Mail Bag


Subject:      Heard on NPR Wednesday

Caller: If Gore gets elected and tries to take our guns there will be a civil war

Juan Williams: a civil war?

Caller:  Maybe not this year, but soon. After Clinton burned that
            church we'll have no choice

Juan Williams: Bill Clinton burned a church?

Caller: Yes, the one in Waco

It's pretty close, not word for word, but it scared the shit out of me.

From:   Elissa <>

Subject:        Observation-

Oddly enough, Katherine Harris (R-Mary Kay Saleswoman of the Year)
delayed her little announcement, and today,
her makeup was decidedly less trowelled on...

Coincidence?  I THINK NOT.

I say the delay was caused by sandblasting.



Subject:   Heil to the Chief

I OD'd on bartcop today and when I came to I heard the devil's secretary
(appropriately dressed in red) announcing that the "DUH" Society with
King George the Pretender is our new commander in chief.

Is this some  weird reaction to over exposure to bartcop?

M. from Kdrag

ha ha


 I'm sorry the people fell victim to the money crunch.
 We need more liberal voices!

From:   John Mooradian <>

Subject:    Aborted chads?!?


    All this talk about chads has me a tad confused. The shrill whining
sound I keep hearing from members of the Republican party often mention
the illegitimacy of something called a "pregnant chad". They claim that
these chads aren't to be counted because, for some reason or another,
they don't really reflect the intent of the voter. They seem to want these
"pregnant chad" ballots to be thrown out by the canvassing board.

This is where the confusion comes in. If ending a pregnancy is immoral
for a women, then shouldn't it be immoral to demand that a pregnant chad be
destroyed without allowing it to be recognized as a legitimate vote?


From:   "Maverick Republican" <>

Subject:        Bush's First Ambassador
News Item:

President-thief-elect-I-think George W. Bush announced today his first
appointment to an ambassadorship in his as yet to be named and
installed executive administration.

Florida Secretary of State and Bush fanatic Katherine Harris
(R-GOOPERSQUAD) will assume her duties on March 1, 2001 as United
States Ambassador to the African nation of ...... CHAD.

<reported by The Maverick Republican>
<eat your heart out, Drudge>

From: Address withheld

Subject:   The Ambassador Madam


I believe that an appropriate appointment to the ever loyal Ms Harris
would be as ambassador to Chad.

Hugh Wiesman

From:   "Dean Terry" <>

Subject:        Get Some Hot Coffee...

Now his handlers have to sober Smirk up to tell him
his bought and paid for Whore just crowned him (again.)

"Only in 'Merica .... "

From:   "Ronald Henry" <>

Subject:        "Twiggy"
Don't worry, Candy Crowley hasn't sung yet, hell she hasn't even cracked a smile.
Wish she'd quit standing sideways trying to look "Twiggy" like.

It doesn't work.

From:   Richard Stump <>

Subject:     Rules, no rules, what's a rule?

Republicans and their supporters continue to mock aging Floridians for
being 'too stupid' to understand the so-called butterfly ballot, saying
'if they are that stupid, they don't deserve to vote'. At the same time
they are calling officials that threw out military absentee ballots 'unpatriotic'
and 'anti-military' for not accepting ballots that were not postmarked, do not
have signatures, or were not properly requested.  They are asking that
Florida law be suspended to allow these ballots to be counted.

Absentee ballots are clearly marked and come with an explanation sheet.
Military personnel have between 1 and 4 weeks to fill out their  absentee
ballots and submit them by the deadline. Military legal clerks are allowed to
help active-duty personnel fill out and submit their ballots. The absentee ballots
also have clear warnings about the requirements for  proper signatures and postmarks.

Seemingly, if an aging WWII veteran or Holocaust survivor who wants to
vote for a Democrat is confused by a ballot and fills it out incorrectly
in the 3-15 minutes they have they are 'stupid' and do not 'deserve' to
vote. On the other hand, a young service member who wants to vote
Republican and can't figure out a sheet of paper that comes with a set
of instructions within 7-20 days and access to legal assistance are being
'cheated' by 'Democrats who want to steal an election'. The first calls for
strict adherence to the law, the second calls for a waiver of the same laws.

Another example of what 'compassionate conservative' really means; if
you are a conservative, you deserve compassion. Every else can suck an egg.

-Richard Stump

From:   "Ronald Henry" <>

Subject:        Fw: "MY Vote"

The guy that gets my vote as having the biggest gonads, is the head of the
Broward County Canvassing Board who threatened the Repug lawyer who
kept disrupting the count, with being evicted from the counting room.

This is something that has been long overdo. It has always been the Repug
mission, if they can't stop the count outright, to do everything in their power
to disrupt and slow it down to a crawl so it can't possibly be completed
on time, and hope the public gets weary of the whole thing.

They make unsubstantiated charges of fraud and hope the mere allegations
stick with the public. It was their "boy", Rush Limbaugh who said on his
radio show during the NAFTA debate, which by the way he was for and in
response to negative opinions of the treaty, "you know you can say
anything bad about something and you don't have to prove it, but say
something good, people want proof!!!!"

I've always found it ironic, the purveyor of negativism confessing his
system of so called "truths". Think about it, has he ever said anything
good about Demos? Did he ever have to "prove" any of his negatives
about the "evil" liberals? Nooooooooooooooo, he just repeats them over
and over to his ditto-monkeys as facts.

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