Subject: Disgraceful Tom Barnard
I didn't hear your on-air wish for Paul Wellstone's
death, but I assume you are happy now
that you have gotten your wish. I have never
heard of Mr. Barnard or his show, but I know the type.
I hear the same drivel regularly from the likes
of Rush Limbaugh, Fox News Channel, and the rest
of the Right-Wing Amen Choir. You generally shout
your mindless attacks for personal and partisan
purposes without seriously considering the consequences,
and then you're on to the next target.
You and your ilk are an embarrassment. I have
faith the people of Minnesota will tell you loudly
with their votes that they reject your mindlessness
as well. You ought to be ashamed but, in my
experience, your type has no shame,
Michael Baxter,
Oil folk really love this pResident
"I wanted to hear the sons. But Rick Kahn's,
I found his so offensive to me as an Independent,
or to anyone who is not necessarily
going to vote for Senator Wellstone who still respects him
and came to pay their respects. It
drove the first lady to tears."
"I will try to find an independent."
Ventura later backed off his statements somewhat, saying: "I haven't ruled anything out."
Subject: Please...
Dear Mr. Kuntz,
You said:
". . .If you back a loser with a disastrous
campaign, with nowhere to go but down . . ."
Your quote pretty much sums up your campaign,
how succinct.
During the 2000 election your kind went on and
on and on as to how there wasn't a wit
of difference between Gore and Bush. You're soooooo
busted on that one, much like you
are busted on the McBride/Bush analogy that you
keep bleating today.
If McBride fails to take this race and loses by
a hair you can be assured of a few more
minutes in the spotlight, before being consigned
to the trash heap of history, much like
Nadar after the 2000 debacle. About the
only thing Ralph gets invited to these days
are "events' sponsored by right wing loons like
Grover Norquest.
Dave Galloway,
ha ha
Is his name really Kuntz?
Subject: Thanks
I appreciate the extraordinary amount of
time and effort you put in to fighting the good fight.
I want to donate my money to those who
really are working to change the world.
You are on the short list with Planned
Parenthood, Amnesty International and Religious
It's good company.
Thanks again and good luck in the trenches.
Subject: The BartCop Hex
Check out Elin Nordegren, Tiger's girlfriend.
Please, please, please put the Bartcop Hex on
(but don't tell my wife of course)
Unnamed in KC
Subject: Jon Stewart, funniest white man in America
Just curious, what about Lenny Bruce?
You mentioned everyone else, but not him.
Ever see him?
I think his average might be close to Sr. Stewart's.
Somehow, I totally missed out on Lenny Bruce.
I know of his work, and I've even heard/seen some bits on Biography
but besides the legend I have no personal memories or links to
Hell, I've never even seen the Dustin Hoffman movie...
Subject: What's with all the black sheep???!!
GOPigs talk derisively about the Democratic "black
sheep" like Roger Clinton, Hugh Rodham, and even Billy Carter.
If I recall correctly, these black sheep were
troublesome, and embarrassing to their families, but not dangerous.
What about the black sheep the Bush family fraternizes
with? Why is it they can do business with the bin Ladens?
Of course, Usama is the black sheep, disowned
by the rest of the multi-billionaire clan, so it's okay, right?
Why is it the Bush boys can dine with the brother
of John Hinckley Jr the night before he shot President Reagan,
and no one seem to think it's a bit strange?
Lemme guess, John was the black sheep of that family, right?
Do Manuel Noriega or Reverend Moon have siblings
that are such black sheep that it excuses Poppy Bush
dealing with these two distinguished gentlemen?
Did Hitler have a sister who was such a bitch that it excuses Prescott Bush's dealing with him?
-Great King Rat
Subject: Website..
Gotta hand it to you
.... if your goal was to make the most insulting
website possible, you've succeeded admirably.
ha ha
Did I get to you?
Did I piss you off?
Did you not like seeing the truth?
ha ha
I won't bother to refute the content of your site,
ha ha
...because you can't!
All you whining losers are "too busy" to put me in my place.
...I'll just leave that to your own conscience,
if you have one.
Partisanism is just that and although you have
strong feelings,
raving only makes you appear less credible.
