![]() ![]() Wishing the "President" wasn't a ruthless murderer POLITICS-SARCASM-FINE
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"With a few honorable exceptions, such as Sen.
Robert Byrd, outrage is not coming from
Congressional Democrats. Contrast this
with the Clinton impeachment, where years of
fanatical attempts by Congressional
Republicans and right-wing talk radio hosts to impale
Clinton over Whitewater had resulted
in a special prosecutor, Kenneth Starr, whose obsessive
efforts finally provided the legal
pretext for the Monica Lewinsky charges. By contrast, this time,
given the relative Democratic spinelessness,
no attack on the fitness of George W. Bush and his
band of neocon zealots can have any
traction without widespread public outrage, including support
from independents and at least some
--Geov Parrish,
impeachable offense
France's defense minister took a double
swipe at the United States on Saturday, accusing
Donald Rumsfeld of American supremacism
and U.S. industry of waging "economic war" on Europe.
"The American Defense Secretary believes the United
States is the only military, economic and
financial power in the world. We do not
share this vision," Alliot-Marie told Le Monde newspaper."
that bitch and bring her head to me at the Oval Office"
"To put it plainly, Rumsfeld treats people
like crap. Working for him is like working for Leona Helmsley,
except that Leona is less self-centered.
Unless you are one of his sycophants, equipped with a good set
of knee-pads and plenty of lip balm,
you can expect to be booted down the stairs on a regular basis."
S. Lind, The
Men Who Would Not Be King
does that mean?"
ninnies split on challenging Iraq arms hunt
God help the idiot Democrats - they couldn't sell sex on
a troop train
But other prominent Democrats, including
such presidential contenders as John Kerry, John Edwards
and Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, have
struck a far more cautious tone, with their aides warning that
such attacks could end up hurting the Democratic
Party, depending on how events play out.
Things couldn't be worse for the pink tutu
How is doing the right thing going to hurt
the party?
Several polls have indicated that the public
remains largely supportive of the war, and that people are
not particularly concerned that the weapons
that Mr. Bush said would be found have not yet been located.
Gee, I have an idea - qhy don't we educate
the people who aren't concerned?
The whole world sees us as the worst kind
of imperialistic bullies, and America
has no problem with losing her reputation
and all her allies?
Some Democrats who supported the war, notably
Gephardt said they still thought it was likely
that weapons would be found.
It doesn't matter if some weapons are eventually found.
We went to war because Saddam was 15 minutes away from launching,
We couldn't give weapon inspectors any more time because Saddam
was arming his missles.
How can the Democrats be this stupid on every issue?
"For the rest of the planet, the problem isn't
Clinton's guys, it's Bush. In nation after nation, people affirm
democratic ideals that they still generally
associate with the United States -- but not with its president.
In the 21 nations polled last month,
respondents in 17 said that the problem with the United States was
"mostly Bush" rather than "Americans
in general."...In disdaining the United Nations and NATO,
in proclaiming for his nation the right
to preemptive war and immunity from international standards,
and in waging a war based on trumped-up
allegations, Bush has clearly decided that it is better for the
United States to be feared than admired.
Our greatest presidents haven't viewed foreign relations as
requiring this kind of trade-off. Under
Franklin Roosevelt, the United States had the world's mightiest
arsenal and was its beacon of hope.
But that's the kind of synthesis that Bush seems incapable even of
imagining. Bush is the guy who
almost never traveled abroad until he became governor of Texas. On the
contrary, he revels in the role of
the belligerent provincial. And after 2 1/2 years as president, damned
he hasn't remade the world in his own
xenophobic image of it."
--Harold Meyerson, Reaping
the World's Disfavor
impeach murderers, don't they?
Bush Must Step Down
by my good friend Ted Rall
Bush told us that Iraq and Al Qaeda were
working together. They weren't. He repeatedly implied that Iraq had
had something to do with 9/11. It hadn't.
He claimed to have proof that Saddam possessed banned WMD. He didn't.
As our allies watched in horror and disgust,
Bush conned us into a one-sided war of aggression that killed and
maimed thousands of innocent people, destroyed
billions of dollars in Iraqi infrastructure, cost tens of billions of dollars,
cost the lives of American soldiers, and
transformed our international image as the world's shining beacon of freedom
into that of a marauding police state.
Presidents Nixon and Clinton rightly (?)
faced impeachment for comparatively trivial
offenses; if we hope to restore our nation's
honor, George W. Bush too must face a president's gravest political sanction.
