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"Rove directs his man Bush like no other president
in American history has been ordered about
by an ostensible subordinate. Rove
thinks. Bush acts. Rove is politically astute and clever.
The president is intellectually lazy,
and would just as soon pump iron and play video games
and let others write the script."
--Bill Gallagher
Bush Plays
While Rove Manipulates Fear
pretty good at Lady Pac Man."
up my sleeve, American whore press..."
Funny Cide barreled down the stretch for
a runaway victory and sweet redemption for his jockey
in the Preakness Stakes on Saturday, setting
the stage for a Triple Crown try at Belmont Park in three weeks.
His powerful finish was something to behold:
He won by 9 3/4 lengths — 1/4 length shy of Survivor's 10-length
victory in the first Preakness, in 1873.
The win moved Funny Cide to the brink of racing immortality —
on June 7 he will attempt to become the
12th Triple Crown champion and first since Affirmed in 1978.
Funny Cide had pulled even with Peace Rules
and then — whoa! — the gelding found another gear and
left the others reeling in his wake. "This
is a wonderful horse. New York, here we come!" Santos said.
In winning his first Preakness, Santos took
a jab at the post-Derby controversy.
"The only machine I had today was the red
horse I was riding," Santos said.
Added Tagg: "Jose is a world-class rider
and a world-class human being.
Those photographers and people in Miami
are nuts."
If you read bartcop.com you knew that last week.
Check below for the semi-premier of
"I have found President Roh of South Korea
to be an easy man to talk to.
He expresses opinions very clearly
and it's easy to understand."
--Dubya, expressing
relief about his ability to have a conversation with an adult
They told Roh to speak slowly and use small words and short sentences.
Back in the first Bush presidency Linda
Tripp was stationed down the hall from the Oval Office.
She somehow caught wind on a long known
but well-kept Washington secret:
George Bush Sr. had a "special" relationship
with a staffer named Jennifer Fitzgerald.
In fact, Bush had been "very close" to this
Jennifer beginning in Peking back in the days when
Bush was our delegate to Red China. So
close, in fact, that Barbara Bush had come home
to D.C. in a state of "depression."
...and since Bush is a Republican, the press covered up his tawdry
affair for all these years.
The "liberal" press has covered up for Republicans for over a
decade, while fabricating crap
about Bill Clinton and the New York Whore Times is at the top
of the list.
They covered up for Poppy Bush.
They covered up for Newt Gingrich.
They covered up for Bob Livingston.
They covered up for Bob Barr.
They covered up for Dan Burton.
They covered up for Henry Hyde.
They covered up for the Unelected Pinhead and continue to this
Whore Times rats out Clinton,
they protect and defend the GOP?
It is such bullshit that the NYWT fired that reporter for lying
when they are a coven of liars.
The Old Gray Whore exists to make money - period - and in the
Drudge-Limbaugh world
we're stuck in, the whores are making lots of money.
They disgust me.
"That domestic intelligence capabilities would
be used for partisan political purposes should be deeply
disturbing to this committee and to all
Americans. We created the Department of Homeland Security
to track down terrorists, not law abiding
-- Texas Rep. Jim Turner Trooper
told DPS Laney's plane might have crashed
Fund defended by Eric Alterman
A report from MWO
Click Here for the superior, original MWO version
Click Here for the inferior, forever version
John Fund admits he was part of the effort
to smear Sidney Blumenthal by peddling the lie
that Mr. Blumenthal had abused his wife.
As far as we're concerned, Fund finding himself
subject of the same allegations is not
only fair and just, but beautifully and practically divinely so,
regardless of the accuracy of the charges
he faced.
We contend that there are few if any tactics
remaining the left is not justified in employing these days.
We're at war.
I'm John Fund.
beat women - got any?"
Please visit our sponsors.
"The United States will find the killers, and
they will learn the meaning of American justice,"
said George. Will they learn this meaning
the way Osama bin Laden, still alive and free
after almost two years, has learned
it? Will they learn it the way Saddam Hussein, still
alive and free as well, has learned
it? Thousands and thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilians
have learned what justice means to
George W. Bush. It means a terrible grinding death
in the dirt while the real killers
get away."
--William Rivers Pitt,
Blowback in Riyadh
depicts Rumsfeld, Saddam
Berkeley group uses real photo to show U.S. once backed Iraqi
A Berkeley-based peace group intends to
place advertisements depicting Rumsfeld
shaking hands with Iraqi leader Saddam
Hussein in mass transit systems from coast to coast.