I don't want credibility.
All I want to do is drink fine tequila and give ditto-monkeys the red-ass.
And interesting piece on the media-spin though.
Being the true independent I am, I thought I would ask why
you chose to use only GOP-hatchet men to prove
your case. The "liberal-media" was FAR more kind to
Clinton until they found a "story" in the latter
years of of his presidency. Even though it appeared the media
was seemingly locked onto the Cinton sex saga,
certain powers refrained from running stories that may have
landed the congenial fellow in hot water with
the American people and worse yet... in jail.
Oral sex is a crime?
Oh, I forgot - you're a Republican
The issues I have with Clinton are of no matter.
ha ha
What does that mean?
I just have deep-rooted anger towards the media
for not releasing information to the American public of his
actions in Mena Arkansas, and with the tragic
and mysterious deaths of over 40 close "friends" of the Clintons
from 1979-1999. Moreover, the media blitz
failed to reveal his actions in the commutations of hundreds of
convicted criminals, many of whom were murderers
based on percieved "sentencing equity" and not questions
of guilt or tainted evidence.
ha ha
Mena, Arkansas?
Are you accusing Clinton of helping Ollie North run cocaine to Oakland?
And that phoney Clinton Death List became such a joke, even Jerry Falwell
stopped selling it.
By the way, Falwell says Clinton made $100,000,000
per month running cocaine thru Mena.
I wonder how Clinton spent those billions - maybe paying off
teen virgins he raped
on the dining room table of the Arkansas Governor's mansion?
ha ha
Y'know, I could USE a man like you.
ha ha
It also failed to show the American people of
Junaita Broderick, only tarnishing her story with questions
of why she allowed the SOL to run before questioning
his criminal activity. Not once did she move for
civil suit or criminal action, perhaps out of
respect.. perhaps out of fear.
...perhaps out of she never had a case?
ha ha
Failure to cover the filegate mystery. Even though
the media has access to the over 900 names of Clinton
supporters and GOP rivals that mysteriously "disappeared",
including the name of a certain Asian ambassador
(appointed during the Clinton presidency and
confirmed by the Senate with no prior federal history.. I wonder why).
Koresh, I feel so sorry for you.
Ken Starr and Robert Ray said that never happened.
They said those files sat unopened and unread in some corner of the
basement of the White House.
...or did Clinton threaten to add them to "The List" if they talked?
ha ha
You're goofier than a Christman tree, my friend.
The only story we have with Bush right now is
his apparent lack of intelligence,
and may I remind you inarticulacy is not
tantamount to stupidity.
ha ha
Did you really use inarticulacy
in a sentence?
You have a point, tho...
Bush can't possibly be as stupid as America
thinks he is...
Maybe you should take a look at,
a bastion of hope for the true objectivist.
You may be unpleasantly surprised, however, to
see that the liberal-extension of the press almost
ritually receives the coveted "excessively-partisan
award" every week.
You mean has
found some liberal press?
In which country is this liberal press located?
Why not stick these pundits, actors, musicians,
etc. on your list. They include, but are not limited to: Carville, Dowd,
Freer, Jennings, Oprah, Roberts, Lauer, Couric,
Streisand, Harrelson, Fey, Vedder, Williams, Bellefonte, Vidal, Diaz,
Affleck, Damon, Baldwin, Penn, Sarandon, Robbins,
O'Brien, Parker, M. Stone, Leguizamo, Spielberg, Hanks,
Cruise, O. Stone, S-J-Parker, Liu, Barrymore,
Beatty, Douglas, M. Sheen, C. Sheen, O'Donnell, Comedy Central,
The New York Times, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,
The Daily Sentinel, The Washington Post, Salon, The Onion,
Ted Turner, CNN...
If I had more time, I'd go thru that entire list and straighten you
Not to overstate a point, but different medium certainly have their share of talking heads.
Being the pointy-headed academic type I am, perhaps
in a more pragmatic sense I'd rather hear Hannity or O'Reilly
waxing intellectual on the reasons they BELIEVE
a certain thing to be true/not true, rather than some uneducated
Hollywood hack thrown ass first into the lap
of luxury because they have a pretty face or a pretty voice.
