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"You know, let me let me talk about al Qaeda
just for a second. I -- I made the statement that we're
dismantling senior management, and
we are. Our people have done a really good job of hauling in
a lot of the key operators: Khalid
Sheik Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah, Ramzi ahh -- Ramzi al Shibh,
or whatever the guy's name was."
Jul. 30, 2003 Attribution
Isn't it funny when it tries to think?.
names hurt my brain..."
The world's largest publicly traded oil
company said it earned $4.17 billion,
or 62 cents per share, up from $2.64 billion,
or 39 cents, a year earlier.
Revenue rose to $57.17 billion from $50.80
billion a year ago.
How can this be?
The oil companies say they're just "passing on the costs" of
Clinton's "anti-business legislation."
Our boys are dying in the desert so the oil companies can get
Profits are up $1.5 billion at Exxon-Mobile and we have - call
it 250 dead young men.
By my good Catholic math, that works out to $150,000,000 per family
"I think this is the worst government the US
has ever had in its more than 200 years of history.
It has engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible
policies not only in foreign policy and economics
but also in social and environmental
policy. This is not normal government policy. Now is the time
for (American) people to engage in
civil disobedience. I think it's time to protest - as much as possible."
-- George A. Akerlof,
US Nobel
Laureate Slams Bush Gov't as "Worst"
this guy, cut his tongue out, shoot him in the head,
kidnap his daughtrers and bring his wife to me on the double.
I'll give her some justice Texas-style..."
A promoter who offered to take men on "Hunting
for Bambi" safaris in which they could
hunt down naked young women with paintball
guns admits that it was a hoax and now
faces misdemeanor charges, the mayor said
Friday. Burdick found himself in the crosshairs
of women's groups after he told a Las Vegas
TV station that he was selling reservations to
men willing to pay $5,000 to $10,000 to
hunt down naked women in the desert. .
(Of course, it's just the kind of thing
the godless liberals would do, they said.)
Even tho talk radio declared this "the ourage
of the century," I didn't run it because the
numbers didn't add up. They said
the girls got between $1000 and $2500 to run around
naked in the 114 degree Vegas heat while
toothless perverts shot at them with paintballs
that traveled at speeds of 1200 MPH.
I'm no gun expert, but I think a 1200 MPH
paint ball could kill you. Plus, they said after
the "kill," the men would drag the women
their hair* back to the starting point.
But if you're a semi-attractive girl, you
can make $2500 in Vegas without getting shot
or dragged by your hair in the 114 degree
heat. Plus, if you're a guy in Vegas with
$5000 or $10,000, there are lots more fun
things you can do than shot gals with paint.
But at least it gave the Nazi blowhards
another wild charge to accuse Clinton of.
After all, had he not messed with Monica,
we'd still be the "moral nation" we were
when Red Ink Reagan was selling weapons
and hostages to the Iranians.
Poppy Bush, Bechtel Group,
George Schultz, Adnon Khashoggi,
Halliburton, Saddam, ABC,
The Carlyle Group, Donald Rumsfeld
Lee Hamilton, Hezzbollah, CBS,
Kennyboy Lay, Adolph Hitler
Manuel Noriega, The Oakland Crips, NBC,
Osama, Eugene Hassenfus
Oliver North, Fox News, Brown & Root,
Prescott Bush, Union Bank
John Poindexter, Dr Pepper/Seven Up,
Dick Cheney, Air Cargo Inc
James Baker, Clear Channel,
The RNC, Reinhard Gehlen, KorAm Bank,
The Wylie Brothers, Herbert Walker,
Merrill Lynch, MBNA Corp,
Enron's Board of Directors, Enterprise Rent-A-Car,
Credit Suisse First Boston
...and so many more
These are the people and companies who profit when
the Unelected Fool fabricates reasons to go to war.
all enemies, foreign and domestic...
by James Higdon
"In a national election - for congressmen and
presidents. The world is divided according
to two types of people - leaders and followers.
It doesn't make any sense for the followers
to be able to vote. They're followers
for a reason. Only people who are employed as
managers ought to be able to vote."
Mick Rasley
...had the courage to put money up when nobody else would
Please visit our sponsors
Someone made a claim...
(That's what I'll type in
the search engine if/when it happens)
be Told
I don't know if this is real or just wild claims, but I thought
it'd be smart to document the claims in case they come true
4. Russia told Hussein one month before
the war to remove all WMD to Syria and told Hussein
to make many tapes to be played after.
Iraq transported all the WMDs to Syria to be buried in
Beka Valley in Lebanon. They
did it at night so as not to be detected by Israeli or US satellites.
