaths so Shithead
can avenge his Daddy.
Tone Ended With War
The B.F.E.E. can't tell the truth when they smell oil
In the months preceding the war, Bush was
largely silent on the subject of the conflict's cost, duration and dangers,
while key administration officials and
advisers presented upbeat forecasts. Cheney, for example, predicted Saddam's
troops would "step aside" and that the
conflict would be "weeks rather than months," a phrase repeated by other
top officials.
Others in advisory roles in the administration
predicted Iraqi soldiers would "throw in the towel" and Hussein would collapse
like "a house of cards" -- phrases senior
administration officials often echoed in private.
But now that our soldiers are dying in droves, Bush and Rummy
are blaming their good puppy press.
Yeah, it's the press's fault for qwuoting you thieving warmongers
because you thought this would be easy.
All they did was print what Mr Rove ordered them to print, and
now the BFEE wants to jump into the Wabac
Machine and pretend they never said this was going to be a "house
of cards" war.
Remember the stories about the Pentagon generals didn't want this
war, and how Rummy would constantly
override their recommendations? Rummy is micro-managing
this apparently endless massacre, but he wants
to blame Frankie and the press for his inability to get the job
What happened to "shock and awe?"
It looks like we're the ones in shock at the causualties this
"cakewalk" is costing us.
I think it may be time to saw "awe fuck it" and bring those tropps
If I was president, I'd go after Al Qaeda, not some fabricated,
oil-rich pretend-enemy that
my Vice President and Secretary of Defense have been propping
up for the last twenty years.
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"I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody
knows things are bad. Everybody's out of work,
or scared of losing their job. The
dollar buys a nickel's worth, banks are going bust, shopkeepers
keep a gun under the counter, punks
are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere
who seems to know what to do, and there's
no end to it."
--Howard Beale in "Network"
Have I mentioned lately what a whore Wolf Blitzer is?
Friday I was half-watching some war coverage, when Wolf the Bastard
broke in
to someone else's interview to say, in the most breathless tones
you could imagine,
that he had a "deeply disturbing
bit of news that had to be aired right away."
And I'm thinking, "Oh, Christ - Saddam just gassed a thousand
of our troops,"
or "Jesus, Saddam just blew up Haifa and Israel is nuke-arming
their jet fighters."
But no, it was just Wolf being the disgusting whore that he is again.
The "deeply disturbing news" that Wolf was bracing us for was
some report from
unnamed White House offiicials that some unnamed
low-level Iraqi suspects had been arrested
in two unnamed countries for suspected and unnamed
crimes they weren't about to commit.
There wasn't any news there.
It was just Wolf playing messenger boy for Mr Rove.
The White House was scrambling to get that generals "we didn't
war-game for this" comments
of the talk radio topics, so Karl Rove fabricated this non-story
for Wolf to breathlessly unveil.
Wolf, thy name is WHORE.
They jerked Connie Chung off the air for her repeated "Murder
by Mercedes" crappola,
so how in the world do you keep your job, Mr. Whore? Wolf,
you're the worst CNN has,
and that's saying a lot considering Paula Zahn and Candy 'The
Butterqueen' Crowley work there.
"At the peace march this weekend, we carried
signs that said, "Shock and Awe, and Shame."
We pray for innocent lives and young
Americans. Some of us pray for impeachment, and for
a real leader to emerge, and not to
lose our minds in the meantime...I am going to pray for
George Bush's heart to change, so that
he begins to want to be a part of the human family."
--Anne Lamott,
Good Friday world Salon.com
not an animal.
I'm not a monkey."
I'm a ....Condi, ...what am I?"
More U.S. Soldiers Killed in Afghan Ambush
The bad news keeps coming when a moron runs a war
Two U.S. Special Forces were killed and
one wounded when their patrol was ambushed
near Khandahar, the U.S. military said
in a statement. It did not identify the victims.
Four people on two motorcycles ambushed
the U.S. vehicles and escaped, Khan said,
identifying the assailants as Taliban fighters.
Wait - so that makes this Clinton's fault - right?
...because he "decimated" the military, we can't handle the Afghans
and the Iraqis, right?
That's what we'll hear on the Sunday talks shows, how all this
is Clinton's fault. And Bush's good
puppy press will echo that for the seventy percent who think
Saddam was the mastermind behind 9-11.
"Here is the good news: We still have elections.
True, Mr. Bush’s people are trying to cancel
presidential primaries in several states.
It is the kind of work that fuels our paranoia. But there
will be an election in November of
2004 or there will be hell and blood to pay. And those of us
who care for the direction of the American
dream have one job now to do, and that is to begin
working toward that election day in
November of next year."
-- Dorris Haddock, aka Granny D, "Lifting the torch",
What if America Loses this War?
Everyone expects America to win this war
saying it's just a matter of when.
But America might lose this war. We assume
that because we have superior
fire power that we will win but that is
not always the case. The Iraqis are more
motivated than we are. They are defending
their homeland, their lives, the lives
of their families, and their culture against
an invading force. American troops
are there because they are ordered their
knowing they do not have international
support and are fighting for big oil and
tax cuts for the rich. Many of our own
troops have doubts that our cause is just.
Americans like to launch missiles but don't
do nearly as well on the ground or
fighting hand to hand against a motivated
enemy. Although it's unlikely that Iraq
will defeat us, if we fail to defeat them
it is about the same. So I would ask
- what happens if we lose this war? What
do we do then?
Marc Perkel
Only a whore could love this war.
