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"I know there are serious obstacles to overcome.
Introducing democracy is hard in any society.
Liberian President Taylor needs to step
down -- so that his country can be spared further bloodshed."
-- The Unelected
Idiot, who seems ready to murder Liberia like he did Baghdad
tells me which countries to murder."
How many more, Governor Bush?
Witnesses said a gunman shot a U.S. soldier
in the neck and appeared to have been killed.
U.S. military spokesmen said they were
unable to confirm it. At least three U.S. soldiers
have been killed in Iraq since Thursday.
Meanwhile, authorities interrogated three
suspects detained in connection with the disappearance
of two American soldiers. "We don't
know if they were abducted or they were just killed," Compton said.
Update: The bodies of the missing soldiers have been found.
The bodies of two U.S. soldiers missing
for days were discovered early Saturday,
as the toll rises past 200 for Americans
killed since war started in Iraq
That's 200 brave men who will never get to live their lives,
and Bush won't be held accountable for any of them.
He'll blame Clinton - again - and the press will back
him up.
in combat die. This war is important to me, so what's the problem?"
"The question is not whether states are wise
to criminalize this or that sex act outside of marriage.
Rather, the question is: Once the court
has said that some such acts are constitutional rights,
by what principle are any of the myriad
possible permutations of consensual adult sexual activities
denied the same standing? Once consent--
'choice' -- supplants marriage as the important interest
served by cloaking sexual activities
as constitutional rights, by what principle is any consensual
adult sexual conduct not a protected
right? Bigamy? Polygamy? Prostitution? Incest? Even--if we
assume animals can consent, or that
their consent does not matter--bestiality?"
--George Will, who tosses off to
pictures of Dubya in his pilot costume
I'd better look into that..."
Forces Halt Elections Throughout Iraq
Just like in America, Bush says elections aren't really necessary
U.S. military commanders have ordered a
halt to local elections and self-rule in provincial
cities and towns across Iraq, choosing
instead to install their own handpicked mayors and
administrators, many of whom are former
Iraqi military leaders.
The decision to deny Iraqis a direct role
in selecting municipal governments is creating anger
and resentment among aspiring leaders and
ordinary citizens, who say the U.S.-led occupation
forces are not making good on their promise
to bring greater freedom and democracy to a
country dominated for three decades by
Saddam Hussein.
Looks like Iran getting punk'd by the punk who raped democracy in America.
Subject: 2 things
About the Lewis fight...I didn't see it
either but a friend told me Lewis was losing badly but the cut on the
other guy was so bad that the entire large
Q-Tip they were using to stop the bleeding went inside the cut.
There was no way they could let the fight
go on. I saw a picture of the guy and he was a mess.
The worst cut was above the eye, a major
problem. Thats the fight game...if blood is pouring into your eye,
they stop the fight no matter who's winning.
It ain't the first time they stopped a fight for that reason.
As for Ann Coulter...there is no way I believe
she has sold more books than Hillary.
Outside of Faux viewers and informed liberals,
no one has ever heard of the witch.
Go anywhere and ask people who she is. Most
have never heard of her.
If anything, Rubert Murdoch is ordering
cases of her book so boost sales.
What does it matter anyway? She's nothing.
I'd love to know how she turns Joe McCarthy
into a hero.
Get one of your readers to explain it to
Ride Rich.
Has anyone read the Bitch's book?
Is there anything more stupid than CNN and FOX News tracking down
men named, "Harry Potter,"
and interviewing them to ask what it's like to have a famous
The most retarded of all is CNN's Jeannie Most, who's been grating
on my nerves for decades.
"This Harry Potter doesn't ride a broom to
work - he drives a car."
Jesus Christ - these people are allowed access to the airwaves?
CNN makes Wayne and Garth look like a damn think tank.
I have a feeling if I walked into CNN HQ in Atlanta, with my IQ
of 64,
I'd be the smartest person in the whole damn building.
"Today the Supreme Court embraced the common
wisdom of the 20th century.
As an openly gay man, it's the first
time the high court has said my life is not illegal."
--Mark Leno
rights affirmed in historic ruling
a homo? God tells me homos should be killed."
