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"The President said two weeks ago on page one
of his budget report that we have a $455 billion deficit
at the end of next month; that's when
the end of the fiscal year terminates. The truth of the matter is,
you turn to page 57 of the report and
you'll see it's $698 billion. And he admits to a $700 billion deficit,
so you can see why the market goes
down. Everyone sees who invests that there's no reason to invest
because the interest rates are going
up and you can't carry your investments."
-- Fritz Hollings, telling the truth about America's
worst serial killer
Even though Bush has refused to make parts
of the 9-11 report public, one thing is startlingly clear:
The U.S. government had received repeated
warnings of impending attacks—and attacks using planes
directed at New York and Washington—for
several years. The government never told us about what
it knew was coming.
See for yourself. The report lists 36 different
summaries of warnings dating back to 1997. Among them:
Warning: This is The Village Voice, so you will be buried in moving, blinking spam pop-ups if you click.
You say the president has broken promises. Which ones?
"His environmental record is widely understood
to be probably the worst in most people’s lives.
His promise to create jobs—he lost
jobs not created them. His promise of tax cuts in the middle class
—most people’s middle-class taxes went
up because their property taxes increased. His promise that
he would make the next generation more
financially secure. It certainly was the opposite of that.
He’s massed trillions of dollars’ worth
of debt. The list goes on forever."
--Howard Dean, Newsweek
Texas Leg. Flap Explained
by Molly Ivins
Basically, the reason 11 Democratic senators
from Texas are on the lam
in New Mexico is BECAUSE IT'S NOT FAIR.
You may think that's childish, but there
are some important principles at stake here.
Like, you're supposed to play by the rules.
And you're not supposed to change the rules in the middle of the game.
And then, just a minor point, there is
the small matter of democracy.
Subject: What the fuck is happening to you?
It's always nice to hear from a fan...
I'm a daily visitor who is an enormous fan
of your sharp wit, political foresight, and self-deprecation.
However, I'm becoming more and more concerned
over a recent trend that has developed in your page's content.
You seem needlessly obsessed over the pop
culture media big tents in progress. Laci Peterson? Kobe Bryant?
Koresh, who really gives a fuck?
I realize that these are everyday talking points of Joe Six-Pack, and they
a mention for humor's sake, but you are
off assigning reporters on these trivial distractions when there are much
more important tasks at hand.
Assign a reporter to look more deeply into
the Diebold voting machines, the TX re-districting stratagem,
the outer-space far right judicial nominees,
or whether or not Ashcroft experimented with hebephilic
homosexuality in college (Ok, I made that
up). But seriously Bart, you're a real inspiration for me,
and I'm having trouble dealing with a hero
digressing into the utterly mundane.
Please, reverse course and re-examine your compass.
Derek B.
Derek, OK, why don't you keep an eye on
the Diebold story for us?
You seem to have a way with words...
The state of California announced their
intention to take a man's life without a murder weapon,
a crime scene, a motive, a witness and
apparently hardly any forensic evidence.
I think that's an important story - we
disagree on that.
The Kobe Bryant matter is so big, it seems
to be changing the way we look at rape and the "rules"
of covering a rape trial. Colorado has
a history of weird justice, and it's a blond lady accusing
a black superstar with a clean reputation
and an all-white jury. That looks like real news to me,
but apparently we disagree there, too.
I look forward to seeing your work.
"It's time we stood up to this president and
stopped being intimidated
by the Rush Limbaughs on the radio.
We can do better than that."
--Howard Dean,
It's too early to pick a favorite, but Dean is saying the things I want to hear.
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Jim Furyk's last four wins have come when
Mr Perfect is the defending champion.
"As the economy kind of got going again, the
enemy attacked us.
September the 11th had a significant
impact on our economy."
-- lying bastard who some call president
He loves to blame his old partner Osama for his recession.
The war according to Hack
David Hackworth called Donald Rumsfeld
an "asshole" whose bad planning mired U.S. troops in Iraq.
His sources? Defiant soldiers sending dispatches
from the front
Read this in Monday's edition:
> The Vegas Hard Rock serves $75 tequila
shots because there are enough people in this world
> stupid enough to spend that much on
something they will either puke or piss away in a matter of hours.
> If you think about it really hard, I've
never attacked you.
> Why did you think it would be cool to
attack me?
