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"In the three decades since Watergate, this
is the first potential scandal I have seen that could make
Watergate pale by comparison. If the
Bush Administration intentionally manipulated or misrepresented
intelligence to get Congress to authorize,
and the public to support, military action to take control of Iraq,
then that would be a monstrous misdeed...To
put it bluntly, if Bush has taken Congress and the nation
into war based on bogus information,
he is cooked. Manipulation or deliberate misuse of national security
intelligence data, if proven, could
be "a high crime" under the Constitution's impeachment clause.
It would also be a violation of federal
criminal law, including the broad federal anti-conspiracy statute,
which renders it a felony "to defraud
the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose."
--John W. Dean,
Is Lying An
Impeachable Offense?
"I understand
Liddy will kill Dean for free..."
The Bush administration distorted intelligence
and presented conjecture as evidence to justify a U.S.
invasion of Iraq according to a retired
intelligence official who served during the months before the war.
In his State of the Union address, Bush
said, "The British government has learned that Saddam recently
sought significant quantities of uranium
from Africa."
The Africa claim rested on a purported letter
or letters ...now accepted as forged, and Thielmann said
he believed the information on Africa was
discounted months before Bush mentioned it.
"I was very surprised to hear that be announced to the United States and the entire world," he said.
"Most U.S. senators would rather preserve their
ability to screw things up than allow
others to fix them."
--Barney Frank,
Act violates rights
I'm a subscriber and I wanted to let you
know your site kicks ass.
I turned my mother on to it and now every
conversation I have with her starts,
"Did you read Bartcop...?" So you've
got a couple fans in Rhode Island.
Did you see "Meet The Press" on Sunday?
Tim Russert attacked Carol Mosely Braun
with such venom, he was practically spitting on her.
How soon before Tim ends up on Fox News?
Also, the more I see of Bob Graham, the
more I like. I've seen a bunch of stuff on C-Span
with him and he is pretty open about his
contempt for the psychos who are now in power.
Also wanted to let you know I am enjoying
the radio bits.
Keep putting your foot to the ass of these
right-wing extremists.
Brett, I quit watching Russert.
You're right, all he does is softball the Murder administration
and attack Democrats.
Russert was FOX News before being FOX News was cool.
Why Martha and Not Ken Lay?
For instance, let's take the allegation
that she lied to the FBI. Of course, she lied to the FBI.
What sane person admits to the FBI that
they've committed a crime?
Yet, lying to investigators isn't usually
considered a separate crime.
Stewart was simply playing by the rules.
The government's job is to capture criminals and the
criminal's job is to avoid capture. However,
in this case, Stewart is being charged with the crime
of not helping the government convict her.
This seems strange even by John Ashcroft standards.
So why isn't Ashcroft going after Kenny Boy Lay?
Lay stole a thousand times more money from thousands of
you mind about who I think needs jailin'.
Boy's been on the team for years. By the way,
you know torture is legal in Gitmo, Funnyboy?"
Subject: The Scott and Laci Peterson Saga
This mail is not written and sent for publication on your web page.
I'm confused why someone would take the time to write a detailed
full of hot points (some good, some bad) and then request, "Don't
print this."
I would've enjoyed the exchange, but I can't spend a lot of time
on private letters.
If I publish the letter, at least the time spent on it is more
of an investment.
It closed with, "I will no longer read
your page (though I have enjoyed your
political commentary) if you continue
to defend a man who is most likely guilty..."
...and the writer is a lawyer, which tells us what?
The "likely guilty" aren't worthy of a vigorous defense?
I thought I was defending a man's right not to be railroaded
by a for-sale press.
And I always appreciate the feedback about what people want to
read more or less of,
but I can't avoid topics because someone says they won't contribute
if I mention it.
That's too much like blackmail, and I don't do
Subject: Advise to the Dems
Hey Bart-
I was listening to the Washington Journal
this morning and this guy calls in and
makes a statement that had nothing to do
with the topic it went something like...
"Why did Unelected Bush go AWOL in 1972,
and why did he lie about Iraqi weapons
of mass destruction?"
I thought, "Where did that come from?"
A bit later I went to yesterdays BC to
finish it before reading today's- and there it was.. my answer.
Democrats want to be led to the Promised Land, but our 'Moses' wears a pink tutu.
Subject: I think your wrong about Martha Stewart
I read your page quite faithfully, and consider
myself a very liberal person .
Lately I've been noticing that you seem
to be taking Martha Stewart's side in her recent problems,
if I'm wrong on that please let me know.
I personally feel that what she did was wrong whether it
was $45,000 or $45 million. I think she
should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
I do however completely agree that those
other bastards who stole so much more should be indicted.
I still don't believe Ms.Stewart should
get away with what she did no matter how petty in comparison.
Mac, you have to believe in proportionality.
