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"Bush arrived in Poland and brought personal
thanks to the country for standing up as a wartime ally in Iraq ,
making no effort to hide that he harbors
a deep grudge toward France and Germany for opposing the U.S.-led
campaign against Saddam Hussein. Bush
defended Poland against criticism of its war support. "I think it's
unfortunate that some of the countries
in Europe will try to bully
Poland for standing up for what you think
— what they think is right."
Hunt, Bush
Arrives in Poland
Can you believe the biggest bully on the planet calls other people
a bully?
The Murdering Moron, the blood-thirsty psychopath who rapes and
murders smaller nations
on the slightest of fabricated whims thinks that bullying other
countries is the wrong thing to do.
A growing number of U.S. national security
professionals are accusing Bush of slanting
the facts and hijacking the $30 billion
intelligence apparatus to justify its rush to war in Iraq
Patrick Lang said the CIA had "no guts at
all" to resist the allegedly deliberate skewing
of intelligence by a Pentagon that he said
was now dominating U.S. foreign policy.
Anger among security professionals appears
widespread. Veteran Intelligence Professionals
for Sanity, a group that says it is made
up mostly of CIA intelligence analysts, wrote to Bush
May 1 to hit what they called "a policy
and intelligence fiasco of monumental proportions."
ends justified the means
because I really wanted that Iraqi oil."
In Germany, where the war was widely unpopular,
the Frankfurter AZ newspaper
said the comments about Iraqi weapons showed
that America is losing the battle for credibility.
"The charge of deception is inescapable," the newspaper said Friday.
In London, former British Foreign Secretary
Robin Cook, who quit as leader of the House
of Commons to protest the war, said
he doubted Iraq had any such weapons.
"The war was sold on the basis of what was described
as a pre-emptive strike,
'Hit Saddam before he hits us,'
" Cook told the BBC. "It is now quite clear
that Saddam did not have anything with
which to hit us in the first place."
...or, you could've read bartcop.com and found that our in early April.
Fraudboy lowers 'terror alert' to Yellow
Which carrier will he be landing on this time?
I'm too afraid to lead.
just wanna be George's friend."
Senator, do your party and your country a favor and resign.
The Democrats need a wartime consigliere, not a scared bunny.
Subject: Smirking in France
Do you remember the current regime's definition
of Terrorism?
It includes actions that damage the economy
of the country being attacked.
Do you think the current White House occupant
has damaged the economy of France?
Shouldn't they, therefore, deny him a visa
to the G8 summit, in their cooperation with the War on Terror?
Russ, good idea.
Maybe we can use that to keep him out of America, too.
The bastard stole $11 trillion that we know about.
mainstream media: A clear and present danger
by Ben Roberts as seen on smirkingchimp.com
Forget about Jayson Blair and his piddling
nickel and dime claims.
...the masters of Jayson Blair,
are distorting and contorting news and truth to such an
extreme that it is having an untoward effect
on our daily lives and the decisions we make.
Today the AP carried a story of another
NY Times reporter who did a series of stories leading
up to the war on Iraq, outlining that nation's
alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction.
The extensive source of her information
was, believe it or not, Ahmed Chalabi.
Can you conceive of a major paper like the
New York Times, that a huge audience relies on for their information,
feeding us as fact what is served up by
Ahmed Chalabi abd the Iraqi National Congress
Chalabi is a wanted criminal in bed with the B.F.E.E.
Rummy and Unka Dick are making him their boy in Iraq,
and the NY Whore Times KNEW they were publishing bullshit
when they wrote that makes-Bush-happy story.
If author Ben Roberts is just now finding out that the New York
Times is a whore newspaper with ethics for sale,
he must not be reading bartcop.com
Woman Who Wouldn't Talk
by Susan McDougal
As an avid reader and Clinton supporter,
I found McDougal's book to be fascinating
and fabulous. It is a story
of a brave and independent woman who did not know until
Kenneth Star and his minions went after
her that she was brave and independent.
Commercials on start
at just $11.
Send $11
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Ol' Bart to get in on these fun summer deals.
We'll put together a package for you that would make Tommy Lee
Sailing Right Into a Fiscal Hurricane
And the captain is a drunken idiot who doesn't know the ropes
What if someone gave you this choice: Enact
the tax plan just approved by Congress,
with its bogus gimmicks for tax cuts that
are supposed to expire soon after they take effect
and its windfall for investors like Dick
Cheney, who stands to save six figures on his own taxes.
Or secure the future of Social Security and Medicare.
No one in Washington will make you this
That's because no one wants to admit that's
the deal.
Possible fixes for those not getting BartCop Radio
While the Presidiot travels the planet, I am
reminded of his last trots about the globe.