The photo is real -- it was taken Dec. 20,
1983, when Rumsfeld, then a special envoy for Reagan,
visited Saddam to discuss U.S. support
for Iraq in its war with Iran. California Peace Action and i
ts sister Peace Education Fund incorporated
the photo into an ad emblazoned with the words,
"Who are we arming now?
"U.S. troops die for the failures of policy
makers," the ad says.
Thanks to Isaac
Subject: I think we are in for a long ride!
This might be the scariest election ever.
Think about it, with the back drop of that
Fighter Jet and the wearing of the costume.
Every ignorant flag waving baboon in the
country will herd like sheep to the polls.
And if by some strange twist an actual opposition
runner appears to have a chance.
The election will surly be canceled do
to National Security concerns.
BD, good point.
Over half of America thinks Saddam destroyed the World Trade Centers.
Bush is intentionally lying to the idiots and to the people who
don't have time
to check websites that tell the truth like bartcop.com.
And since the networks and newspapers and talk radio are all in
on the lie,
and the Democrats are too damn scared to raise their voices,
even when it counts,
America could vote for this treasury-raping liar due to "safety"
"Five times a day, bin Laden thanks Allah
for giving him George W. as an adversary."
-- Zepp
From: mark g
Subject: the reason WHY you are getting
paypal cancellations
Since you sound curious as to why it may
be happening, here's the deal.
You made a big thing out of the two soldiers
on Dave.
That's why.
You made a big deal over Jessica Lynch.
That's why.
Mark, I hate to hear you talk that way, because it plays into
the Rush/FOX stereotype of the
military hating, Kumbaya, turn-the-other cheek flowerchild crap
that makes us lose elections.
When swing voters say "Liberals can't
be trusted to defend America, and Republicans
must be in charge for our safety,"
they're thinking about liberals like you.
A lot of liberals out here hate when you turn into a "Frank Burns".
A lot of liberals need to have their minds
changed, but do they have the courage to stand up
for their beliefs and defend them in a
friendly debate? Do you have that kind of courage?
How about this Bart...write about something
else...if good ol' boy (and girl) soldiers make you
so happy, at least spare the rest of us.
Mark, you're not making any sense.
"Good ol' soldiers" don't make me happy. Being free from
foreign invaders makes me happy.
Let me ask you - before you go to sleep at night, do you check
to see that the front door is locked?
If you're smart you do, because defense will save your life.
You think defense around the house is good,
but national defense isn't necessary?
You seem to be blaming the men following
orders instead of the Chimp who gave them.
You're not about to tell friend (the military)
from foe (Bush), and that makes you dangerous.
We could care less about one "good" story
that will never erase all the continuing bad.
Leave the military glorying and praising
for Frank and Margaret. They were better at it anyway.
Would you feel that way if you grew up with
one of the POWs who were on Letterman?
If you were his next door neighbor, you
wouldn't be happy that he made it out alive?
If your dad or uncle was military, you'd
hate them, too?
Many of us who loathe the military (no BC
waffling for me on that one) pack heat.
So don't think this is sent from some Nor'east
turtleneck librul...
I love my guns and hate the goddamned military.
For good reasons on both issues.
ha ha
You can't be serious!
You own guns so you can defend yourself - that makes sense.
But hating the military means you think our borders should not
be defended.
Do you have any way to explain yourself?
It sounds like you'd rather shoot the invaders yourself, rather
than hiring trained men to
stop the threat as they try to cross our borders. That means
YOU want to BE the military.
All I want to do is support them, so you're to my right on this
I hope you're young, and this is merely a phase out of which you can mature.
And if you still think you have a legit point and want to make
it, let's go a few minutes
in a debate room so you can more fully explain that which I've
certainly misunderstood.
Please visit our sponsors.
Subject: Has O'REILLY Apologized Yet?
Somebody posted on an internet discussion
board that Bill O'REILLY said he would
apologize to the nation and not trust the
BUSH administration again if no WMD were found.
If he had kept his word it would have made
news. S
o, the question is, "O'REILLY.....?"
We're waiting.
Lexis-Nexis verified his quote from Good
Morning America, (March 18, 2003):
”And I said on my program, if, if the Americans
go in and overthrow Saddam Hussein and it's clean,
he has nothing, I will apologize to the
nation, and I will not trust the Bush Administration again…"
John Garza
Bill O'Reilly is a bought-and-paid-for FOX whore. His word
cannot be trusted.
Ditto-monkeys pay his multi-million dollar salary, and he's not
going to give that up for "integrity."
That's not what whores do.
Subject: W files for 2004 election
If I were a betting man, I would love to
take side bets on who will be the first candidate,
Democratic or otherwise, to call Georgie
to task about his failure as a pResident, his failure
as a world leader, his failure as an economic
leader, his absence from duty as an alleged
TANG fighter pilot, his dirty dealings
with Enron et al., and his insistence that we murder
Iraq and steal their oil while forgoing
due process with the UN.