The way I understand it (that means don't depend on this) Martha
"improperly" made
$45,000 by selling her stock after a friend
told her one day that it was about to tank.
Meanwhile, Kenny Boy and those types spent years in an off-shore
to steal
of millions of dollars from the life savings of
the Enron employees..
Compared to Bush's friends, Martha stole a damn used newspaper.
She shouldn't be put in the same cell as John Gotti or Sammy
the Bull.
Conason's Journal
Raines drops
Walking into my favorite saloon the night
before last, I ran into an old friend (and superb reporter)
who works on the New York Times metro desk.
Everyone at the paper believes Raines and Boyd
have to go, he said disconsolately. Now
that hope has been fulfilled, presumably to the great relief
of the staff of the world's most important
I wish both paper and staff well, but I
have to wonder whether Joseph Lelyveld, appointed as the
interim executive editor, will be any great
improvement. As editorial page editor Raines bore a
great responsibility for the Times' errors
and excesses during the Clinton era, from Whitewater
to Wen Ho Lee, yet Lelyveld carries just
as much baggage with the same labels.
Sometimes he seems thoughtful about that troubled era; other times, far less so.
30 percent off
if you order now
Subject: ha ha
I just saw Lucianne ... 'interviewed' on
Fox News, about Hillary Clinton's book.
Does Lucianne think she's a clairvoyant
or something?
She had lots of sordid things to say about
Hillary and Bill's private relationship.
What a sad pathetic old harridan she is.
Mag, don't be too hard on Luci the Bat.
She was mistreated when she was young.
I give the NY Whore Times a good slapping now and then because
they deserve it.
But at least it's possible to get fired from the NYW Times for
At FOX News, you get promoted for lying.
I watched a little FOX Saturday night, and their idea of "fair
and balanced,"
is to get five Hillary haters together in a round table so the
host can ask,
"Is there a single true sentence in this entire
About a month after Smirk's media-wide Lincoln Flyboy Fellatiofest,
they're calling Hillary's new book,
"A new record in hype and media manipulation."
The very same people who said Bush's penis looked so manly in
the adult's man suit,
are now saying that it's "shameless" to manipulate the media
the way Hillary is doing.
Did Hillary keep thousands of brave men from their families to
promote her book?
Did Hillary get a media pass for lying about the need for a plane
when a chopper was called for?
Did Hillary force an aircraft carrier to change it's position
so the idiot TV viewers would mistakenly
conclude that this ship was somewhere besides 30 miles off the
San Diego coastline?
I'm really old, and I've never seen America's entire media fawn
over a falsehood
while giving short-shrift to the facts that are easily provable
by anyone with an IQ of 64.
"I'm at a point in my life where I have no
interest in being a little circus monkey,"
-- Bruce Willis, winner of the Hollywood tree
climbing contest six years in a row.
name's Bruce'
Funny-as-hell rest of the interview
By the way, Bruce.
I hear Ashton has it in for you...
Is it true your kids are calling the 'Dude,
Where's my Car?' guy, "Daddy?:
Maybe if you hadn't cheated on your wife, your kids would call
Daddy, instead.
Wait, tell us again what a bad man Clinton is, would you?
Subject: B.F.E.E.
Love the site, but could you please tell
us what the initials B.F.E.E. stand for?
Thanks, we have only been reading BartCop
for a month or so and haven't figured it out.
We're Bushwatch and Buzzflash readers also.
Keep it up.
Kathy, thanks for the reminder.
I should mention it more often, since bartcop.com
probably gets 2-3 new readers a day
It stands for Bush Family Evil Empire, and I should explain.
Prescott Bush made the family fortune by helping Hitler exterminate
Jews in World War II.
Later, Poppy Bush parlayed that into becoming Director of the
CIA, a post he still holds.
Bush then swindled his way into the presidency in 1980, with
the help of the terrorists who
ran Islamic Jihad and a popular puppet named Ronald Reagan.
Allowing Reagan to be the patsy who cut ribbons and meet with
Boy Scouts, Bush set up a
worldwide organization that uses CIA intelligence, China, Saudi
Arabia (not to mention murder)
and has more tentacles than a chart of possible JFK shooters.
This is a "family" in the Tony Soprano sense. It includes:
the Carlyle Group,
the CIA,
Adnan Khashoggi,
the US Treasury,
Henry Kissinger,
John Major and Tony Blair,
the felons from Iran-Contra,
(Schultz, North, Poindexter)
and, to be fair, we must include
Osama, Saddam and Noriega, who were hueueueueuge earners
for the family at one time, but then became convenient
scapegoats when a reason was needed for war.
Interestingly enough, nobody can argue with that list.
Those are all documented facts and accepted by everyone, but
the press refuses to talk about it.
They're too busy tracking Clinton to see if he got a piece of Kim Kattrall.