It didn’t help. The satellites were able
to detect where soil had been disturbed and put back so
the exact location is known. It will
come out during elections in the US. Debka first called it.
A US department of energy panel of experts
which provided independent oversight of the development
of the US nuclear arsenal has been quietly
disbanded by the Bush administration, it emerged yesterday.
The decision to close down the national
nuclear security administration advisory committee - required by law
to hold public hearings and issue public
reports on nuclear weapons issues - has come just days before a
closed-door meeting at a US air force base
in Nebraska to discuss the development of a new generation of
tactical "mini nukes" and "bunker buster"
bombs, as well as an eventual resumption of nuclear testing.
That's what we need - more nukes.
He wasn't elected, so how can he re-write
so many laws that make his friends rich?
"Condi Rice is an honest and fabulous person.
America is lucky to have her service.
-- President (sic) Pinhead, rpoud he found a sellout
to join the team
This is how the monkey thinks:
Anyone who has had an oil tanker named after them is "good people."
And if we're "lucky," why didn't Condi tell the truth about those
wild "yellowcake" claims?
And if we're "lucky," why did she blame the CIA, then the Brits
for her on-the-job lies?
From: Paul in Austin
Subject: Dying from 'Illness' and 'Possible Suicides' and 'Accidents'
First of all, what type of illness are
so many of these young, fit, military people dieing from?
I would bet in most cases that it would
be heat stroke and that means that these guys aren't
even getting the benefit of having either
water or decent supervision.
The possible suicide cases really bother
me. These poor souls knew that they'd been sold
down a river by the Chimp in command and
his band of idiot thieves.
With a wild, but very possible follow up.
put GI loss of life in Iraq in a statistical context
We can lose hundreds more ans still
have good statistical context, no problem
Russia lost well over 3,000 dead every
day in World War II.
Traffic accidents kill 116 people every
day in America..
You see, America?
Just shut the hell up about all the dead
soldiers and thank your lucky stars that God sent Bush
to use his infinite wisdom to smite those
that God told him need smiting, no matter how many brave men die.
"I'm optimistic about the future and I believe
you'll see more jobs created,
and that's going to be good for the
--the SOB who's going on ANOTHER month-long vacation
starting tomorrow.
George, you say, we'll see "more jobs."
How many "more jobs" would that be? 400?
We've lost million of jobs because you said the super rich
weren't rich enough,
and now you're promising "more jobs" will be created in the future?
Your daddy tried this same crap and the voters fired him the first chance they got.
Subject: pre-emptive strikes
How does our invasion of Iraq differ from the bombing of Pearl Harbor?
They attacked a military base and we attacked a civilian population.
Pam G
"With regret, those my father trusted, whom
he had put his absolute confidence in and whom he
had considered on his side — as I understood
from the newspapers — betrayed him."
-- Raghad (swear to Koresh) Hussein, Saddam's
daughter, on why Baghdad fell so quickly
Hey lady, he executed anyone who told him bad news.
BTW, have you ordered your Baghdad Bob DVD yet?
Executive Order 13303, issued on May 22,
2003, claims to be essential to Iraqi reconstruction efforts.
A cursory reading of the Order indicates
that its real purpose is to protect oil companies by giving virtual
impunity for any activities undertaken
relating to Iraqi oil. Under this Order, an oil company complicit
human rights violations, or one that causes
environmental damage, would be immune from lawsuits.
The language of the Executive Order is
so broad that it might as well have been written by lawyers
for Halliburton, ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco.
If I read this right, that means any oil
executive can order his extra pretty secretary who is assisting
him with his Iraqi oil skimming to give
him oral sex right now and accept her promotion - or she can resign,
and he's immune from any lawsuit over it?
President Pinhead is a dream come true for these oil bastards.
Subject: Uday and Cousay...?
Who knew they spoke pig Latin in Iraq????
Pam G
ha ha
Pam, I need you on my writing staff...
and the Saudis, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g
by Greg Palast gregpalast.com
Well, well, well. President George was
in one hell of bind this week when it turned out
that that Saudi Arabia funded Al Qaeda,
not Iraq. Realizing we'd invaded the wrong country,
Bush did the honorable thing: he's come
out against gay marriages.
Sam Dent has agreed to help wrangle subscribers who haven't gotten passwords.
If you are a subscriber who can't get in, or you have sent a snail
mail donation in the past,
write to Sam and tell her if you subscribed by 2Checkout,
PayPal or snail mail.
She has my phone number - she can call and get you a login and
password right away.
I got some feedback on
Show 9-3.
