Who Do I Blame?
       by Rude Rich

 I blame the media.

 You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a Limba or Hannity or O'Reilly screaming about supposed lies
 by those Godless Democrats. In New jersey alone, the talk show hosts have all convinced the voters who
 don't really pay attention that Lautenberg did something wrong. The NJ Supreme Court decided on the
 situation and the U.S. Surpreme Court decided taht the lowere court decision was correct. Sounds legal
 to me but even after Lautenberg slaughted Forrester, they still try to feed the sheep the story that Lautenberg
 stole the election. The gall!
 Radio is all right wing now. They spin a story and keep repeating it until the people who don't read as much
 as you or I believe it. Hannity repeats his little buzz pharses over and over and the drive time idiots don't have
 any choice but to believe him. They never hear another view.

 In NYC in the last year, most of the voices from the left have been fired. I'm not talking about Opie and Anthony.
 They were fucking Republicans when you came right down to it. They dug their own grave. All the liberal talk show
 hosts have been taken off the air, unless they were teamed with a right winger who controled the direction of the show.
 Lynne Samuels...fired. Jay Diamond...fired. Soon after, his whole liberal slanted station sold out to ABC.
 Stern is a fucking Republican. Lionel...gone. And what market is more liberal then NY? Curtis and Kuby is a good
 show but every topic has Kuby on the defense. Kuby always wins but just once I'd like to see Kuby pick the topic.

 Sorry this letter is so long but Ron & Fez did a funny hour tonight about Republicans taking over.
 They had callers call in with new rules that we might see. They said Haitians are jumping onto boats leaving Miami.
 Blacks are no longer welcome here. Single Mom's better get married quick. They said they'll give Dubya two years.
 Let him do all the things they've been saying the Dem's have been holding them up on. Lets see prayer in schools.
 Lets see them nail up the Ten Commandments. Lets see them stop the baby killers. Lets see them overthrow
 Roe vs Wade.

 They would be so voted out in two years if they did half the shit they cry about.
 The Democrats had better adopt the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy theory pretty soon.

 Rich, you could be right, but until a Democrat speaks up - we'll never know.
 You can't test the echo in a canyon without yelling, right?

 The Democrats need to get a whole lot of BartCop in 'em if they hope to survive.
 This pansy-ass "politeness" is a thing of the past.
 What we need is straight, honest talk that pulls no punches.

 If they pull a knife, we pull a gun.
 They put one of ours in the hospital, we put two of theirs in the ground.

 Or - we can just lie back and enjoy the rape.

 I say we FIGHT!

"When they kick at your front door, how you gonna come?
  With your hands on your head, or on the trigger of your gun?"

 Oh, that's right - we don't own guns because it's ...not polite, I guess.


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