By the way...
Isn't that a classy CD cover?
I know some 'big bands" put a giant tongue on their CDs.
Got Radio?
Click Here to see if you can hear 13 seconds of this Shirley song.
This is an MP3. You can GO
HERE and download Winamp for free.
All the kids have them - it's what they put sound and
music on these days.
If you can't hear Shirley vow to tear some guy's soul apart
(don't piss her off)
then Click Here
to see the new and improved troubleshooting tech page.
E-mail someone on that list and tell them what kind of system you have.
Our first goal is to assist people who can't get BartCop radio
If YOU are having trouble, contact a tech and if the two of
you work it out,
have the tech contact us with the answer so we can post it.
Beginning June 20/21, we will be posting radio shows in the "members" section.
Subject: Hidden message?
I am reading Saturday's post and in the
section "Striking Gold"
I see ever so lightly between 2 paragraphs.....
"(I turn 50 in September)"
Is this some kind of Beatles album thing?
"I buried Paul" ?
Mike, I've been doing that for years.
It's kinda like an Easter Egg, for those with sharp eyes :)
All week, under Shirley's picture it said, "Shirley, meet us
Las Vegas at the Hard Rock's Pink Taco - I'll buy the tequila,"
but I guess she missed it :)
Dick Morris, part-time FOX liar and full-time toe-sucker,
is one of the top tax delinquents in Connecticut,
according to the state's revenue department. Morris owes $257,624
in income tax, making him No. 6 among
the top 100 scumbags in Connecticut who want to ride in the wagon,
...but not help pay for it.
FOX knew he was a perverted SOB when they hired him, but he was
willing to sling wild and viscious lies,
especially about Hillary, so FOX decided they couldn't live without
his "expertise."
Two quick tequila stories
Take a tortilla chip with a big schloos of extra-hot salsa
followed by a tiny sip of some world-class tequila.
The burn on your tongue is one of life's great treasures.
While I was learning this, I noticed two Seattle grungers standing at the tequila bar.
Grunger 1: Dude, let's do some margaritas!
Grunger 2: Dude, what kind?
Grunger 1: Dude, we're in Vegas!
Let's go for the Cuervo!"
I couldn't even bring myself to laugh.
I was once that stupid ...and I owned two nightclubs.
as seen on politicalpulpit.com
Subject: Novus Seclorum
Sorry Dude,
Still haven't figerred out how poor people pay taxes.
Plll..lll...llllease tell me how they do
it . Something is terribly wrong here .
I depend on the Bartster for my information
And if I am offbase, I need to be be shown
as such .
And by the way, Bart is a big sissy.
And a bad dresser. And hiz speling is atroshuss
Crying Myself to Sleep ,
Gladiator Shaft
Shafty, first things first:
I plead guilty to being a sissy
with pain.
The way I dress, it's almost
like I don't care.
Sure, my speling is atroshuss,
but I publish a lot.
Now, to gain a modicum of credibility, you need to rephrase your
taunt to say,
"Still haven't figerred out how poor people pay
federal income
That's the official reason Bush tells the poor to suck it.
New in the BartCop Store
Shirts for Dad,
Chinaco mugs,
Baseball caps,
Beer steins for Dad,
BBQ apron for Dad,
I talked to your Dad.
He wants another tie.
"If the state needs me, and if there's no one
I think is better, then I will run."
-- Hollywoods second-biggest
monkey, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Jesus, what an ego this moron has.
"I'm the smaughtest person in all of California.
My state needs me. Nobody is more qualified
than me!"
California needs a steroid-enabled
whack job who murders cops in his movies.
They say Terminator 3 is expected to tank,
and ruin his career forever, so Arnold will
play the "I
wanted to get out of show business, anyway"
card and be (choke) governor?
I wonder if Arnold is as smart as Reagan in his prime?
Here to see an R-rated picture of Musclehead Arnold.
If he runs for governor, you're going to
see this true picture a lot.
I let opensecrets.org
tell me about her past political donations.
Suddenly it was all crystal clear.
Subject: Addition to aWol Legacy
Of all presidential candidates who served
in the military, is Dum-Dum
the only one never to have released his
or her military records to the public?
I recall reading that this was true of the
2000 pool, but how about ever?
Just wondering. If true--and I'd wager
it is--t'would make a nice addition to the current, lengthy list.
Not Ed Meese
Not Ed, great point.
In 2000, Gore could 've made a big deal out of releasing his
military records and
challenging the stupidest coward to ever run for the White House
to do the same.
But no, he didn't want to win "dirty."
Maybe Kerry will want to win...
Funny Cide Fails to Win Triple Crown
"I hope everybody hates me after the
race — then I'll know I did well."
Bobby Frankel, Empire Builder's
Hmmm, sounds like a Republican.
