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Greg Palast
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"It is genuinely incredible. The U.S. Treasury
is empty, we are losing that stupid, fraudulent
chickencrap war in Iraq, and every
country in the world except a handful of corrupt Brits
despises us. We are losers, and that
is the one unforgivable sin in America.
Big darkness, soon come. Take my word
for it."
-- Hunter S Thompson, Attribution
Delay, House Majority Leader,
visit Israel, Jordan and Iraq.
"At a safe remove from the danger, some are
now trying to cast doubt upon the decision to liberate Iraq.
The ability to criticize is one of
the great strengths of our democracy. But those who do so have an obligation
to answer this question: How could
any responsible leader have ignored the Iraqi threat?"
-- Whistle Dick Cheney, snarling
at anyone who's not with the B.F.E.E. Attribution
What threat?
Iraq was going to fire rocket-propelled grenades at New York
from Baghdad?
You said America had to invade because of what Saddam
do in the future.
Also, if Saddam was Hitler reborn, why did YOU do business with
him, you sick bastard?
Your invasion was partly justified on the basis of Saddam gassing
his own people, but you
did business with him AFTER that, so why have that in your justification?
You made Saddam stronger when you did $23M worth of business with
him at Halliburton.
You had your pet chimp to lie about Baghdad, you sick bastard.
How many barrels of Iraqi crude are you stealing per day, Whistle
Tax Cheats Wreak Havoc On The Neediest Among Us
by Arianna Huffington
All across corporate America, high-priced
accountants are hard at work helping companies avoid billions in taxes
by hiding profits in a host of tax sheltering
schemes. No summer vacation at the beach reading trashy actuarial tables
for these guys. And they're doing a bang-up
job: Corporations are currently turning over 30 percent less of their
profits to the taxman than they did 20
years ago.
Meanwhile, all across the country, state
governments, facing the biggest budget crisis since the Great Depression,
are being forced to slash programs and
cut services.
Gee, do you think there might be a connection?
You can bet your vanishing after-school
care, prenatal health program, and local law enforcement service there
Subject: RE: Your Defense of Private Lynch
I love it when you defend the military.
I am a loyal, liberal democrat and I still
believe not enough of us defend the military.
It's nice to see a Republican-hater like
you defend the military, and especially private Lynch.
It proves to the right that a man or woman
ca be liberal and still also support those who are
willing to risk their lives to protect
those of us who are "risk averse".
However, not taking anything away from what
she had done and what was done to her,
the overblown exposition of the "rescue"
and the flat out lies that at some point some of those
soldiers engaged in hand to hand combat
really do make me think I cannot trust those who run
the military to tell me the truth about
what that military does to protect my ass from invasion.
You're right - the lies about her rescue should be attacked.
Also, I changed your "the" to "those" because I think
that's what you meant.
We have a reader with a nephew in Iraq who took a bayonet in
the shoulder,
and that's about as hand-to-hand as combat can get.
"With more and more questions about the Bush
administration rationale for going to war, its hard
not to look at the Jessica Lynch saga
with a cynical eye. Was she really a war hero... Or just in a
really bad episode of "Punk'd"? One
thing is for sure: Jessica witnessed terrible scenes of poverty
and religious fanaticism. And that
was just on the way from the airport to her house. Let me add,
because some people attempt to purposefully
distort things, that any 19 year old who joins the Army
instead of trying to get into the MTV
Beachhouse"(or American Idol) is heroic from the gitgo. It's not
her fault that she's used as publicity
pawn by spin doctors in the administration, any more than I'd
blame the aircraft carrier for hosting
another Bush photo op."
--Bill Maher
Subject: assassinations
I'm so old I remember when political assassinations
were carried out covertly by the CIA
because they knew the American public would
be shocked and disapproving. Mainstream
America would have preferred, oh, I don't
know, ..., a trial and sentencing or something.
Now we're stuck in a loop of never-ending
Clint Eastwood movies, with the cheering
from the crowd almost drowning out the
Please, Koresh ... let us back on the other side of the looking glass!