Worldwide Apology shirts
Click to Order
I mailed out a bunch of stickers recently.
If you asked for some, they're on their way..
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Send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 6-74155
Donations accepted, but not required.
House divided: GOP overwhelms DFL
by Isaac Peterson, award-winning reporter
Many feel that the sudden and tragic death
of Paul Wellstone was perhaps more of a turning point
in Minnesota politics than had seemed apparent
at the time. Republican outrage over the coverage
of Wellstone’s memorial gave them a huge
campaign issue. That outrage allowed the Republican
Party to portray themselves as aggrieved
victims of unfair Democratic exposure and resulted in
extensive coverage of Bush’s campaign comings
and goings in the last week of the 2002 mid-term
election, with massive coverage of Bush’s
last-minute campaign visit to Minnesota.
Fact That Hussein's Gone Doesn't Make Lying Right
by Robert Scheer
"Never in modern times have we beheld a Congress
so easily manipulated by the executive branch.
Last week, the Democrats on the Senate
Intelligence Committee caved in and dropped their
opposition to closed hearings on whether
Congress was lied to. How can they not be open to
the public, which is expected under our
system to hold the president and Congress accountable?..
This administration's behavior is an affront
to the nation's founders and the system of governance
they crafted. It is sad that we now have
a president who acts like a king and a Congress that is his pawn."
Say it together - "But Mr. Rove said
he'd be angry if we did that. We must do as Mr Rove commands us."
I am so sick of these spineless weenies who refuse to do their jobs.
They continue to cash their paychecks - even tho they are not working.
If a DC lawyer is reading this, I'll pay
filing fees if you sue every democrat
on the Judiciary Committee for obtaining
money under false pretenses.
C'mon, you'll get your name in the paper
and it might shame them enough
into doing the fucking job they were
elected to do.
I am not kidding.
A quick, unscientific glance at the members roll tells me some
have not
gone to http://www.bartcop.com/members
to see what was there.
There are several reasons to go there:
1. You get to read tomorrow's page today.
2. If tomorrow's page is not yet complete, you get to watch the page grow, change and mature.
3. You get to see Bart's mistakes, and the "You've gone too far's" that never see the light of day.
4. The BartCop Radio Shows are there.
5. With our new "bitrate breakthru," it's my opinion that even
the 28K and 56K modems
will easily play the radio shows which are
getting better with each step we take.
When I was at the car lot, (56K) I could get
Mike Malloy easy as pie.
Oh, it might rebuffer 2-3 times per hour,
but that's nothing.
6. All the cool kids are going there - it's the hip thing to do :)
We will try to come up with more reasons to be a member.
I need a business manager,
someone who can stay on top of things - maybe have contests
for subscribers, or promotions to drum up income and interest
and stuff
Dueling Slappy Quotes
"Thomas wrote separately to say that while
he considered the Texas law at issue "uncommonly silly,"
he could not agree to strike it down
because he found no general right to privacy in the Constitution."
--Anne Gearan, Supreme
Court Strikes Down Gay Sex Ban
Thomas Confirmation Hearing, Tuesday, September 10, 1991 Afternoon Session
Senator Biden: Now, Judge, in your
view, does the Liberty Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
protect the right of women to decide for themselves in certain instances
or not to terminate pregnancy?
Judge Thomas: My view is that there is a right to privacy in the Fourteenth Amendment.
Clarence Thomas is a liar.
He was a liar when we met him in 1991.
Remember he swore, under oath, that he had NEVER, not even once,
had a conversation or expressed an opinion about the subject
of abortion?
Clarence Thomas is a liar.
And according to George Will, Bush lied when he said color had
nothing to do with picking this monkey,
and that Slappy was "the most qualified man" to elevate to the
highest bench.
So, President Bush lied when he appointed this unqualified loser
and sex pervert to the Supreme Court,
Slappy Thomas lied to get on that court for a lifetime,
and we impeached Clinton for lying about a blow job?
...and some people think the press is on the left?
Reef the Dog back from LA protests
We just got back from the protest of Bush's
at the Century City Plaza Hotel & Spa
in Los Angeles.
Over 10,000 people showed up! Hell yeah!