I think he was ripping the Hard Rock, not
you, Bart.
Pablo, I believe your assessment is in error.
When he said, "there are people in this
world stupid enough..."
he's calling people who are willing to pay extra to avoid Jose
Cuervo "stupid."
I'll bet he's a Cuervo drinker.
I thought I showed restraint.
Truth be told, I lose readers and subscribers when they attack
and I show restraint,
further proving there is no God.
Larry Flynt, California's next governor,
knows how to kick off a political campaign
I've noticed many seemingly-unrelated attempts
to "revive" the legend of Ronald Reagan,
including the christening of the new aircraft
carrier named after him. PBS is showing a feature
about "Reagan in Hollywood," and there
have been others.
Has anyone else noticed this, and how do
we bring the real truth to the public about him,
his policies and the forces that used him
(and are now using GWB)? Any ideas?
Mark, I disagree.
Reagan is forgotten and he's been abandoned by the right.
In today's GOP, Bush is God, Reagan is a forgotten nobody.
That carrier was named years and years ago, it's just now coming
The PBS piece is filler they have to burn off.
Bush is the greatest president in history, and Reagan was a punk-ass,
wannabe nobody.
The media is trying so damned hard to make the Drunk Deserter
into another Lincoln.
Reagan doesn't even deserve a footnote, compared to the great
Hell, Reagan was such a piker, he never even tried to
take over the world.
Click to visit
"Yeah, they fired me at WLS Monday.
But I'll take the lemons and make lemonade."
I'd be a sexist pig if I said Nancy Skinner
would be the hottest babe in the senate,
so I'll just keep that thought to myself.
E! page
Disinfotainment Today by Michael Dare
What happened to Betty Bowers?
Aretha Franklin & the NFL
Clinton & Dole - done debating?
A new Faberge egg for St. Petersburg
Jay Leno to be made over by the 'Queer Eye' guys
CBS is remaking 'Helter Skelter'
Ari Fleischer's new job
A sign language glove
And a tiger tub
"I write this at my own peril. My Naderite
friends will tear me to pieces for saying what I'm about to say
but I have to say it. The single most
important goal for all moderates, liberals, progressives, radicals and
libertarians in the next 16 months
must be the defeat of Bush in the 2004 elections...Greens need to think
about what they are doing. We are in
a different situation now than in 2000. We are not faced with an
unknown entity. We know exactly how
the Bush administration runs things, and we need to stop them.
In key states like Michigan, Ohio,
Pennsylvania and Florida, the Green vote could play a key role.
Do you want to feel good because you
voted for Ralph Nader or do you want to see somebody other
than Bush in the White House? Sure,
if a Democrat wins, he or she won't be what you want and his
or her policies will make you mad --
but at least they won't make you afraid."
--Richard Coduri,
grow up and vote Democratic
Will this plea do any good?
The Nader worshippers who write to me are so very proud that
they put Bush in office, and they are f-ing giddy
at the thought that they can do it a second time. Ralph
has convinced them that Al Gore was an evil oil man,
bent on taking over the world, ...and they fell for that lie.
I used to run this toon a lot.
How naive we were, thinking all Bush would do is ruin the environment.
Little did we know he'd create perpetual war and recesssion and
get hundreds of
brave men killed in a illegal and fake war that did nothing but
make his friends rich.
Thanks, Nader voters...
Fortunately, "Treason" eschews the scandalous
violent reveries for which Coulter's become known.
For example: "In this recurring nightmare
of a presidency, we have a national debate about whether
Clinton 'did it,' even though all sentient
people know he did. Otherwise there would be debate only
about whether to impeach or assassinate."
Sweet Home Becomes Lord of the Flies
by Christian Livemore
Our kitchen used to be relatively clean.
Now every surface is covered with some unidentifiable sticky substance.
We don't know what it is, but we notice
that the children leave a trail of it wherever they go, like snails.
Our floors used to be uncluttered. Now there
are approximately 752,000 crayons spread across them at any given time.
We leap our way across them from room to
room like loggers on logs floating downriver. And we hardly ever fall.
Ha ha!
"Congratulations to Ann Coulter for outselling
Hillary this week..."
-- Sean Hanni-job, on his Monkey FOX Show
Hey Sean,
...this week, bartcop.com got more hits than
the theatrical release of Gone With the Wind.