Pam G
Here's why the economy turned: The dot-com
bubble burst. (Obviously on the orders of Gray Davis.)
The airline industry collapsed. (Just as
Gray Davis planned.) We fought two wars. (Playing right into Gray Davis'
And Dick Cheney's friends at Enron "gamed"
the energy market and ripped off the state for billions.
So you can see the problem: Gray Davis.
And the obvious solution: A Viennese
weightlifter. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Finally, a candidate
who can explain the Bush administration's
positions on civil liberties in the original German.
But there are still a lot of Democrats with
sour grapes over the last presidential election,
and they're not collecting petitions to
replace George Bush with Bernie Mac.
Lake Placid
by Midnight Warner
Subject: lying fascist bastards
I can not stand it any more.
Have been reading your web site for several
days now and am glad someone has the guts to stand up.
All of this discussion about W.M.D.'s is
exposing the vast fraud and lies of these fascist's.
That is what they are and it is very evident
by their ACTIONS. I look at what a person does, not what he
Bush says one thing and turns around and
does another.
He has crossed the line into a delusional
world where I believe he actually believes his own lies.
Bart, I beg of you and your readers to
expose this fraud and you only need one man, ONE MAN!!!
This pitiful excuse for a human being in
washington does not give a damn or care about human life.
The worst threat to our national security
is George W. Bush and DICK HEAD Cheney, I believe mainly cheney.
I believe with all my heart this fascist
takeover can be traced to an exact point and time, November 22,1963.
The president of the U.S. was murdered
right in front of our face on film I believe by the very same forces in
power today.
Jefferson said, "you will need a good little
revolution every 20 years". And to dissent is patriotic.
Tar and feathers is to good for anyone
associated with fox news.
now I will become one of your members.
Woody W.
Subject: Dead men tell no tales
Seeing those bloody pictures of Ootie and
Cootie on the tube yesterday, kinda reminded me of
the Old West practice of distributing graphic
photos of outlaws killed in shoot outs, as a form of
morbid entertainment. It's good to
see that our society has evolved so much since those lawless days.
I wonder if Dubya has plans to stuff and
mount the heads of the Hussein boys, like hunting trophies.
He could hang one on the wall of the old
White House, and the other could decorate his bedroom
at the "Western White House" in Crawford,
Tx. That reminds me, isn't it about time for Der Fueler
to take another one of his hard-earned
month-long vacations?
R Lewis
Pickles will hang the heads in their bedroom because nothing gives
Bush a woodie like killing a dark-skinned man who once had oil.
Computer Voting Is Open to Easy Fraud, Experts Say
The software that runs many high-tech voting
machines contains serious flaws that would
allow voters to cast extra votes and permit
poll workers to alter ballots without being detected,
computer security researchers said yesterday.
"We found some stunning, stunning flaws," said
Aviel D. Rubin, technical director of the Information
Security Institute at Johns Hopkins University,
who led a team that examined the software from
Diebold Election Systems, which
has about 33,000 voting machines operating in the United States.
Peter G. Neumann, an expert in computer
security at SRI International, said the Diebold code
was "just the tip of the iceberg" of problems
with electronic voting systems.
"This is an iceberg that needs to be hacked at a good bit," Mr. Neumann said, "so this is a step forward."
E! page
Fresh BAGnews
'The West Wing' has a new writing team
Merle Haggard's speaking up
Shania Twain is a Cubs fan
'Friends' spin-off is 'Joey' with Matt LeBlanc
Investigations into Clear Channel?
Drew Carey shilling Mickey Mouse
Confessions of a cad
And, a cup of poodle
Subject: Good News, Bart!
Bart--he should be home by the end of the
week! :-)
That was from Joe B in Los Angeles, whose nephew, Jon, is
a medic in Iraq.
Jon took a shot in the kevlar and a bayonet in the shoulder while
helping a downed soldier.
Joe, when Jon gets his Purple Heart, can I run a picture of it?
Click Don Ricklesfeld to visit fauxnewschannel.com
To whomever wrote those kind words about
Buddy ...thanks...
...here's some more thoughts you might
Have a question or a comment?