There were lots of great signs in the "Bush
Lied, People Died" theme.
We were directly across the street from
the hotel making all kinds of noise,
and when the fundraiser ended all of the
morons who shelled out cash for the monkey's
hamburgers were herded onto the sidewalk
outside the hotel like lemmings, waiting for
their valeted luxury cars, with no choice
but to watch 10,000 demonstrators across the
road screaming "Liar!" and "Whore!".
It was sweet.
As the fatcats departed in their limos,
many of them rolled down their tinted windows
and gave us the finger.
Reef the Dog and Softnova
Thousands of honest patriots rally to protest
the Illegal Ursurper's foreign
and domestic policies, outside the Century Plaza
Hotel in Los Angeles, June 27, 2003.
Bush sold his soul and America's resources to
billionaire fat cats in the ballroom of the hotel.
Please visit our sponsors
Subject: Your satellite reception
Not to nitpick but I'm sure you realize
that media choice is essential in this day and age.
So, you'll indulge me a bit of scolding
on your anti-satellite comments.
I happen to be a satellite engineer and
I know that despite your problems,
you could probably improve your reception
with a bit of "antenna peaking".
Am I the 50th or 200th person to say this?
If I am the first, let me elaborate.
Yes rain will have a tendency to make the
picture go out. But, you can do
two things to decrease the occurrence if
you are so inclined.
1- Go through setup again and make sure
you are getting the absolute strongest signal
and that no trees (not
even branches) are in front of the dish.
2- (True GEEK Solution) Invest in slightly
larger antenna (~1.2m) fitted with the appropriate LNB.
This will make
the signal stronger and leave enough "headroom" for when it rains.
The revolution of DirecTV
was that you only
needed an 18" dish - for most places. Satellite service companies
can help you with that one.
3- Do nothing. You seem to be a bit happier if you have legitimate complaints to share with us.
Later Dude.
Kerry Bart,
Number 3?
Are we being serious?
You think I'd rather miss the Poker finals and whine about it
than watch them?
Are you Catholic?
I wanted to see the poker finals.
I had my drugs all primed to peak at 9:30 CST, but noooooooooooooooo..
The satellite went dead at 8:30 and came back on just at the
very end.
A lady asked, "What's the big deal about
see tomorrow's page today?
There's nothing there but holes and
half stories, etc."
It works like this:
I usually post about 1-2 PM, then I start the next day's page.
If you check the sneak peek at 3 PM, there's not much there.
But if you check it at 8 PM or 8 AM the next day, you'll see
stuff changed, improved, moved around etc.
Sure, not everyone will like it, but it's almost like watching
a band record a song, with re-takes and stuff.
"President Bush is a man who finishes what
he starts."
--Excerpt from an e-mail solicitation
from Cheney
Sure, ...except for the economy, catching his old friend and partner
catching the rest of Al Qaeda, catching Saddam,
the murder of Baghdad, finding the WMD, etc.
How about getting him to finish this sentence:
"When I was supposed to be flying for the
National Guard, I was actually..."
How about getting him to finish this sentence:
"I have been arrested and convicted
of the following crimes..."
How about getting him to finish this sentence:
"I had to get involved in 15 year-old Robin's
abortion in Houston in 1971 because..."
The only promise Bush kept is the one where he promised
to take America
in a different direction than where Bill Clinton was taking us.
He did that - for sure.
This was sent to me by the dittohead who married by niece.
My rebuttal had to be nicer than usual :)
Here is the tax cut explained by the Democrats
Of course, this was written by a flaming ditto-monkey.
He put a lie in the title.
"They're trying to spread out the demonstration
so that people inside paying two grand for their pudding
won't puke when they see the reality
of what's going on out here. I just got in town from London, where my
documentary exposing the Bush family
fortunes is airing on primetime television, but here in the U.S.
it's like
I'm relegated to samizdat*
reporting. It's like there's an electronic Berlin Wall against covering
this stuff."
--Investigative reporter, (and my
good friend) author Greg Palast
*a system in the U.S.S.R. by which government-suppressed literature was clandestinely printed and distributed
Sixty brave American soldiers have died in Iraq since
President Monkey-whore declared, "Mission
Mama - Mission accomplished!"