He tires easily. He does not enjoy travel
-- never did.
When he gets tired, he comes up with his best
material -- the original stuff.
Watch as he loses his happy step ... the comedy
is about to begin.
Forget how he devalued the yen when he misspoke
Don't pay attention to his insults to Heads
of State with his total lack of geography and knowledge of local customs.
Just ignore the potential damage he can do
to us or the world with the mispronunciation of just one word.
Pop some popcorn, order up a pizza.
Dubya is going on tour.
Let's just sit back and enjoy the floor show.-
Subject: Wolfie's admission
Hi Bart,
Can you imagine the look on the face of
a parent who lost their son or daughter to this trumped up war
when Wolfie made the comment about their
bureaucratic reasoning for fraud? The media should have
pounced on the story like Ken Starr pounced
on Monica's dress. This just makes me sick....
Keep the hammer swining..
You could be right, but it's been my observation that most military
families would rather lose their
son or daughter under this Unelected Fraud than see their grandchildren
grow up under Clinton.
Their hatred for Clinton seems to trump parental concerns.
Remember, many military men voted twice in Florida, many of them
in f-ing December of 2000.
They wanted this bloodthirsty warmonger in office more than they
wanted Democracy.
"And here's some cheering news: More people
(4 million) tune in to The Daily Show
in a given week than watched Fox news
at the height of the war (3.3 million)."
- - Susan Douglas
in "The Nation"
Clear Channel: the Media Mammoth that Stole the Airwaves
Can you name a Texas-based multinational
company that is facing a Department of Justice investigation, lawsuits
for inappropriate business practices, a
flurry of criticism in the mainstream press, and a bill in congress to
curb its
impact on the industry?
Did you say Enron?
Try again.
This 800 lb. Texas gorilla has spent $30
billion since 1996 to become the world's largest radio broadcaster,
concert promoter, and billboard advertising
firm. It's a major player in American TV and Spanish-language broadcasting.
Clear Channel may not be a household name
yet, but in less than six years it has rocketed to a place alongside
NBC and Gannett as one of the largest media
companies in the US. The mega-company has gained a reputation
for its ugly hardball tactics. Clear Channel
has played a leading role in destroying media diversity in the US.
"It's not just how big and powerful they are but
how they do business, the arm twisting," Mike Jacobs, former
independent label owner and manager of
Blink 182, told Eric Boehlert who has been covering Clear Channel's
shady business practices for Salon.com.
What Can You Do? File an Online Public Comment
Tell them Clear Channel's ownership of 1200+ stations hurts local media diversity.
Flooding the FCC with comments is crucial, and we only have until January 2nd 2003!
say we fight back with BartCop Radio, too.
They can't Dixie Chick us if we are
I think building
into a powerhouse is a worthwhile goal.
Click Here
to subscribe.
Help build the anti-Bush network into something the media can't ignore and can't dismiss.
Remember, the unelected moron is borrowing money
to bribe his super rich friends.
They should impeach him for mortgaging our future for his selfish ass.
"America must get rid of the hangover that
we now have as a result of the binge,
the economic binge we just went through.
We were in a land of endless profit.
There was no tomorrow when it came
to the stock markets and corporate profits.
And now we're suffering a hangover
for that binge."
--the smirking
chimp president
I'm not able to independently verify that quote, but if it's true, fuck you, George.
Clinton not only paid for "that binge," he paid for your father's
binge, too.
Clinton gave us eight years of peace and prosperity because he
didn't fellate the rich like you do.
He brought 22 million jobs online, you've taken 2 million jobs
and thrown them f-ing away.
You're a liar and a fraud and you weren't even elected.
If America was smart enough to read charts like this one, maybe
they'd vote their pocketbook,
Instead, minimum wage morons are calling for tax breaks for the
super rich.
Good job, Rush and the good puppy press.
You've successfully sold us a tax break we can't afford and a
war we didn't need.
We are compiling a list of PC and Mac gurus.
Maybe some of you tech people could compile a list of things
to check if BCR isn't working?
Here to see the beginnings of the tech list.
Our first goal is to assist people who can't get BartCop radio
If YOU are having trouble, contact a tech and if the two of
you work it out,
have the tech contact us with the answer so we can post it.
"Tuesday, Donald Rumsfeld floated a new explanation
for the failure to find thousands of tons
of chemical and biological weapons
in Iraq. The peppery Defense Secretary now theorizes that
Saddam may have ordered all that nasty
junk destroyed before the war began -- presumably to
make Bush, Blair and Rummy look bad.
To believe that requires a suspension of normal
skepticism even greater than is usually
accorded Rumsfeld by credulous journalists.