Using your rules, bartcop.com is due congratulations
for outselling Gone With the Wind.
NY Times Bestseller List: Week of August 10th, 2003
1 KATE HEPBURN REMEMBERED, by A. Scott Berg. (Putnam, $25.95.)
2 LIVING HISTORY, by Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Simon & Schuster, $28.)
3 TREASON, by Ann Coulter. (Crown Forum, $26.95.)
"A dagger (+) indicates that some bookstores
report receiving bulk orders."
Richard Mellon Scarfe is buying thousands to help his puppet, Ann.
Mike Tyson's Bankruptcy
At 37, Tyson's boxing skills are diminishing,
and so is his earning power; he could once command $30 million
for a night's work. His future earnings
and the future proceeds from the sale of a Connecticut mansion will go
to pay a $9 million divorce settlement
to his ex-wife, Monica Turner. She also has a lien on Tyson's Las Vegas
estate, which is beside Wayne Newton's.
And now, much as he ardently hammered at his opponents' jaws,
Tyson's creditors will pursue his asset
/ does a shot...
I know Mike Tyson is an incorrigible animal, but don't you think
if he'd had some guidance,
some father figure to show him the ropes, he could've turned
out a whole lot different?
I saw him on Carson Daly last night, and deep down, I can tell
he's a human being.
It's sad to see a man self-implode before the cameras...
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‘Daily Show’ at top of their game
Program drawing larger audience, accolades
“I do believe we need to go to a 24-hour fake
news channel,” he said.
“Fox can’t be the only fake news channel out
On Aug. 14, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is Stewart’s guest.
Click Here for Jon's Gray Davis recall funny
More Calls to Vet Voting Machines
A recent report that showed touch-screen
voting machines could be vulnerable to hackers
spurred the National Association of Secretaries
of State, a majority of whose members are
in charge of their states' elections, to
consider whether the standards for the machines should
be beefed up to prevent tampering.
the reason they don't show the real 'fence'
(a wall) on TV here is because
we made the big deal about tearing down
the wall that separated Germany
....and now we're supporting this wall...you
know, the 2-faced politics...
Republicans are good for it...
Please visit our sponsors
"...we've got the weakest president and weakest
government in the history of my 50 years of public service.
I say weak president in that the poor
boy campaigns all the time and pays no attention to what's going on
in the Congress. Karl Rove tells him
to do this or do that or whatever it is, but he's out campaigning.
As a result... the country – our country
– is headed in the wrong direction."
-- Fritz Hollings, who waits until he's retiring to speak
- Sex and the City, Episode #80 "Hop, Skip And A Week"
by Midnight Warner
You can never get enough sex and if you're
like me you can never get
enough city either, so you know where my
weaknesses lie.
In this episode of Sex and the City something
happens to Carrie that happens to us all
at one point or another – she gets called
to jury duty. And, oh yeah, she gets dumped.
She gets dumped in a very bad way too.
It's just not working out between Carrie
and her frustrated novelist boyfriend. He can't stand
her success and thinks that every little
thing she says to him is an insult. Really, she should have
dumped him but, alas, he ditches her and
that is often the way of the world. However, in a not-so-subtle
move by the writers, Carrie "unexpectedly"
gets a call from the love/pain-of-her life, Big.
Could the producers be setting us up for
a reunion?
A little too blatantly for my taste but
we'll just have to watch and find out.
Waspy Charlotte is still a Jew and
that apparently means, at least for this episode, she has to be
set up with loser men by Jewish mothers.
However, her one-and-only Jew takes her back big time,
as Dick Cheney would say, and asked Charlotte
if she'll marry him. She and her Jew are making
arrangements with the a Chinese restaurant
right now. (Note, that was just an obscure Jackie Mason reference.)
Miranda has to cut back at work, down to as little as 50 to 55 hours a week, so she can be with her baby more often.
Samantha has a lot of sex. (So what's
new?) And her management of her hunky actor's/sex buddies career
is doing quite well. Samantha, with protest
from Smith, has him pose for an Absolute ad with nothing but a
bottle strategically placed over a certain
body part. Now he's playing a junkie model in a movie.
Will Miranda and Steve and Carrie and Big
finally get together? Will Charlotte continue to make a convincing Jew?
Will Samantha ever get tired? Tune in next
week and find out.