Uh, Your Excellency? We've lost over 60 brave men since
you played dress-up and declared, "Mission
You got played by Al Qaeda - again.
...and we're still looking for Hold 'em Poker players.
Iraqi Albatross
by Sam Perry at consortiumnews.com
Karl Rove may have envisioned Bush in his
Top Gun costume as a killer 30-second TV spot.
But the image of a swaggering Bush on the
deck of the Lincoln is turning quickly into a political
albatross as U.S. troops continue to die
in what’s becoming a nasty guerrilla war in Iraq.
Bush’s flight-suit scene could become a
reminder of Bush’s reckless over-confidence in declaring
"Mission Accomplished," much as Dukakis in a
tank. If the Iraqi violence continues at its recent pace,
the number of American soldiers killed
since May 1, when Bush donned the flight suit, will exceed the 138
soldiers who died during the so-called
major combat. As of Friday, the number of post-May 1 dead at 55.
Note: The count is currently at 60,
at least. Plus, we have two more soldiers taken prisoner
From: withheld
"In the past 10 years, the military had a draft-dodger as commander-in-chief for 8 years.
It's true, Clinton had the brains to oppose that war years
before America wised up to the obvious.
That begs the question: How many more names do you think
should be on The Wall in Washington DC?
As far as Clinton's performance as Commander in Chief, he presided
over eight years of peace and is
the only president of the 20th century who never sent a man
into battle who didn't come home.
So far, Bush has gotten over 200 brave men killed for no apparent
Now for the past two years, they have had a commander who has had military training as an Officer.
I'll bet you can't prove that. Bush refuses to say where he was
doing his cocaine and whiskey and whores
when he deserted his unit during wartime in 1972.
A group of Vets has offered a reward if anyone can prove
where Bush was during his desertion period. If Bush was
such a good soldier, why did Daddy buy his way into
a National Guard "champaign unit" that was full, and was guaranteed
to never see combat?
Those with military experiance
know the difference. Those that simply did not contribute to the safty
of the country are opposed to the current
president, and prefer the previous president.
What a ridiculously gratuitous,without-foundation slur you have
just written.
Those who oppose 200 dead soldiers for no reason don't contribute?
You don't mind a soldier dying every day for Bush's imaginary
Relax, there will soon be enough social programs to bankrupt the country. "
Finally, you have written something that is true. Bush is,
by leaps and bounds, the biggest spender in all history.
He disappeared Clinton's trillions of dollars of surplus, thrown
us wildly into debt we can't afford, started two wars
(so far) and is now proposing what Rush Limbaugh calls
"the biggest social spending program of the last 40 years."
I'm glad you were able to get one sentence correct.
"I have never been this politically disturbed
in my entire life.
Bush has got all the power in his hands,
and the American public
is lapping it up without even realizing
what it means."
--Gloria Charny, 74
It means he's going to break laws, invade other countries for
false reasons,
continue to empty the Treasury and give nicknames to reporters
who play ball with the B.F.E.E..
Subject: Spike TV
I think the issue that Spike Lee is taking
with Spike TV is that they approached
some of his friends to do promos for it
and failed to tell them he was not involved.
That's actionable. If he can show
a pattern of Spike TV approaching his friends,
e.g. Robert DeNiro, and having them say:
I love Spike! That is infringing on his name.
So what Spike TV is doing is not the same as Spiking the Punch.
Tim H
I am nothing if not reasonable.
that's a fair representation of what went down between the TNN network
suits and Spike's friends,
then yes - as Emily Latella used to say - "that's
very different."
(Not that I doubt you, I'm just saying different people see/hear
different things.)
Sure, if
it was all about Spike, with Spike not getting any bling, that's
very uncool.
...just like the whites-only media to leave that little detail out.
This is Michael Savage Weiner, feeling up a statue
of Barbara Streisand.
What do you call a sexual weirdo who likes having sex with non-living
Necro-something, ...maybe necrophiliac?
Is that what Savage-Weiner is trying to tell us in this picture?
That he can only get off by messing with non-living things?
That he's a necrophiliac? Is that what Weiner wants?
