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"I want to talk about a person who has lost
his job and doesn't have the Bush economy to blame.
That's right. I'm talking about the
intellectual godfather of modern conservatism. I'm talking
about Michael Savage. This towering
giant of our 21st century conservatism was fired by MSNBC
because he had this to say to a caller
to his show who identified himself as gay -- quote --
"You're one of the sodomites. You should
only get AIDS and die, you pig."
Mr. Savage, it's just not fair. You would
lose your job, while Rick Santorum, elected by the Senate
Republicans to be one of their leaders,
gets to keep his. You may be gone from television, but you
will not be gone from the hearts, minds
and bookshelves and politics of today's right-wingers.
They'll always admire you for your stupidity,
intolerance and bigotry.
-- James Carville, knocking 'em
dead, buried by CNN in a 3 PM timeslot when nobody can watch
a few times in college, and they made me do it..."
9/11 panel: Gov't agencies hampering probe
The federal commission investigating the
Sept. 11 terror attacks said today that its work was
being hampered by the failure of executive
branch agencies, especially the Pentagon and the
Justice Department, to respond quickly
to requests for documents and testimony.
Why does Bush need to stonewall what he knew and when he knew it about 9-11?
I remember 1998.
When Ken Starr was issuing subpoenas for Hillary's underwear draw
in the presidential bedroom,
Clinton's lawyers tried to block that (they were unsuccessful,
so Starr's goons got to ruffle through Hillary's
panties while they, no doubt, wore the special pants with the
holes in the pockets) and the press screamed,
"What do the Clintons have
to hide?" at the top of their collective lungs.
Three years later, America suffers it's worst day in history and
this unelected Rapist-of-the-Treasury and
Murderer-of-the-Economy is blocking the investigation into 3000
deaths on his watch while he was busy
with ANOTHER month-long vacation talking to the cows in Crawford.
Hillary's panties vs 3000 dead?
I guess it's because I'm a lefty, but I think the 3000 dead are
more important.
Bush and the press say we have no right to know what Bush
did wrong,
and the American taxpayer had every right to ruffle thru
Hillary's underwear.
But America wants to believe that Bush is innocent in the 9-11
so we're going to stick our heads in the sand and fucking pretend.
A House Judiciary Committee report released
last September found evidence raising "serious concerns"
that high officials at the Department of
Justice executed a pre-meditated plan to destroy Inslaw and co-opt
the rights to its PROMIS software.
The committee's call for an independent counsel have fallen on deaf ears.
One journalist, Danny Casolaro, died as
he attempted to tell the story (see sidebar), and boxes of documents
relating to the case have been destroyed,
stolen, or conveniently "lost" by the Department of Justice.
But so far, not a single person has been held accountable.
Baker doesn't back down from the truth
Is racism driving this non-story?
Chicago Cubs manager Dusty Baker didn't
back down when asked about his recent comments
that black and Latin players were better
suited to play in the heat than white players.
"I meant what I said. ... I try to be as honest
as possible, and if that's how I feel,
then that's how I feel." he told reporters.
Saturday, Baker said: "We were brought over
here for the heat. Isn't that history?
Your skin color is more conducive to heat
than it is to the lighter-skinned people.
I don't see brothers running around burnt."
The comments have prompted debate on radio
shows and in newspaper columns across the country.
Sure, I'll bet Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly and
all the racists had cows over this.
Can anyone explain how Baker's comments
are offensive?
Has the truth become offensive?
Who would argue that whites handle heat better?
Who's old enough to remember Jimmy "The
Greek" Snyder's comments that slaves were paired
together by size to produce larger and
stronger children? If I remember that sorry episode right,
that not only got him fired but he was
drummed out of all of sports for speaking the historical truth.
I've been critical of Baker in the past,
but I'm with him on this one.
...and, taking this a step further,
and everybody needs to talke a breath
before you launch when I say this, OK?
I'm going to offer some anecdotal evidence,
which is very dangerous when discussing race.
I live In Tulsa, Oklahoma, (not by choice).
