Is Democracy too much trouble?
                            by James Higdon

                      What is the lesson of November 5, 2002?  It is simple really.  It all comes down
                      to one major overriding factor.  A free press that encourages fierce investigative
                      journalism of government and institutions, and promotes free and open debate with
                      an array of divergent views and opinions is the single most brilliant vision of our
                      founding fathers.  For over two hundred years, as a nation, we found ways to preserve
                      and encourage that vision, until greedy, right wing, corporate robber barons realized
                      that was the one central roadblock that stood in their way.  Purchasing a political party
                      was not enough, but purchasing America's broadcast airwaves was just the prescription
                      needed to insure success.

                      Do you think that the biggest blunder of Bill Clinton's political career was his tryst with
                      Monica Lewinsky when he knew the world would be watching?  If you should think so,
                      you would be wrong.  Bagman Ronald Reagan delivered the Fairness Doctrine to his
                      corporate sponsors on a silver platter, but when Bill Clinton signed a bill that allowed
                      consolidation of media ownership, a free press was finished in America.  Democratic
                      leadership seems to have no clue why the media has turned against them, nor are they
                      willing to take responsibility for the situation.  I suggest that they go back to school and
                      read the founders' comments on the reasons for a free press until they understand that
                      the term does not identify newspapers published at no cost to the reader.

                      What is it that the Democrats fear which prevents them from conducting a partisan debate?
                      It is not Republicans, issues or the American people that congressional Democrats fear.
                      What they fear is how they will be portrayed to the constituents in their districts by
                      broadcast news if they oppose the truly repugnant Republican agenda.  The Democratic
                      Leadership Council, designed to attempt to match the Republicans in corporate donations,
                      fails because they are unable to realize that, whether or not they take in more dollars,
                      no amount of money can compete with constant Republican campaign promotion in regular,
                      daily, twenty-four hour "news" cycles.  And here, where you see the word news in quotes,
                      you should read that as nothing more nor less than propaganda.

                      Democrats have knelt down before an illegitimate president hoping to blend sufficiently with
                      Republicans to avoid the media attacks.  That hasn't worked, and it won't.  This class of the
                      elite is perfectly happy to have tamed Democrats around in order for the poor, the middle class,
                      minorities, labor, and the elderly to feel that there is hope in a two party system, so long as the
                      Democrats know their minority place.  And what we have left is a shell with no remaining parties.
                      We have corporate representatives, a few valiant survivors, and many who hide in the hallways
                      of the capitol, hoping not to be noticed.  For the latter, a political career is all they have or know,
                      and when weighed against that, democracy is just too damned much trouble.

                      In short, there is no longer any long term hope for the Constitution of the United State of America
                      unless an active, fair and balanced, Fourth Estate, less concerned with profit than with ethics and duty,
                      is reestablished within our national borders.  When NBC presents Rush Limbaugh to provide its
                      election night coverage, there is no longer hope that the left can find a voice in the American media.

                      When a few, unrestricted mega corporations own the White House, Congress, the judiciary and the
                      media, the best we can expect is war for our children, and occasional charity for the unprotected.
                      We are certain to see the rapid erosion of the middle class, and the elimination of the rights of labor.
                      Healthcare?  No.  Medicine for the elderly?  Only if one should be wealthy enough to afford it.
                      Education for the children?  Unnecessary, unless born (re: selected by God) into the ruling class.

                      There will be damage done over the next two years that will not heal for generations to come.
                      Perhaps never.  And the damage already done to the Fourth Estate may well be permanent.
                      But I am a fighter by nature.  I've often been told that I don't know when to give up.  Yet I'm
                      comfortable with this "flaw" in me.  Enough so that I will now demand that same character flaw
                      from each and every Democratic representative.

                      There is a chance, however slim that we can yet take back America from the rightward goose
                      steppers who are now in control of the Republican party, and the four branches of American politics.
                      We will have to be relentless in everything we do, and forever pressure our elected Democrats.
                      We must demand that they be vocal, we must demand that they take action, and we, ourselves,
                      must back them up on a nationally organized, grassroots level.  And whatever our disagreements
                      on the progressive left, we must learn to do what we thought, up to now, was the impossible.
                      We must learn to speak in unison, and with one voice.  We must learn to find compromise among
                      ourselves, yet be uncompromising with the opposition.

                      Our first priority must be to notify every Democratic Representative in the House that we demand
                      Nancy Pelosi be elected as House Minority Leader.  The alternative is Martin Frost from Texas
                      who has promised to deliver more Republicanism Lite.  He advocates informing the electorate
                      that Democrats are not responsible for the bad economy and that Democrats support George Bush's
                      war efforts against Iraq.  Frost is dead wrong!

                      Democrats must propose solutions to our economic problems while casting blame for corporate
                      corruption where it is due.  Voters don't want to know what a politician didn't do, but rather what
                      he will do.  Also, there are no polls to suggest, even skewed polls, that Americans are married to
                      Bush on a war with Iraq.  Democrats must offer a viable solution to controlling Hussein without
                      sending America's children off to die.  And we must frame that issue in exactly that light.  All politics
                      eventually become personal, and if we want more people to vote we must begin to acknowledge,
                      and to promote that fact.

                      I had the honor of meeting Nancy Pelosi at a Votermarch rally in San Francisco shortly after the
                      stolen election of 2000.  Ms. Pelosi was the only elected politician who showed up to speak.  And she
                      spoke of the rights of voters with eloquence and grace.  She is fully aware of the color of the national
                      media.  She is passionate, and she is committed. It is because of her efforts as Minority Whip that the
                      majority of Democrats in the House of Representatives voted against Bush's war resolution.
                      She is a shining light in the Democratic party.  She should be the first female Speaker of the House
                      in the history of this country.

                      As Minority Leader, there is no question that Nancy Pelosi will be a hunted woman by the national
                      media and the Republican party.  They will accuse her of everything from conspiring with Saddam
                      to having sex with rodents.  It will need to be the job of every Democratic member of Congress to
                      rise to her defense, and we must do the same on a grassroots level.  She has worked hard to protect
                      our back, and we must do the same for her.

                      It is no longer sufficient to complain that the media presents no progressive voice.  We know the
                      current rules of this playing field, and we must learn to win using the house rules.  We must seize
                      every opening, and take advantage of every opportunity.  We must present facts quickly and concisely,
                      while anticipating what tactics will be used by media hosts and Republican guests.  We need to frame
                      important questions that are easily asked, but not easily answered, while willing to phrase solutions that
                      are solid in logic, short enough for a sound bite, and inescapable in their honesty.

                      And finally, a message to those politicians who still call themselves proud Democrats.  Confronted with
                      a biased media, there is no public attention without controversy.  If you are not willing to do battle with
                      this administration, you will garner no attention, and you will not gain voter support.  While you must pick
                      your battles carefully, you must be ferocious with your arguments.  It is incumbent on you to never forget
                      your constituency while seeking a national spotlight.  Spend more time in your districts, consistently write
                      letters for publication in local papers, and seek every opportunity to appear on local television.

                      Nobody in Washington knows your districts better than you.  If you have a personal relationship with the
                      people who elected you, it will be far more difficult to blindside you.  Walk among your people.  If you
                      want to retake America in 2004, you need to start campaigning now!

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