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"Where is Saddam? Where are those arsenals
of WMD, if indeed they ever existed?
Perhaps Saddam is still hiding somewhere
in a bunker underground, sitting on cases
of weapons of mass destruction and
is preparing to blow the whole thing up and bring
down the lives of thousands of Iraqi
-- Bad Vlad Putin, mocking Tony Blair and the illegitimate warmonger
has a good heart - I looked into his soul before we kissed."
A previously unknown Iraqi group opposed
to the US presence said Saddam
was to deliver a message to his country
within three days.
"Saddam was not killed. He is still alive. He
is going to address a message to Iraqis
and to the Arab nation within 72 hours,"
the group calling itself Iraqi Resistance and
Liberation said in a letter published by
London's Arabic newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi.
"Saddam has come across evidence that some Iraqi
officials had long been involved
with American and British intelligence."
Bush is such an over-promising idiot.
says I don't have to keep any promises..."
He starts with "I will bring bin Laden
to justice," at the WTC, standing on the
Then later, when he comes up emptuy, it's
"bin Laden doesn't concern me!"
Eighteen months later, there he goes again:
"I will bring Saddam to justice."
Then, "bin
Laden is no longer in power - that's what's important."
Sure, unless you're an Iraqi soldier cooperating with the Coalition
of the Arrogant.
But as long as the good puppy press ignore's every proken promise,
why should he bother keeping any?
You watch, they'll run Bush in 2004 as "The
man who delivers on his promises," and the press-on-the payroll
will echo every bit of praise flowing from Mr Rove's word processor.
FOX News and Clear Channel are working 48/7
to declare Bush the only candidate for America.
What happened to campaign finance reform?
How can anyone compete when the Bush Family OWNS the biggest cable news
outlet and the
and biggest radio network, with their constant, Nazi blowhards
screaming lies about the majority?
One who believes that the New Testament is a divinely inspired book admirably suited to the spiritual needs of his neighbor.
One who follows the teachings of Christ in so far as they are not inconsistent with a life of sin.
--Ambrose Bierce,Visit The Devil's Dictionary (2003 SXSW Finalist, Weird/Extreme Category)
Texas GOP chair defends low-income program cuts
Republicans working to make budget cuts
that would remove thousands of low-income Texans
from health care and other assistance programs
aren't being hard-hearted, Texas GOP Chairwoman
Susan Weddington told other party leaders.
Now that Republicans control the statehouse
for the first time in 130 years, they are simply trying
to realize a long-sought goal to "realign"
the role of state government, she said.
But she acknowledged that many people considered
poor or near-poor by existing governmental
standards will soon have to fend for themselves.
Look, it's the B.F.E.E. company cheer: "Fuck the poor, they didn't vote for us."
Subject: Two Things...
You seem to have latched on to the ignorant
and pompous Al Franken's spew about the prowess
of the "Clinton military". Let me
tell you, Bart. I was in the Clinton military for eight long years,
and this ain't it. Trust me.
Al Franken knows about as much of the military as he does about
quantum physics, and is in no position
to contribute substantive opinions about it.
Pompous gasbags work both sides of the aisle, you know.
Brandt B
Well Brandt, thanks for the note but you didn't say anything.
Are you saying Bush's military is superior to Clintons?
How is that possible, without additional funding from Bush?
You can hate Al Franken (or me) all you want, but it would further
the conversation
if you actually contributed something besides "Franken is ignorant
and pompous."
How did you become familiar with Franken's service record?
Is it public knowledge?
What makes Franken less qualified, than Rush, Hannity or Savage?
I'm interested in what you have to say.
"Karl Rove has broken creative new ground in
appalling political opportunism by pushing back
the Republican national convention
in New York City to September 2004, the latest date for a
convention in the party's history and
only days away from you-know-when. Rove envisions
merging the Madison Square Garden party
with the 9-11 anniversary commemorations into
one big national security lollapalooza.