Sometimes, you can be driving down Memorial
Drive, the biggest street in Tulsa, and if it's 106 degrees
in the July heat, and you catch up to a
$50,000 Lexus with all it's windows rolled down, odde are the AC
in the Lexus is working just fine, because
Lexus makes a damn fine car.
No, if you're a gambler, you'll assume the driver is a black person.
Hold it!
Hold it!
I see you racing to the send button on your
racist" e-mail, ...but am I right?
What other conclusion can one come to seeing a 2003 Lexus, new
car tags in place,
and the windows are rolled down on the hottest day of the year?
We can only assume the driver likes it that way.
Is it racist talk to say "African Americans
handle heat better than whites?"
African Americans don't mind the whites-numbing heat, it's wrong to point
that out?
I'm sorry, but that's too much like, "You're
not allowed to say OilBoy isn't a real president."
If it's true, I want the freedom to say
it. Hell, I want the freedom to say it if it's not true, but since
the truth is on my side, let's just stay
here for now. If everyone agrees that facts are facts,
why should anyone catch some crap for saying
what is true?
And yes, this is "racist talk," to the degree
that we're talking about racism.
Let the truth trump charges of "racism."
Dueling Quotes
"The stolen sons and daughters of Africa helped
to awaken the conscience of America.
The very people traded into slavery
helped to set America free."
- Bunnypants, Africa, 7/8/03;
"The bombing of Pearl Harbor helped to modernize
Attacking Poland saved Germany from
Being privileged kept me out of Viet
Bring 'em on! Let's roll!"
family preferred using Jew slaves at Auschwitz. They did great work."
Here's a little slice of todays Part 4 and Five of Radio Show #7
A fellow asked about those wacky Greens and their Ego-Boy Ralph...
Toll in Iraq Nears '91 War Deaths
He's determined to out-do his Daddy in every way
The Pentagon has raised its count of Americans
killed by hostile fire in Iraq since the war
began, a figure that approaches the 147
killed in the the smarter Bush's 1991 Gulf War.
Subject: In lieu of a staff, use this
I just needed to put this out there because
this really ruined my day when I heard it.
They're now reporting that they've got
some Iraqi that they claim met with Atta in Prague.
And it conveniently comes at a time when
the White House has had to come out and say that,
all right, yeah, the Niger/Uranium story
was wrong.
It's so overt and it's such a freakin' lie that it twists my knickers into a huge wad.
And yet, the media continues to play along and the general, mouth-breathing public falls for it every time.
It's 9am. Is it too early for a shot of tequila?
The Vidiot
Allows Suit on Cheney Energy Panel
Will this gang of thugs finally be held accountable for something?
Or will Bush's court step in and protect them from the law
- again?
A federal appeals court dealt a setback
to Bush Tuesday, refusing to stop a lawsuit
delving into Cheney's contacts with the
energy industry as his task force was drafting
the White House's energy policy in concert
with Kennyboy, the governor's good friend.
In a 2-1 ruling, the court rejected the
government's arguments that the lawsuit would be
an unconstitutional intrusion on the operations
of the executive office of the president.
Well gee, it's a smaller intrusion than impeachment, I'd say.
Subject: fried chicken recipe
Here's belated kudos to you for your
fried-chicken recipe
I found on the site in the archives. It
was the food hit of our 4th of July party.
The family spent the night at my sister
and brother-in-law's house in an unincorporated area
near Terrell in North Texas, so fireworks
are allowed. We've had a big party there for the
last three years. What a feeling, sitting
in lawn chairs, fireworks exploding above, the ashes
and cinders falling down on us. All their
neighbors join in. Half-a-dozen grills were lined up cooking away.
I cooked 25 pieces of chicken but used bone-in
thighs and breasts instead of the boneless breast.
Used a gallon of Wesson oil in a big stock
pot. Heated on an electric stove on the next-to-last setting
as you said. It took over an hour to cook
in batches but WOW! the chicken came out great.
This is now my definitive fried-chicken
recipe (did gave you credit).
Since you cook, you know what I mean by
a definitive recipe.