Email Bart bartcop@bartcop.com
Subject: Saddam's sons
Hey Bart
Do you think that killing Saddam's sons
was as stupid as I do?
Especially in a fashion that reminds too
much of Waco
(Koresh rest their souls, the Branch Davidians,
that is)
Those sick bastards probably needed dying,
but it's sad to see Republicans and the whore media
dancing and prancing around like the Munckins
singing, "Ding dong, the Wicked With is
If there was anyone who knew most of Sadam's
secrets, wouldn't it have been his two sons?
They might have been impossible to turn
but I bet a 14 year old could have been talked into
revealing a lot. And he is said to have
gone everywhere with his Dad.
Or did Bush off them because they knew the régime's secrets?
Our boys would've shown those two a whole
new world of torture they never knew existed.
They knew that, too, so no way they were
going to be taken alive.
Please visit our sponsors
There were no spoons
I made myself a ham and provalone sandwich Thursday night.
Sandwich is named after the Earl of Sandwich
who was too busy
playing poker to eat,
so he ordered trays of meat served between
slices of bread so as not to dirty the cards.
Also, "The buck stops here."
Harry Truman wrote that, but do you know
what it means?
"The buck" is a white puck used in poker
games to designate the dealer.
The dealer, ...the anchorman, the Dude
in charge of the game of poker.
I looked for a spoon to dob some Ranch Dressing on my ham-prov.
I looked in the silverware draw - and it was empty.
...I asked Mrs Bart why the silverware drawer was empty, and she
said it was empty because back in 1991
I was in a bad mood and asked her why there were no clean shot
glasses and she quit doing the dishes that day
in protest to see how long it would take me to notice.
Twelve years later it finally caught up to me.
"I answered the doorbell, and there they were,
right in front of my face ... this is a disaster for me."
--Nawaf Zaidan Nasiri, telling the
Washington Whore Post about the day he opened his home and saw
Ootie and Kootie,
told him they were moving in to hide from U.S. troops,
BTW, Marty's E! Page turns TWO tomorrow!
So now the United States has trapped itself
in a quagmire in Iraq, and the end game is not clear.
When Arabs in Lebanon blew up a Marine
barracks, Reagan withdrew our forces. But Texans
don't run away, so that option is not available.
We might finally decide to turn the whole game
over to the United Nations, but that would
involve national humiliation.
So we will be trapped in the quagmire indefinitely
as the president's approval rating plummets.
What will the administration do? My guess
is that it will turn mean--though that will only make
matters worse. The soldiers from the 3rd
Division who complained to ABC News are under
threat of punishment. The ABC reporter
is dismissed as a homosexual Canadian. These punitive
actions are likely to be only the beginning.
The ultimate unintended consequences could be a police state.
Smirk is the Tip Off
saw it on smirkingchimp.com
The real issue is: Why didn't he know?
We're not talking about fudging answers
about sex in the Oval Office. This was about war, about
military peoples' lives and the lives of
thousands of innocents. This was about the honor of the USA,
Colin Powell personally vetted his speech
before the UN. He dumped many questionable assertions
the administration's speechwriters wanted
him to say. (He also retained some that have since been found to be untrue.)
Bush ducked that responsibility. He didn't
think it was important to present an honest case.
He'd already decided to attack Iraq. This
was just the sales pitch, the con job.
Now he's blaming other people for what
came out of his mouth.
Hey Bart,
This may be the greatest art T-shirt design,
and wish I could tell you who the artist was.
This design was on the chest of the bartender
yesterday (male!), on the shores of Lac Léman,
Switzerland (Geneva) and when asked, he
said he'd bought it at the anti-G8 rallies in early June
... I know, a longgg time ago! ;-)
It speaks for itself: I wish and if someone
knows the creator, I'm sure he/she could sell a lot
more shirts through you. Copyright
does have a purpose, but the attribution is 'Anon.'
Subject: Kobe
Also, as I was thinking about it, having
sex with another woman when you're married
with a six month old child is pretty scummy
don't you think? Wouldn't this count as
something "bad" to say about Kobe?