Perhaps President Bush should just skip the pretense
of the Garden and give his acceptance
speech at ground zero."
--Maureen Dowd,
she hates everybody - this time it's Mr. Rove
Barbara Hartwell tonight on internet radio www.barbarahartwell.com
Her show is on every Wednesday night from 7-9 PM Eastern.
a CIA sex slave.
a CIA "Honey trap."
Bush daughter naked on film?
Hustler Magazine is trying to locate a
rumoured video of Bush's daughter Barbara
- allegedly frolicking in the buff.
Larry Flynt is reported to be ready to flash around
up to one million dollars get his mitts
on the speculated footage, which was supposedly
taken at a party at snooty Yale University,
according to the New York Post.
Gee, that's more qualifiers than Clinton got in these last eleven
years. With Clinton, they said,
"We heard a rumor, so call it a fact
and put it on Page One above the fold."
This could never happen.
Bush has to Enron all of us
so his crime family can
bankroll their world takeover.
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Subject: Napoleon and the U.S. Media
Hey Bart, have you noticed that U.S. media
outlets are finally starting to show some spine
and question the motivations for going
to war? Not nearly enough, but it's encouraging to
think that abject fear of the Patriot Police
hopefully won't last until the '04 election.
Of course, it's incredibly disheatening
to think that the media could have put an end to the lies
before a war was started, but didn't.
It reminds me of some age-old wisdom by Napoleon, who
said that "it's not necessary to censor
the news, it's sufficient to delay the news until it no longer matters."
Neill Patterson
Similarities: Saddam and Randy Weaver (R-Patrol Saint of Guns)
1a.Randy Weaver was a believer in a strange religion
out of the mainstream of American beliefs,
which included belief
in the holiness of war against unbelievers.
1b.So is Saddam Hussein.
2a. Randy Weaver was thought by the government
of the United States (or portions thereof) to be tied
to a terrorist
group, the Order, who were guilty of terrorist actions--like the robbery
of $3 million
from an armored
truck and terror threats against American citizens. Though they shared
general beliefs,
and were acquainted
with each other, strong ties were never proved.
2b. Saddam Hussein is thought to be tied to Al-Qaeda,
the WTC, American embassies in Kenya, and other acts.
Though they are
both Muslims, no strong ties have been proven.
3a. The principal charge against Randy Weaver
was conspiracy to sell illegal sawed-off shotguns.
The arms charge
was brought by a one-time friend who was actually a government agent.
3b. The principal charge against Saddam Hussein
is a weapons charge: possession of illegal weapons of mass destruction.
This charge was
brought by a one-time ally who in the past had supplied Saddam with those
very weapons.
4a. Randy Weaver was arrested in violent fashion, and threatened with the confiscation of his home if he lost his case in court.
4b. Saddam Hussein was confronted with massive
military force and threatened with overthrow and exile if his compliance
with a UN resolution
was deemed unsatisfactory.
5a. Randy Weaver did not appear in court, and
a large powerful force of Government agents laid siege to his home.
Although Randy Weaver
was the one they were after, government agents shot his wife and his eleven-year-old
who had no charges brought
against them and whose crime was their loyalty to the head of the family.
5b. We'll see.
Wait, I have another one for you:
Randy Weaver's wife and Saddam were ordered dead at the request
the father and son team that controls the worl'd biggest criminal
Isn't it funny - we hear about New York's massive debt...
They didn't really say four billion, did they?
And funny how none of that blame goes to Rudy or Bush.
It's the same way in Oklahoma.
Before he was even sworn in, they blamed the incoming governor-elect
as the guy who
caused Oklahoma's budget troubles, because Frank Keating was
governor the last six years
and we can't blame a Bush-ally, super-Christian for the red-ink,
so it's the new guy's fault
When Clinton was president, we had money to throw away.
When Clinton was president, we argued about the best way to spend
the surplus.
When Clinton was president, the stock market TRIPLED, instead
of crashing.