The definitive rises above all others.
Thanks again for the great recipe.
Hope you had a good 4th.
Loyal BartCop reader,
Calvin, great letter. That Train Station Chicken just can't
be beat.
It reminds me, I forgot to tell about our 4th of July dinner.
We either had steak or burgers, I don't remember, because the
beef wasn't the star on the show.
Mrs. Bart whipped up some of her extra-peaky mashed potatos*
but they weren't the star, either.
I had recently acquired a bottle of Herradura Anejo.
And I had my Chinaco and some Silver King
picked-that-morning luxury corn, and some picked-that-day Kandy
So here I am, a bite o beef, and a tiny sip of the Herradura,
a taste of the Silver King, a peak of potatoe*
a taste of the Kandy Korn, and a tiny sip of the
Jesus, that was a fine meal.
Note: More recipes can be found at BartCook
Help turn the tables on Bush and Ashcroft as Poindexter monitors
"the enemies of America,"
which includes anyone critical of President McWarHardon's supermarket
sweep of Iraq.
Subject: Iraqi meat grinder
while the number of needless dead American
teenagers in Iraq is appalling, even more
appalling is the sort of reporting that
says, "no Americans were killed, only four were wounded."
only wounded? where is the wounded count?
Americans in Iraq wear body armor.
it covers them from belly button to the top of their heads.
has anyone seen or thought about the kind
of wounds these kids are taking?
i saw a lovely story about a young lieutenant
who was only wounded.
he had both his legs blown off below the
knee caps.
thank God he was only wounded!
Ricky, for reasons I can't fathom, they
are happy to give their legs for Smirk.
The Fraudulent Deserter is their hero -
they love him, no matter what.
When Clinton was president, they hated him
with everything they had.
They truly despised the man who kept them
safe and always brought them home.
Now we have a man-child taunting the enemy
to "bring it on" and they love that, too.
Most military families would rather lose their sons under Bush,
fighting for the BFEE's right
to get their oil from under the sand the Arabs claim as their
own. What's most important to
the men losing life and limbs is that this 'president' would
never lie about sex.
That's what's important to Americans today - having a good, moral,
Christian 'president'
with a hardon for other people's oil who is ready to kill anybody
who tries to stop him.
They forgive him for being a rich snot who never worked a day
in his life.
They forgive him for buying his way out of combat.
They forgive him for deserting his post during wartime.
They forgive him for stealing power and recklessly getting them
He only lied about the reasons we went to war and why they're
dying, so they forgive him,
cheer him, pose for pictures when he wears his monkey suit and
it makes people like you
and I sick to our stomachs to see them accept this fraud as their
They even salute the son of a bitch..
There's Wimbledon, soccer and BIG-time analysis of the Tour de France.
Click to Enter
Subject: Somalia
Sure, the deaths on the USS Cole weren't
his fault, but the ones in Somalia sure as well were.
Clinton refused to give the military the
go ahead to use the right amount force, and as a result
the forces theiir were under equipped to
do their job.
Well Hayes, you can say that a hundred more times, but I'm not
buying it.
Bush the smarter sent those men to Somalia, a piece of hell run
by Al Qaeda.
He sent them without the protection they needed, and look what
As former head of the CIA, and current president, Bush should've
known what he was sending
those boys into. Remember, the ONLY reason Bush sent them is
because he'd just lost the election,
and he was days away from issuing pardons for the gang of thugs
that were caught doing God-knows-what
around the globe and he needed a legacy - something besides,
pardoned his co-conspirators."
To bury the Iran-Contra crimes forever, he dreamed up this little
"humanitarian mission"
to feed the starving Somalis without getting his facts straight
and it blew up and 18 men died.
By the way, would you agree that Vietnam was Nixon's war?
...and again, your concern for the 18 in Somalia is touching,
But what about the almost 600 killed under Reagan, Bush and Pinhead?
Why do the GOP and the press continue to fret about those 18
brave men
but the other 600 never get any press? Weren't they
important enough to remember, too?
Nevermind, join Bush's good puppy press and keep repeating "Somalia
was Clinton's fault."