Someone suggested this would be a good clip to excerpt:
Click Here to listen to four minutes of BartCop Radio 9-3
As always, it contains a language warning level of red.
Students and teachers
If your e-mail address ends with .edu you can get members priviliges for just $5 a month.
Is bartcop.com membership worth $5
a month when you're on a tight student budget?
I wonder how we could police an A.A.R.P. discount, too?
The Social Security and "fixed income" people might like
We old folks speak the same language.
1, 1943
big day in World War II for Democrats
In a little noticed incident in the Solomon
Islands, a small patrol boat on picket duty is
reported lost and probably sunk. The boat
was PT-109 commanded by Lt. John F. Kennedy.
Later it would be learned that the boat
was cut in half by the Japanese destroyer Arnagiri.
Kennedy pulled most of the crew from the
burning wreck and managed to keep the men going
until they were rescued 8 days later.
Sixty years later after JFK showed extraordinary bravery under
enemy fire,
America would be forced to endure an appointed
deserter as president,
a man whose stupidity was only exceeded by his selfish greed.
Certainly Tom DeLay knew (that
Gingrich was having an affair) and I think
members of the House Republican
Caucus knew, too, because Callista Bisek
was a Republican staffer. She worked for one of the House committees.
That’s how Newt met her. So everybody knew,
and they were willing to sort of countenance this, let this go by.
A great moralist like Tom DeLay didn't
care that his leader was having this illicit affair right, you know, on
the Hill.
And so I do think it has to do with power.
I think it has a lot to do with their will to achieve power.
Where was Bill Bennett? Does anybody believe
that Bill Bennett didn't know about Newt Gingrich?
I don't. I don't. And if he said he didn't
know, he’s a liar. If Bill Bennett said, "I never knew this about Newt
until it came out in the Washington Post
in 1999," I'm telling you right now he’s lying.
E! page
Fresh BAGnews
Mike Ditka is the new face of impotence
The Wright Brothers carved in butter
Tasmanian Devils are dying
Fleetwood Mac extended their tour
Genetically engineered poplar trees
A new dance record for the Guiness Book
And, the Smithsonian has been exhibiting a fake bar of gold
"F" Bob Hope
(This is from a formally sane guy.
I guess the alcohol has finally taken
Fart Plop,
FYI, Bob Hope was booed in Da Nang, as well
as some of his other stops during
this country's last cruise through a Quagmire,
dipwad. You're too damn full of yourself
to KNOW anything, just like our precious
little prince pretzelbreath you go with your gut, huh?
But I gotta admit, sometimes you're pretty good for a pathetic egomaniacal Shirley Manson stalker anyway.
Excelsior, Rev Dave
And here's the redacted stuff from the first
missive you ignored (you really need a history lesson,
your celebrity worship is misplaced with
Bob Hope-you may as well be clebrating Nixon, ya damn foo'):
> WoooHooooo USA! USA! We're #1! Remember My Lai! Wounded Knee! Sand Creek!
> And remember those poor Canadians who were bombed
to kingdom come by the amphetamine-crazed
> killers of the United States armed forces.
Support those troops, indeed. Bring 'em home to 'murika where
> they can go berserk and shoot up their schools,
neighborhoods and workplaces, that's what I say.
> We're #1 in that kinda stuff too, and don't
you forget it. (Hey, here's an idea. Let's get us a used
> Chevy Caprice and cut a hole in the trunk and
then... oh nevermind)
Yes, little bartie-boy, to quote the late
great Frank Zappa:
You're an asshole, you're an asshole, you're
an asshole.
Dude, my crimes are respecting Bob Hope, who might have been the
decent Republican, supporting our military and liking Shirley
What happened?
You used to be a good guy...
Have a question or a comment?
Email Bart bartcop@bartcop.com
Petaluma, I miss you
"George W. Bush is the son of privilege who
can screw up as much as he wants,
and he still gets to go to Yale. And
he still gets the easy job. And he still makes
the easy money. And there is always
somebody there to open the limousine door.
That’s it. That’s not complicated. Everyone
knows that’s how it works."
--Smoking Joe Conason in the Buzzflash,com interview
The Kobe Bryant page is up.
Go to BartCop Sports, then look on the right for the link.
Davis Recall page is up.
We still need a Scott Peterson point person.
I know that in the dozens of people who read this page, there's
gotta be somebody who
...likes a good whodunit...
...wants their own regular column
on bartcop.com
...wants to be discovered so
he/she can write for a real web site.
...realizes that their opinions
are just as important as Nancy Grace's opinions...
...wants to become famous!