When Clinton was president, our biggest national emergency was
which nipple he licked first.
With Bush as president, we lost our right to vote.
With Bush as president, New York got a new skyline.
With Bush as president, the surplus turned to an eternity of
With Bush as president, the Bill of Rights took a f-ing hike.
With Bush as president, we have SARS in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
(And they haven't even notified the other people on the plane
with him.)
With Bush as president, we're in a war that our grandchildren
will be paying for.
With Bush as president, we're borrowing money to give the super-rich
a tax cut.
This is because Bush controls the media.
So war, death, recession and plague are portrayed as preferable
to the peace
and prosperity we had back when the president was elected by
the people.
"Fox has taken so many viewers away from CNN
and MSNBC because of their agenda
and because of their target marketing
of cable news viewers. I'm afraid there's not a
really big place in cable for news.
You can see the big hires on other networks, right-wing
hires to try and chase after this effect."
--Ashleigh Banfield,
who also attacked NBC Whore News for hiring Michael Savage,
who called
Banfield a "slut," for asking radical Muslims why they hated us
Hey, any news organization that would hire Rove-puppet Tim Russert...
Sometimes, terrorism
runs in the family
Subject: Monday's Daily Show...
Hey, Bart - did you catch Jon Stewart last
He did a brilliant "debate" featuring
Governor G.W. Bush vs President G.W. Bush.
His lying ways were never more so perfectly
illustrated. This is something everyone should see. I
If you can get a link on your site, it'd be great.
Your new, loyal fan.
Miss Davis
Comedy Central was nice enough to stream it for us.
Here because you can't miss this.
I'm sure this link is temporary, so don't delay.
This is a very quick load - what we'll be doing soon.
The crowd gasped after the first exchange - it was wild stuff.
Jon asked a few more questions, and each time
the Bush not speaking would smirk at the other Bush - it was
hilarious, and it showed how effective comedy
can be when totally dismantling the Corrupt Commander's Litany
of Lies.
Also, something I find refreshing is the "Ozzy-ing" of The
Daily Show. Sometimes Jon just looks at the
camera and says, "What the fuck
is wrong with this country?" and they'll bleep the "F," word.
Vietnam and the CIA
by Phillip Schuman
George Herbert Walker Bush and William
F. Buckley, Jr. used their oil business interests as cover for their
CIA positions and travels overseas, as
well as the offshore rigs for smuggling operations. The three surplus
ships used to supply the Bay of Pigs invasion
had been rechristened Houston, Barbara, and Zapata,
GHWB's city, wife and oil company name,
respectively. And an international oil man, George de Mohrenshield,
a fascist White Russian who was fiercely
anti-Communist, was the patron of Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas.
When he was scheduled to testify before
the House Select Committee on Assassinations the next day,
he was found dead from a shotgun, ruled
a suicide. His personal address book was found to contain
an entry for 'Poppy Bush,' with Bush's
Houston phone number next to it.
It wouldn't surprise me if the BFEE and the CIA killed Kennedy.
I mean how could Poppy, Dim Son and Jeb begin their illegal dynasty
with Jack, Bobby and Teddy lined up as the voter's favorites?
From: postnasaldrip@aol.com
Subject: Thanks for your extremism
Dude, before we get started, no matter what everyone says
about your nick, that's first class.
It's great to see a man who really exhibits
the true character of the left in this country.
You are an excellent exhibit in proving
that your side is totally irrational and incapable of governing.
I'll bet you could just chew me up and spit me out in a live,
chat room debate, right?
Damn, I pity the day you cought me and challenged me to a live
Keep it up.
You're doing a better job of destroying
whats left of your credibility than we ever could.
Rave on, brother !
Post, it's true that you have no power to destroy my credibility.
I thought that was kind've an honest thing for you to admit up-front.
But how long has it been since you were given the bright red-ass?
You got any plans for Thursday night at 9 PM Central?