I've only been recently introduced to your
I've become a rabid fan of the bartcop.com.
If anything, just wanted to say thank you
for your efforts to make us laugh
and make us informed--on both counts you
succeed in my book.
Lora, that was cool - thanks.
Sign up for 33 days of
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"Mr. Bush's carefully recited comments about
the ‘true' cause of America's economic grief are pretty amazing,
even for Mr. Bush, after he, Mr. Cheney,
Mr. Rumsfeld, all the President's men, and Condi Rice spent the
entire year before the Iraq war carefully
and progressively ramping up public panic over the mountain of hard
evidence they assured us they had about
the deadly Iraqi ‘weapons of mass destruction.' Even Tony Blair was
convinced, and it may cost him his job.
One could have deduced that Saddam Hussein was about to nuke us all.
America HAD to act, even if the wimps at
the UN wouldn't. The danger was that great. One could almost feel
the fallout from those damned Iraqi nukes
sapping our precious bodily fluids."
Letter to the Editor
For years, the worst nightmare of the conservatives
was that when the baby boomers
began to take power, the country would
end up with a president who was a draft-dodging,
drug-addled deserter who would wreck the
economy and bankrupt the government with deficit spending.
When I think of the money and effort the
conservatives put into getting Bush into the presidency,
I am appalled at the lengths some people
will go, just to be right.
-an American citizen
Presidential candidates who have come out against Bush
#2 still weighing options...
#3 still weighing options...
#4 still weighing options...
#5 still weighing options...
#6 still weighing options...
#7 still weighing options...
#8 still weighing options...
#9 still weighing options...
Only one candidate has taken on the Illegal Monster in the White House.
I have half a mind to leave this up until a second candidate
to mimic Dean and start telling the goddamn truth about The Failure
in Thief.
Why can't America find work?
Because a Republican stole the White House...
Saw it on BartCop Stocks
Subject: Graham
Yo bart-
I dig the way you're pimping dean hard but
I just saw your rant on the
members page identifying him as the ONLY
guy call a Smirk a Smirk.
I think Graham has earned his wings too.
He voted against Chimpy's Vanity war,
has stated publicly that Bush's State of
the Union lie-fest meets current standards
of impeachable offense, and loves to refer
to "Osama bin Forgotten".
What's a poor boy gotta do to please ol' Bartcop?
I agree, and I've said Dean and Graham are the two who've spoken
but Dean bought TV time in Texas to call Bush a fraud. So far,
Dean is the man.
American soldier body count in Iraq
It now stands at 248
Get this.
I had a bandwidth issue with running tiny pictures of flad-draped
Get that.
Since too many brave men have died in Iraq this year, if I put
up a tiny casket
to represent each man who died for his country, that issue becomes
too large
to fit on some servers like web-tv. Ain't
that a bitch?
So, like some giddy-ass birthday cake for Aunt Bertha, our "cake" has just one candle.
Note: Believe this figure.
It's from http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
Total since Bush's "Bring Them On" swaggering
stupidity (7/2): 46
Total since the murders of Ootie &
Cootie (7/22): 18
There have been no brave young men killed since our last
I feel like saying a prayer of thanks.
Call the
You have two minutes to rant away.
Kathleen here from Ruskin FL. I try to pull
up bartcop at different public libraries and find that
the installed filters often block the site.(I
think it is those old pix of Dr. Laura...they made you unfit).
Laura the Unloved should be blocked, not Ol' Bart
We librarians went all the way to the Supreme
Court to get rid of the things (American Library Association)
but we lost....but maybe not...one aspect
of the decision said that while all the computers in public libraries
now have to be filtered ANY ADULT CAN ASK
So, bartcoppers go out and try to pull up
bartcop...if it's blocked they ask for unfiltered.
There are lots of different filters used.
We could have a bartcop day, fan out to different libraries,
then protest. Marc Perkel can probably
explain the filtering thing. I mean it might be interesting.
Have a good time today - that's an order.
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2003, bartcop.com
Shirley - call The
BartPhone, just to say "Hi!"
Plus, leave an e-mail address and I'll make you a BartCop
Member - for free!
Call the Bart-Phone at 918-493-1500
That would be really cool, and we'll catch you at the Vegas Hard
Rock on your next American tour.
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unfunny "humor."