Shameless Media ia Laughable
  by the vulgar Pigboy
  The lack of accuracy and fairness is evident in all this reporting. It's gotten to the point
of being laughably outrageous, but I feel a little guilty, because I've chided many of you
who wanted to call the show and give examples of media bias. I've said we could do
hours of such calls without any purpose.

Rush, the media are whores, not leftist side-choosers.
They'll go with whatever horseshit is most breathless.
They're not here to elect Gore.
They're not here to report the facts.
They're here to sell air time and dead trees.
Funny, "Mr Capitalist" can't grip that simple concept.

Look how the media's talking about Algore's "strategy" for getting more votes. How can you
have a strategy when the election's over! You're just supposed to be counting the votes that
are there, not finding ways to get more! And where are the reports on these found voting
machines, chads on the floor, officials using ballots as fans, taped chads, etc? The media has
no interest in any of these stories, because the wrongdoing favors Algore.

Do you guys think you're picking up votes each time you mention the word, "chad?"
You act like you're getting paid by the chad.

Peggy Noonan wrote a fantastic op-ed piece today that echoes much of what I've said recently,
recounting how we got here and what we see. She points out that there's not a single allegation
of Republican vote fraud, and while there are several allegations about Democratic fraud,
the media ignores it.

That's because Al Gore's not fighting back.
He's trying to act like a gentleman in the roughest knife-fight of his career.
We should be screaming "Fraud!" left and right, but we're too polite.

Writes the former speechwriter for Ronaldus Magnus, "Television both reports the story of what
is happening in the vote-counting rooms and doesn't report it. There are comic pieces and sidebars:
'Amazing as it seems, Bernie, there's actually a charge that one of the Democratic counters has eaten a chad!'

I have a question: What makes Peggy Noonan so regal?
Why are her words treated like it was Reagan talking?
Oh, that's right.
It's because Reagan, like Smirk, never owned an original thought.
Reading Noonan is like listening to Reagan - he's still with you guys, right?

"But 16 days into the drama there has not been a single serious, extended and deeply reported piece
on network television investigating the charges comprehensively. No 60 Minutes, no Dateline, no 20/20.
No extended look at charges of vote tampering, no first-person interviews with eyewitnesses who saw
the Democratic operatives go after and throw out the military ballots.

Boy, you've gotten that one right.
The media are lazy whores, reporting whatever Austin faxes to them - nothing more.
They should be investigating Cheney's bad heart, Smirk's cocaine arrest, his secret children,
his AWOL status, his funny-money from the Wily Brothers, but noooooo.
That would take some effort on their part, and a whore's job is not to work.
It's to lay there and wait for the finish.

Ms. Noonan is right about all this, as I've been when I talked about these issues in the past.

ha ha
You self-important, delusions-of-godhood, lying scumbag.
What exactly have you predicted, besides a successful sunrise?

The media doesn't even try to hide their preference, anymore. They're doing the math on what
it will take for Gore to win - failing to mention that Algore has lost Florida three times already.
Yet if the tables were reversed, they would be chiding Republicans to read the writing on the wall.

So, after years of saying there's nothing more the liberal media can do to shock or surprise me,
I've been shocked and surprised by their partisan behavior during this election. To call the media
"biased" after this is an undersell. It is shameful to look at these people on any network - excluding
Fox - because they're nothing more than a cheering section for the Algore effort.

Sure, Rush.
Al Gore's been vetted, Smirk has not. We know every "skeleton" in Gore's closet,
but the press is waiting for Smirk to assume office before they destroy him.
We don't have the luxury of feeding that whore Russert his script every week.
We don't have a full-time "Smirk is the crookedest man in history" network like you have.

While the mainstream media is obsessed with whether the Republicans are bussing protestors in
to make noise about the military ballot issue, Matt Drudge is actually covering this scandal.

Why don't YOU cover it, Mr. $2,000,000 a month.
Why are YOU waiting for broke-dick Drudge to lead the charge?

Drudge has a partial list of the more than 40% of overseas ballots rejected on technicalities by
Democrats in Florida. These are names of people who were rejected on the basis of that five-page
memo the Democrats circulated to all their county chairmen - a list that explained how to reject
a military ballot, look for irregularities and throw it out.

Would Drudge's list be as accurate as his charges that Sid Blumenthal beat his wife?
Or as accurate as his charge Clinton fathered a black baby with a crack whore?
Drudge put's the "I" in "inaccurate."

I don't know where Drudge got this exclusive list,
but he has some names of people whose votes were thrown out. This is great.

ha ha
He got it from Austin, just like you did.

This is the way that the press would cover this story if it were the Republicans who employed
a strategy and issued a memo detailing that strategy to throw out the ballots of a group of
Americans that were not likely to vote for them.

The GOP doersn't want to count the votes of black Floridians, but these see legitimacy
in those undated, unsigned, un-witnessed ballots mailed weeks after the election?
Did you forget about the rule of law, Rush?


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