I can't believe you'd insult Ronald Reagan that way.
The man is sick - can't you cut him some slack?
It would be nice if each side could agree on fundamental
problems, but with the sort of divide and conquer tactics
people like you employ, a true realized American
culture can never be.
You're right - I should be more like you.
Remember how you introduced yourself?
> ...if your goal was to make the most insulting
website possible,
You make a really bad first impression, lawtalking
By the way, you wouldn't have any interest in
suing me would you?
ha ha
And consequently, the media will remain biased
because of it.
The hegmonic forces will keep turning, making
Antonio Gramsci look even more intelligent.
Score one for lawtalking dude
But I digress, I'm sure I could never prove YOU
wrong because regardless of my true political affiliation,
I'm a "Nazi" or a "dittohead", or both! Right?
Cheers, kid.
You could never prove me wrong because I'm right.
For all that claptrap you wrote, what did you say?
Did you even once make a point?
Take away your cute little spaghetti boy reference,
your nearly-endless rant was indistinguishable from white noise.
...but thanks for reading
Subject: Yesterday's Issue was awesome!
Yesterday’s issue (#917), was one of your best.
I just looooooooove it when you tarnish the Saint Reagan legacy. ]
The ditto-monkey’s must HATE you for that, they
must HATE you for exposing Saint Reagan for the tax-raising sonofabitch
he was. I grew up in the 80’s worshipping Reagan and Bush. I come from
a very Northeastern, WASP-ish,
Republican family. Hell, George Bush the First
even slept at my house when he was campaigning like hell against Saint
Reagan in 1980 (I have a picture with me sitting on his lap when I was
a just a little boy…and no, he didn’t try to fondle me).
ha ha
Some interesting things about that night (the
night Bush slept at our house). There were more friggin’ Secret Service
guys than you could imagine. Dozens of them armed
with submachine guns. There was a giant Winnebago parked
in our driveway loaded with guys armed to the
teeth. The state cops had a cruiser parked in every driveway up and
down the block. Hell, there was even a guy assigned
to sit in our attic all night long! And this was before John Hinckley
tried to put a bullet in that senile old Commie
Saint Reagan! How did they ever get to him!
I mean, Bush was a Presidential candidate who
had alreadt lost the nomination by the time he came to our house in
Connecticut in 1980, and if someone sneezed the
wrong way they probably would have gotten a cap in the ass!
I still have that picture of me with Bush I.
I love showing it to ditto-monkeys and saying,
“See that? See me with George Bush? I voted
for Clinton.”
But back to my point: exposing Saint Reagan’s
true legacy: tax hikes and arms deals to Jihadist
terrorists. You do it consistently, and I have
to thank you for it. Especially with the holidays coming
up and I have to prepare for the inevitable debates
with my ditto-monkey, wingnut Uncle.
My uncle loooooooves Rush Limbaugh, loves Bill
O’Reilly, and worships the ground of the Bushes and
Saint Reagan, so any ammunition I can glean from
your site will find a good home in some ditto-monkey’s ass.
My Uncle represents everything that’s wrong with
America. He’s retired now, comfortably, thanks to the
pension he got from working all his life as a
public school teacher and from the Social Security dollars he gets
thanks to working at the Post Office in his early
days. And he’s on Medicare. Think about: this raving wingnut
who spits at Bill Clinton and all Democrats,
spent his whole life as a public servant (postal worker, teacher),
got a decent salary thanks to a strong union,
and now thanks to that union and to FDR, can play golf six days
a week and not waste all his money on healthcare
thanks to LBJ’s Medicare. Yet he hates democrats and
loooooves Republicans. Why? Because he hates
“niggers.” Yup, he’s as racist as our old friend the Southern
Redneck (side note: racism is just as ugly and
prevalent in the North as in the South.
