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"We shouldn't be opening firehouses in Baghdad
while closing them in Brooklyn,''
-- John Kerry, slowly
and meekly beginning to attack Attribution
Iraq has oil, and oil burns very hot..."
"Yankees fan Ari Fleischer decided to postpone
his retirement as White House liar until he delivered his 300th
briefing yesterday. Fleischer might have
been better off leaving it at 299. Instead of a soft and affectionate
farewell from the White House press corps,
he received an extended hammering yesterday afternoon on why
Bush's State of the Union address contained
an allegation against Iraq based on bogus intelligence. Instead of
fading into the sunset, the press secretary
who presided over a well-oiled media operation for 21/2 years is
leaving at a time when the Bush White House's
credibility is being questioned like never before."
As part of their offensive, White House
officials released new information to buttress Bush's claim,
attacked the credibility of his Democratic
critics and accused the news media of a "feeding frenzy."
After weeks of declining to disclose such
information, Mr. Bush's aides described a chronology that
they said mitigated Bush's citation of
unsubstantiated British intelligence in his SoftU address on Jan. 28.
The president referred to the intelligence
that Iraq had tried to buy uranium from Africa to further a nuclear
weapons program as one reason in making
his case for invading Iraq.
Today Mr. Bush, personally addressing the
issue for the fourth time in six days, asserted at the White House
that questions about the evidence he used
did not undercut his overall case for war.
Team Bush must be amazeed that their boy is being called on his
lies after three years of giddy press.
They have no experiance that spinning because they've never had
to do it. They've always been able
to bark, 'That issue is closed,"
and the press has always agreed and changed ther subject for Mr. Rove.
Sea Biscuit looks great!
I'm a horse racing fan, and it seems to
me, from just watching the promos
that this is going to be a big, important
movie that will make mucho box office.
Subject: Careful what you wish for...
Hey, Bart!
You keep calling for Democrats to resign
if they won't show some courage and
oppose Bush's agenda. I agree that gutless
appeasement seems their preferred
strategy far too often, and it is maddening,
and sickening. I'm with you on that.
But no Democrats should resign, or even
retire. For the likelihood is that they'd be
replaced by a Republican. If the GOP gets
close to 60 in the Senate, say 58 with a
Breaux and a Zell Miller voting with them,
they can force cloture, and stop the filibuster
threat, that even now the Democrats are
using to keep two very bad news judge nominees off the bench.
It's counterproductive, and irresponsible,
to urge Democrats to resign. It would only
make things worse. Besides taking back
the presidency, the other critical need is to get
the majority of one or the other body of
Congress away from the GOP. This is not the time
to do the traditional Democratic circular
firing squad, and then shoot the wounded. That
would be a mistake, like drawing to an
inside straight. Our odds aren't that good to begin with.
Besides, asking for courage to oppose him
during a war, with the guy at 70 or 80% approval, is hard.
In the mid-50s and falling like a stone
from the continuing US deaths in Iraq and now the lies in the SOTU,
with Dr. Dean calling for those responsible
to immediately resign, the media giving it big story treatment,
not so hard, and I predict you'll see more
of it.
Phil, no.
When you say, "It's counterproductive,
and irresponsible, to urge Democrats to resign."
it comes off like you're the authority on this and you shouldn't
be questioned about your wisdom.
Why should they cash their paychecks if they're unwilling to
You think it's hard to attack a president with approvals in the
The impeached Clinton with approval in the seventies and
got enough votes in the next presidential
election to steal it, with the help of a crooked governor and
a crooked court of partisan hacks.
You're telling me to be happy with these spineless cowards.
You're telling me to count my blessings and consider myself lucky.
I reject that advice.
I will NOT be happy with a party of scared ninnies who refuse
to fight..
"What has been the one, constant, distasteful
theme of the Clinton administration? ... Lying.
Bill Clinton utters more lies than
all the boys on prom nights have ever uttered combined.
He is a liar about all things relevant,
irrelevant, important, trivial, every which way he can.
He is a liar. Lying matters,
the truth matters.
--Jonah Goldberg, son of LBJ and Lucy
the Bat, wants you to think that lying about sex is worse
than lies that get hundreds
of brave Americans killed, with possibly hundreds more to come.
can't be president
by Bill Bennett
"...as the Founders understood, almost nothing
matters more in a chief executive than his
public character and trustworthiness,
his truthfulness and integrity. And on these grounds alone,
[liars] should be disqualified from
being president. Public office is a public trust, and people who
violate it ought to be held accountable.”
--Bill Bennett, who was talking about Al Gore at the time.
Hey Bill, Gore's "lies" didn't get hundreds of Americans killed, but Bush's lies have.
Why are you so silent on the truthfulness issue now, Bill?
Is it because you're a self-serving whore,
giving the murderous Bush boy a pass while condemning
such important Gore "lies" such as did
he accompany FEMA on Mission # 27 or Mission #28?
You're a whore Bill, and I want you to admit it right now.