After all, politics is important.
E! page
Some reader links
Fresh BAGnews
'The Osbournes' will be back for a 3rd season
Peter Jennings is now a U.S. citizen
A Japanese author & Bob Dylan
Bono threatens civil disobedience
Elvis' tooth is on eBay
Spike Lee dropped his suit against Spike TV
Jeffrey Jones copped a plea
Tommy Mottola is resurrecting Casablanca Records
And some endangered turtles
"Conservatives' lack of interest in the WMD
question takes an even more ominous turn when combined
with general support for presidential
warmaking. Thus, [in the view of Republican presidents, legislators,
and conservative intellectuals], once
someone is elected president, he or she faces no legal or political
constraint. The president doesn't need
congressional authority; Washington doesn't need UN authority.
Allied support is irrelevant. The president
needn't offer the public a justification for going to war that
holds up after the conflict ends. The
president may not even be questioned about the legitimacy of his
professed justification. Accept his
word and let him do whatever he wants, irrespective of circumstances.
This is not the government created
by the Founders. This is not the government that any believer in liberty
should favor. It is foolish to turn
the Iraq war, a prudential political question, into a philosophical test
conservatism. It is even worse to demand
unthinking support for Bush."
--Doug Bandow, Core
duty on WMD
Subject: All this...
All this:
...and you hate W. , too?!
I think I love you! ( or at least your site)
1% of the Defense budget should be directed
toward ending violence against women
Morgaine, sorry, America can't afford to protect its women.
Instead, we're giving that money to Bush's billionaire friends
as bribes to re-elect him.
You women just need to "buck up."
questions son's role in Iraq
Sends note to the boy some call 'president'
Jabbing his right hand in the air with
juvenile bravado, Bush screeched in that irritating twang, more fit for
a Western movie than the world stage, "There
are some who feel that the conditions are such that they can
attack us there. My answer is: Bring 'em
on. We've got the force necessary to deal with the security situation."
He bragged, like John Wayne risen, that
U.S. forces are "plenty tough" to deal with any threat.
The president then licked his lips with
the smug assurance of a frat boy showing the world how tough he is.
The flippant, immature "bring 'em on" remark
finally got the usually timid Democrats to actually criticize the popular
"As I watched the footage of your landing on the
U.S.S. Lincoln last week and listened to the speech about major
combat being over, I found myself nauseated.
While your political theatrics are being launched in hopes of getting
the popularity polls up, my son is still
in danger in Baghdad. Your feeble attempt at camaraderie with returning
soldiers was patronizing, in my opinion.".
I say too, "Bring 'em on." Bring on the
simple truths so well understood and bravely said by a worried mother
from Indiana who loves her son and her
country, but fears what George W. Bush is doing to our nation.
her tongue cut out and then shoot her."
Bush mushroom
cloud "Bring 'em on" shirts!
bartcop.com exclusive!
Buy a shirt, support bartcop.com and show the world
that you know there's an illegal monkey in the White House.
“In Hillary’s world, being a homemaker means
ordering a bunch of minions
around to do things that you don't
dare do yourself. In other words, Hillary's
version of homemaking is telling the
servants what to do.”
--Rush Limbaugh, who said
he lost the extra pounds by hiring a personal chef
Letter to the Editor
"GOP rule-breaking seems to be SOP
by Dean Everman,
West Palm Beach
It seems to me that Republicans will stop
at nothing if the ends justify the means.
If the vote counting in Florida doesn't
go as planned, make the ballot counting stop.
If Texas Democrats won't vote on a strictly
partisan redistricting bill that favors only
Republican lawmakers, send Homeland Security
agents to arrest them.
If you can't win an election against a Democratic
governor in California,
begin a recall petition and demand the
right to vote again.
When Democrats in the U.S. Senate refuse
to confirm right-wing conservative judicial
nominees, try to change the rules so they
can't filibuster any more.