And he represents the Republican Party?
Tax cut battles made fun
While dear Brother-in-Christ Jerry Falwell
and I were in make-up at CNN, he confessed
to soiling his alarmingly brief undergarments
with emissions of spontaneous delight when
the Lawrence decision was read from the
bench. Since he is in the Religion Industry, like me,
he knows that anything that can be parlayed
into persecution hysteria can also be rapidly
converted into envelopes stuffed with the
Lord's most treasured gift, CASH.
A reader sent this.
Not that my endorsement would mean anything, but I'm going to declare
late next summer with the team that can do imposter Bush the
most damage.
A word from Jude
told Dim Son to attack Saddam?
So, it was God who lied about Saddam having WMD?
Bush said he derived his moral heft from
the Almighty Himself. What's more, the Lord had proven his devotion
to the Crawford Crusader by crowning his
military efforts with success. In fact, he told Abbas, God was holding
the door open for Middle East peace right
now -- but they would have to move fast, because soon the Creator
and Sustainer of the Universe would have
to give His attention to something far more important: the election of
His little sunbeam, Georgie, in 2004.
Here are Bush's exact words, quoted by Haaretz:
"God told me to strike at al-Qaida and I
struck them, and then He instructed me to strike at Saddam..."
Trust me, nothing is more dangerous than a crazy man acting on orders from God.
That's why Atta flew the jets into the WTC.
It's why there's war in the Middle East.
It's why there's war in Ireland.
It's why the Republicans hated the best
president we've ever had.
God told them to, and no such being
Murdering for the Invisible Cloud Being?
That makes less sense than Son of Sam,
murdering for his dog.
At least there WAS a f-ing dog.
This is scary shit, and it's not funny anymore.
Did God tell Dubya to strike Paul Wellstone?
Click to Enter
Like walking into the Hard Rock's Pink Taco
We went to Bixby, OK this morning and it was like Heaven.
At the first table, they had the first of this year's Merit
Fresh, juicy, succulent and perfect - and it was their fourth-best
The next table had true royalty - The Silver King.
This is all-white corn, and it's the best God can do.
It's early, I haven't tried it yet, but confidence is very high.
Next table was Calico, another white and yellow
I bought four of them just to compare, like two shots of luxury
The fourth table had Kandy Korn.
Hey, goofy name, but this stuff rocks.
It's all yellow, but it's even sweeter than the Merit.
While rummaging thru the corn, some younger
guy (aren't they all?) asks me
what to look for in the corn. He must've
seen the zeal in my eyes. I told him,
"Dude, at this table it's all good.
Just grab the biggest, fattest ears."
So I'm all set up.
We're going to have two kinds of corn, the best there is, too.
We bought some luxury hamburger to cook on the Bart Grill.
Maybe you didn't know they made luxury hamburger, but there's
one store
in Tulsa that sells the best Ground Chuck, and that's
what grills the best.
I got me some new hickory chips, and you want to know about hickory
This country is in such disarray, when you but hickory chips,
you have to check.
I almost bought "Hickory flavored" wood chips. They're
bootlegging f-ing wood!
Not me, I buy the real hickory chips, thank you.
Lastly, we bought the little red new potatos* These
were picked this morning,
and they will compliment the burgers and that sweet, sweet corn
to make a perfect meal.
Of course, we'll have the Chinaco Anejo to chase
Even under an unelected dictator with shit for brains and oil
in his heart,
life can be good if you make the effort - at least until the
corn goes away.
Yep, I'll be Sonny on the Causeway today.
Our first ever "must have" store stuff.
Deficit mugs and shirts!
Give to your snotty GOP brother in law.
Prove what a genius Clinton was.
Make your ditto-head friend feel some shame!
E! page
Reader comment on that 'Scalia-dude'
A book signing in Pasadena
Gilda Radner honored on the Hollywood Walk O'Fame
Dennis Miller replaces Drew Carey
(One Nazi replaces the other...)
Lenny Kravitz has his own label (& named it for his mom)
Paul McCartney considering a concert in Cuba
Lil' Kim's jewelry found at JFK
Elton John stamps in Malta
Some scary quotes from Mel Gibson
(another Nazi...)
