How could the Democrats have lost last Tuesday?
                           by Carol B


                      About the election... I have run the gamut from self-recrimination to black despair
                      and back again.  But, those troublesome facts started creeping onto the scene.

                      I tried something different and got an interesting result.  I have not used the news clipper
                      feature in Yahoo! much, but it is a valuable tool.  I entered a query to retrieve articles
                      containing the words "election" and "glitch".  I got 51 returns for this week, just from
                      Associated Press/Reuters' sources.

                      Holy moley.  The irregularities with the voting machines were pervasive.
                      ALL of the "glitches" favored Republicans.  Statistically, that just cannot be.
                      Faun Otter has provided some valuable information regarding this over on the forum.

                      Click  Here    and   Click  Here

                      I am going to keep working on this.  Kind hearted people gently tell me to keep my chin up;
                      that the Dems should take a cue about their message and about turnout.  More and more,
                      I am believing that we were not confounded by either of those issues.  I could be wrong.
                      I am going to keep digging though.  I will pull as much publicly available data as possible
                      about purchases/demos of voting machines, by state and county to confirm this notion,
                      because the truth matters.

                      If it doesn't look right, it probably is NOT right.

                      See:  Occam's Razor  "Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily."
                      (hahaha!  Like Republican votes!!?)

                      Isaac Newton re-stated the rule: "We are to admit no more causes of natural
                      things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances."

                      The most useful statement of the principle for scientists is, "when you have two competing
                      theories which make exactly the same predictions, the one that is simpler is the better."

                      I believe these are sound assumptions

                      The Democrat base is still ticked off about 2000 and has been awaiting
                      the chance to vote in 2002

                      There were record turnouts at the polls

                      There were numerous "glitches" reported at the polls

                      All glitches favored Republicans

                      Voting machines are manufactured and programmed by companies owned and
                      managed by Republicans

                      The Republicans have a well-deserved reputation for criminal behavior

                      The economy is in the toilet, and the people are feeling it

                      Democrats had the issues on their side

                      The current administration is itching to plunge us into WWIII;  there
                      has been a strong global and national  resistance to the notion

                     We can either believe that:
                      The massive, angry Democrat base simply turned tail at the last minute,
                      forgot 2 years of anger, the crummy economy, their devastated 401Ks,
                      the threat of Armageddon and a psychotic judiciary, and decided to vote
                      Republican AND the glitches were inconsequential and amounted to little
                      or nothing; or

                      The Republicans rigged the voting machines.

                      Occam's Razor:  the simplest answer is usually the correct one.

                      Bart, the right wing is dying for us to start beating ourselves up.
                      Self-flaggelation is a unique Democrat talent.  Let's don't give them the satisfaction.

                      Even if I am not correct in my suspicions that the election was rigged, I don't care anymore.
                      This is my spin and I am sticking with it.  It's no less dishonorable than any of the bilge the
                      NeoCons have pushed off on the public for the past 10 years.

                      Besides, I don't HONESTLY think I am wrong.


                      Carol, I don't think you are wrong, either.
                      I think this whole mess, from the stolen 2000 election to September 11th,
                      to the loss of liberties and increased government control over us all boils down to
                      the theft of trillions of dollars using terrorism and "liberal appeasement," as excuses.

                      The way they've set this up - even if/when they are exposed, they can say they did it
                      for the good of the counrty, just like Iran-Contra and breaking the Boland Amendment.

                      Besides, The Puppet can always pardon everyone who gets caught, like last time,
                      so they don't even have a good incentive to cloak their crimes.

                      While a whore press and scared-silly Democrats let them get away with it.

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