Click Here to get the free and easy software and we'll see you tomorrow night.
Bring as many friends as you want.
Seriously, I do some of my best work against groups.
ha ha
They're all the same.
They got nothing but a hardon for a brain just like Rush Limbaugh's..
This was a pretty important couple of weeks
in the war. Fighting came to an end in Africa
and the Battle of the Atlantic had turned
decisively in favor of the Allies. There's going to be
a bit of a lull during May, but the proverbial
poop is going to hit the fan at the beginning of
June with the battles at Kursk and the
Sicily invasion. Big things are coming.
Dave, great work.
Subject: you and Grey Goose
as a former citizen of USSR (or current
citizen of a country that's trying to be former USSR, depends how you look
at it),
and a Russian, I was outraged by your remarks
on the quality of Grey Goose. I personally don't think Grey Goose
is all that great,
and I don't think it's smooth, but then
again, I am a bit partial. Plus, isn't the 'cool' thing to do this
year, is hate the French?
Why don't you take that $30 bottle of vodka,
and pour it down the drain. That would be the PATRIOTIC thing to
ha ha
Yes, ...must hate French, ...must obey ...Corrupt Commander...
Back to tastes of vodka. I'd like
you to purchase a bottle of Stolichnaya Gold (I'd mail you one, but not
sure how you
mail a bottle?). That is the best,
smoothest vodka I have ever tasted. And take my word for it, I've
tasted TONS of vodka.
Even though it's rated number 3 in the
world, to me it beats Grey Goose.
Let me know how the experiment works out!
Yours trully,
Alex M.
Alex, do you want to know a secret? I stopped drinking Grey
Goose a long time ago.
Vodka is such a woman's drink, and a first-timer's drink. Teenagers
put it in orange juice to kill the taste
until they learn to handle it as they grow older. If I'm going
to drink vodka, I'll drink the cheap stuff,
because vodka isn't for tasting. The purpose of vodka
is to get drunk, not to enjoy the wonderful taste.
If I want to savor a great-tasing beverage, I drink what God drinks
- Chinaco Anejo.
But if I just want to crawl in a bottle after watching another
Democrat castrate himself,
I'll get the Barton's or the Smirnoff and the four-ounce shotglass.
I caught (notice the phrasing) the Del Castillo live and free concert last night on KLBJ Local Licks Live Taping
Godfrey Daniels!
I know so little about this kind of music, I can't tell you if
it's Salsa or Latino or (would Tex-Mex be the wrong term?).
It's possible they've just invented their own style. I've never
heard anything like this before Whatever it's called, the musicianship
was 100 percent pure blue agave, which was no surprise,
and damn, you should catch the passion the singer was giving up.
It took my damn breath away, they were so good.
I guess when SXSW awards you Best Band, Best Album and
Best Song, it means something?
Click Here if you have any interest in hearing great guitar work.
Why do they play like that?
Because they can!
ha ha
Playing Card Deck Shows Way to U.S. Regime Change
Ace of spades..........................Four
of Clubs
ha ha
Dim Son only ranks a four in his illegal administration
"I should
at least be a six..."
Subject: A $700 Billion Deal You Can't Refuse
Hi Bart:
I read an interesting story (link below)
in the Des Moine Register online regarding the conservative group "Club
for Growth".
In the article, "Club for Growth" revealed
itself as nothing more than a goon squad in suits, mere hatchet men for
the White House.
Republican Sen. Charles Grassley, chairman
of the Senate Finance Committee, has riled Republicans in the House because
earlier this month he brokered a deal in
the Senate to keep a $350 billion lid on a proposed tax cut. That's half
of what was
proposed by President Tool. He has taken
mucho heat form fellow Republicans for what Grassley asserted is an attempt
prove his party can govern. Note also he
said "govern" and not "rule" as some on the right like to assert.