Even here in good ol’ California. How else do
you account for so many Republicans?). Anyway, the only reason
my uncle loves Republicans so much is because
they hate blacks just like he does. He grew up in postwar
Bridgeport, CT, a city that was devastated by
1) white flight after blacks started migrating looking for jobs and
2) the loss of industry as Republican factory
owners realized they could make stuff cheaper with slave labor in
China and Mexico. So, who does he blame? The
Democrats, of course, because they championed Civil Rights
in the 60’s. And even though he is a living testament
to everything great about the Democratic party, he hates
them because they don’t hate blacks like he does.
It’s sad, yes, but also a reality: a large portion
of the American population is racist, and many of them
vote because they hate blacks and the other “coloreds.”
They see the world as us vs. them. It’s
very sad that people I love are so misguided
and prejudiced. Even my mom, a schoolteacher all her life,
a union representative, is a Republican. But
at least she had the good sense to vote for Bill Clinton TWICE!
So keep up the good work, you’re fighting the good fight.
From: Serdar Yegulalp
Subject: ISSUE 108 FLASHBACK!!!
Just got back from Texas...
Boy, they love their Governor down there.
His name is George Herbert Traitor Butch Junior.
He gave an interview to the The Dallas Morning News.
They said when he announced his intention to try to win another term
as the Governor of Texas, he held his press
conference at Sam Houston Elementary School in Midland, trying to give
the Texas electorate the impression that
he's not "the elitist, Ivy-League pussy" his daddy was.*
(*Copyright - The Dallas Morning News)
They asked him if he was going to run for president.
Junior told them "No."
They asked if there was any chance he'd change his mind.
Junior said "Read... My... Lips!"
[SY: Shrub, take my Kleenex and wipe the shit off first...]
They asked him to describe his political style and Junior said
he liked to consider himself a "compassionate Republican."
That means he's quite a bit different from all the hate-filled
sons-a-bitches that have turned the once-great Party of Lincoln
into a goddamn decades-long, non-stop Jerry Springer show.
Well, there's a new Butch in town.
Before Junior left, he wanted one thing made clear:
"I'm not ashamed of my father's name, but I am NOT a Junior.
My father's name is George Herbert Traitor Butch.
My name is George Herbert Butch," he told them.
"The name 'Traitor' is not on my birth certificate."
[SY: Then again, we may never know WHAT was on his birth certificate...]
Serdar Yegulalp / The Gline
Personal site:
Subject: Warren Zevon on Dave
Thanks for the tip that this was happening!
I first saw him do an electric show in DC the
late '70's, then I saw him
do an incredible acoustic show in a small club
in Pittsburgh in the early '80's.
What an entertainer!
What a creative writer!
I heard of his illness at about the same time
as I learned that Mickey Newbury
(another hero of mine) died. These have
been a bad couple of years.
Letterman handled that interview with taste, humor,
sympathy, and it had to be difficult.
Zevon's class will follow him to the grave.
When they returned from the final commercial,
our Jacksonville CBS affiliate returned in
the middle of 'Roland the Thompson Gunner'.
I wonder if others missed the first verse
of that final song. What is disturbing
is that the final 30 seconds of the commercial break
was a political ad for Jeb Bush.
On top of everything else, did Jeb rob me of the first verse?
Keep fighting the good fight, Bartcop!
-Ken in Jax
Ken, yes, I think I saw that entire song.
Dave let him play three songs, unheard of, but Dave said Warren
had been a good friend for twenty years, so what the hell.
It's strange about Warren - playing his music as a "dead man."
It's like he was killed in a car wreck weeks ago, but thru some miracle,
he was able to come back and play a few songs for Dave.
I was worried about Dave - how he'd handle the whole thing.
I knew he would be fine, but he was extra fine.
After his 9-11 show, Dave proved he's so much more than "just a talk
show comedian."
I think Dave can handle anything now.
Subject: Coulter/Hitler comparison on
Hey Bartcop,
Check this out. On the page for Ann Coulter's "Slander" includes the following:
Top customer recommendations in addition to "Slander:
Liberal Lies About the American Right"
1. Mein Kampf
2. Conquering Deception
3. Blinded by the Right: The
Conscience of an Ex-Conservative 12
4. Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes
How the Media Distort the News 11
5. Let Freedom Ring: Winning
the War of Liberty over Liberalism
Too funny! Here's the link