"I'm a whore."
lies are no worse than Gore's - except for the dead people..."
Worth another look...
Bush's crazy, bloody was is not only costing
us a solider per day.
It has cost us $100 billion so far, and
they expect tp stay 4-5 years.
We could have peace AND what's behind Door
Number Three.
Click above and see what's behind Door
Number Three.
"Good Will Hunting" monolog nails current pResident
Now the politicians are sayin' "send in
the Marines to secure the area"'cause they don't give a shit.
It won't be their kid over there, gettin'
shot. Just like it wasn't them when their number got called,
'cause they were pullin' a tour in the
National Guard. It'll be some guy from Southie takin' shrapnel
in the ass. And he comes home to find that
the plant he used to work at got exported to the country
he just got back from. And the guy who
put the shrapnel in his ass got his old job, 'cause he'll work
for fifteen cents a day and no bathroom
Subject: Radio Show Seven ROCKS!
Heyyyy, Bart!
Actually having some Tecate's while listening
to BartCop Radio this time.
The mike sounds better, and you got that
high pitched background noise out of the sound!
I wish I could go to BartCop Manor and be
the sound guy, but they still want to pay me more than a
French whore for what I do. So, I
guess I'll just have to stick it out where I'm at. I hope the whole
flying by the seat of your pants thing
is working out for you. By doing it this way, you get a better idea
of all the elements that are really involved
in getting a smart mouth, a mike, and the truth out there to
the masses (cough). Do you think
the Media Whores will keep their kneepads on for the junta?
They seem to be realizing that some of
them might have actually qualified as journalists once upon a time...
Tom, if nothing else, those radio shows are getting longer :)
"There has been since 9/11 a chill on dialogue
in this country. . . . You only have to listen to talk radio
or watch Mike Savage on MSNBC, and
you'll see the spirit of what's out there. You can't have a
democracy when people don't get the
facts and when people don't get the chance to agree or disagree.
We've got to have a dialogue in this
country . . . that is premised on an understanding that asking questions,
demanding evidence, and holding people
accountable is not unpatriotic, it's the duty of every American."
--Gen. Wesley Clark,
sounding more like a winner every day Attribution
presidential whodunit
by sometimes-liberal Mike Kinsley
"The Bush argument blaming the CIA for failing
to remove this falsehood from the president’s speech is
based on the logic of “stop me before I
lie again.” Bush spoke the words, his staff wrote them, those
involved carefully overlooked reasons for
skepticism. It would have been nice if the CIA had caught this
falsehood, but its failure to do so hardly
exonerates others. Furthermore, the CIA is part of the executive
branch, as is the White House staff. If
the president — especially this president — can disown anything
he says that he didn’t actually find out
or think up and write down all by himself, he is more or less
beyond criticism. Which seems to be the
idea here.
The president says he has not lost his confidence
in CIA Director George Tenet. How sweet. If someone
backed me up in a lie and then took the
fall for me when it was exposed, I’d have confidence in him too."
Have a question or a comment?
Email Bart bartcop@bartcop.com
Subject: Iraq War
Don't you think that it would be fair to
bill the Oil and Energy conglomerates for this war and
peacekeeping costs as they are the the
real benefactors of this exercise. Also in line with this policy,
they should be held monetarilly liable
for the soldiers who died in the conflict, both corporate and
personally, for their decision. I believe
that if they are made to pay for their faux pax, they will avoid
the extremism of war in the future. In
other words, " Bill the Oil War to the Oil Companies and the
Executives who made these decisions and
make these costs non-tax deductable.
John L.
John, good idea.
The greedy oil companies should give a million dollars to every
family who lost a life in Iraq,
and should at least pay for the education of the dead soldier's
Says Bush Has Credibility Gap
Has to be British - the press here won't run a story like
John Kerry says Bush hasn't matched tough
rhetoric with strong actions and is
suffering from a credibility gap on national
"The gap between America's national security and
this administration's deeds is
widening every day,'' Kerry said at a veterans'
memorial hall in New York Wednesday.
"Americans have a right to ask: Are we safer today
than we were on Sept. 11?''
"Are our nation's firefighters and police officers
better prepared to wage the war on terror?''
John, why not point out that while we borrow
money to give to billionaires,
the first line responders haven't gotten
a penny from this never-elected clown.
Bush needs to have America vulnerable to
terror because idiots believe Bush
is fighting a great war on terra and we
can't make it without his brave leadersdhip.
Last night's poiker game was a hueueuege success.
The table holds ten players, plus we had five waiting to get
in at one point.
I tried to create a second table, but it wouldn't let me have
more than one.
Next time you find yourself in a crowd waiting to get in, remember
you can use
the chat feature to communicate the name and password of a second
Just go to "Options" and "Create new channel."
TONIGHT - The big boys play for hundreds of thousands on The Travel Channel.
After watching, if anyone has poker fever, maybe we'll get together.
Look for BartCop's Pvt Table, password is chinaco
A great rerun, but these guys have been down 40 days.