As the Bush Administration sold Congress
and the public on the "threat" posed by Saddam last winter, Ari Fleischer
assured the American people: "The President
and the Secretary of Defense would not assert as plainly and vocally as
they have that Iraq has WMD if it was not
true and if they did not have a solid basis for saying it."
That's unambiguous rhetoric. But since allied
occupation forces have failed to find WMDs, Bush is backtracking:
"I am absolutely convinced with time we'll
find out that they did have a weapons program," the C-in-C now says.
What's next?
Claiming that Saddam had WMDs because,
you know, you could just feel it?
Surely the Founding Fathers would want a rogue president, who
lied to drag America into a war
so he could avenge his Daddy and steal some oil, to be impeached
for truly high crimes."
Apparently my good friend Ted thought impeachment was "rightly"
applied to Clinton for oral sex,
but he's fighting America's biggest monster, so we'll just agree
that he's wrong about this one.
"For us, it is a time to be more cautious,
not necessarily patient.
We have to remember that terrorism's
aim is not to kill. 1
It is to intimidate so that men and
nations bow to the terrorists' political objectives.
We are vulnerable, and any new attacks
will be designed to do two things.
First, they will be planned to interfere
with Mr. Bush's reelection. 2
That means the terrorists will attempt
to cause very large numbers of casualties again,
or a land a huge blow on our economy,
or both... 3
If such an attack succeeds, the Democrats have been positioning themselves to benefit from it. 4
All the talk of inadequate funding for
homeland security — as if pouring money on Rainbow
Tom Ridge will solve anything — is
a predicate to their strategy. 5
Bush will be blamed for protecting us
inadequately. 6
If the damage is sufficiently severe,
and the economy tanks, they may even try to impeach him. 7
If you think they can't do that, think
again." 8
--Jed Babbin, who is
one hell of a liar The
American Mood
1. Too stupid to attempt a rebuttal.
2. Notice how he puts anyone against Bush's first election on
the terrorist's side?
3. The terrorists live to die for the 72 virgins their stupid
religion promises them - religion is the problem.
4. Democrats are too stupid and timid to position themselves
for anything but a hard-ass screwing.
5. True, the only time more money helps is when you're giving
it to a billionaire.
6. Gee, you mean like last time? Bush went on another
month-long vacation after being warned Osama
was about to strike and his "punishment" was
a 90 percent approval rating and a license to kill all suspects.
7. The Democrats wouldn't impeach Bush if he dismembered the
twins on live TV.
8. Of course they CAN do it, it's in the Constitution, stupid.
But they won't - not ever - for any reason.
this Babbin guy on the payroll - Oh, he's already on it?"
The "I series" Segway that the president
was using was a gift from the Bush daughters to their father,
Ferguson said. Earlier yesterday morning,
Segway inventor Dean Kamen had delivered two Segways
to Bush Senior and Barbara Bush at the
compound. Luckily Kamen left before having to witness
the most powerful man in the world fall
off an idiot-proof invention.
In any event, it's now clear that Middle Eastern policy isn't the only area in which Bush can be unbalanced from time to time.
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"I think about what his parents were thinking.
They were the ones who were there when
their son came home with two-thirds
of his body blown away. And then to see the ugly
political animals come out. And to
beat this man who I know worked 10 to 14 hours a day.
He wasn't a member of that Tuesday-to-Thursday
club, OK?"
--Elaine Iler, Max Cleland's
executive secretary
was a poser compared to my war heroism - just ask FOX News"
murderer takes ANOTHER vacation
by Donnad
Too bad middle class working folks can't
do that.
They're too busy working two or three jobs
in order to barely make ends meet.
Meanwhile, more US soldiers are being ambushed
and killed (along with countless
more Iraqis dying) everyday to make the
lowlife Bush clan even wealthier via oil.
When will the Bush family disappear, already?
They're scum!
That 9-11 report Bush is blocking will say Bush was warned that
Al Qaeda was
preparing to attack us, and the sick bastard took a month
off instead of doing his job.
"Look. It ain't rocket science. Lack
of sex, repression of libido, ignorance of sexuality or sex education,
lack of sexual celebration or outlet
-- these things, on a national level, on an energetic universal level,
can only result in conflict, bitterness,
angst and war, and the need to flaunt bogus machismo, invent new
enemies and strut around the planet
thinking you're literally God's gift to empire when you're really just
draconian impotent bully. Look at the
world's most rigid and violent and oppressive nations for proof,
at Syria, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan,
China et al. Notice their attitudes toward sex and women and
sexual expression. Draw easy parallel
with Ashcroft and Dick Cheney and Rove and BushCo's
anti-gay anti-women anti-choice propaganda.
