Paul Wellstone - hit by the BFEE?

Of course Senator Wellstone was assassinated. He publicly told constituents
shortly before his murder by small plane...that Cheney had ordered him to "fall
in or else." People in the area heard deafening electronic schreiks on their cellphones
just before the plane crash. Equipment jam. Simple. "Investigators" were on the scene
long before it would have been possible for them to drive that far.

The BFEE's middle name is conspiracy. These same shits have been in it together since Nixon.
Watergate, Iran-Contra, Iraq-gate, S&L scandals, the BCCI.  Voter-gates in Afghanistan.
And in the US in 2000, 2002, 2004, and coming in Iraq and in the US in 2006 & 2008.
And the trillions wiped out of the stock market and pension funds. Bush Sr./ Ken Lay/ Neil Bush
long time compadre Sandy Weill, CEO of Citigroup helped set that up by getting Alfonze d'Matto
to get rid of the 1932 Glass Stegall Banking Act in 1998. That let them clean everything out.

Bart, you've asked where all that money is. Silly boy, you know very well:
Caymen Islands. Liechtenstein. Isle of Man. Isle of Jersey.

The only thing we'll spend $72M to investigate is oral sex. 3,000 dead people on 911, $3M.
$10M for every inch of Mr. Clinton's penis. $1,000 for every murdered innocent loved one.
GOP "Family Values."

They also killed JFK Jr. I realize that statement puts me in league with people who believe
aliens have sex with them while they sleep.

On July 17th, 1997 when I saw the picture of pulverized debris from JFK Jr.'s plane
floating on the sea....then one pristine, intact piece of luggage...that started me wondering.
That piece of perfect luggage meant perhaps, that the tail section/luggage compartment
broke/blew off before it hit the water. A reporter from the Martha's Vineyard "Gazette"
was strolling along the water at the time John's plane would have been near a small military island.
He saw and heard an explosion in the sky coming from that direction. After he made the
statement publicly...he was interviewed by investigators and from then on it was "no comment."

When JFK Jr. made his last call that he was descending all was well. He was minutes from landing.
(Seems to be the BFEE's MO: Heinz, Wellstone, Callahan, etc.) Then his plane suddenly veered
wildly and plunged. To me that means a barometric bomb in the tail section that on descent would
explode the tail off.  Or they could have zapped him from that island.

Why kill him? He was talking about running for the NY Senate seat...and would have been unbeatable.
His magazine George was doing an in-depth piece on Massud, Israeli's spy organization and the NeoCon's
best partner in crime. BFEE has been planning all of this since 1994. They wouldn't have wanted JFK Jr. with
his magazine and him living right near the WTC when they knew damn well what was going down in 2001.

In "L'Amerique Brule" (America Burning published in France and kept out of America for decades
until it was rename "Farewell America" by James Hepburn...a pen name. The book was actually written
by European spies including from Interpol who were in love with Audrey Hepburn: "j'aime Hepburn.")
They concluded that big Texas Oilman and right-wing nut HL Hunt financed JFK's assassination.

Can't say Hunt without saying Bush. Killing to them is just part of doing business. Hunt actually watched
the killing of JFK from his office window overlooking Dealey Plaza. Then left with two cars full of bodyguards
and one of his right-wing military nut friends for his hide-out in Mexico for a month. Now, they just get together
with their Carlyle CIA pals, light up their cigars, and smirk. Can't you hear the tumblers of Scotch tinkling together.
"Good job."

So far "To Live By The Sword Is to Die By The Sword" hasn't proven true in the case of the evil monsters
who've been geometrically consolidating power for the last 25 years. But we can hope.


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