Contact us - bartcop@bartcop.com
Put something clever like "Scott Petersen" in the header
First reply gets the job.
You cartoonists out there?
I could use a hundred of these...
(with diff slogans, of course...)
Subject: Another vacation?
I just read that Monkey boy is going on
another month long vacation.
Did anyone add up his vacation days for
this year?
I think it has been 12 weeks total for
this year.
Three months out of seven off is pretty
And this did not include all the fundraisers
done on Working time.....
I get to work and not take vacation, He
gets to vacation and not work!
How out of wack can the situation get?
Chuck, my people in Washington tell me that's
the only way Bush agreed to the job.
He was content to play video games and
execute poor, black men for the next twenty years.
He only agreed to accept the presidency
and the move to Washington if it was a job he could work 24/7,
which, in Bush case, means he'll
be working twenty four hours a week, seven months a year.
Poindexter's felonious ass fired
Wait, you can be a convicted felon and traitor to America and
be put in charge of security,
but if you have a stupid idea you get fired?
Seems like your boss would have to be a crooked moron for that to happen...
the Heartland
by Richard L. Fricker
“Nowadays,” he continued,” everyone knows that
the US is the world’s biggest polluter, and that with
only 1/20th of the world’s population it
produces a quarter of its greenhouse emissions.” Well, not everyone
knows this; SenJim et al seem to have,
without any confirmable data, missed the point completely.
Sir John paints a rather grim picture of
what’s in store for the planet. Of course SenJim and his industrial
masters don’t have to worry, they’ll have
all died off when the full impact hits. These “Family Values”
guys apparently do not include their grandchildren
and great-grandchildren in the term “family.”
Perhaps they figure the little buggers
will just mutate and all will be well.
Hex on Mr Perfect enters 26th month
From Volume 500 - Swill Merchants, posted June 16, 2001
"You might as well give the 101st U.S.
Open trophy to Tiger Woods right now.
Why should any other golfer even
show up at Southern Hills in Tulsa June 11-17?"
-- Jill Lieber, USA Today sports
reporter last week.
The BartCop Hex
ha ha
Maybe some enterprising reader could give us a total of major
tourney's won
by Eldrick (above) in the two year periods before and
Hex was applied?
Subject: ditto-monkey Ken Wright
Good morning. I found your site through
and it is, to say the least, quite good.
Firstly, I will soon be using the services
of one of your advertisers, Mick Rasley.
And I most certainly will be letting him
know that "Bart sent me!".
Woo Hoo!
A sale for Mick!
I just wanted to drop you a quick note regarding
your response to a fellow named Ken Wright.
Your retort to his 'conservative ignorance'
was akin to using a flame-thrower to kill a fly.
Dude, I thought I showed restraint.
You should see me go off on some monkey when I'm in a bad mood...
These people make me want to vomit.
We're tired of our party lying down while
our government is pimped out to corporate America by the B.F.E.E.
Thank you for being a beacon of light in
the dark world of 'news' in the U.S.
Brian from New Jersey
The Kobe site is up and running.
Baseball's headed towards the "trade deadline" though not really.
Lance just won his fifth Tour, how does he stack up against the
all-time greats?
And the NFL won't hire black head coaches.
Read about it in BartCopSports!
Click to Enter
"I take personal responsibility for everything
I say - of course..."
-- The lying Pinhead, who said everyone
else was responsible for his words.
He would have gotten away with those bloody
lies except
Britain has a free press
and Tony Blair's approval numbers are just
three points higher than Ootie and Cootie
At last count, 39 percent of Brits say Blair should resign for
lying them into a war.
But the American press keeps calling Bush
"a decisive hero and a heroic commander."
face it - the only free press America has left in the world wide web.
- Sex and the City, Episode #79
"Lights, Camera, Relationship"
Sign up for 33 days of
for eleven dollars.
Snail mail $11 to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
your e-mail address
A month in the members section makes a great gift!
They can't stop us if we're subscriber-supported.
Help build
into a powerhouse.
Here to subscribe.
"Our coalition forces are taking the fight
to the enemy in
an unrelenting campaign that is bringing
daily results."
G.W. Bush press conference,
July 30, 2003
"BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 31 - Two U.S. soldiers
were killed and five were wounded
in new attacks in Iraq, U.S. officials
said Thursday, breaking a period of relative peace
that had seen no U.S. soldier reported
killed in combat in more than 48 hours."
AP Wire, reporting the daily
Daily results?
Yes, and it's more than some of us can bear...
American soldier body count in Iraq
It now stands at 247
Note: Believe this figure.
