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"Bush is not stupid, but he's smart on a very
narrow bandwidth. The time to climb
under the table is when Dubya starts
talking about his gut instinct. When he says
that he hasn't any evidence but he feels
in his gut that he's right, that's when he
tries to do something crazy, like invade
-- Molly Ivins
[Though most of Baghdad has been looted,]
the Americans have put hundreds of troops inside
two Iraqi ministries that remain untouched
– and untouchable – because tanks and armoured
personnel carriers and Humvees have been
placed inside and outside both institutions. And which
ministries proved to be so important for
the Americans?
Why, the Ministry of Interior, of course
– with its vast wealth of intelligence information on Iraq
– and the Ministry of Oil. The archives
and files of Iraq's most valuable asset – its oilfields and,
even more important, its massive reserves
– are safe and sound, sealed off from the mobs and looters,
and safe to be shared, as Washington almost
certainly intends, with American oil companies.
about the oil..."
"The TV companies are quite prepared to go
along with Army claims of Iraqi atrocities. When old bones
were found in plastic bags with hundreds
of old coffins, the TV cameras were quickly invited in although,
significantly, journalists were kept
away. What great PR this was for the British and Americans. The TV
and papers had their big 'atrocity'
story, and the fact that it later turned out that the bodies were probably
dead Iraqis from the conflict over a
decade ago didn't matter to them...This desperate attempt to prove
what an evil regime Saddam runs...comes
about because so far there is absolutely no evidence of WMD
- the whole reason why we went to war
in the first place. If, as seems likely, these weapons will never
be found, the Americans and British
will do everything they can to find other reasons for the war,
so expect plenty more 'war graves' and
big cans of white powder they can claim are chemical weapons."
--Charlie Whelan, prweek.com
Have you noticed how the Bush frauds framed the war?
Before the war, they said "This will be a cakewalk."
When they got bogged down and took some
they said, "We
never said it would be a cakewalk."
And now that cities are falling like Chris
Hitchens after thirty drinks,
they're back to saying, "We
told you it would be a cakewalk."
...and anyone who says otherwise is helping The Terra.
Bush Needs Another War
In order to continue to distract America
from it's failing economy and the looting
of America by Bush's rich friends, the
Bush administration needs to fabricate another war.
Apparently Syria is his next target. The
only question is - what will his excuse be?
Marc Perkel
Oh, I know the answer to that one.
"We know Saddam had WMD, I feel it in my gut,
but since we can't find him or them,
they must be hiding in Syria, and we
can't do this job half-ass and leave like Daddy did."
Then after Syria, Bush and his Good Puppy media will say,
"Since we didn't find Saddam
or his WMD in Syria, they must both
be hiding in Iran," then Yemen, then Eqypt etc
How will the Democrats react?
"We love our Dubya..."
...and the Democrats will stand behind him, no matter what.
"The Bush people have no right to speak
for my father. Yes, some of the current policies are
an extension of the '80s. But the overall
thrust of this administration is not my father's -- these
people are overly reaching, overly
aggressive, overly secretive,
and just plain corrupt.
I don't trust these people."
-- Ron Reagan Jr, interview
with Salon.com, ...but it still could be true
Subject: Bush
It must be driving you nuts that Bush is
doing so well and you
can't seem to convince anyone, except the
choir, to your point of view.
Hawaii Rog
Besides killing thousands of Iraqis, what has he accomplished?
On the worst day in American history, he ran like a scared rabbit
made Guiliani look positively presidential when America needed
a leader.
He hasn't found Osama, the Anthrax killer or Saddam.
He blocked the 9-11 investigation to cover his involvement.
He cut taxes for the super rich, making the Bush Recession even
He lost every ally America has besides the Brits.
He squandered the goodwill and sympathy we had after 9-11.
He almost died trying to walk and chew a pretzel at the same
He holds the record for "stupidest president ever."
He destroyed the life savings of tens of millions of families.
He's dropped Clinton's nearly-12,000 Dow all the way down to
...but you say you like the guy?
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"Whenever you find that you are on the side
of the majority, it is time to reform."
--Mark Twain
April 24 is National Pretzel Day.
Spread the word!
"There is evidence that this war was planned
well in advance. Sometimes this raises doubts about
their attitude to the (weapons) inspections.
I now believe that finding WMD has been relegated,
I would say, to fourth place, which
is why the US and Britain are now waging war on Iraq. Today
the main aim is to change the dictatorial
regime of Saddam Hussein...you ask yourself a lot of
questions when you see the things they
did to try and demonstrate that the Iraqis had nuclear
weapons, like the fake contract with
Niger.(a reference to US allegations - later denied - that
Iraq had sought to purchase uranium
from the west African state of Niger.), I'm very curious
to see if they do find any WMD."
-- Hans Blix
VCR Alert
John Stossel will be lying his ass off on ABC tomight.