Why can't Republicans (the self-proclaimed
moral high-grounders) compete on a level
playing field? It seems they either must
cheat, undermine or change a longstanding
precedent to favor their objectives. The
Bush administration recently refused to release
a critical Medicare memo warning how millions
of senior citizens would be negatively
affected if Republican plans to inject
market forces into the Medicare program were implemented.
Medicare chief Tom Scully declared that
Democrats in Congress had no right to any information from him.
"They don't have the right on the Hill to call
up my actuary and demand things." Scully said he would
release the analysis "if I feel like it."
I believe he has forgotten that he is a public official and serves
at the pleasure of the taxpayers.
And as if that weren't bad enough, the Bush
administration proposed a plan the same day to cut
overtime pay for millions of workers in
exchange for comp time. In this time of financial uncertainty,
once again the Bush administration plans
to take money out of the pockets of hard-working Americans.
Something is rotten in the party of Lincoln,
and its odor is permeating the very core of American values.
Copyright (c) 2003, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
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Britney no longer a virgin
"I'm not?
In the upcoming issue of W magazine, (ha
ha) Spears details her relationship
with Justin Timberlake.
"The most painful thing I have ever experienced
was that breakup. "We were together so long
and I had this vision. You think you're
going to spend the rest of your life together. Where I come from,
the woman is the homemaker, and that's
how I was brought up -- you cook for your kids."
So, you lost your virginity ...cooking?
Spears, now cutting an image-shifting, comeback
album after an 18-month hiatus,
said she now realizes "I need my single
time" to learn to "be self loving."
I wonder how much that video would command on e-Bay?
Did I mention that the brother of Oklahoma's Uncle OJ Watts was arrested for first degree murder?
I can't finds anything on it - nothing on Google, nothing at dailyoklahoman.com (The local Nazi paper)
Oh, that's right - Uncle OJ is a Republican, and the murder
didn't involve Clinton,
so it can't be considered news by today's good puppy media.
Call the
You have two minutes to rant away.
“It was a Republican president who waged the
Civil War that, in part,
was fought to end slavery, to deal
with it. By his own words, Lincoln admitted so.”
--Rush, comparing the Civil War
to Bush's war hardon for Arab oil
Rush, one difference between Lincoln and modern-day Republicans?
Lincoln wanted to free the slaves.
Around BartCop Manor
Mrs Bart - she's really the best.
Last night, for two hours, she sat and watched the World Poker
Tour with me.
It's on again tonight, for another two hours. She
I'm getting a serious case of poker fever.
If I can't find anyone, in the dozens of bartcop.com
readers who wants to play poker,
I may have to search for a town where poker is legal and use
my FF miles to get there.
Also, and I'm not sure what this means, but she reminded me that
we both turn 50 this year.
She wants to do "something special" for her 50th birthday.
How can I say no to someone who will watch TV poker with me?
Have a good time today - that's an order.
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2003, bartcop.com
...not trying to throw a curve, ...this doesn't mean anything...
I have nice picture of Shirley, but it doesn't work with the
It works with a black background, so you're going to need to
Don't panic.
You can do this.
It's not important that you see this picture of Shirley,
I just didn't want fear-of-clicking to intimidate you out of
Click Here for this one-time, off-page Shirley picture.
Picture for the non-clickers:
you saw her on TV, but seeing
Manson perform live is something
don't forget. She owns your eyes and
owns your attention while she's onstage.
Shirley - call The
BartPhone, just to say "Hi!"
Maybe leave a two-minute message...
I'll play it for your fans at bartcop.com
Maybe say some nasty things about fascist, sex-starved Bush.
Shirley, as far as I know, our politics are identical.
Bush is
a horrid madman and a savage killer.
He's a
stupid criminal and a greedy, blood-loving bastard.
Plus, leave an e-mail address and I'll make you a BartCop Member - for free!
Call the Bart-Phone at 918-493-1500
That would be really cool,
and I'll catch you at the Vegas Hard Rock on your next American
bartcop.com and BartCop are trademarks of quality
Same for "ditto-monkey," "scum-sucking Republican bastards" and
Gov Bush (R-Racist monkey)
Hey, if Spike can do it, why can't I?