--Mark Morford, http://sfgate.com
Subject: WMD Analogy
Let's say that I'm in a local grocery store. I
have a concealed carry permit, and there's no security guard on duty.
I see a guy who I think looks suspicious, and
I shout, "THAT GUY'S GOT A GUN!"
Everyone turns and looks at him, and as they are
doing so, I pull out my piece and shoot him dead.
When they run up to check him, no gun is found.
Not even a lead pipe is there, not even a pair of brass knuckles.
Imagine then, if I start claiming, as my defense,
that the guy was cheating on his wife, he was a tax-cheat,
and that he always had bad breath. You think
that would get me off?
It seems to be working for aWol.
War is the diplomatic equivalent of killing someone.
It's a nation killing another nation's people, on the
assumption that it is either (a) right to do
so or (b) powerful enough to get away with it even when wrong.
We are clearly being led by people who believe
(b) but tried to convince the world of (a).
Anyone who can't see that needs to understand
the gunshot analogy.
Howdy Bart,
When I clicked the link to Eric Alterman's
blog on your website a few moments ago,
I found these hateful banners at the top
of the screen. Is MSN being sponsored by
troglodytes who advocate banning books?
Maybe some jackass hacked MSN's
site and planted these vile things, but
somehow I doubt it.
Yours truly,
Red, not sure what's up with Eric.
Click to Enter
There is no longer any real question about
whether Bush lied to Congress and the
American people about Iraq. He did.
The aluminum tubes, the uranium from Niger,
the unmanned drones rigged to spew clouds
of bio-toxins over New York City at any
second? All lies.
The Bush administration's public statements themselves demonstrate
these were lies, and no further Congressional
inquiry is necessary to prove it.
But if the lies were bad, the innuendos
were worse. Brazenly exploiting the tragedy,
the administration intentionally (and successfully)
created a connection between Iraq
and September 11th in the mind of the public
that simply did not exist. Bush sold the
attack using the same smoke and mirrors
Enron used to earn "profits." Again,
Congress need not hold hearings to establish
this fact. The Bush administration's
public statements already on record are
all that is needed.
I need e-mail addresses for the following people...
Mike Bra----ll in Springfield, MO (where the cops are crooked and judges don't sign their orders)
Katherine R in Orange, CA
Mark C and Susan H in NY
Jeff W in San Antonio
Paul in MN who sent tapes
I need your e-mail address to sign you up to the 'Members" section.
"This week Bush insisted he is absolutely convinced
that Saddam had a weapons program.
Of course he was absolutely convinced
that he won the 2000 election, so I don't know."
--Jay Leno
Subject: line 'em up and hose 'em
Bart, You printed the following:
> Otherwise.....line 'em up and hose 'em.
> Dude, much to the dove's chagrin, I'm with you,
but only on the guilty.
> You want to murder a race of people - I want
to punish the guilty.
I read your site daily until this. I probably won't be visiting it anymore.
Just as the downturn in our economy has
forced those in the lower income levels to resort to
criminal behavior just to live, many in
the Arab world, due to complete frustration, have resulted
in sending their sons and daughters on
futile suicide operations. Crime in this country was on the
wane before Bush showed showed up, just
as Arabs weren't blowing themselves (and others) up
on a daily basis before Sharon showed back
up. When you get an asshole in power, these things happen.
For you to want to line 'em up and hose
'em down puts you at the same level.
But bottom line, people don't always know
how to react when put in bad situations.
Mowing them down is not an answer.
Mick Travis
Mick, you have lost your grip on reality.
Your answer to 9-11 is to kiss and make
If you think bin Laden shouldn't be punished
for 9-11, you have no soul.
Jesus Christ, tell me you don't have children,
for you're in no position to make any decisions
for another person. If someone was
to murder one of your kids, you'd sit him down and
politely ask what you could do to prevent
him from killing your other kids?
You've done the impossible - you've made
Bush look sane by comparison.
People like you prove Rush is right when
he says "Democrats can't be trusted to
defend America."
You don't think mass murderers should be punished - that's amazing.
E! page
Hillary on Dave tonight
Baron Dave Romm on 'How To Write A Letter To The Editor - part 3'
Some links from Avedon's Sideshow
Muhammad Ali at the National Constitution Center
Hefner at the Playboy Jazz Festival
Iggy Pop in Hamburg
New dress code for women in Iraq
The name 'David Nelson' raises red flags
Top 10 movies in North America
And, a baby with 4 eyes & 2 mouths is not named 'Ari'
"J. Lo fired both her manager and agent
today. The manager and agent said
that they didn’t know it was coming
because she didn’t marry them first."
--Craig Kilborn
...just kidding, Ben.