The 50th anniversary of the Corvette
And, a $180 million fine for satellite piracy (& 30,000 years
to pay off)
Subject:bitrate outcome report
hey bart:
success on lowering the bitrate....
all audio files open quickly and volume
is perfect.
this is hueueueueuege.
Lynn, thanks.
So far, you were the only one to
write to confirm that.
Sometimes I just don't know about people.
I remember, years and years ago I wrote
that Louis Pasteur discovered pennicilan
and I had
over a hundred replies screaming,
"You idiot, it was Fleming!"
But on the all-important radio test, which
now enables everyone to hear everything,
the readers were as silent as senate democrats
watching Bush nominate a full-blown Nazi.
I will attempt to be a better communicator.
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It's June 28th, and Strom Thurmond is still dead
In December, Trent Lott (R-Racist) was
forced to step down from his post after he declared
that voters of Mississippi were proud to
have supported Thurmond when he ran for the White House in 1948.
At the start of that campaign, Thurmond
declared: "I want to tell you that there's not enough troops in the Army
to force the Southern people to break down
segregation and admit the Negro race into our theaters, into our
swimming pools, into our homes and into
our churches."
not true
Bush's good puppy press changed that quote
to protect the whites-only GOP.
In December, we played the tape from 1948 - Thurmond clearly says "niggers," not "the negro race."
Click Here to listen to the ACTUAL quote - not the LIES that the AP wants you to believe.
Why can't they just tell the truth, just give us the facts?
Why do they always color the news to make Bush seem less Nazi?
media is biased for the Unelected Fraud!
By the way, I wonder if Trent Lott will speak at Strom's service?
ha ha
This Just In...
Lester Maddox (Old-style D - Racist bastard) was also "called
home" by Jesus this week.
Is God planning some big KKK rally in Heaven?
The GOP holds a memorial for the late Strom Thurmond.
President Bush (left) Tom Delay (in red) and Whistle Dick Cheney
(at right)
nuts about the KKK."
Call the
You have two minutes to rant away.
This is Sam from the chat room with Howard Dean (D-Just won moveon.org
straw poll)
"Bill Clinton says right-wing commentators
are using demonizing tactics ... Mr. Clinton is right when
he says that media bomb throwers attack
people personally. But consider this. The Democratic party
recently hired Al Franken to host its
annual dinner. Mr. Franken, along with Michael Moore, is the
most extreme, vicious, and unfair liberal
partisan in the spotlight today. If Mr. Clinton wants to be taken
seriously about people demonizing other
people, he had better not attend that DNC dinner. Once again,
the spin stops here. Liberal ideologues
are just as irresponsible and destructive as anyone on the right.
Both groups should evaluate their tactics.
And Mr. Clinton, with all due respect, should stop pandering
to brainwashed audiences and tell the
truth once in a while. Any man who would hire the likes of Sidney
Blumenthal and any party that embraces
Al Franken has no moral authority to criticize anyone."
--Bill O'Reilly, who's upset that Franken caught him lying big-time
and confronted him with it
Hey Bill, a couple of things you just lied about:
on the left is speaking to brainwashed fools, that's your specialty, not
You are
as big a media bomb-thrower as anyone, so just screw off, OK?
and Moore aren't vicious, they just tell the truth. Vicious is when a slut
like Ann Coulter
says she wants terrorists
to murder everyone in the New York Whore Times building.
That's YOUR side, not
This spin
stops here? I think Franken proved that's a stupid and clumsy lie.
Both groups
should evaluate their tactics? There you go again, comparing jaywalking
to murder.
Talk about brainless auduences,
you say "I'm spin free" and your audience
believes that,
just like the whores at FOX News scream "Fair
and balanced" when they are Bush employees.
Have a good time today - that's an order.
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2003, bartcop.com
Maybe someday Shirley will call to say "Hi!"
on the Bart-Phone at 918-493-1500
That will be cool.
bartcop.com and BartCop are trademarks of quality
Same for "ditto-monkey," "scum-sucking Republican bastards" and
Gov Bush (R-Racist monkey)
Hey, if Spike can do it, why can't I?