From what I understand when the charge was
first made he lied about it
and then later said they had sex. Doesn't
that go to his credibility?
Sam Dent
Sam, "pretty scummy?" Yes, but I'm convinced most men cheat
on their wives.
I would put the figure as high as 75 percent, so you could amend
that statement
to say, "Most men are pretty scummy,"
when it comes to keeping their marriage vows.
Also, remember what Chris Rock said: "Men
are as faithful as their options."
After a typical NBA game, dozens of women are at the clubhouse
door offering to have
whatever sex with these players. I've never cheated on Mrs Bart,
but to be honest, I don't
have playmate-caliber women throwing themselves at me constantly.
The reason I didn't mention it is because everyone already knows he cheated on her.
When the rape charge was first made public, Kobe said to
"C'mon, you know me - you know me better
than that. You shouldn't even have to ask."
He was denying the rape, not the affair.
In another e-mail you sent, you seemed to recoil from the report
that Kobe's accuser tried to
kill herself with pills a month before making her accusation.
You don't think that's relevant?
In a he said-she said case, if one of them is having mental stability
problems, I think
most people would agree that it turns the 50-50 into a different
Maybe it's the regular slew of lies. You
know the ones: "proof" of uranium purchases, "proof" of Iraqi
nuke facilities, "proof" of WMDs, poison
gas, plus two quick and "painless" wars, a robust economy,
women's rights, gay rights, America proud
and strong and respected the world over, a nice shiny
oil-sucking SUV for every flag-waving misguided
Fox News-drugged American. Ha.
Funny how the BS can wear you down.
How stupid
is the governor?
He doesn't
even have the brains to know
not supposed to desecrate the flag.
Lance is a minute ahead!
There's also tons of baseball.
Check out BartCopSports!
And hey, drop Steve a line!
Get involved, send in your opinions.
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"What would you people who wanted us to go
into Kosovo and Bosnia for humanitarian
reasons and to stop ethnic cleansing
call what was going on in Iraq?"
--Rush Limbaugh
But Pigboy, we didn't lose ANY soldiers when Clinton went into
Kosovo and Bosnia.
Why can't you flag-waving yahoos understand that there's a big
difference between zero dead and 238 dead.
Also, when nobody died in Kosovo you fucking complained
about it.
Somewhere, I have the audio of you complaining that no Americans
were dying.
You said, "If it's worth fighting for,
it's worth dying for, and none of our
people are dying - so what are we doing
You would have given the hand you don't jack off with for some
dead soldiers back then.
Well, you stupid, ignorant son of a bitch - you got your wish.
Letter to the Editor
Powell is consistent
Colin Powell lied and covered up the well-documented
My lai massacre in Vietnam.
Now he is lying to cover up forged evidence
that was used to justify the murder and
armed robbery of Iraq. At least he
is consistent.
My little ne'er-do-well buddy in the Tulsa World
Subject: Randy Weaver
He's still alive.
You might want to change that part of your
post to 'Randy Weaver's wife"
--although there are probably people who
would blame Bill for killing someone who's still alive.
ha ha
I have made the necessary changes.
This is what happens when a not-too-bright guy goes too fast.
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American soldier body count in Iraq
It now stands at 238.
Note: Believe this figure.
It's from http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
Thanks to Kent Bye, who is a great filmmaker.
Call the
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Have a good time today - that's an order.
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Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2003, bartcop.com
Super Shirley
Shirley - call The
BartPhone, just to say "Hi!"
Maybe leave a two-minute message...
I'll play it for your fans at bartcop.com
Maybe say some nasty things about fascist monkey called Bush.
Shirley, as far as I know, our politics are identical.
Bush is
a horrid madman and a savage killer.
He's a
stupid criminal and a greedy, blood-loving bastard.
Plus, leave an e-mail address and I'll make you a BartCop Member - for free!
Call the Bart-Phone at 918-493-1500
That would be really cool, and we'll catch you at the Vegas Hard
Rock on your next American tour.
bartcop.com and BartCop are trademarks of quality
Same for "ditto-monkey," "scum-sucking Republican bastards" and
Gov Bush (R-Racist monkey)