I need my GYWO!
E! page
Carlos Santana has raised over $2 million for ANSA
Senators try to roll back the new FCC media rules
Cameron Diaz is trying to bar the release of some old pictures
Madonna is the 'new' face for the Gap
Drew Carey & ABC
Roseanne is Roseanne Barr (again)
MSGOP & Jesse Ventura
Mike Tyson's shrink is suing for unpaid bills
(ha ha - I'll bet that's
a lot of money...)
And TV ratings
Subject: Chris the Screamer
I was prepared to watch the first 25 seconds
of Hardball before turning the channel
in disgust when, to my surprise, Chris
started refering to W as Ted Baxter.
This because the White House explanation
about Niger yellowcake implies that Bush,
just like Ted Baxter, just repeated what
Lou Grant told him to say.
Ken D
Ken, I don't know why the Screamer is turning on his boy George.
I suppose that's the bad news about having whores on the payroll
- they turn on you.
In May, he was just gaga over the outline of Bush's cock in that
pilot suit on the Lincoln.
He and Liddy sat there drooling over the bulge in George's
pants, saying,
"No Democrat has a bulge like that..."
and they high-fived each other with glee.
The California Secretary of State has extended
the deadline for public comment on electronic voting machines issues
until the end of July. If they do this
right, California may be able to set a standard the rest of the country
will follow,
so even if you are not a California resident,
your input will still be important.
Submit your comments: Write to:
Secretary of State Kevin Shelley
Attn: Touch Screen Report
1500 11th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Send email to: TaskForceComments@ss.ca.gov
Fax comments to: (916) 653-9675
Quick, somebody get the Bush White House
a copy of "All the President's Men."
A slow drip, drip, drip of incremental
revelations and long-overdue admissions
is not the way to stem a brewing scandal.
But that's exactly the approach the administration
is taking with the firestorm arising
from the president's Misstatement of the
Union fiasco, a.k.a. Yellowcake-gate.
Suddenly everyone is asking: What didn't
the president know, and why didn't he know it?
And why does he know less and less every
Lance climbs the big mountain.
There's also tons of baseball.
Check out sports at BartCopSports!
And hey, drop me a line!
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A resource for non-embedded writers and an
enlightened public
For those who now work for George W. Bush,
loyalty means surrendering professional integrity
and accepting public humiliation. Loyalty
means uttering words and phrases that nobody can believe.
Loyalty means misleading the people and
the press about the gravest matters of state.
Loyalty means lying.
Consider the poignant case of Condoleezza Rice...
"When you listen to the rhetoric, you start
to wonder which side won. There is no margin of victory
that could satisfy them. They didn't
want to fight in the first place and they've spewed more rhetoric
at President Bush than they ever did
at Saddam. They think if they just get a little bit angrier, and a
little bit meaner and a little bit
louder the American people will start hating the president as much
as they do. Bush didn't
lie. He didn't mislead anybody. His statement was accurate."
--Tom DeLay, who seems to
think Saddam had a viable nuke ready to launch at New York
nuts about this war!"
mushroom cloud "Bring 'em on" shirts!
bartcop.com exclusive!
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that you know there's an illegal monkey in the White House.
by Gene Lyons
Cheap irony aside, nobody thinks Bush writes
his own speeches. People
don't even expect him to grasp with great
particularity what's in them.
Nobody holds him responsible; certainly
nobody ever has.
It's CIA director George Tenet's fault.
No, it's Dick Cheney's fault.
No, it's Condoleeza Rice's fault.
Where was Colin Powell?
We had a word for this kind of circular
activity in junior high, but it's unsuitable
for the newspaper. Anyway, it can't be
Junior's fault. He not only doesn't know
what's in the intelligence briefings, he
doesn't appear to know what's in the newspapers.
BartCop Radio Special!!
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Either 2/3 or 3/5 or some portion of Show
Eight is up in the members section.
Here to hear a three-minute sample of Show Eight.
The DNC sent me a questionaire, asking me to tell them how the
Unelected Murderer is doing his job.
As you might guess, it contains some strong language and maybe
even a little bit of my raised voice,
but it's nothing worse than what you've seen before if you're
been reading this page for a while..
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Read the Previous Issue
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© 2003, bartcop.com
Shirley - call The
BartPhone, just to say "Hi!"
Maybe leave a two-minute message...
I'll play it for your fans at bartcop.com
Maybe say some nasty things about fascist, sex-starved Bush.
Shirley, as far as I know, our politics are identical.
Bush is
a horrid madman and a savage killer.
He's a
stupid criminal and a greedy, blood-loving bastard.
Plus, leave an e-mail address and I'll make you a BartCop Member - for free!
Call the Bart-Phone at 918-493-1500
That would be really cool,
and I'll catch you at the Vegas Hard Rock on your next American
bartcop.com and BartCop are trademarks of quality
Same for "ditto-monkey," "scum-sucking Republican bastards" and
Gov Bush (R-Racist monkey)