Today's articles on who really won the Florida
election is an example of a news media that is monolithic in nature.
If you read the contents of most of the articles
- Gore won the election. But if you read the headlines and the spin
- they declare Bush the winner. All the articles
start out with a paragraph about what would have happened if Gore
got a limited recount he asked for. Something
not really relevant to the issue of who won the total recount.
And every article has exactly this same form
and pattern.
But when you get down into the data - it tells a story that Gore won.
What's interesting about these artcles is that
they are amazingly similar in structure and spin. Somewhere there is a
single source - one person - who wrote the root
article that was the template for every news media outlet in America.
It is clear to me that not only do we have an
illegitimate government - a government bent on taking away our freedoms
- but that the news media is clearly controlled
by this illegitimate government.
The reality is - the United States of America
no longer exists and has been replaced by a fraudulent
government supported by a centrally controlled
press who is working to support the illusion.
Here's some of the links to major news stories
and you'll notice they are all the work of the same root writer.
I want to know how the media is centrally controlled
like this.,1597,317662-412,00.shtml
I thought the same thing.
The headlines scream "Smirk
won!" but that's only until you read the line,
"because they didn't count all the votes."
The media is bought-and-paid-for by the Bush Family Evil Empire.