-- Joe Conason, the only reason to subscribe to Salon.com
Were Lori's medical records thoroughly
examined for any evidence of the pre-existing heart condition?
It would seem that someone must have examined
her heart if she ran 8Ks.
Did Dr. Berkland personally examine the
site of death in undisturbed condition in order to support
his later conclusion that the physical
evidence was compatible with his later conclusions?
Were the toxicology studies entirely negative?
Was there evidence of any legal or illegal
substance in the blood stream which could
have caused her to lose consciousness?
Was she pregnant?
If so, were fetal blood specimens obtained
to determine paternity?
Liberty Vanishes While the Press Sleeps
Most of the radical revisions of the Constitution
that I and others have been writing about
will ultimately be ruled on by the Supreme
Court. Scalia indicates he will come down on
the side of Bush and Ashcroft. A few days
after the terrorist attacks on the WTC and the
Pentagon, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said
that as a result, we would have to give up
some of our liberties. That's two of nine
justices we are not likely to be able to depend on.
The media, with few exceptions, are failing
to report consistently, and in depth,
precisely how Bush and Ashcroft are undermining
our fundamental individual liberties.
E! page
The throne room at Catherine's Palace, in St. Petersburg - from
A fixed link
Sean Penn & 'Kilroy's Still Here'
Ray Harryhausen to finally get a star on the Walk O'Fame
Harrison Ford got his star on the Walk O'Fame Friday
Richard Chamberlain outs himself
Reba McEntire supports chimpy, not the Dixie Chicks
'The Producer's' debutted in LA (with Jason Alexander & Martin
A monkey with makeup
Ozzy & Kelly Osbourne
Star Jones gets hate e-mail
And, the return of absinthe
by Tamara Knowles
without Honor
by William Strabala and Mike
Click Here to read this excellent review
If you were born-too-late to understand
the protests of the 1960s, this book will be
an especially good read for you. It covers
how the protest movement got started back then,
the first instances of burning draft cards,
and something called "blood dumping."
By the end of this book, the reader will
have a number of answers to the question:
"Why do they hate us so much?"
Do you have a political book review we could publish?
If you don't have a URL I can link to, send as plain text inside
the e-mail.
You will lose all formatting, anyway, and please don't send War
& Peace.
"Dependence on cheap oil. It's a dependence
that's so strong that it's almost like a narcotic.
You don't question the pusher. So many
of my colleagues who worked in Saudi Arabia left
the CIA and went to work for the Saudis.
How can they spend thirty years in the CIA,
walk out the door, and have the same
remarks I do if they are working for the place?
This is an uneasy relationship, because
even the Saudi ambassador has admitted that he
holds out jobs in front of bureaucrats,
knowing that one day they can work for the Saudis
or work for defense companies that
work inside Saudi Arabia. These companies don't want
to question Saudi Arabia. You're not
going to get Boeing or any of these other companies,
like the Carlyle Group, to do independent
studies saying, "Oh, by the way, our source of
cheap oil is wobbly."
-- Robert Baer, a former CIA
agent in the Middle East, Addicted
to Oil
Forget former CIA agents.
The "president's" daddy is a paid-for lobbyist for the Saudis.
Every decision made about the Middle East will be made on a what's-best-for-the-B.F.E.E.
The Saudis control our government, that's why the 9-11 report
must remain buried.
For all we know, the Saudi's bankrolled 9-11 with the permission
of the B.F.E.E
And if you doubt that, answer this one question:
Would evil men kill innocent people to take over the world?
I had to send you a note. I was reading
one of your rants and you were so right on it hurt.
It was the one about paying half the salary
of jobs worth $40,000 and creating 6 million new jobs plus the airline
That falls into what I've been saying.
Instead of giving these corporations and
rich bastards tax cuts in hope they'll create jobs.
If they create jobs that last two years
they get the tax cuts, credits or whatever, but not before.
Then you guarantee the job creation.
Keep up the good work man.
If the bastards don't kill you maybe we
can stop them.
Always check your rear view mirror.
Richard K
I lost much of today's issue when f-ing Netscape crashed during
a transition,
so it came out a little angrier than usual.
...and I still need a graphic of Biden's face on Daschle's tutu.
Call 918-493-1500-
you have two minutes to rant away.
Did anything make you mad today?
us about it!
Hey Melic,
Can you tell the Get Your War On guys that I need more strips?
It's been 23 days since their last update.
Have a good time today - that's an order.
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2003, bartcop.com
Shirley --.meet me at the Vegas
Hard Rock Pink Taco June 6 at 7 PM!!
Shirley should call the Bart-Phone at 918-493-1500
That would be cool.