“Of course not — we have no military.”
--Helgi Agustsson, Iceland’s ambassador,
when asked
if his country
would be supplying troops
I still count them as a coalition partner."
Subject: Democratic Party leaders embrace Bush’s war of aggression
What gives?
Should I vote Dem in 2004?
I'm going to...
Cause if I don't, it's a vote for BFEE to continue the mad takeover
of Earth
I don't think so. This, once again,
confirms that the
Dems are the party of cowards not worth
Why would you want to repeat your mistake of 2000?
What has Bush done to earn your vote?
Rather than BC Radio, how about a viable third party organization?
ha ha
I've already bought most of the equippment and left my job.
It's a little late to change the plan.
Or would you rather continue to torture
This is disgusting.
Neil in VT
Dude, helping Bush with an anti-Democrat vote is extra-disgusting.
Wouldn't you rather vote against never-ending world wars and
the never-ending world recession?
From: Jsnechols3@aol.com
Subject: you're a JACKASS!!!!!!
Just visited you're website for the first
time bart,
and just wanted you to know that you are
indeed a jackass!
It's nice to meet you, too, Jason Echols.
The poster of the soldier saying "I only
signed up for the college money is truly a disgrace to
the men and women who have volunteered
to serve our country and fight for our freedoms
so that you can voice your jackass opinions
on the radio and internet!
Sure, but many of them signed up just for the college money.
That was the purpose behind the poster.
You tree climbers have no sense of humor.
Keep up the good work of making liberals
look like a bunch of shitheads!
By the way, if rush is such an idiot, and
he is so out of touch,
why does his audience rate so much higher
than yours?
Jason Echols
Oh, that's easy.
Rush's daddy was rich - owned a radio station. To get that little
whiner out of the house,
he placed him behind the microphone and Rusty became a DJ when
he was only 16,
which means he's been doing this for 38 years and I haven't gotten
on the air yet.
Plus, his crowd is a lot easier to fool than the educated liberals.
He tells them all kinds of lies, yet they still believe him over
the facts.
Do you know that some people take Rush seriously?
"As George Bush's poodle, Tony Blair is perfectly
capable of having his own pups.
But yesterday he went to Camp David
to buy another one. Our Prime Minister had
the humiliation of being slapped down
by the Americans, who clearly plan to run Iraq
as the 51st state of the USA. He claimed
he would win Washington's support for a
United Nations mandate to rule in Baghdad
when his dirty war is over. He did no
such thing. It was deeply embarrassing
for Brits to see our PM openly snubbed
by Ten Gallon Hat at their joint press
--Paul Routledge,
Dubya in a Slapdown to our PM, 03/28/03
I have a poodle?
it a French poodle or a Freedom Poodle?"
We're coming...
...one country at a
Think you can
stop us?
Ditto-Monkeys Get Sarandon Cancelled
Wow, look what Rush Limbaugh's ditto-monkeys
accomplished. By writing some nasty letters to
the Tampa United Way charity, they got
Susan Sarandon canceled as the key note speaker for an
upcoming fund raiser in April. Why did
Rush urge his listeners to write letters to complain about Sarandon?
Well, because Susan Sarandon had the audacity
to flash the peace sign the other night at the Oscars.
I remember a time when it was a good thing
to be for peace.
Those days are gone, and the ditto-monkeys
are now running the asylum.
Greg W
Conflict sapping forces' morale
They are frustrated that their political
masters gave the American public the impression
that it would be easier than it's turned
out to be. But, also that they should have given them
more expectation about Iraqi resistance
like this.
One thing that's certainly
had an effect is the news that the Pentagon is deploying another 120,000
It made Marines here realise
that it could be quite a long conflict.
Wrong, that oil belongs to the B.F.E.E..
Why do you think we're dying for it?
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What happens if Bush wins
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Sunday E! page
A double shot of TBH Politioons
Hunter S. Thompson is engaged
Muhammad Ali writing a book with his daughter
Vince Vaughn got a bloody nose
'Urban Cowboy' closed after 4 Broadway performances
French bashing feelings in New Orleans
"In wartime, truth is so precious that she
always be attended by a bodyguard of
-- Winston Churchill
does that mean?
Somebody call Churchill and
ask him what that means."
In the weekend edition of USA Today, TV critic Robert Bianco says of the new FOX show, The Pitts,
"The Piits are the Munsters in reverse. Where
the Munsters were a freakish family living an
ordinary existence, The Piits are an
ordinary family beset by freakish occurences. Everywhere
they go, something strange, disasterous
and unbelievable happens to them, ...sort of like Kimberly in24."
ha ha
"I can't hear you!!!"
Best Unregulated Families
by Margie Burns
In spring 1999, Marvin Pierce Bush, youngest
brother of George W. Bush, was a nominee for the boards of directors
of two companies, both with a significant
interest in security at the World Trade Center. One was HCC Insurance,
formerly Houston Casualty Company, a giant
holding company and major insurance carrier for the center.
The other was a security company named
Stratesec, one of the center's numerous security contractors.
Bush, however, did not list his directorship
at Stratesec on the proxy statement for HCC, and did not list his
connections with HCC on the proxy statement
for Stratesec.
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"The IRS gave some guidelines on how to avoid
getting audited.
Number one, don't list deductions that
will raise a red flag.
Number two, make sure you file on time.
Number three, don't make an anti-war
speech at the Academy Awards."
-- Leno
"I hold
a grudge like Ann Coulter holds a pickle."
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