Subject: The Coal Spill

I was so bored Tuesday I tuned in your pal Rush for a few minutes.
He was laughing with absolute glee that thousands of animals were dying due
to the oil tanker sinking off Spain. He then started pondering on how many
animals had died due to oil leaks from the Titanic after it sank and why nobody
worried about such trivial matters back then in the Golden Age of shipping.

After a commercial break he came back on to annouce that his e-mail was
going nuts from people informing him the Titanic ran on coal. Ever the spinner
and not admitting he is a moron, Rush then asked how many animals died from
the coal that leaked into the sea.

I'm no rocket scientist but I'd bet water doesn't melt coal.

Rude Rich

Subject: The further adventures of Stinking Pigboy


I can't believe this. Rush is ranting about the size of the vehicles that the inspection teams
are going to be using in Iraq, he says they are much to small (and efficient I suppose).

This guy is truly a product of the privileged aristocracy, he needs to define importance and
stature (not to mention his manhood I guess) by the size of the f*ing car that you drive!

What an impotent, juvenile putz. Don't most people grow out of such attitudes?
Is it just me, or is this big idiot one of the most out of touch, phony bastards ever?

Yes, he's an evil bastard.
He has sex with goats, too

How stupid do ditto heads have to be to follow this morons line of bullshit?
He is also doubting the loyalty of several republican senators (to the party)
because they are questioning parts of the Home Security bill.

What about loyalty to the Constitution!!
I have to change the radio station now, this guy is making me crazy.

Dennis in STL

Subject: Who will challenge Bush in 2004?

Maybe the only hope is a challenge from the right. A coalition of:
1. Civil libertarians fed up with the big government police state.
2. Fiscal conservatives fed up with supply-side deficits.
3. Elite dissatisfied with the economic performance of their portfolios.
4. Reformers against government corrupted by corporate donations.

In other words, people like H. Ross Perot, McCain, Warren Buffett and Jesse Ventura.
Perhaps even a Green or two, because conservation used to be a conservative banner,
back in the Teddy Roosevelt days.

A challenge from the left? What left? No guts, no media outlets, endless discrediting by
the corporate media, liberals are completely marginalized.  Ersatz opposition. Their hearts
aren't in it, but don't say that to the Earth Firsters.

The only hope with have right now of denying Bush a second term isn't coming from
a vital left, the right will have to schism, a la Perot in 88-92.


 Subject: Trent the helmethead

"I've found people to be pretty upbeat and very generous and kind,
 even when they don't agree with everything I say," Lott, R-Mississippi, said.

 Of course, Mr. Lott fails to mention that the people who disagree with him are
 the polite Democrats, rather than the rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth Republicans
 that we have to deal with. So of course he's only had to deal with kind and
 generous people. That's what makes them Democrats.


Subject: Kennedy on Bork


Ted Kennedy delivered this speech on the Senate floor just a few hours after
Ronald Reagan nominated Robert Bork for the Supreme Court in July 1987.

"Robert Bork's America," Kennedy warned, "is a land in which women would be
forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters,
rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could
not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of
government, and the doors of the federal courts would be shut on the fingers of
millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is--and is often the only--protector of
the individual rights that are at the heart of our democracy."

It appears they didn't need Robert Bork.

Brad Orman

 Subject: Are Dems afraid of assassination?

 Dear Bartcop

 After Kennedy, King, Kennedy, Kennedy, Carnahan, 9/11, John O'Neill, anthrax (sent to Democrats),
 Wellstone, can Democratic timidity be blamed on a fear of being assassinated? Maybe the Dem leadership
 have secretly received the equivalent of the Black Hand Note, the Sicilian Mafia's deadly warning to
 uncooperative subjects. It makes some sense when you consider the totality of the Dem's timidity.

 I could understand the occurrence SOME percentage of cave-ins, but this wholesale shit reeks of something
 more sinister than an unbelievable level of universal skittishness. I mean, the one guy who stood up and hollered
 about the injustices of the BFEE is blown outta the sky just days before a critical election? Sounds fishy to me.