To name but a few.
Who'll be the first one to hold Gee Duh's
feet to the fire on his Reign of Error?
Who will make Jenius accountable for his
actions for the first time in his life?
On the other hand, I have to say that if
the Governor could somehow put the economy back
the way he found it and basically do in
the next year and a half what the Big Dog did for eight years
- focus on the economy and the American
people, duh - I might consider voting for him.
First, though, I would have to wait until the last purple monkey has finished flying out of my ass.
Jeff W
The West Wing finale (w/spoilers)
Aaron Sorkin went out with a bang, didn't he?
Washington Whispers
by Paul Bedard
Attacks on Heinz Kerry may unlock ketchup cash
Uh-oh, now they've done it. Critics of Teresa
Heinz Kerry's unorthodox and outspoken views
have the fabulously rich wife of Democratic
presidential candidate John Kerry reaching for her
$550 million can of whup-ass. Originally
reserved to counter GOP sniping at her hubby,
Heinz Kerry is now open to spending some
of her ketchup fortune on a counterattack.
"The assumption," says a friend, "was always
that the attacks would be on him, not her."
But now: "The attacks on her have exponentially
increased the likelihood of her tapping the fortune."
Heinz Kerry, previously married to ketchup
heir Sen. John Heinz, who died in a plane crash, has
been ridiculed by Republicans for recent
statements promoting Botox treatments, prenuptial
agreements, and feeding rabbits to kids.
One critic compared her to egomaniac Donald Trump,
calling Mrs. H.K. "the Teresa." If Republicans
don't shut up, warns one of her friends, she'll give
Kerry a war chest that would dwarf anything
President Bush could collect. "It would
be George
Bush's worst nightmare," says the friend.
Thanks to Pete Fascistan
Just released!
"America's Nightmare
is an important book and needs to be widely read.”
-- Peter Phillips, Associate Professor of Sociology
at Sonoma State University and Director of Project Censored
"The American people getting tax cuts does
not cause deficits.
The American people receiving tax cuts
does not cause the national
debt to double, triple or even increase.
That’s economics 101.”
--Rush, the lying
vulgar Pigboy, who doesn't want you to see this graph
Subject: media
Thank you for getting the truth out about
Bush's power grab.
I no longer watch the corporate propaganda
machines that are also called Network News.
If I want the truth, the whole truth and
nothing but the truth, I ask Bart.
Keep up the good work!
E! page
Geraldo's 5th wedding will be a religious one
Ted Nugent lost a gig
No 'Miss Venezuela' in Miss Universe - and it's political
Arcata, CA, has condemned the 'Patriot Act'
Comcast aired porn instead of QVC
Charo is suing
New Zeppelin
Package Brings Piece of 'Heaven'
by cliche master Jim Farber, The New York Daily News,
May 15, 2003
Welcome to the blood sport that was live Led
Zeppelin in its prime. On May 27, the world will get
a lengthy reminder of the band's power when its
surviving members release the mother of all concert packages.
By refusing to follow set paths, Zep wound up
blazing a host of new ones. Communication Breakdown begat speed metal.
Stairway to Heaven created the power ballad.
The Crunge blueprinted the kind of funk-rock played by everyone from the
Red Hot Chili Peppers to Rage Against the Machine.
Led Zeppelin also started experimenting with what became known as
"world beat" music as far back as 1969's Black
Mountain Side.
The group has no regrets, however, about
its legendary sexual exploits of the time.
"I was carrying the flag of hedonism," Page declares.
"And I marched forth."
A Democrat fights
by Mike Palecek
Joe Coffee tells his wife that he’s thinking
about running for Congress.
"Coffee Joe" speaks out against prisons and the
military and no one takes him seriously - at first.
Soon, terrified establishment politicians
try to stop him.
Joe Coffee’s Revolution provides a refreshing alternative perspective.
Click Here to order your copy today.
[Palecek is a former reporter, federal prisoner, and seminarian.]
Also by Mike Palecek: Click Here
Subject: Question about BC Radio
Hey BC,
Disregard my last email about subscriptions.
I do have a question about what format
BC Radio will be in (.mp3, Real Audio,
etc). I hacked my Xbox so that it can play
streaming audio from the Internet, that
way I can listen to stuff on my home stereo
instead of my shitty $10 PC speakers.
However, the Xbox can only handle certain audio formats, so hopefully BC Radio will be in one of those.
BTW, when you say it's "hours away,"
are we talking live-on-the-air callers, etc,
or the streaming prerecorded mp3s?