The Oklahoma City Council Invites You to A Discussion of the PATRIOT ACTS I & II
Tuesday, June 17, 2003 at the City Council Chambers in beautiful downtown OKC.
Everyone is welcome.
Discussion will be followed by a vote to OPPOSE the so-called
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Subject: Restraining impluses to get hyper in the subject line....
Whew! I held out until the body of the
Regroup, Boy. Settle.... breathe...
breathe... in... out... OK - I'm Ready.
Sir Cop of Bart -
Keep your ever-cynical trained and tequila
stained eye on Iran.
Through reports I've pieced together from
a variety of sources (BBC, NPR, Canadian newspapers), Iran is next.
There have been reports of small popular
uprisings against the government of Iran for the last few days running
- a couple hundred dissidents or so all
in the same area taking to the streets in protest on consecutive evenings.
(I haven't heard of government retributions
yet - that would be the fuse, and Iran has done this dance before,
so they're keeping the matches tucked away.)
A couple hundred people repeatedly taking
to a disrepectful display of displeasure in a regimented Islamic society?
Either these guys read the Cliff's Notes
of the Qu'ran or something else is wrong - respect of the proper authority,
be it in church or government, is quite
highly regarded in Islam. Should a follower have a legitimate complaint
regarding the leanings of his leader, avenues
are clearly provided in no uncertain terms within the Qu'ran to have
said issues addressed in a respectful manner.
To take to the streets in a popular revolt against an established
Islamic authority is in the very least
unsightly in the eyes of Allah - more likely frowned upon greatly.
The same couple hundred guys, over and over,
all tightly concentrated in one geographical area....
(ahh.. ahhh... SADDAMSTATUE!) Sorry,
I had to sneeze.
Yes, I'm suggesting the CIA is trying to
bait the Iranian government into stern retribution of a "popular" rebellion
planted by the CIA as justification to
invade, overthrow, and reinstall the Iranian government.
Look at the map, man! What country
lies between the pipelines of Afghanistan and the recently "liberated"
pipelines of Iraq? Wouldn't it just
be easier to run a pipeline through Iran? And wouldn't running a
through Iran be easier if we got to pick
their government officials (after say an "operation to liberate those
brave freedom fighters who fought
against the oppression of a strict religious government")?
Just keep an eye peeled. I'm really hoping Teheran doesn't take the bait.
Hammer on!
Carl Knorr
Self-Appointed Bartcop Akron Bureau Chief
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so getting the audio bugs worked out now would be a good thing,
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Best advice I've heard so far is to upgrade your media player.
If you have a media player from 2000, that's very old - a Model
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Also - expect a newshow
The US Open in Chicago
"Until further notice, we'll call "Tiger" Woods
'Eldrick' Woods.
No man who sits five strokes behind
the curiously named Dicky Pride,
11 shots out of the lead, is allowed
to have a nickname."
--Jay Mariotti, Chicago Sun Times
champ Eldrick Woods has lost his talent.
This is the first time in four years that he is without a major title to defend.
ha ha
Hex on thee, Eldrick
DM (2003): It's all under control, younger me.
I've reinvented myself.
Fifteen years from now, you'll be very proud of yourself.
DM (1988): I have to tell you, and I say this
with the greatest warmth and affection: fuck you.
(Flips through pages in folder). The Factor with Bill O'Reilly.
with Chris Matthews.
Scarborough Country … I'm not even sure what the fuck that is,
DM (2003): Let me explain …
DM (1988): Firing Line … you're on cable
more than hotel porn. And it says here that you've been
spewing conservative rhetoric at a rate that would make Joe McCarthy choke
on his noon hoagie.
It says here that, on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, you said:
Bush has allowed us
to respect the presidency again." Is this my future? Is this the promise
of all those hard years at a
low-level state university? (Looks under bed) And am I still wearing white
socks with loafers?!
Good Terror, Bad Terror
So there you have it, George.
If you truly believe your destiny is to
bring peace to the Middle East
in your lifetime—or even that of President
Jeb—you’re going to have
to face down the unmentionable lobby.
Fight back
with BartCop Radio
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into a powerhouse could pay off.
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Help build the anti-Bush network into something the media can't ignore and can't dismiss.
If you can only make one call...
Call the
you have two minutes to rant away.
"Congratulations to Michael Jackson. He was
back in his hometown of Gary, Indiana where
he was given the key to the city. Thank
God they didn’t give him the keys to the junior high.
Michael said it was great to be back
in Gary, which is not the first time Michael has said that."
--Jay Leno
Have a good time today - that's an order.
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throw bartcop.com four cents.
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It had everything.
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