 Now we have Nancy Pelosi "standing shoulder-to-shoulder" with Bush on war in Iraq. She used to be a
 firebrand, but now she's Bush's gun moll. Add to this the immediate condemnation (from both the Right AND
 the Left) as a "Conspiracy Nut" anyone who even suggests such a scenario, and all bases are covered for a nice,
 quiet, compliant Democratic non-opposition, and the sustainable containment of just such a blanket death threat.

 Either that, or every single Democratic politician still alive wears a pink tutu and thinks the bully W is "best of the best."



Subject: My blood is boiling!


When I first read the story about the Double-Secret Court of Appeals that granted Ashcroft the power to
violate our rights against illegal searches and seizures in the form of wiretaps and e-mail snooping, I was pissed.
Then I read your trenchant analysis of this tragic story, and it prompted me to think again.  When I read the story
a second time, I noticed something I missed the first time around.  You might have missed it too.  The court's
decision read in part, "We think the procedures and government showings required under FISA, if they do not
meet the minimum Fourth Amendment warrant standards, certainly come close."

Come CLOSE?!  Since when is the protection of Constitutional rights a fucking game of horseshoes?!

I guess I initally thought that the wingnut judges--appointed by none other than William Renquist (R-Racist)
--had somehow found that Ashcroft's warrentless snooping was Constitutional.  That's why I was pissed.

But instead, what they decided was that the USA Patriot Act comes close to not violating our rights!
That is what made my blood boil!  What the hell kind of decision is that, particularly coming from so-called
"strict constructionists"?!  These are the same Federalist Society idiots who keep talking about the sanctity
of original intent, and now they turn around and say, in effect, "Well, this bill ALMOST meets the Fourth
Amendment standards against illegal searches and seizures.  Good enough for government work, boys!
Let's call it a day."  The Founders are spinning in their graves, and my head is about to explode.

Not only that, but since the gub'ment was the only party to the double-secret court procedings, the ruling
cannot be appealed.  Bart, I am fucking livid!  Every patriotic American should be enraged over this decision.
These judges brazenly violated their oaths of office, and I think they have commiting treason against the
United States of America.  They've done more damage to this country than that John Walker Lind kid
ever could.  And you know what the worst part is? Ol' Smirky wants to appoint a bunch more of 'em to
help him convert our Republic into an Empire!  Koresh save us all!

Tom from Detroit

Subject: monkey mail why Gore lost Tennessee

Hello Bartcop.  You are most excellent, thank you.

I moved to Tennessee from New Mexico in September 2000.  We registered to
vote here immediately and of course voted for Al Gore.  I hadn't been here
long enough to foresee that he might lose this state.

In your response to your reader's mail today you state that Gore probably
lost Tennessee because it is backward and racist.  Well, say what you will
about us here (Oklahoma man!) a reality is that Al Gore was smeared in
this state.  You certainly know that his father was a long-time Democratic
senator, fairly and consistently elected right here in the Volunteer state.

I live in Oak Ridge, TN, and my next door neighbor is our Al Gore's godfather.
He knew Al Gore Sr. for many years, and was himself a prominent Democrat in
Tennessee.  He is my friend, and explained to me (I trust his insights) that the NRA,
anti-tax organizations, and right to lifers poured millions into this state in 2000.
(I wasn't here long enough to really see it in action, but my husband saw several
billboards while driving around the Nashville area in Fall of 2000 that read
"He's not our Al Gore. Tennesseans for fair taxation")

I understand how easily Southern states can be dismissed, and also understand
how in some ways Tennessee deserves a red-necky reputation. However, it is
important to acknowledge propaganda and disinformation  and how powerful
they can be.  You are always wielding the hammer, I love your
site, and wanted to clue you in on what I know about this one.

Thanks Bartcop.


ps - we have a democratic governor here now. . .. yee-hah!!

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