Club For Growth as been running attack ads
against Republican moderates Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio, and Sen. Olympia
Snowe of Maine, the two moderates with
whom Grassley made an agreement to limit the tax cut to $350 billion. They
are called
"Franco-Republicans". The goons decided
to spare Grassley’s knees. As so succinctly stated by David Keating, executive
director of the group "He's not a target
- he's voted to support the president."
Mobsters, hatchet-men, goons, enforcers, cannons – call them what you will but call them what they are – political gangsters.
Mark in Lexington
We need your 30-second MP3s for "bumper
music," and vocals are now allowed.
Remember, we only need 30 seconds.
(If you send a 35-second clip, that's OK. Just don't send
E-mail them to bartcop@bartcop.com
so we can hear them on
Last week in Washington, while the search
for weapons of mass destruction proceeded with archeological
slowness, the Bush administration trumpeted
other justifications for the war, such as Hussein's brutality, while
quietly expressing confidence that banned
weapons will be discovered or found to have been destroyed.
Democrats, even some who supported the
war, began rumbling about how a failure to find any WMD
would damage President Bush's credibility,
as if his standing were the only thing at risk.
Leave it to the Democrats to wimp out on
every side available to them.
Did you know more Democrats voted to invade
this time, than last time?
Last time, Saddam kicked in a neighbor's
door (with written permission from Bush 41) and the Dems,
as a party voted against it. This
time, when Saddam did nothing but anger President Loves Death,
the Democrats lined up behind him so he
could have a cozy commercial to hang them with next year
VCR Alert
On tonight's West Wing, Zoey gets kidnapped, just
like Kimberly in 24.
And who is behind this horrible crime? Chandler Bing.
Also, Wanda's last show this season, a new Law & Order - what is this - sweeps?
The whorehouse of modern journalism finally did something right.
Reporters Fired Over Smart Case Story
Two Salt Lake Tribune reporters have been
fired after selling [false] information
about the Elizabeth Smart
abduction case to a supermarket tabloid
for a story that has since been retracted. Vigh and Cantera
split $20,000 for their help on a July
2 National Enquirer story headlined "Utah Cops: Secret Diary
Exposes Family Sex Ring." The story
has been retracted as part of a settlement between the Smart
family and the tabloid.
I'm all for protecting a source, but not when the source
is lying. The source that told Drudge that
Sid Blumenthal beat his wife was protected by Drudge.
The source that told the Dallas Morning Whore
that Bill and Monica were interrupted by a Secret Service agent
was protected by the paper - why?
Journalism would be better off if the liars were exposed and fired,
but if that happaned, who would be left?
Conason. Lyons, Ivins, Kruugman, Perry, Fisk, Baker and a few
others - but that's it.
E! page
Season Finale of 'Wanda At Large' on Faux
The Louisiana Purchase is 200 years old today
Recording artists against further radio deregulation
Metallica hosting new 'Headbangers Ball'
Big Bird's autobiography
And Mickey Rooney in Mott, South Dakota
"Successful empires must be based on hypocrisy.
The Americans can say they're doing
things in the name of freedom, liberty
and apple pie. But they must build a civil society and
revive the economy before they have
elections. From 1882 until 1922, the British promised
the international community 66 times
that they would leave Egypt, but they never did.
If Bush leaves Iraq to its own devices,
the whole thing will blow up."
-- Niall
Ferguson, Oxford professor and author of Empire.
What liberal media?
The newsletter of FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy
in Reporting) researched the nightly news programs before the war,
in the two-week period surrounding Colin
Powell's presentation at the UN. The big network programs - ABC, CBS,
NBC and PBS were examined.
Results: of 267 American news sources (people
being interviewed or commenting during the news program),
only 6 percent questioned the need for
war. The other 94 percent were
for the war.
And this was at a time when polls showed
that 61% of Americans wanted to wait and give the UN and weapons
inspectors more time. Clearly the news
programs selected their guests according to a conservative ideology. 75%
of the guests were either current or former
administration officials.
The "liberal media" is indeed a myth.
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