Welcome to the world of the unknown.

My name is Teri and I am a paranormal investigator.  In this article I will be
sharing with you my experiences with the unexplained.

I am a member of the Oklahoma City Ghost Club – PRG (paranormal
research group) and have been for a year and a half.  Our aim is to prove that
life after death does exist and therefore death, itself, should not be feared.  I
am a ghost hunter but you can put away any pre-conceived notions of slime
or ray guns.  What I am sharing with you is real, not a movie.  As I participate
in investigations, you will receive a first hand account of what transpires.

I want to start by sharing with you an on-going investigation and research
site we’ve been doing at an abandoned hospital in central Oklahoma.

The building dates back to the early 1900’s when in 1903 it opened its doors for the first time.
It not only served as a hospital, but a nursing training center as well.  Throughout the years it was
bought and sold many times to different organizations and religious affiliations and in 1979 a portion
was leased to an agency that catered to the County Youth Center.  The agency held a boy’s home
there for many years.  It is now a privately owned abandoned building in major disrepair but the
structure and exterior are extremely beautiful and especially ominous.

From the minute you enter the building you know you are not alone.  This was evident to me the
very first investigation I went on.  It’s not so much the footsteps that follow you up the stairs or
the rolling of beds and carts down the hallway that are clearly audible on our recordings.
It is more the general feeling of having something behind you with every area you venture in
the building.  You can feel the presence of an unknown escort with you every step of the way.

As we walk through the dark, abandoned hospital with recorders we have picked up voices
of men groaning, women screaming doors slamming and babies crying.  It is really quite errie
to hear this phenomena knowing it was going on while we were there but was inaudible to the
human ear.  We have caught many apparitions on film and have, in a sense, developed a
relationship with the restless entities in the building.  Being a hospital, it had a lot of deaths.
That makes this place a sort of Disneyland of spirits, ghost activity and phenomena.

There are times when you enter a floor of this 6-story place and you become very nauseous,
dizzy and disoriented.  We believe that it is the spirits who invoke these feelings within us.
The other ways they make their presence known are sudden cold spots of air, a suffocating
“heavy” feeling or sometime they even touch you.  (I have had ghosts stroke my hair, before).
At times they omit a fragrance in the air similar to sweet grass, flowers or even the foul smell of death.

The scariest experience is the infamous 5th floor.  There is a negative energy on this floor that literally
chased me and a friend out of the building one evening.  This energy is pretty strong and would make
any grown person jump up and leave.  It’s hard to explain, but a “doomed” feeling sweeps over you
and you just can’t shake it.  It’ll make you sick and want to get as far away as possible.  We call this
entity “Mr. Nasty” and he preys on woman, especially those with fears and insecurities.

Last weekend, we sat in a room on this 5th floor that is known to be very active with ghost activity.
We got out a message board to try another form of communication with the entities.
(A message board is similar to an Ouiji board only in the manner and technique of which it is used).

We placed our hands on the indicator piece and watched it slide around and spell out the word “HI” to us.
That evening there were rocks and pebbles thrown (in light play) by “something” we couldn’t see.  It threw
these pebbles at the same member pretty much all night.  So we asked the spirit board if the person saying
“HI” was responsible for the pebbles that were being thrown.  The board didn’t move as all of us sat and
watched in anticipation.  The room was silent, although full of people, when we all heard a man’s voice
give a firm “NO!” from what seemed to be the next room.  It was certainly NOT any of us!

Unfortunately the recorder was not running during that experiment and so it is not considered evidence
although everyone in the room heard it.  It felt as though the spirit was right there with us and the sternness
in his voice was that of anger.  Was he mad that we didn’t know who was throwing the rocks?
Or was it because we accused him of it?  It was most definitely an odd moment of communication with a ghost.

At that time it was nearly 3am and due to the 2-hour drive I faced,
I decided to pack it up and call it a night.  And so we left.

I hope you found this to be informative, interesting and entertaining.
The next article I will tell you of the results of a séance we did and
of other strange occurrences during our many visits.

Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions, suggestions or comments.
I would love to hear from you!  I can be reached at:


Until the next KarmiKConnection…………………..


Teri has invited me (and my night-vision camcorder) to a ghost-chasing.

Should be a fun read!

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