It's from http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
Total since Bush's "Bring Them On" swaggering
stupidity (7/2): 44
Total since the murders of Ootie & Cootie
(7/22): 16
Call the
You have two minutes to rant away.
From: Jeff
Subject: You are a hater
Jeff, I'm always surprised when someone introduces themslves with
a personal slur.
Do you find that gratuitous personal insults causes people to
like you more?
I read your site now and then when I need
to feel better about how the Republicans are doing.
The intensity of your shrill, desperate,
and hateful words always seem to rise when we are firing on all cylinders.
Well, let's get started:
Thank you for reading bartcop.com
I figure about 30 percent of my readers are Republicans, but
they're not all like yourself.
Too bad you didn't have time to include an example of my, "shrill,
desperate, and hateful words."
I would enjoy going over them with you.
My only concern is that with your constant
references to things like the "October Surprise" and the thoroughly
discredited story of Bush and the 14 year
old girl's abortion, you must be so out of touch with reality that your
paranoid fantasies are not an accurate
barometer of what the left is really thinking.
If you think October Surprise exists only in someone's imagination,
you are ignorant of the facts.
The Russians say it happened, the French say it happened, the
Iranians offered Clinton proof
and George Herbert Herbert Bush can't prove where he was for
2-3 days.
Also, your assertion that the "thoroughly
discredited story of Bush and the 14 year old girl's abortion,"
is documented where? Saying, "Everybody
knows Bush wouldn't do that," isn't the same as proof.
I'd enjoy seeing your proof on that.
Besides, the girl was 15. Gee, what do you think Bush
is - a pervert and child rapist?
Oh, ...I guess legally, he's both.
Its interesting that you refer to your site
as humor- there is very rarely anything funny, and most times
I feel like I need to wear a dentist's
face shield to keep the spittle from your mindless rants from hitting me.
Well, that might explain your faulty assumptions. If you think
word you read here is funny
or every word is dead serious, no wonder this all seems
so confusing to you.
This site isn't for beginners or children. This is for the trench-fighters
who've heard it all before.
It's also a humorous example of how any slow-witted Okie with
a smart mouth and a cable modem
can outwit the smartest people on your side, even when you guys
tag-team and I drink tequila.
It's not really your fault - you're just on the wrong side of
most issues.
Anyway, I am looking forward to November
2004. Since your a big fan of Vegas,
I'll bet you a bottle of Herradura
Reposado (I hear that's good stuff- I wouldn't know.
Tequila is for people with unsophisticated
ha ha
Now THOSE are fighting words.
Whoever told you Herradura Reposado
the good stuff is incorrect.
You think the Vegas Hard Rock sells $75 tequila shots because
tequila drinkers have "unsophisticated tastes?"
...that Bush gets re-elected, we pick up two Senate seats, and we get 4 more seats in the House.
Well, you'tre right - I am a gambling man, but I try to
make bets I can win.
So far, nobody on our side seems to want the damn job.
Dean and Graham have made a few small ripples, but so far they
don't really mean it.
I can't wait to see the angry, hateful spew
coming from you on November 3, 2004.
I just hope your blood pressure hasn't
gone through the roof and rendered you a vegetable by then.
Jeff, you're right about that blood pressure thing.
I get pretty mad when Bush gets our boys killed for no reason
or erases some laws so his friends can make money.
But nothing gets me madder than realizing he couldn't be doing
it if our side had some fight in them.
You know what keeps me going?
I'll bet one day, maybe far, far in the future, Bush will be
exposed for what he really is and really isn't.
And that might cause some people in the future to wax back to
just after the turn of the Millenium and say,
"What was the name of that IQ of 64 tequila
guy in Oklahoma...?
Seems like he predicted all
this, even before Bush was appointed Pro-Consol for Life.
I wonder what happened to that guy?"
Have a good time today - that's an order.
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2003, bartcop.com
Shirley - call The
BartPhone, just to say "Hi!"
Maybe leave a two-minute message...
I'll play it for your fans at bartcop.com
Maybe say some nasty things about fascist monkey called Bush.
Shirley, as far as I know, our politics are identical.
Bush is
a horrid madman and a savage killer.
He's a
stupid criminal and a greedy, blood-loving bastard.
Plus, leave an e-mail address and I'll make you a BartCop Member - for free!
Call the Bart-Phone at 918-493-1500
That would be really cool, and we'll catch you at the Vegas Hard
Rock on your next American tour.
bartcop.com and BartCop are trademarks of quality
Same for "ditto-monkey," "scum-sucking Republican bastards" and
Gov Bush (R-Racist monkey)