Dude, great question!
The answer is ...I'm a blind man stumbling thru a room full of
thick, black, choking smoke.
My desire to transmit tequila treehouse-ism to the masses is
than my techinical ability
with internet audio streaming, file management, bit rates and
complicated manual instructions.
I'm the guy who writes the lame-ass jokes, the techie part mostly
eludes me.
The production end of BartCop Radio is what has taken so long.
If I had someone to twist the knobs and help with the grunt work,
someone who knew what they were doing,
BCR would've been up long before now, but we have what we have
so let me explain this first show.
Friday morning I grabbed the USA Today and did an hour on its
contents. I tried to do some post-production work,
and if I stayed with it until it was finished it would've been
ready June 1, so most of this is just raw talk without much else.
Tommy Mack says he'd be my producer, and that means things would
run smooth as Chinaco Anejo Extra-Aged,
but that can only happen after we move from K-Drag, Oklahoma
to Los Angeles.
But, ..because I am certain that dozens of people
are tired of my endless, "It won't be long now,"
I offer this experiment:
Friday morning, without a pre-glance, I picked up the USA Today
and did a live, 65-minute rant on it.
The result could be mildly entertaining, but it
might also take some forgiveness.
I took my first audio engineer lesson f-ing Thursday.
I'm a 2, ...my teacher was a 10, ...and I'm climbing my first
This whole
thing had to arrive sooner or later (It's been later).
Is this an example of a typical BCR show?
No. We don't even know what a typical show will be yet.
All this is, is something besides "BCR is Coming Soon."
We're all very tired of hearing how BCR is
"just around the corner,"
so while this isn't what you'd call great work, maybe
you'll see some potential.
Also, these contain the new "Instant listen" technology, so the
clips start right away.
You pay nothing extra for that.
Click Here to
listen to Part One, 23 minutes, which is mostly the "Hello" and
the front page.
Click Here to listen to Part Two, Six Minutes, the Money Section.
Click Here to listen to Part Three, 22 Minutes, on Sports,
Click Here to listen to Tally Briggs, 2 minutes, the Weather Vixen's report.
Visit her page at geocities.com/bcrweathervixen
I thought her piece was embedded in one of the sections, but there
have been so many remixes
and format conversions that my head is spinning, so I'm just
making sure it gets in the first show.
Click Here to listen to Part Four, 13 Minutes, Travel and Entertainment
Click Here
to listen to Part Five, 13 Minutes, the News
Call 918-493-1500-
you have two minutes to rant away.
Did anything make you mad today?
Tell us about it! 918-493-1500
Click Here to donate large.
From: carson koch
Deep down the bart knows that they are in
serious trouble. I used to argue with an
ultra-left friend and now all I have to
do is say--what are the three issues that define the dems?
...that will shut up any demo-crat including
the bart.
1. Fighting for the civil rights of the little guys
2. Fighting for the economy, not trying to kill it so the super rich
can buy cheap,
3. Fighting for smaller government.
The dems became quite complacent during
those two score years when all media was lib.
Now that the national media is approaching
parity they are on the run. I dont remember
exactly how Ann Coulter put it, but it
was something to the effect that the liberals used to
control the media and were accustomed to
attacking without any possible defense.
First, Ann Coulter is the most rabid bitch
on either team. Quoting her just makes you look stupid-er.
Second, why do you pretend the right has
never had a voice? Was Novak born yesterday?
Was McLaughlin? Was the vulgar Pigboy?
Was William F Buckley? Pat Buchanan was on
Crossfire a decade ago. Why
do you insist on repeating the lie that the right has never been
able to tell their side until now? For
whom is that lie intended?
Even when the Repubs tried to defend themselves
the lib media would simply not provide
them any reasonable forum. She then said
something like--the liberals are just beginning to
find out what its like when people understand
the issues...just aint no fun when the rabbits got the gun!
You're saying that the reason the Democrats won the last three
populat votes for president
is because people today understand more about the issues?
Is that why Bush had to srteal power?
Because the voters knew better than to trust two greasy oil slicks
with delusions of godhood?
Why can't you tell the truth?
Has anybody seen the bridge?
We have received a lot of great mortar, but I can't tell from
The files that started with "sw" are extra good, as are the B.F.E.E.
promo songs
At this point, I guess all I can do is play some and say,
"Whoever sent this needs to send more because
that's killer work."
Some were obviously done by professionals, and we need tons more like those.
Send your batches of snappy liners to
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2003, bartcop.com
Maybe someday Shirley will call to say "Hi!" on the Bart-Phone
at 918-493-1500
That would be cool.