Subject: reply to last issue's consortiumnews article

The Democratic campaign was not "well run".  While it is true that the Right has secured control over
the flow of information, there's a really good reason.  That is, they could and did.  While our elected
representatives kissed GOP ass, wind-surfed and whined and went on vacation.  And approved the
tax cuts, as well as their extensions.
I have been a registered Democrat since 1972.
I have never, in my life, seen a campaign as badly run as Kerry's.  Between Shrum, Marybeth Braindead,
McIdiot Auliffe and the pathetic excuse for a candidate, no one had to invest billions in the media to gain
control of anything.  Kerry and his minions handed this election to the GOP.
Kerry, who conceded the election and rolled over like a prison bitch before the vote was completely counted,
is ultimately responsible.
Most of the time, he sounded like the oily, political weasel that he seems to have become, and the Repugs
exploited every single incident while Kerry's campaign idiots bleated and whined about "taking the high road"
(straight to hell along with all of those who have to work for a living) and tried to act "better than" as the trip
to the edge of the cliff continued.
The spineless, pathetic excuse for a political party that no longer represents me is responsible for the loss of this election.
The suck-up to the GOP, servile twats like Daschle are a pretty good example of what I'm referring to...and the outcome
of this election?  It's going to hurt (us) like hell for quite a while.
Kerry could have won.  Don't lose sight of that.  This was not a foregone conclusion.  His stupid blathering,
incomprehensible, attempts to say whatever he felt would get him over and the overall incompetence of both
the candidate and his moron campaign staff made the difference, cost the election, and then they didn't even
have the balls to ask for a recount.
They should have.
My experience at the polling place was unique in my life experience.
The Democratic Party betrayed us.
Most of the time, the bitches didn't even show up for work.
Love you, Bart.  I'm just annoyed right now.
By the way, where do you obtain Chinaco?
My husband loves tequila.  We need about a gallon...

Elaine, the Chinaco link is near the top of every issue

Search for Chinaco Anejo and be sure you get the Anejo

PS. tell them to rush your order :)

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