He's going to tell us whatever Rush wants him to tell us.
That's his job.
Then, Ms. Presley on Howard Stern's E! show.
I know you hate Stern, but this has potentia to be explodia.
He's going to ask her questions about sex with Jacko,
and he'll probably get back some short, two-word answers.
Please visit our sponsors
Subject: Wrong, wrong wrong!!!!!!!
I am a committed supporter of your site,
and your objectives. I click on all your sponsors,
I've gone to all the sites you sent me
to, I've signed all the support documents against the war
and Bush I could find. I've written
to the White House, I've sent Hillary and Bill letters of
thanks and support and God (no definition)
help me I've even been to the Anti Idiotarian
Rottweiler and tried to talk some sense
into Misha, and dealt in a civil and responsible manner
with all the mail from enraged right-wingers
that came to me because of my mail there.
I've sent countless emails of support to
you and your affiliated sites, sent SACK RUSH!
to everybody, recorded and sent a CD, and
sent you what little money I had, and offered
to help any way I can , and now you tell
me the" UN is a "useless organization".
Jusus H Christ!! Are you
mad ????
Get your face out of the Chinaco and think
for a minute.
...if America would co-operate with the
other 190 odd nations in the UN,
we could solve the problems that are currently
tearing the world apart.
It's called Democracy.
Wal down Under
Dude - deep breaths...
We're talking about two different things.
You're talking about what should be, I'm talking about what is.
First, if I used the word, "useless," (I don't remember that,
but let's say I did) that is an imprecise term.
"Powerless," is much more accurate. The US military has
been the backbone of the UN for 40 years,
but once the Soviet Union fell, there is nobody who can stand
up to us, so American arrogance has
decided that "we don't need no stinking UN."
The only power the UN ever had was with our planes and tanks behind
it, but Bush is on a personal
mission from Holy God to steal the world's oil and wealth, so
he says "Screw the UN."
If the UN had any power, they would've stood between our military
and Iraq and said, "No!"
But since they are powerless, all they
could do was watch as the bombs fell.
Remember the governor's quote, "Things
would be a lot easier if I was a dictator."
Florida 2000 and Diebold voting machines have granted his wish.
"And the weapons of mass destruction?
Whatever happened to them?
I'm sure we'll find some.
They're being flown in right now in a C-130."
-- Ron Reagan Jr, who seems to be a one-man
quote machine.
Subject: More media manipulation
In addition to the staged statue coming
down in Baghdad, here's something else that I noticed.
I turned on the TV that afternoon and caught
the tail end of Lou Dobbs on CNN, which included
a montage of celebrating Iraqis, the Saddam
statue coming down, etc. and it finished up with an
Iraqi man saying "Thank you, Mister Bush."
Later that same evening, I turned on Peter
Jennings and he was doing a report about looting in Baghdad,
and guess what clip came up? Yep, that
same Iraqi man thanking Mr. Bush. In the full clip shown within
its context it's obvious that he wasn't
praising bush for being liberated at all, but thanking him for allowing
him to loot the city! This blatant example
of media manipulation should not go unnoticed, but of course, it does.
Best Regards,
civilisation torn to pieces
by Robert Fisk
Baghdad is a city at war with itself, at
the mercy of thieves and gunmen.
And, in the city's most important museum,
something truly terrible has taken place
"I was not quite half right, and that's not
good enough."
-- George Will on yesterday's This
Whore with Judas Maximus,
George is correct, he's almost getting near half-right,
even though
Chippy the non-thinking chimp is 107 points ahead of him.
What's the difference?
Chippy isn't paid to tell stupid and clumsy Bush lies.
I got this uncredited e-mail and "worked" with it a little.
I'll be happy to give the original author credit.
What do you call someone who steals from the rich and gives to the poor?
Robin Hood.
What do you call someone who steals from the poor and gives to the rich?
The Bush administration
uses of Osama, dead or alive
by Margie Burns
There is, basically, no administration
story on bin Laden. There has been no consistent official line on his position
a year and a half. The White House's lack
of concern over bin Laden's whereabouts was preceded first by promises
to get him, and then by indifferent "dead
or alive" slogans, hinting that he needn't be captured for interrogation.
From the point of view of intelligence,
it is heartbreaking that the White House apparently did not simply pressure
Taliban into giving up bin Laden. With
U.S. power and global sympathy on their side, they readily could have done
probably within a month of 9/11, and could
have learned a lot.
But dead men tell no tales
Meet the new boss...
by Barry Crimmins
Let's begin with a few riffs on Pentagoon
Rumsfeld's recent outburst about vases and freedom...
For starters, vases looted from museums
on the banks of the Tigris River are antiquities. Of course
the only antiquity Rumsfeld respects is
Ghengis Kahn's foreign policy. On his summer vacations,
Rumsfeld enjoys meeting with other hobbyists
with whom he helps re-enact teeming hordes.