E! page
Hillary on Dave
A reader review of 'Wanda Sykes' in concert
Baron Dave Romm on 'How To Write A Letter To The Editor - Part2
'The Ins & Outs of Iraq' by the Wall St. Poet
Fresh BAGnews
Spencer Tunick in Barcelona
Elvis' record collection
Berlin's Carnival of Cultures
Frat boys kill koi
Bob Dylan's tour dates
First new vitamin in 55 years
Freedom Paradise Resort in Mexico
And, pictures of semi-clad women & a streaking man
"We are now the world's thug, the snotty
spoiled schoolyard bully with deep and rather pathetic
machismo issues who no one likes and
no one wants to sleep with but who still somehow manages
to think he's, quite literally, God's
gift to humankind...maybe a little global dissatisfaction is understandable.
A little resentment of our gloriously
righteous God-justified violent bomb-happy crusading is to be expected.
Hey, we won, right? It's lonely at
the top. No one likes the king, baby. Especially if that king is really
a greedy little cadre of CEOs
with far, far too much power."
--Mark Morford, Why
Does No One Like Bush?
Damn, almost sounds like someone's been reading bartcop.com
Rebel Yell!
by Subversive Mike
A few weeks ago a treasured reader wrote
to suggest that we use a Star Wars analogy to examine what's what.
His point was that a few years ago most
of us would have identified more with the intrepid rebels, Luke Skywalker,
Han Solo and Princess Leia in the Star
Wars saga. And that today (according to all the polls) most of us have
with (the Evil) Empire as embodied by the
arrogant, cruel and spoiled Emperor Bush over the "force" of Truth and
It seems as though most of us prefer to
have the American Death Star floating over the world ready to obliterate
strongholds and outposts rather than make
the attempt to understand why folks choose to take up arms against us.
We like the idea apparently of naked aggression,
ambition and power. Of course we don't call it naked aggression,
ambition and power. It's called Peace,
Security and Freedom.
Call 918-493-1500-
you have two minutes to rant away.
Did anything make you mad today?
us about it!
A high-profile battle to stop illegal file-sharing
on Napster tested Metallica's mettle and
alienated fans who felt their heroes had
swallowed the corporate Kool-Aid.
"Lars took so many shots," Hetfield says. "He's
still reeling. The image of him was mob-ruled,
and he became the Saddam of rock.
But we had to take a stand. There was no thought
of the consequences or image management."
ha ha
You can say that again...
If Christian Livemore was managing you
guys, I think she would've told James to stuff a sock
in Lar's mouth and have your attorney shut
the hell up about jailing your fans, you idiots.
"We got blindsided by the enormity of it," Ulrich
whines. "It started when some guy put a song
on the Internet that we hadn't finished
mixing yet. And I wanted to know where it came from.
"Things took a drastic turn from there. It was
never about money and greed; it was about control.
I have no problem giving (music) away,
but I want to decide what to give."
Oh, so that's why you threatened to imprison fans who illegally
listened to your music?
It wasn't about grabbing every nickle in metaldom, it
was about control? So you had your
lawyer threaten your fans with the goddamn RICO statutes,
with mandatory sentences?
Thanks for being such a cool dude, Lars.
Someone did a video of Lars and Frankenstein
on 'Millioanaire.'
Anyone know the URL I could post?
It's one of the funniest things I've ever
seen on the Internet.
E-mail Bart if you have that URL.
back with BartCop Radio
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into a powerhouse must be a worthy goal.
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are coming June 20/21
Help build the anti-Bush network into something the media can't ignore and can't dismiss.
Bush and Tony Blair's wife
Lie - Democracy in Crisis
by Carla Binion - as seen on buzzflash.com
Democrats in Congress who think they'll
accomplish more for the country by pretending lies are
"intelligence failures" and appeasing Bush
and his anti-democratic, neo-conservative administration
are in denial. What's needed now is for
the Democratic leadership and all Americans with conscience
to get themselves informed enough to notice
we're in another time of crisis.
The best way to do that is to acquire news
from the wide variety and vast number of newspaper
and magazine articles published on the
Internet, and to visit the many quality political Internet web sites.
As those of us who already get our news
online know, you won't be adequately informed if you rely on
TV news programs or a single newspaper
for information about the damage the Bush cabal is doing and
the extent of their manipulation. It would
also be helpful for those of us who get our news online to pass it
along to offline friends and others.
If you get your news from newspapers, radio or TV, you're only
getting the spin
Mr Rove and Unka Dick want you to have about our brave, war-hero
If you didn't check in Saturday,
Click Here to see what you missed.
Religious insanity - when will people give it up?
Have a good time today - that's an order.
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com four cents.
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Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2003, bartcop.com
Shirley - not at
the Taco Friday night!
Shirley - call the BartPhone at 918-493-1500
That would be cool.