Rumsfeld is certifiably insane. Not even
the embedded media can cover up the bad kind of anarchy
that is afoot in Iraq. Doomsday tries to
dismiss it by asking "how many vases can there be in Iraq?"
Of course the answer is impossible to determine,
now that most of the vases in Iraq have been
pressed into emergency service as urns.
"My father knew where he was coming from, he
had spent years thinking and
speaking about his views. He didn't
have to ask Dick Cheney what he thought.
My father was a man - that's the difference
between him and George W. Bush."
-- Ron Reagan Jr. talking to the man who fired Jennifer
Liberto for her lack of ethics
I'm Jennifer Liberto.
I'll do anything for a story."
We have a
Call 918-493-1500
- you have two minutes to say your piece.
We'll then feed the fun calls into the computer for BartCop
Call now! 918-493-1500
We need your jokes, your impressions and your rants.
Did anything piss you off today?
Let's hear about it!
Some media whore needs slapping? Get to it!
We're very slowly getting closer to BartCop Radio.
“Bush and his cronies stole the election, and
everything since has gone to hell.
Yeah, I’m still angry about those [Enron]
crooks. Good people worked
themselves to death to save for their
retirement and then they had their money stolen.
That simple. And nobody’s gone
to jail — not one of these bastards. And now
the same people are going to get rich
off war.”
-- Spike Lee, who sounds like he's been reading
Subject: Went to Susan's book signing in Houston last weekend
...and I have to tell you that it was truly inspiring to hear this woman tell her tale.
There we sat, at an upscale bookstore in
River Oaks, five minutes from Bush the Elder's house,
and Susan McDougal spoke for an hour and
a half, misting over at times; not about her own
psychological torture at the hands of Kenneth
Starr, but about the wretched lives of the women
in the prisons she was in. I was stunned
to learn that instead of entertaining scriptwriters desiring
to do her life as a movie, she spends many
days visiting the jails in the cities she speaks in, meeting
with city officials, D.A.'s, and others,
working to affect change for those who have slipped through
the cracks of society.
I left with a renewed faith in truth and
justice ('the mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind
exceedingly fine') as well as a greater
determination that we MUST FLUSH these righteous
right-wing wads out of power while there
is still a democracy left to save.
Keep dropping that fat hammer hard on their
heads, brotha Bart.
Perry and Sue
Things to do in Dallas this Wednesday:
Watch her interview on Good Day Dallas on WFAA TV 9:00 and 10:00AM
Listen to her noon interview with Glenn Mitchell on KERA
FM, then the big one:
7:00 PM BORDERS Book Store - signing and talk
10720 Preston Road Dallas, TX
is Not for Sale
Go meet Susan, buy her *great book,* she will sign it.
Not in Dallas?
Click to order.
Thank her for doing hard time to stop Starr's nasty fascist goons
...and tell her 'Bart says Hey!'
E! page
Baron Dave Romm
Jim Carrey, slimed
Florida's Cypress Gardens have closed
Mr. Rove is calling for 'Radio Free Europe' in Arabic
John Carradine inducted into the Cowboy Hall O'Fame
CNN setting dangerous precedents
Sean Penn's car was found, but not his guns
Baseball infiltrated by Nazis
'Big Lurch' & Suge Knight
And, the Top 10 movies in North America
"You can't be a real country unless you have
a beer and an airline.
It helps if you have some kind of football
team, or some nuclear weapons,
but at the very least you need a beer."
-- Frank Zappa
I miss Frank.
Can you imagine what he'd be writing about Bush's Amerikkka?
On election night 2000, the networks had called the race for the
man with the most votes - Gore.
But the stupidest politician in history called reporters to his
luxury suite and guaranteed them he was
still going to win Florida and the national the election - even
after the networks called it for Gore.
He knew the fix was in.
Between the CIA, Diebold, the illegal purge of black voters, brother
Jeb and Katherine Harris, he knew
the fix was in so he made that ridiculous prediction that turned
out to be, sadly for democracy, correct.
The fix was always in - like with everything this clown has "accomplished."
He's extra-stupid, he's never worked a day in his life and now
he's looting planet Earth.
Be sure to subscribe while we're still not funny.
Get in for the half-funny rate of only $5 a month.
Still no computer.
Nobody is more frustrated than me, maybe it'll happen today.
Anytime you have to depend on others you are vulnerable, but once
we get going
nothing can stop us because we'll have no bosses, no "man" to
answer to.
I've been doing this 7+ years, I'll be doing this for dozens more
so don't let some two-week delay cause you to lose faith - hang
in there.
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"I think that we believe there are chemical
weapons in Syria."
-- the stupidest liar in political history
That means Syria is next, then Iran.
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throw bartcop.com four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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